phantex1708 · 9 months
my toxic trait is giving all of my FtM OCs massive man-tits post-op (coming from a trans guy)
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phantex1708 · 9 months
root beer is heavenly
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phantex1708 · 9 months
fucking thank god
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Reblog to kill it faster
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phantex1708 · 9 months
Diety4Diety Roleplay [M4M, Discord, LONGTERM, Semi-lit to Advanced-lit, We Will Change the Plot as Need-Be to Better Suit You and Your Character!]
Heyo, I’m looking for someone interested in writing a high-fantasy story! I'm looking for romance and eventually a cute little family dynamic for our characters. As said in the title, I'm searching for a long-term writing partner, so if you want something different, please ignore this post. I want a roleplay that I can make part of both of our character’s original (or canon, if you will) stories. Not just me, either; I’d like for both of us to want similar things like that! It can be hard to find a roleplay partner who you really click with, and I have found that when we chat OOC alright, we look forward to the writing itself more! No, I'm not looking for anything romantic with my RP partners. I didn't know that this was something I had to clarify, but apparently it is. With that said, I don't typically write well with those who are dry texters OOC. I’m not trying to be harsh or rude by any means, but as someone who already has a difficult time reading tone over text, dry messages don't make it any easier. Besides, it’s nice knowing when someone is equally as excited as myself about writing a story! Along with that, please be up for actively planning out the plot with me! There’s nothing worse than the plotting being one-sided. Now, I'm not too nitpicky about this; as long as the effort is there, that’s all that matters. Putting zero effort into developing the story, versus genuinely coming to a blank, are very different! I can be indecisive on certain things as well, and I don't expect you to be perfect. Everybody has their flaws, myself absolutely included. I want to add that sometimes I chat differently! Honestly, it depends on how you text me. Generally, I’ll occasionally use emojis, but I stick with emoticons and tone tags! The tone tags are probably the ones I use the most; I’ve got anxiety and sometimes worry about coming off the wrong way in a text, so I just like to be clear!
For my rules and big “no”s, it’s honestly just pretty basic things that shouldn't need to be said. However, I don't want my post to get taken down, so I’ll just clearly list those things in DMs. It’s insane how I’ve learned that I do, in fact, need to clarify these types of things. I’ve been role-playing for a good while now, and had to figure out all of that the hard way. Another “no” from me is characters who are built solely for sexual roles. I don't want to write with a character who’s whole personality is about being a bottom, or even a top. There’s a big difference between an angsty character, and a whiny character. So yeah, no whiny, helpless, infantilized characters, and no characters who are “alpha-males.” One more thing is people who are overly strict about their OCs being hurt. I understand it’s common courtesy not to give somebody else’s character major injuries without warning; I always ask before I do something like that. But please keep in mind that you can expect fighting and death scenes in this story! When I write, I go over the discord text limit and usually send two to four messages, depending on how much you give me to work with, and how action-dependent the current scene is. My biggest pet peeve is bad grammar and punctuation in the roleplay. Mistakes are fine, of course, but constant run-on sentences or poor grammar make it hard to enjoy the story. As for character face claims, AI “art,” stolen art, and real people are massive “no”s from me. First of all, I hate AI and anybody who supports it; as an artist, it’s annoying seeing people call themselves “artists” for putting a prompt into a generator that steals from actual artists. Stolen art is another obvious “no,” and it should go without saying. Real people as face claims weirds me out, and it also feels lazy; taking a photo of a random person from Pinterest and calling it an original character design is odd and lazy. What I’m fine with for face claims is artwork or commissions. Hell, even picrews as a substitute are fine until you’re able to get real art! As long as the genuine effort is there, I'm good with it. I understand it likely sounds pompous for me to expect artwork for your character, but I promise you I’m not looking for skill, just effort. On the topic of art, if I'm enjoying the roleplay and have good motivation, I’ll probably make doodles (and memes, of course) of our characters as well! Just a side note: yes, I am looking for eventual N/SFW scenes as well! As long as the timing is appropriate, and it’s not an excessive amount or too often, it’s totally fine.
About my character; My guy is an elven fertility god named Ruven. He’s caring and kind at heart, but also emotionally guarded and distant from others. Really, he’s a bit shy and gets flustered easily, as stoic as he is. Ruven is a big ol’ hefty man, standing at about 6’2” and weighing 220 lbs. He’s albino and has curly hair down past his waist, as well as many cultural tattoos from a fantasy face of mine. I will say right now, he’s Desi, about thirty billion years old, has many adult kids (sounds like a lot until you think about how old he is. Don’t worry, he hates all of his past partners now.), as well as two young children, and is a transman. I’ve had people who ended up being hateful because I didn't clarify that sooner, so I'm saying it now. He also has a rough past, which could have possibly triggering themes (SA, DV, abuse, forced marriage, child death, and derealization). Along with that, I have a fantasy homebrew world that we could use as a setting! My guy is native to a country called Sahknu, where beauty standards define one’s status and wealth. Seeing as Ruven is so pale, he’s considered very ugly for people in that kingdom which has led to him struggling a bit for money. Why is a god, the keeper of the universe’s moons, financially ruined? We’ll get to that soon!
Now for the plot! This is just a general idea, and we can make changes to fit your preferences and character. There will be romance, action, drama, and angst! For this, I’m kind of going with the idea that your character is maybe a fellow god in disguise, or possibly doesn't even know that they're a god. Amnesia tropes are always fun here! Whatever describes your character best! Seriously, I’m not going to be upset about you wanting something different! We can make changes to accommodate to your guy. Anyhow—Ruven and your character have known each other for a while now, and even though he’s been dreadfully slow to open up, he’s been a nice man. So far, he’s managed to skillfully avoid any questions wanting him to disclose personal information about himself. The best that YC has gotten is a little ramble about his two young sons, and a comment saying that ‘I’m a lot older than you think.’ The two boys themselves are named Alastair and Lavan. Alastair seems to be about six years old and is clearly adopted, seeing as he shares no resemblance to his father. Lavan, however, is only a baby and shares his dad’s trait of albinism! The older boy is enthusiastic and outgoing, often happily bringing YC many self-made drawings, while the younger is the type to start wailing if Ruven isn't holding him. To cut to the chase, Ruven is only blending in amongst the mortals because he is on the run from his ex-husband, god of the sun and fire. This man, Silas, is a cruel and sadistic person out for blood. He’s arrogant and has zero empathy for the people around him, nor for anyone who may stand in his way on his path to revenge. He will absolutely try to kill YC out of blind rage as soon as he hears about their feelings for his ex, so you can expect a fun fight scene there! See, Ruven divorced him rather harshly, and he wants nothing more than to get back at him. By “harshly,” I mean that he tried to kill him. Silas isn’t exactly the type of person to handle that kind of news well, so he needed to take drastic measures to avoid being put into danger. The sun god is not someone who’s above imprisoning and torturing the ones he “loves,” so Ruven simply didn't want to go through those things again, seeing as he’s done such in the past. He used to be a kind, gold-hearted man until he was overcome by jealousy and greed. Ultimately, that’s what led to his downfall, and Ruven’s ever-growing hatred for him. Silas is quite literally hunting this man down. At some point, he’s going to come storming into whatever place Ruven and YC are in, raising hell, and making a scene. He’ll hurt and kill people, and it’ll lead to some big fight between the three characters. This part is a little more flexible—maybe Ruven is the one who is hurt and needs to be helped to safety, or maybe YC is the one! That comes down to your personal preference because I frankly cannot decide. Either way, they narrowly escape from Silas. Now that he’s angry and hunting down both Ruven and YC, they’ve decided to simply travel together while finding elsewhere to hide. Along the way, both characters can open up to one another and be there for support. Sooner or later, they begin an official relationship, maybe even consider marriage and building more family between the two of them. Just keep in mind that they’re going to be traveling for a good while, and I mean a while. I'm not trying to rush this whole family and marriage trope, just summarizing it in a way that sounds rushed, haha. Just as things are finally getting nice, they run into Silas again, and he’s even more angry than before. He’s jealous of their happiness and is intent on finishing the fight this time. Luckily for our two protagonists, they win! They kill him, one way or another, and then live their happy lives. After that, we can continue adding on things to continue the story! I'm always open for ideas!
Please let me know if you’re interested, and I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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phantex1708 · 10 months
[M4M] Fantasy/Historical Roleplay Plot List (Discord only)
Hello, all! Looking for somebody to roleplay with through discord. I’ve been wanting to do a couple of different storylines, so I will share my ideas here! I’ll keep the descriptions short and sweet, as I like to work out any details with whoever I’ll be writing with. Also, I write semi-lit to advanced-lit with proper grammar and punctuation (sorry, it’s a pet peeve of mine) in the third person, past tense. I know that I go back and forth between past tense and present tense in this post, but that’s only because I'm writing descriptions, not the actual story! One last thing, keep in mind that I am totally open to changes in the plots! Don’t feel shy about telling me any ideas you may have!
Siren/Merperson and Sailor: Faolán is but a humble fisherman who spends most of his time out at sea. Having been a pirate stowaway in his angsty teen years, he still knows how to take care of himself out in the great open blue. His livelihood is selling his catches, and he doesn't particularly care for the job, but it keeps him fed and stable. One morning, he wakes up to find a not-so-happy merperson caught up in his nets. However, Faolán has no idea what to do. He’d never even seen a siren before, much less dealt with one directly. Even if he’s a grumpy, bitter man, he can't stand to leave any creature helpless like that. So, he cuts them free. What happens next is up to you and your character! (Alternative: I could use my merman, Ennius, and you could use your own sailor character!)
Reunited Childhood Friends (TW for abuse, familial death): Cody was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His whole life, he’s been a petty, privileged noble, gold in the eyes of the public. The only downside was his horrible living situation as a young child. His father, although he ran one of the most successful dairy production companies, was a cruel man who often beat him and his mother. Sometimes, he would run off from home to catch a break, and he would find himself in the company of one person each time. In truth, they were an unlikely friend, as nobles speaking with peasants was often seen as an abominable thing. Slowly, the two grew closer, becoming good friends; Cody would sneak out when he could to visit them, and they would go to meet him each time. One day, however, this friend of his stopped meeting him. In fact, he couldn't seem to find them anywhere. Of course, this left him feeling devastated and alone all over again, but there was nothing he could do; his only true friend had left, for one reason or another. The rest of his childhood wasn't much better. The beatings continued, and his father was only becoming worse. It wasn't until, when he was only sixteen, he snapped and killed the wretched man himself. This didn't go without consequence, however, as his mother nearly turned him in to the authorities, and she would have, if she hadn't become ill and passed away shortly after. Years later, Cody is now bitter and hateful. He owns the dairy company and he makes good money, but he lives a lonely life, one where he pushes away nearly everyone with his prickly nature. Imagine his surprise when his old childhood best friend decides to pop into town for a visit. They, unfortunately, are not at all welcomed back. Instead, Cody makes it clear that he resents them for leaving him right before the most difficult period of his life; he wants nothing to do with them. Of course, that’s a lie. He still cares about them deeply, but he’s hurt and reluctant to open up again. (This takes place in 1800s France, by the way!)
Royal Arranged Marriage: Sahknu, a known kingdom of elves, and (your fantasy country/any fantasy country of mine that you would like to use) have been at war for decades. The fighting has clearly taken its toll on both countries, leaving them with little supplies and thousands upon thousands of soldiers dead. Eventually, both leaders realized that they needed to put an end to this one way or another. And, to do that, King Akkar offered his youngest son’s hand in marriage, Voron. This wasn't much of an outlandish offer, as Sahknu had no care for sexuality binaries, as long as there would at some point be a blood-heir from the royal (not the goal of the roleplay, by the way; this is just an explanation of the cultural aspect). Prince Voron is a shy and timid man, not much of the fierce leader his father proclaimed him to be. He is very book-smart and has a passionate love for science and literature. Now in this unfamiliar kingdom, Voron is homesick and nervous.
Hunter and Naga: Nkosi is a fierce naga from desert regions. He is known to hoard stolen treasures in his burrow, attacking anybody who dares come close to his home. Unfortunately for him, the locals no longer want him there and have called for a monster hunter to deal with him. He is unaware of this and doesn't know what’s to come. Although, he certainly won't be happy about having his home trespassed once again.
Plague Doctor and Apprentice (heads up for serial killer-y vibes): Doctor Emyr Idris is well-known for his… interesting treatments for the plague. He is often called brutal, and borderline cruel. There are rumors that he is no doctor at all, just a man who wants to pick apart people out of morbid curiosity. Still, he is a mentor to his lively apprentice, and their difference in personalities balances well. Emyr, to his own surprise, finds that he is slowly taking a liking to them. (alternative: I could use my own apprentice character Alwyn and you would use your plague doctor!)
Let me know if any of these interest you, and if there are any changes you would like to make! I will say right away, I don't at all mind NSFW elements, I will totally write it, but I don't want smut to become the entire storyline. Anywho, please send me a chat if you’re interested!
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phantex1708 · 11 months
Red flag M4M Roleplay through Discord
Hey everyone, I hope you’re all having a great Halloween! I’m quite bored and would love to start a roleplay with somebody's red-flag of a character. So, if you have a shitty, gross, toxic, or loser OC, send me a chat! I just want some good angst/toxic relationship storyline (with the occasional sweet moment, of course). We would be pairing them up with my stoner guy, Connor; he’s an addict who lives in a run-down apartment and works at a side-of-the-road pizzeria. Honestly, he’s not the brightest. He falls into peer pressure very easily and will do anything he’s asked just to be recognized by others, even if it means putting himself in harm's way. Personality-wise, he’s friendly and sarcastic, as well as overly talkative in an awkward manner. Sometimes, Connor will try to talk about a special interest of his but proceed to talk and talk until someone else tells him to shut up. He’s not sweet or kind, mostly because he doesn't know how to show tenderness without feeling uncomfortable. Connor is a man with poor mental health; keep that in mind. I don’t care what your character does to him, honestly. As long as it’s interesting and fits the scene, almost anything goes. If you are interested in my silly guy, please let me know! I think we should develop the plot after we figure out what their dynamic will be, so I am looking for someone willing to contribute ideas. I write semi-lit to advanced-lit (depending on what fits the scene and is most comfortable to write), past tense, third person. NSFW elements are totally fine, but I’d prefer not to have the whole thing be smut. I don't want this post to get too long, so again, send me a chat if you’re interested or have any questions. I hope to hear from you soon!
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phantex1708 · 11 months
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Hey, I saw this and I thought it was really cool to have people’s OCs in the background! Also, I thought it was funny how the character’s outfit in your picture looked so similar to my guy’s clothes, haha! This is Erin, he’s 5’8���, drinks heavily at parties, and gets rowdy rather quickly (even when sober). At parties, he’s essentially just an asshole who will do stuff to piss people off solely because he can, and he’s looking for a fight.
Thank you!
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phantex1708 · 11 months
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This is my serial killer OC Salah! He’s fucking insane, but I love him <3 Feel free to ask any questions about him!!
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phantex1708 · 1 year
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This is Nkosi! He’s a naga (Nagas are creatures with the upper half of a human and the lower half of a snake) OC of mine that I plan to try to roleplay with at some point. That being said, I suppose this is a Discord M4M roleplay request post as well as an art one? I am a semi-literate to advanced-literate writer (or just whatever is suitable for the scene), but I’ve had writer’s block recently so replies will be a bit slow!
About Nkosi: Physically, he’s about 5’9” with a lean, lithe body (he’s not supposed to be so.. bulkily muscular as he is in my drawing, but art doesn't always turn out the way we want it to.). Oh man, Nkosi is mean. Like, SO mean. He’s venomous and WILL bite, one way or another. He has a habit of purposely being an asshole to get people to avoid him the same way he does with them. He lost all his immediate family at a young age and was recently captured by naga hunters, where he was then sold to a shady market. And that’s where he is now—sitting in a crate with no food or water because he keeps trying to bite the people there. I promise Nkosi isn’t all bad, though—he can be surprisingly sweet once he’s comfortable around somebody. Not to mention, he’s a fiercely loyal man and would do anything to keep those close to him safe. He’s lost his loved ones once and he refuses to let it happen again.
I don’t have any plot set in stone for the roleplay itself, as I figured it would be fun to let others decide where they’d like to go with the story! You could have your character be a hero: help him escape and set him free like a good samaritan! You could have them be one of the workers trying to care for him! You could even have them be the one to buy him! My point is, I don’t mind what you do (seriously, you could kill him at some point, and that would be fine as long as it’s planned out ahead of time), but I’m still more than willing to contribute to ideas and the plot itself! Feel free to comment or add me on Discord if you’re interested; my user is “phantex.”!
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phantex1708 · 1 year
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Here’s Saxon, my “The Arcana” apprentice, and his familiar, Cannoli! I haven't really figured out whose route he’ll go with, but I’ll decide eventually!
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phantex1708 · 1 year
This is my sea goddess OC Sumadra! The art is a bit old, but I still like it. (ignore how I forgot to give her normal ears for her human form lmao)
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phantex1708 · 1 year
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Here’s my tiefling bard Aslan; the first image is a drawing I made a little while ago, and the second is one I made some years back! I definitely still need to work on improvement (mainly the hair, I think), but I really like the progress I’ve made!
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