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Her Highness: Have some of my favorite ship. 💚💛💙
Oh! @phargency-appreciation, you said you needed more content? Here you go! 
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Her Highness: Why fight over PharMercy vs Gency when you can have a poly ship?
I’ve seen some people argue over these two ships, so I thought, “Why not make one big ship?” Ladies and gentlemen, I gave you:
PharGency. 👨💚👩💙👩
Please do not bash on my ship.
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Everybody wins.
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A Call For Content!
The phargency tag is sadly quite small, and there aren't that many fan works to reblog. Have you ever thought about making art, writing stories, or even, I don't know, making music for your favorite OT3? Please, go for it! We'll all love it, I promise!
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My ship
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Pls consider phargency as an OT3 because
Angela deserves to be spoiled by both her gf and bf after long days off on missions or in the medical ward. They take turns cooking their native dishes for her and giving her massages. Then they have movie cuddle piles (Genji prefers action and Angela prefers romance but Fareeha is partial to both).
The three of them looking out for each other on the battlefield - Fareeha watching out for Angela from the skies and as backup for when Genji gets too adventurous and moves out of her healing range.
Fareeha and Genji bonding over training and target practice together.
All three of them have experienced loss of family, which is something that would have brought them closer together, especially when they were younger before the fall.
Fareeha sleeps in the middle of their huge bed, and having to deal with her two very cuddly and clingy partners snuggled under each of her arms.
Genji besting them both in doing his eyeliner.
Angela and Genji being far smaller than their gf, so when they steal Fareeha’s sweaters etc. they look cute asf in the oversized clothes.
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happy hectic valentine’s
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