the day i met dan & phil
okay so this is gonna be my first fan fic soย I'll try my best but if it is complete crap well...I'll say a sorry in advanceย 
first chapter-the alpacalypse ๐Ÿ™ˆ
y/n (your name)
y/n: (gets out of bed) *yawns* whats the time *check alarm* oh damn it I'm late for work.
at work
y/n: ahh I love this job. breeding alpacas are just so rewarding. :)
suddenly an alarm goes off. beeping continues.ย 
y/n: what now? has an alpaca farted or smth
at this moment alpacas run out of the enclosure. they are eerily green, and no they have not eaten baked beans.ย 
the alpacas start shredding humans to bits and you are the only one alive.ย 
y/n: oh wow. well, I should be on my way or smth
alpacas see you and run after you. you are not fast enough and are about to get eaten when a truck pulls up and two people, dan and Phil, pull you into the car.ย 
dan: hey y/n! (dan and Phil are your co-workers)do you want to come with?
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