// After almost two years of hiatus, I've decided to make a new blog. I'm dropping the majority of my threads and characters. I've wanted to come back for awhile, but was overwhelmed with all I owed and the amount of characters I have. This blog will be archived. If you wish to start a fresh with me, you can find me here
This page was great and thank you for writing with me.
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//If it wasn’t entirely obvious already, I’m on a full hiatus for now.
I’m taking care of my Mom through her cancer, and working one full time job AND one part time job. I have little time to sleep, much less do anything I enjoy.
I love and miss you all, and I hope to be back soon. <3
You can find me on occasion on my discord
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valentine's day application
Name: Age: Do you like to cuddle?: Can we make-out?: A night in or dinner out?: Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: What makes you a good Valentine?: Would you cook for me?: Would you let me cook for you?:
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You couldn’t run from Marley. You couldn’t fight Marley. The only thing keeping Paradis safe was ironically the very monsters that hunted its walls….the Titans. The Titans were the reason why nobody dared venture near.
That…..and the Founding Titan, capable of destroying the planet just because they felt like it. It was a main reason for the invasion….to eliminate what would eventually become the death of Marley….of everyone.
“ Marley is scared of Paradis……it’s because of the Founding Titan. The Coordinate. It’s a Titan capable of creating any Titan it wants, resurrecting every dead Titan from history…..if the wrong person gets a hold of it, that person will destroy the world. 
You can’t talk sense to someone who has the powers of a god….”
He knew the irony was deep….that Marley would have the power of a god with the Founder. But as a child…..it was better trusting the devil he knew, than the devil he didn’t….
His eyes flashed at Levi’s words, a very bitter chuckle rippling out of him that had nothing of the humor he normally held. It was a callous sound….one that knew there was no hope for anyone cursed with the power of the titans.
“ Eren, Armin….they’re going to die soon too. That’s the real curse of the titans…..it’ll eat you alive until here’s nothing left. It’s why children are chosen…it’s easier convincing a baby that dying after thirteen years is worth it instead of an adult….
It’s why I was chosen…..why my mother told me to become this thing.”
His stomach twisted just remembering those nights when he was alone…..his mother’s words whispering to him. How he was her proud little boy….that once he was a warrior, then she’d finally get what she wanted. No matter the cost….
He remembered them all….Marco, Bertholdt……all of them. He became attached to them, to his friends and enemies. He had failed just by letting them get to him……by making him feel emotions for those he was told had none to give to him….
“ It’s…..hard to explain. It’s like I’m asleep, and everything around me is a dream. I used to remember everything as a kid….I used to be able to control it like you’d control a horse. But he developed his own voice…..his own thoughts….
When the Armored comes out, it’s like I fall asleep….floating in an ocean. Calm, quiet…..where I feel safe. I think he puts me asleep because he’s trying to keep me safe…..and sometimes I don’t wake up for hours because I still think I’m inside him…”
And right now, his Titan rested. But the longer he slept, the stronger he became….if there was an emergency, the Armored would easily explode out to deal with the danger.
It didn’t surprise him to see Zeke dead…..maybe a few days ago he would have freaked out. But there was a look of pure venom in his eyes at the mere mention of the elder Yeager’s name.
“ He left Annie to die because he wanted us to steal his brother instead. Zeke is….was…..a monster. All this talk of how Eldia would be better off if there was never another born….how everyone would benefit from Paradis being destroyed…..
And he SMILED when he talked about it……..”
He could feel himself sick just remembering it all….
“ He bragged to be later that I should lick his feet for choosing to save me instead of Bertholdt. I wanted nothing more than to see him die…”
And Armor granted him that wish of seeing Zeke die….food for the very monsters he tried to control.
Reiner was shocked at Levi’s suggestion, but he knew it was a fool’s errand. No matter how much he wished it wasn’t true.
“ My mother has always thought Eldians were diseased. My extended relatives share the same beliefs……and I think my baby cousin does too.
There’s nobody in my family that would ever want to be saved by Paradis….they’d rather let the Titans eat them instead. I’m the only one who…….realized that……we’re just people…”
And that’s when Reiner revealed the worst truth of them all….
“…I’m Eldian in the eyes of the law……that’s why everyone spit on us. It’s why my mother hates Eldians…..she’s ashamed to be seen as garbage. It’s why she taught me since I was a child  that the only way to be a real person….was to be a monster.”
Levi’s eyes narrowed as Reiner continued to explain about the workings of Marley. He was surprised at how much he was willing to reveal to someone who’d been an enemy not too long ago. Who may still be an enemy for that matter. After all, he’d made plans with the armored titan to take down the beast. They had fulfilled their purpose, and he’d never struck a bargain with Reiner himself. The Captain simply listened though. Any ounce of information he could get, he would take.
He knew that Marley desired to get the founding titan back above all, and now he knew why. The powers it held extended beyond his imagination. There was no way that they could afford to ever let Eren fall into the wrong hands. “Tch, like that little shit Eren would ever have the guts to destroy the world.” Even as he said it, doubt clouded his mind. He couldn’t help but notice how the boy had been transforming, as he’d grown into a man. He’d always yearned for revenge, and there was a darkness about him, which was Levi was all too familiar with.
“So it does kill them, in the end..” The Captain’s eyes darkened, but he didn’t look too surprised. He’d been suspicious for awhile now. He couldn’t imagine the toll transforming into a titan at will took on someone’s body. “Marley is pathetic. Making children do that. Proud soldiers my ass. If they were really proud, the adults would be hosts too.”
The thought that Reiner’s own mother had forced it upon him made the Captain feel sick. Although his Mother had entirely neglected his own existence, she’d never asked him to sacrifice himself. Of course, if he hadn’t done so, he’d have starved to death instead.
“So you don’t remember anything? Tch, guess he wanted the damn ape dead because of you then. Well I guess you get the gist of things at least. We teamed up in order to kill Zeke. That bastard killed Commander Erwin too.. So we sliced him up real good. Technically that could make us enemies again, depending on how this plays out.”
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Levi found he didn’t want to be enemies anymore though. He was tired of this pointless fight: humans killing humans. He’d grown quite fond of the armored one too. He couldn’t help but admire his guts in battle, and he owed him for saving him a couple of times.
“Your Mom sounds like a real cunt anyway. Why do you even bother then? Let those fuckers kill her. She forced her child to become a monster that won’t even live to be thirty. Family isn’t everything. Sometimes comrades are the only family you need.”
It was a terrible idea, but Levi found himself putting it out there before he could stop himself. “Annie is a comrade too. If you help us fight against Marley, and can guarantee that she won’t attack us, I’ll let you see her. Who is more important? A comrade that’s been dealt the same shit deck in life, or your Mother who sent you to the chopping block?” Annie was still crystalized anyway, so perhaps he could coax her out. 
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“W-well Junko was there for me. I wasn’t totally alone. We’ve always had each other.” They’d grown up on the streets with each other. Junko had always been the brains, and she’d been the brawn, and they’d survived.
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At his next words, the soldier’s face turned bright red. “A-a date? Me?” She had a feeling that her sister wouldn’t like that, but she’d never been on a date before, and it sounded like so much fun. “I-I think I’d like that. What do people even do on a date?” She had only a vague understanding of the concept.
@phantasmalcalamity continued!
“What…? Really? Shit, you fought all that time without anyone there for you? That’s a cold life to live…”
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He was silent for a few moments, thinking about how he had felt when he was alone as a child, before speaking back up,
“You’re important to me. Would you be willing to go on a few dates with me, see if it works out?”
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Her inner thoughts were fear and worry. What or who could of caused this? It couldn’t be Aizen Sosuke. He wouldn’t be this early and furthermore it wouldn’t be the Soul Society. The world of the living was his target. Of course her inner thoughts had her not paying attention when she didn’t notice someone appeared in front of her. Just before moments coming into contact, her body would slip on ice to slide and land onto her butt. “Eeek! O-O-Ow! My butt! Ow…” Her words whispered out, feeling the pain of sliding and also whoever she almost hit would of been hurt too. Thus making almost an impact on whoever appeared.
Seeing him up close quite literally right in front of her. Both of her ocean hues widen, seeing he was not her Captain. He would be shorter and also seeing his blade was drawn quickly. Not knowing who he was. Although she heard not much about him from Lieutenant Matsumoto. In her heart, knowing that she one time spoke while drunk about him. Mostly asking why he left or did the things he done. Her lips pressed together, when she was quite in a predictament.
Her hands would move her a little bit from Gin, trying to keep her distance. With the thought of her friends. No… she did not wish to lose them. Although if she were to be gone. Would her Captain and Lieutnant notice? Being their third seat-knowing that her being gone they may be worried. Could they think she betrayed them? Shaking her head, thinking to herself as her eyes looked down at her sword. Should she try to fight back at least? Knowing full well he is a Captain. Way higher then her level. As a healer knowing that be foolish. He would most likely knock her out.
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“Gin Ichimaru…I have heard of you by Rangiku-san. N-Never did I thought you would come looking for me. A healer? Why would you need me?” Her eyes widen, the very thought he needed her. If she was to aid the enemy. What could she do? The fear settled in. Never had she ever been kidnapped before. Usually they targeted someone else. If she were to fight. It be foolish. “I…I don’t want to aid the enemy but…I know I got no chance to fight against you either. I know my chances are slim.” Perhaps she could keep everyone alive if he just needed a healer but, what will they do to her after she heals whoever it is? Hikari wanted to know more although knowing him he may not share that information. Her also thought was the members of the squad would be hurt as well. She didn’t want that either.
Gin wouldn’t have been at all surprised if the girl tried to defend herself. Even though she was obviously outclassed, It was simply instinct to fight when being kidnapped. He wasn’t expecting her to crash into him though, falling on her butt. She came dangerously close to running herself through on his drawn zanpakuto too, but luckily she just barely missed it. If she’d killed herself by falling on his sword, it would have been hard to explain to Aizen. He couldn’t stop the amused chuckle that escaped his lips. She was interesting at least.
His smirk fell a little at her questions. “I don’t have time to tell ya’ all that. Ye’ll learn soon ‘nuff.” He opened a garganta next to them, and he pointed towards it. “Now get’ in. Ya have no hope of fighting a Taicho, so don’t even think of it.” He really hoped that he wouldn’t have to fight her. Already his hues were darting left and right, keeping an eye out for others. If he was found now, and the whole of Soul Society came bearing down on him, it would be bad.
Just then, a member of her squad rounded the corner and froze. The traitor frowned, but just as quickly, a wide grin stretched his face once more, as an idea came to him. The guy turned around and quickly tried to run off, but Gin was faster. He was in front of him in a matter of seconds, his blade pressed against his throat.
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“Times a tickin’ Hikari.” He trilled. “Yer’ gonna walk through that Garganta now, or this friend of yers’ is gonna end up with an extra big hole in his throat.” The man squirmed, a terrified look upon his face. “Yer’ choice darlin.”
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Sitting behind the small desk set up in her cabin, Sonia Nevermind, former Princess of Novoselic, had to count her victories when they’d come. One, she’d changed from her silk pajamas and into a proper sundress and sandals that morning. Two, she’d washed her face and combed through her long hair both before she’d gone to bed and when she’d woken up that morning, a few hours prior. And three, she’d consumed the first healthy breakfast in the span of nearly a week: Fruit, not pastries. Eggs, not bacon. Muesli, not sugar-coated cornflakes.
Perhaps she should’ve deducted one point off the ‘healthy habits for Former Remnants’ table. She’d added whiskey to her tea that morning, but to be honest, Sonia had yet to be fully sober in the past week either. Sobriety brought headaches, regret, guilt that she hadn’t returned home yet despite, for all intents and purposes, being physically healthy and capable of doing so.
Guilt that, for the past five days, she hadn’t appeared at the farm, even to assist. Guilt that, for the past five days, she hadn’t gone to inquire after Gundham. If the blonde thought the days and weeks that passed by waiting for him to wake up felt like an eternity, this was even more grueling. She was in no shape, emotionally at least, to leave her cabin behind and thus, out of pity, Makoto Naegi had agreed that she could assist the Future Foundation from the comforts of her island home. Next to a window that faced the beach, open and allowing in the breeze, the scent of salt water, and the cawing of the seagulls as they searched the shore for their next meal. She found herself…not liking, exactly, but tolerating the feel of the sea breeze and the smell of the ocean more than she’d used to. After the hug she’d given Gundham after he’d collapsed in the sand, that first day he’d explored beyond the walls of the hospital. Instead of death, murder, blood, and heartbreak, she could associate the beaches of Jabberwock Island with grief. With uncertainty. And, most importantly, with love.
Love. It was what prompted her to protest so vehemently back during that awful trial. It was what brought her to his pod every single day. It was, after she’d dropped off the books the hospital needed, that encouraged her to stay beside him and help him out of doors.
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And it had been why she’d shouted, so passionately and tearfully, five days ago in the hangar after she felt compelled to defend herself against one of his beasts when, in Sonia’s eyes, she did not think he could. Even with her own safety at risk, she loved him. No matter how many stories she tried to lose herself in, busywork she completed, drinks she sampled and nights she lay, eyes wide open, counting the shapes and dots on her cabin’s ceiling…Sonia Nevermind loved Gundham Tanaka. As she took a sip of her hot toddy, a part of her suspected that, in some way, she always would. A part of her heart would always belong to him, be occupied by him, and no Tragedy, no simulated killing game, no survivor’s guilt could change that.
That realization was enough for her to choke on her spiked tea, a few droplets spewing onto the laptop’s keyboard where she was translating various notices and messages into the languages necessitated by Makoto and his colleagues. Keeping tidy charts, invoices, and translation were ideal for her, he’d explained with a smile when he and Asahina had brought the desk over: she had a way with words in all of their various tongues and was compelled to take the lead and remain organized. She’d be a big help to them, they’d insisted.
Sonia doubted that as she wiped down the electronics with a clean towel. They were the kindest of them all, but those far more in tune with the state of the Future Foundation’s presence in the world, like Togami and Kirigiri, were far more blunt: Sonia Nevermind was far more useful away from the rest of the former Remnants. Unlike most of the others, she had a place, a home, to go back to. A home that, even if its residents wouldn’t admit it aloud, needed her. To repent for her sins. To rebuild. To try and make something of the life she so very nearly destroyed entirely.
“Maybe it is time to leave,” She murmured, her eyes having read the same translation of Japanese to Chinese, English, and Spanish over and over again. She knew the words, that wasn’t the problem: it was how reluctant her fingers were to move across the keys when her mind was elsewhere. Her heart was elsewhere.
And 'Elsewhere’ knocked softly at her door.
Not that she’d known, of course. Quiet and unassuming, Sonia had rather guessed Mikan to be behind such a knock, or even Makoto or Hajime if they didn’t want to disturb her for too long. “I’m coming!” She called, pushing her chair back away from her desk with the most amount of forced cheer she could muster. With her breakfast tray emptied, she briefly wondered if someone was there to collect it as she made her way to the door, turned the knob…
…and paused. Sonia couldn’t feign her surprise, or regret, or the other swirling emotions within her as she found Gundham on her doorstep, haggard and pained and with what she suspected were dark circles beneath his eyes. He looked as if he’d been sleeping, and living, just about as well as she’d had. Minus the constant intake of booze: at least that morning, the whiskey was dulled by tea and honey on her breath and she was simply mellow, not intoxicated.
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“Tanaka-san,” She repeated the obvious, if just to fill the silence as she thought of something far more appropriate to say. Not clever, she didn’t have that much faith in herself at present. “It’s…it’s good to see you. Perhaps it’s best if you come inside.” Sonia stepped aside and out of the doorway to prove her point. With their friends still passing by with an alarming amount of frequency, if they wanted any privacy to talk they’d need to so behind a closed door.
After knocking, Gundham almost immediately regretted it. What was he doing here? It was quite obvious that Sonia didn’t want to see him. She’d shut herself away this whole time, which could only amount to one reason: She was avoiding him. After all, she hadn’t emerged once since their fight, at least to his knowledge. He wondered if it was too late to run off. Perhaps, she hadn’t even heard such a soft knock.
The animals needed to be tended to as well. He should have at least done that first, and yet, here he was, acting like a love struck fool, standing awkwardly outside of her cottage. He hated this feeling of vulnerability. How her cold words had totally torn him down, to the point where he could hardly function. Did he really want her to see him like this anyway? He knew how haggard he looked, how unkempt his hair was, and he was pretty sure he’d lost even more weight since waking up from the pod.
As he took a step back, ready to head back to the farm, certain that this was nothing but a mistake, he heard the door creak open, and he stopped. Slowly, his mismatched hues fell upon the former princess, and he gulped. Just at the sight of her face, all his problems from before seemed to vanish. Gone was the anger and hurt, and all that was left was stark relief and warmth just to see her again. “It is.. good to see you as well.” He said and meant it. “Very well, if you are not against the idea of me entering your abode, I will do so.” 
He was surprised that the blonde actually did seem happy to see him. He couldn’t help but notice that she looked about as well as he did, not well at all. It appeared that she hadn’t slept or eaten much either, and despite the honey and tea on her breathe, the unmistakable tang of whiskey was present as well. The breeder had never thought that she would drink her worries away, but it was probably about as healthy as throwing himself into his work without rest had been, and he couldn’t judge her for it. Although, it worried him nonetheless.
Part of him wondered if the reason she was in such a sorry state was really over their fight. It couldn’t have hit her that hard, surely? There was no way she had such deep feelings for him, as he harbored for her. Perhaps, she’d heard some news from her kingdom or something else. He couldn’t believe that she’d be this torn up over their exchange.
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He hesitantly made his way past her, into her cabin. It looked like she had been in the middle of working on a laptop. “If it is a bad time, I can come back.” He quickly said, hovering in the living room awkwardly, unsure of where to go. It was the first time he’d been inside of her cabin, even though she’d already been in his. “I just... “ He began hesitantly. “I just wanted to say that I am sorry. I should not have reacted so harshly when it is instinct to protect one self. I should not have pushed you past your comfort zone either. Fenrir was not ready, and neither were you.” He still just stood by the entrance, as if he might need to escape at any moment. “That is all.. and please, take care of yourself.” Like he was one to talk.
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// I’m sorry for being so slow lately. The holidays are hard on me since my Dad passed on Thanksgiving , as well as busy. Then my computer broke, I got sick, my car got messed up, etc. I’m finally getting caught up on things.
Then today I found out my Mom has breast cancer....
I don’t know how this will affect my activity here. We need to find out if it’s spread first, and I don’t know how much I’ll need to be her caretaker. It’s just me and her in the house, and I’m her only child, so that roll falls on me.
I just want to take the time to say thank you to the handful of people that always reply to me, no matter how long it takes. You are all amazing writers, and I’m so lucky to have found awesome people that don’t mind waiting. So many drop things quickly here, but I found a great group that are infinitely patient, and I love and appreciate you all. <3 I love our threads, and I can’t wait to get to them again.
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Hopefully she has an easily treatable kind, and I’ll be able to catch up on things quickly.
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Her legs felt weak and she could feel them still shaking a little under her as she forced herself to go closer to the door but despite holding the wall for support, she was glad that Bakugo came up beside her and steadied her as her hand reached for the handle to push it down. “I-I’m fine. Don’t care about me,” she gasped, clearly not fine like she stated she was. And before she managed to push the door open, she felt herself being pulled back towards the bed but she wouldn’t allow it! Taking a deep breath, her hand lashed out to push him away from her. “Let me…go!” she huffed, trying to steady herself again before glancing at him seriously. Did he not understand the seriousness of the situation? Did he really think they were just surveillance cameras? Hinata slowly shook her head. She should’ve told him sooner but there just hadn’t been an opportunity for her and now, she wasn’t allowed to waste any more time! “N-no. Shigaraki…told me they were bombs and that…they used you to plant them! We have to get rid of them before they explode!”
She slowly made her way to the door again, not wanting to listen to reason or worry from his part. She still blamed herself for letting it come this far! She pushed the handle down and slowly opened the door…before hearing Bakugo speak again and turning to look at him with something close to a glare. Of course, she felt worried too…but she didn’t want to sit back - especially if the risk of UA being exploded was still there, especially when Bakugo himself and everyone else were in danger, especially when he would again be seen as a villain! “It’s not your fault! And I can’t leave you alone! What if…what if the League is still after you? What if this is a trap?” she asked as her hands turned to fists.
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She didn’t care that Bakugo’s concern and suggestion were logical. “I’m…your partner and I can’t leave you alone again! I want…to help you, Bakugo! I want to save people!” I want to save you! “So don’t try to stop me!” she growled before she turned away and walking out the door. They had to get back and make sure the bombs wouldn’t explode!
“What the flying fuck do you mean, don’t care about you!? Of course I’m gonna care, dumbass!” 
Of course I’m gonna care about the woman I love. 
Keeping her upright would have embarrassed him after he’d kissed her like that. They were so close, and their bodies were touching. However, her words sent him into a fury instead. How could she think so little of herself and her safety? “”Sides, you really think they’re just gonna let us remove them, just like that?! The league isn’t that dumb.” It probably was a trap, which was all the more reason that she couldn’t be there. She was his weakness, one the league was liable to use against him once more.
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“What if the league grabs you!? Then I’ll just be their puppet again. And I know they caught you off guard last time, but this time, you can’t even defend yourself in that condition! Use your brain, moron!” She was really insisting on going though, and short of bodying her back into bed and chaining her to it, he could tell that he wouldn’t be able to keep her there.
He followed after her, grumbling all the way. “Why don’t you go to one of the pro hero offices instead, if you really wanna help? We could use backup. It could be the one thing that makes or breaks this, and saves UA.” Suddenly, Bakugo grabbed her hand, in an attempt to force her to stop and look at him. “Hinata...” He took a deep breathe and said a word he never thought he would say before, “please.”
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Pieck sighed at his start, having believed her words had affected him. “You really don’t know how us shifters work?” she asked as she took a deep breath. “Titan shifters only live for 13 years before they need to be inherited. At the end of our lives it’s almost like a sickness takes over, we can’t fight the candidates that are turned into hungry titans however….mine is gone so unlike the others I won’t be eaten i’ll just….perish and burden a poor child born of royal blood my titan” she explained a sad look in her eyes as she looked away from the Captain. “It means i’ll be forgotten about and a new Cart titan will be in this world”
“Just admit it….you like having me around” she smiled as she shook her head. “My uses?” she asked with a raised brow as she tilted her head, she was intrigued by what uses he thought she had but she couldn’t help the wide smile as she placed a comforting hand on his, “i’m enjoying our time together” she said softly with a hint of honesty in her tone.
Her eyes widened at his smile, she actually made the terrifying Captain smile. “Oh wow, he does smile” she teased as she failed to hide the blush on her cheeks from his teasing. She didn’t mean to get that close to him but she was thoroughly surprised by the fact that he didn’t smell at all of blood or whatever was inside those damn thunder-spears. “Do you not like me being so close to you?” she asked softly as she let out a little giggle, “because unlucky” she smiled. His injuries on his face were the ones most concerning to her therefore she needed to be as close as she could to inspect them properly.
Pieck laughed at his attitude towards Gabi. Who would’ve thought a 30 odd year old man would hold such a dislike for a child? Pieck for one found it rather funny. “She’s our top candidate for a reason” she shrugged as she tried to stifle her laughter.
She nodded her head as she placed a comforting hand on his, “you know it’s okay to regret that decision….but I can’t help but feel like he’s been spared the guilt of trusting Eren with the likes of humanity” she whispered hoping to not to offend or upset the Captain anymore. “I regret the decisions of Connie’s village and the demise of Bertholdt….regret is normal and it makes you human” she said reassuringly.
Pieck examined the floor quickly and was relieved that there was no harmful objects lying in wait for the Captain. “I just want you to trust me” she admitted before quickly reaching out to support him. Her left hand on his hip and her right under his arm. “Baby steps Levi, you were blown up your body needs time to come down from the shock” she reasoned, a worried look in her eyes.
“Tch, no. Hanji is the one that knows all that crap. I just know how to cut titans down, whether they’re special ones or not.” His expression darkened as she explained. So, she was screwed no matter what he did, even if she found another person to take her power from her? He should have known as much, since Eren supposedly only had so long to live as well, but it still hurt. “So either you get eaten or you just die? Some fucking choice that is.” Speaking of Hanji though, he’d have to talk to her, and ask her if she had any ideas. He hadn’t quite given up on saving Pieck. Even if he wouldn’t admit it, he found that he enjoyed spending time with her too.
“Well, yeah. I’m not a total soulless bastard. I can smile.” He grumbled softly. “Guess you kind of need to be close in order to bandage me up and crap. Once I’m recovered, I’d keep my distance though.” It was hard to tell if this was actually a joke or not. Levi found that Pieck was actually a really kind soul, that he couldn’t help but like. However, that same light in her made him feel like he was unworthy to be around her. He only brought death and darkness wherever he went.
He was grateful that the cart titan seemed to take his complaints about Gabi a bit better this time. He was trying for her sake, but he didn’t think that he could ever forgive that girl for what she’d done to Sasha. Even so, he supposed that they would be working together now, and that he ought to try.
The Captain looked down at where her hand rested upon his. He still wasn’t used to such comforting touches, like the ones she always seemed more than happy to provide. It felt nice though. He wanted to deny that he had regrets. He always had to look so sure of himself and his decisions in front of his men and comrades. He couldn’t lie though, as he stared into her eyes. “I regret... almost every battle that I’ve been in. The decisions I’ve made. We’ve lost the majority of the survey corps and it’s all my fault.” He gave her hand an uncertain squeeze as he spoke.
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“Well I guess you could have killed me whenever you damn well pleased this whole time, so I trust you.. to an extent.” There were still ways that Marley could probably manipulate her, but he wanted to trust in Pieck. He would usually refuse help, but he let her assist him this time, taking a few more steps. It was strange. He felt like he could be himself more around her, than anyone else, aside from Hanji maybe. She’d already seen him at his worst, so he didn’t feel so bad showing her a little vulnerability. 
He took a few more steps, before stopping. “I want to try on my own now.” He said at last, taking a step away from her warm hands. He managed to take a step, and then another, slowly at first. He could feel the stiffness ebb away from his muscles, though he was still far from normal.
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           Ah, crap. He was in a shitty mood it appeared of maybe he caused it due to him ignoring him. He didn’t mean to, but he was right. How was he suppose to do his job if he was lost in thought. Patrol was just so boring though that he couldn’t help it at times. 
         “Ah- I’m sorry, Captain!” He bowed his head towards the other, but it seemed like apologies were a bit too late. His body straightened once more, blinking and looking back towards the titans he was staring at. A bit surprised at the order from the other. “Wait- I thought we shouldn’t leave the wall unless–” He was cut off short as he was shoved. A lot harder than he expected and he stumbled before he fell. Eyes widening in a bit of horror and shock. 
         Eyes locked on the titans below. He knew he wasn’t in that much danger if he acted now. His hand lifted to his mouth, biting harshly down on his own flesh. The blood seemed into his mouth and before he knew it, smoke surrounded him. His titan form appearing and landing on the ground a lot smoother than expected. A screech left him, moving to kill one that had gotten close to him. Then, his focus moved back to Levi, looking up at the other. 
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         He wanted to yell what the hell, but all that came out was some sort of beast like growls, arms moving to show he was upset. If he hadn’t acted as fast as he did, he’d probably be in a different situation. Even if he knew in the back of his mind Levi would come to the rescue if need be. But what if he couldn’t have transformed? 
Levi merely rolled his eyes at the boy’s apology, obviously unsatisfied. Eren had potential, especially if he learned to harness his titan’s abilities, but he was too obsessed with revenge. He needed to focus more on the good of humanity overall. The Captain hoped that maybe this punishment would snap him out of it, if just a little bit. 
He was slightly worried if Eren would be able to transform in such a pinch. He was still training, and figuring out his capabilities as a titan. There was no time like the present to learn though, and life or death situations were usually best. It seemed he had nothing to worry about anyway, since there was a flash of light, and then the attack titan appeared. 
The way the titan growled at him and waved his arms only made Levi smirk with amusement. However, Eren had made the mistake of turning his back to the titans that remained, and they took the opportunity to close in on him. “Tch, Idiot.” Levi growled, swiftly descending with his 3D gear. He couldn’t risk his squad member getting overwhelmed.
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He cut down the two that were closest. “I thought I told you to pay attention. Now clean up this mess you made. There’s still a few more that you can take down. Be pissed at me all you want, like I care. But pay attention to the enemy before you first.” He lectured, in an annoyed manner.
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         Tanjiro had gotten a mission of slaying a demon, his crow informing him he’d be traveling with Inosuke. Which was no problem at all for him, he liked the other’s company, even if he could be a lot. Hearing the outburst from the other, Tanjiro didn’t even blink twice at his reaction. He only stopped to watch the headbutt be done to the tree. 
         Well, he sure was fired up today. 
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         “Your crow didn’t tell you?” He asked with a smile, a soft chuckle leaving him shortly after. “We are going together, it’ll be nice to go out and do something, don’t you think? We really don’t need to fight. I’ll let you take the first hit on the demon though, how about that?” Better to compromise then try to fend off his friend. 
         He shifted the box on his back that held Nezuko. “It’s about a day and a half away, so we really should get moving.” 
“No, that damn food is useless!” Inosuke grumbled, brandishing his sword. Perhaps, his crow would have provided him with more information if he had a better relationship with it, but he’d rather try and eat it, then form any kind of bond with it. “Well, fine, I get the first hit! That’s all I need anyway! One hit from the Great Inosuke Sama and the demon will cry to death!”
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He was so busy posturing that he’d stopped progressing entirely, until Tanjiro said that they should get moving. “Who the hell do you think you are, telling me what to do Gonpachiro!? I’m already moving!! After me, minion!” He charged forward as fast as he could. Tiring himself out before the mission was a really bad idea, but the pig headed warrior never worried about things like that. “Last one there is a demon turd!” Suddenly, he stopped. “Wait, if it’s that damn far, aren’t they gonna give us a place to spend the night?!” He couldn’t bear to go without eating for that long.
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Jowi smiled, happy that she even acknowledged his apology, let alone accepted it, with how proud of her title she seemed,
“Hey, you never know. There’s plenty of people with pretty strong quirks out there. I fought a random thug not long ago who could rip just about anything apart with just his fingertips.” He explained,
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“I don’t know how his quirk worked, really, but it was like fighting someone with razor blades for fingers. He needed to get momentum behind his attacks to do the whole ripping and tearing bit, though…”
He led Mukuro around one last corner to stop in front of the sandwich shop they had been heading to, and opened the door for her,
“But yeah, it was one of the hardest fights I’ve had in a while, and it was just some random dude on the street. I’m not saying that every random thug and purse snatcher will be like that… but the chances aren’t zero, you know?”
“Hmm, razor blades for fingers hm?” Mukuro had to admit, she found herself wishing that she had a quirk sometimes. It really gave certain people unfair advantages, and who wouldn’t want super powers? However, she’d worked hard in her training to become the Ultimate Soldier.
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“Wouldn’t be a problem if I shot him dead before he got close enough to use those claw hands though.” She smirked a bit, feeling a little more confident in herself and her abilities. Depending on the quirk, she could still take someone down regardless. “With the two of us though, I’d feel bad for any purse snatchers that try and target us.” Not that she even owned something girly like a purse. Instead, she carried a fanny pack that held her necessities.
The soldier nodded her thanks as he held the door open, following him inside the shop. She wasn’t used to being treated in such a polite manner, and it made her feel quite happy. She took in the shop, and she headed towards the small line. “I’ve never been here before. Do you have any suggestions?”
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       Even as he pushed away her thought of her thinking far into this, something in her just didn’t feel like she should. He has been awfully curious about her and her friends for this far, perhaps she has to watch her words very carefully from now on. It doesn’t hurt to be cautious, she definitely learned that from Sae whenever she saw her at work; it was important not to let one’s guard down and people can manipulate words and thoughts with ease. 
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     “I don’t mind if you wanted to get to know me…just know I won’t always have the answers you may want.” She warned. “After all…I’ve only seen you work with Sae now and then and this is the first we’ve really got to talk.” As their drinks arrived, Makoto looked to the beautifully crafted mocktail and reached to lift the glass. It took her moment to observe before she took a very small sip of it herself. It was surprisingly good. “It’s…not bad actually.”
“Oh I’m afraid it would be quite boring if you gave me all of the answers i wanted to hear anyway. Please, just be yourself. There’s no need for you to go out of your way to placate me.” Akechi smiled softly at the girl. He’d been patiently building his revenge against his father for years, so he could play this game. He could continue to wait and endure, while he slowly earned her trust.
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He thanked the waiter, before sipping his own drink, savoring the flavor. “Right? I’ve already tried most of the flavors present at this establishment, and I have yet to find one that disappoints.” He took a few more gulps, before continuing. “So what kind of hobbies do you have outside of school? What does the esteemed Sae Niijima’s younger sister do in her free time, I wonder? I hope you don’t spend all of it studying.”
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It seemed that there had been an increase in hollows as of late, so much so that higher ranked members of the Gotei 13 were being made to go out on hollow duty. Today was Squad three’s turn, and the Captain, Gin Ichimaru, wasn’t pleased in the slightest. First and foremost, he needed to keep an eye on his fellow Captain, Aizen. Ever since he’d witnessed Aizen steal something from his childhood friend, Rangiku, it had been his goal to get it back. Aizen was strong and cunning though, so Gin had been observing him, slowly gaining his trust. He’d already done some less than savory deeds for the man, and he would continue to do whatever it took in order to gain his confidence. This hollow duty was nothing but a waste of time in the scheme of things.
He sent the rest of his squad to various parts of the world of the living, before deciding to head to the Americas himself. He might as well take advantage of the situation, and go to some place interesting. He’d never been to New York, but he’d heard that humans had really outdone themselves with the architecture of the place. It helped that Rangiku had gushed about what a romantic place it was too.
Upon arrival, the Captain wandered the streets with his usual grin stark upon his features. He supposed the buildings were intriguing. They were large at the very least. As he walked along, he decided he was more interested in the food though. The pizza in particular looked quite delicious, and he wished he’d worn a gigai. If he went back for one though, they would know he was slacking off. They should just assume that he was killing time anyway, since destroying anything less than an adjucha was beneath him.
After wandering around a bit longer, he felt the faint spirtual pressure of one such beast, and his smile dropped. What a nuisance. He supposed he should at least take out a few hollows though, so they couldn’t accuse him of being entirely useless. He headed towards the location of the hollow quickly.
Once there, the silver haired male noticed that the hollow had a whole in his mouth, though it hadn’t quite eaten her yet. Perhaps this one wanted to savor its food. It was his job to save the whole if possible, and luckily for someone of his level, it was. In a flash, he appeared in front of the monster and drew his sword. He swung quick and true, and split the hollow’s head open with ease. The monster dissipated, and the unconscious girl fell. Gin caught her and placed her down gently. “It’s time ta move on.” He flipped his blade down and gently tapped her on the head. A bright light washed over her, and then she disappeared too. “Well, onta’ the next one I su’pose.”
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What’s going on? plotted starter @phantasmalcalamity Joseph/Gin The world was at ease, as it should be. Joseph had risked his life in order to see to it that it stayed that way. The Pillar Men had put his skills to the test, and he had to train harder than he ever had before in his life in order to achieve the power he needed to defeat them. In the end, it had all come down to stupid luck and a fluke, but at least he had won. With the threat in the world gone and the Pillar Men taken care of, everything could settle back to normal. Especially since the World War had come to a close just a few years later. After recovering from his injuries in the last fight, Joseph had returned to his home in the United States, where he’d decided to head into getting himself a higher education. A task that proved to be simple for him after everything he had been through. Even the unruly young Joestar found it easy to concentrate on schoolwork and getting a degree after having to learn how to breathe through a contraption that would otherwise suffocate him. It was a nice change to live a little bit of a normal life, allowing him to become a little more relaxed in the use of his abilities. Although, he still used it often enough to make tasks much easier for himself. Something he found that was working smarter rather than working harder. With the peace that had fell over the world, he was able to get himself through school and land a job in real estate after getting his degree. A job, which suited Joseph perfectly, considering his knack for analyzing others and his attention to detail. Not just that, but he was good at talking his way through things and thinking quickly. There seemed nothing more fitting for Jospeh Joestar than to become a real estate tycoon.
 On that faithful evening, Joseph had just stepped out onto the street, leaving one of the taller office buildings in New York’s most inner parts. He pulled over his shoulders, a deep blue blazer that he had brought with him that morning. Though his left hand caught the inside of the sleeve, snagging it to which caused him to stop in the sidewalk and fiddle with it in order to free the fabric from being pinched between metal joints. He didn’t think he would ever get used to having a prosthetic hand. And while he was grateful to the German’s who had built it for him during World War II, it was still a pain to deal with from time to time. Just learning how to operate the hand, itself had been a nightmare. He wasn’t sure what he might have done if he hadn’t had help in adjusting to using it. Even so, small things like this tended to happen from time to time. And to make it worse, it was a little bit of an eye sore. Understandably so, not everyone just walked around with their entire left hand and half their forearm being made of metal. For that reason, he stuck to wearing gloves to cover his hands, for the most part. Even when he was wearing short sleeves or shirts that were sleeveless it wasn’t common to catch Joseph without a pair of gloves on. Today had been one of those exceptions, making it easier for fabrics and things to get caught between his metal fingers. Just another reason why wearing gloves was a good idea. At least this was his thought on the reason, his jacket had gotten caught on his hand. 
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“Ah, finally!” Joseph exclaimed aloud once he freed the fabric. This earned him a few looks from people passing by. (I guess I said that out loud, didn’t I?)
 Clearing his throat, he straightened himself up and proceeded down the sidewalk, trying his best to blend in with everyone else. A feat that was sometimes difficult to do, given his height and muscular build. And if that wasn’t enough, his heavy British accent often had him standing out. At least he knew how to defend himself if anyone thought he might be a good target, right? Just another thing he had to adjust to, realizing that life really had gone back to normal. Or as normal as it could be, for him. Like most things in the life of a Joestar though, anything normal typically didn’t last long. Ever since his grandfather was about his age, the life of Joestar always ended up being nothing but chaos, misfortune and bizarre happenings. Anyone who involved themselves in the life of a Joestar tended to follow this trend along with them, often losing their lives in the crossfire. It was a vicious cycle that no matter how normal things seemed to be, always reared its head unexpectedly. And in Joseph’s case, it happened just feet in front of him. He’d been lucky enough that if he hadn’t been delayed by the snag caught in his blazer, he would have been harmed—but this time he had narrowly escaped the danger that had reared its ugly head the moment he turned the corner off the main street, heading back towards the Joestar Estate. Peace and quiet just seemed to be too good to be true, as was per usual in his case. Even so, it still came as a surprise to him when he came to a sudden stop, jumping out of the way to dodge any debris from making contact with him.
 A monstrous creature had come crashing out of the building just to his right. Brick and debris were sent flying in every direction, causing the people passing nearby to dart in all directions just to get away from it. The thing before him was unlike anything Joseph had ever seen before. A large, bulbous body dark as night. It had large, clawed hands, which gripped at the edge of the hole it had created in the wall. Then, its face was shrouded by a white mask, with wide teeth and eyeless sockets. The most alarming thing to him was the fact that there appeared to be a young woman hanging from its opened jaws, unconscious. In an instant, Joseph was put on alert. He had no idea what this creature was, but someone was in danger! Forgetting all of his regular mundane problems, he focused on the monster before him. He had to think of a way to rescue the girl without causing her any harm. But the creature was at least thirty feet from the ground, and it was huge! He wasn’t sure how he was going to get up there to her. Teals glanced towards the brick wall beside the creature, catching sight of a window ledge just above the monster’s head. He could climb the wall using his Hamon, that would be a simple trick after having to make Hell’s Climb. Though he wasn’t sure if jumping onto the creature’s face would be a good idea if it had someone dangling in its clutches like that. No, he had to think of something else.
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(This is bad… I don’t even know what I’m looking at. But that woman, I can’t just ignore her…) He realized while he was trying to think of a solution of how strangely quiet it was. There was no screaming. Nobody was calling for help or yelling about the creature hanging out of the wall. He took a quick glance around to make sure there were still people around him. And surprisingly, there were. But they were all just standing in a semi-circle around the hole in the building. Some of them were murmuring to each other and standing in huddles, but nobody seemed at all bothered by what was happening in front of them. That made no sense to Joseph. How could they not have any reaction to a giant, unknown—thing—just hanging out of the wall like that? And even worse, was that it had someone captive! His mind was reeling. He wanted to ask these people if they had all lost their minds. And then something else occurred to him. Something he had learned from Caesar and Lisa Lisa. Not everyone had the extraordinary abilities that he did. Not everyone could use Hamon. Was that the case with this monster? Could it be possible that the average person wasn’t able to see it? If that was the case, he was dealing with something on a whole other level. Which meant that this could be more trouble than he thought it might be. Not that this sort of thing happened all the time. It only made it that much worse if only certain individuals would be able to see the attack happening. So, to others, this would look like nothing more than an explosion in an old building. No wonder they weren’t panicking. As far as they knew, there was nothing to panic about. 
(Shit! I have to think of something fast! These people have no idea what’s going on!) 
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“I’m so sorry!!” Mikan apologized again. “I know w-we’ll be late. I’m sorry. Y-You can put cigarettes out on my legs i-if it’ll help.” Her habit of offering violence against her body as punishment was one she absolutely hated about herself, but she couldn’t help it. It was easier to just offer her body for punishment than try to fight back or stick up for herself. It meant less trouble. Get it over with and she wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore. At least until the next instance she needed to use the self-defence system she’d made for herself. 
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She quickly shut up and stepped inside the room, following Junko’s instruction and sitting down. She nervously looked around before smiling awkwardly at Junko, shaking her head. “Y-You can do w-whatever you want. I trust you,” She replied. And she really did trust Junko. A little too much.
“I d-don’t really wear make up that often,” She explained. She cried much too often that any make up she wore would be a mess mere minutes after applying. 
Junko stared down the other girl, hands on her hips, her brow quirked a bit at the other’s comment. “Hey, hey enough of that. Don’t let people do whatever they want to you. We’re getting back at those bullies aren’t we? I’m not just like gonna put out cigarettes on you!” She looked away, her irritation slipping away quickly. It’s not like she really cared that she’d be late to class anyway, and there was something delicious about Mikan’s despair that made it all worth it. “Besides, I don’t smoke those grody things anyway. Enough of that.” 
The fashionista practically ushered her into the chair. “Alright, Imma make you look hecking cute! You can just leave it all to me.” She winked and walked over to her make up.
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First, she grabbed the foundation, and dabbed a bit around Mikan’s face, before blending it thoroughly. Luckily, their skin tones were fairly similar. Next was the eyeliner, and she carefully lined the nurse’s eyes, giving her added wings on the top of her lids. Once she was satisfied, she grabbed a pair of false eyelashes, and put a fine coating of glue on the strips. While waiting for it to dry a bit, she handed the nurse her eye-shadow pallet. “Pick a color, any color.”
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“ You think I had a CHOICE? You think I could just go back and tell my handlers to stop it? My family would have been murdered. My team leader was eaten by a Titan because of me…..I had to keep going.
If I went home a failure….then everything I was told growing up was true. That I wasn’t worth being called a person because I was born to the wrong people.”
As terrified as he was of Levi……there was an emptiness in those gold eyes. Because he did fail. He was useless…..he lost Bertholdt. Bertholdt was dead….because of him.
There was a moment of rage that burned in him as his eyes glowed, his nails digging into his palms enough to draw blood. He wasn’t strong enough to trigger a transformation…..all it did was make his hair stand up slightly from lingering electricity.
“ They were right. Bertholdt is dead because I was too weak. Nobody is going to remember him but me, and even then…..I’ll be dead soon anyways. Marley probably has a new Armored Titan candidate waiting for when I go home. So they can feed me to them and be done with it….”
He dared to look at Levi, that emptiness shocking for someone who seemed so full of life. It was like he’d been scooped out….hollowed out.
“ I’ve been listening to their screams for five years. Since the walls fell……it’s all I hear. I keep seeing them……I keep seeing those people die. I keep seeing my friend Marcel….eaten alive. I can’t stop seeing him die…..when it should have been me instead.
Maybe if he lived…..then Bertholdt would be alive…”
At Levi’s words, Reiner looked…..confused. He barely remembered anything when he was in the Titan……he had no control over his massive monstrous self….
“ What……what are you talking about?…”
“Tch, you always have a choice. You could have tried to run away with your family. You could have observed Paradise Island before attacking us. Then you would have realized that we’re just damned people too. People you could have asked for help, instead of attacking.” The Captain knew that it hadn’t been an easy path for Reiner, but he still wouldn’t allow him to make excuses for the lives he’d chosen to take. 
“You aren’t the only damn one that will remember Bertholdt either. The candidates you worked with. Eren, Armin and the others. They’re all young and soft still, and they feel like shit everyday because of his loss.” Levi nodded, a grim expression upon his features. He knew all too well what it was like to live with the memories of the people you’d killed. He was haunted by too many screams. “You should live with that. Just like we all do. But instead of regretting the people we didn’t save, we should think of the ones that we still can.”
Levi frowned softly as he looked over the armored titan’s host. “So you really don’t remember anything that the armored one did? You don’t remember how we killed Zeke Yeager together?” He found himself wanting to talk to the beast once more. The human man called Reiner was indeed weak, merely a shell of his former self. Although, he thought he could still be useful.
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“Now you have another choice. You can stand up to Marley with us. I can take an elite team into your country in order to rescue your family. Once they’re safely out, you can pledge your loyalty, and the power of the armored titan to us. You’re not a total fucking idiot. Don’t go back to some shitty country just so someone else can eat you.” This way, he wouldn’t have to enemies with the armored one anymore. He’d prove a powerful ally.
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