pf2etowncensus · 1 year
I'm like. Really happy there is Pathfinder 2e content on Tumblr. Convincing my friends to switch systems by saying that yes you can still make cool OCs and yeah you don't need homebrew that stuff because it's already published and optimised and yes there are canon queer characters and yes you don't have to write your own campaign because there is so much material. It is so much easier when I can show them people's cool art and stories rather than just the contents of my Pathbuilder app.
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pf2etowncensus · 1 year
Old King Cyric was never a cynic And never a cynic was he He’d sing a cute lyric, never would finnick Before calling his heroes three
He knew from the start, they had a pure heart And the purest of hearts had they Guard who was stalwart, strongest and whip smart By her kings side, always would stay
The holiest man, brighter than the sun Golden eyes like the sun had he No matter the harm, his kindness would stun He’d redeem whoever could see
At last the queen, who grew up hurt and lean Another protector was she Hair never unclean, and steps never seen Smile like fruit of a cherry tree
Old King Cyric was never a cynic And never a cynic was he
Until the day his heart, was ripped apart A cynic he would always be
But none were so rare, as can compare To King Cyric and his heroes three
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pf2etowncensus · 1 year
‘You should listen carefully, it might just save your lives!’
While our story does not start until the year 4723 AR, the seeds of it were planted long, long time ago, before the world we live in was formed into the luscious and cohesive garden we are lucky to put our feet down on, after however the Gods first and all too human mistake, that of experimentation. They hoped in their heart of hearts to make something of themselves, and as such, wanted to try their hands in something that unlike mistakes, we see as divine; creation. These things however are all too similar, as nothing was ever made perfect on the first attempt. 
The first draft of the world was the world of the fey, the beings whose humanity was as undeveloped as the laws of their world. Many would criticise the gods for their creation, or rather for allowing them to remain, but they were not the kind to allow their children to perish for mistakes not made by them, and as such, those vibrant and fickle younglings who would never know death or consistency, were left to their own devices, to discover themselves in a world made for their whims.
As the second world gained shape, and our ancestors were brought upon from their moulds onto a world of laws, some of their abandoned siblings grew jealous, and from that malicious yet innocent jealousy came the first curses. Beings who were incapable of understanding each other will be forever forced to conflict, and being of two worlds, was reason enough for language to be found lacking. 
Many millennia later, in a land that was considered barren and cursed, it was a dream of a few brave souls to make something of themselves. And it wasn’t without its flaws and missteps, but later than they expected and sooner than you’d think, that dream took the shape of a kingdom, ruled by a King whose love was only surpassed by his bravery, and overseen by those who braved that new land alongside them. Among them a Priest who sought to find redemption to those who were blind to it, a Knight who found her light in protecting others in spite of her wounds and a Wizard who found an escape from slavery and abuse in a land rife with its own pains.
And so it was, that the kingdom saw prosperity, making those who’d settle, think that the Cursed Lands were a thing of the past, and this would be the end of such a story, heroes prevail over impossible odds and make things better, but the traps laid down by the jealous fairy siblings don’t know their place in a story, and like a rusting blade, would lose their edge if only applied when expected to.
I only am telling you the story of a Forgotten Kingdom, now that the wagon is approaching the Shrike River and Nivaktas Crossing, the last town of Brevoy. We’ll find ourselves in the Stolen Lands soon enough.
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pf2etowncensus · 1 year
The carriage heading West
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For reasons entirely your own the road from Brevoy to The Stolen Lands, and the carriage heading there, have both become your temporary residence. Driven by a happy older gentleman with more stories to tell you than the travel would seemingly require, who at the least helps pass the time during a monotonous journey. 
The road is empty most of the time, the Driver keeping you and your fellow travelers awake with stories of stories passed down to him from a drinking buddy of a drinking buddy and from a passenger of a different driver. They’re told with frankness and wholehearted belief in every detail that a child would lose themselves in easily. Most of the time, you listen, sometimes you do not.
‘I’m sure you’d like some context friend?’ He croaks up after the windmill of a nearby riverside village pokes up its roof over the hillside. His usual excited demeanor gone completely.
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pf2etowncensus · 1 year
Mission Statement
This blog exists mainly to help me figure out a specific campaign setting of a small town of Bardova in the Stolen Lands, the setting of Owlcats’ Pathfinder Kingmaker game and the Patfhinder Kingmaker Adventure Path by Paizo. The town itself has been plagued by events explanations for which lie equally within the mischief of the Fey, as they do in the hearts of its inhabitants.  Spoilers for both
The campaign functions partly as an AU for the AP and PfKM game, where the Baron has failed in their task of protecting the Stolen Lands, forever cursing their lands and themselves. Not all is lost however, for a Fairy Tale with no happy ending tempting you to keep reading, is a Fairy Tale not suited for the times we find ourselves in.
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