phatompa1ns · 5 years
"All I know for certain is this should at least be done legally. That means paperwork and everything."
He's... Definitely salty.
"...Aren't there papers involved in adoptions?! I had to fill out a lot of paperwork for Clara, how come the damn bird doesn't have to?!"
He may just be salty.
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
"...Aren't there papers involved in adoptions?! I had to fill out a lot of paperwork for Clara, how come the damn bird doesn't have to?!"
He may just be salty.
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
Me: "I need some serotonin."
Husband: Stands up.
Husband: Sits back down.
Hisband: "I didn't remember what serotonin was until after I stood up so I was deadass about to go get you some."
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
Let it be known that my ask box and my notifications are being SHITTY right now so if I don't reply to shit until literal days later then that's why.
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
He smiles, and a deep, rich, rumbling purr bubbles up from his chest as he holds her. He's gonna make the best damn gift he can for her.
"Well, then, we'd best start getting plans together! I need to know what you'd like in a body before I make it, and I'll need to find a suitable soul for you to overwrite in order for you to puppeteer it. I haven't got a clue on how to translate... Robot thoughts into soul thoughts, but I'm sure Kylie or Clara could help with that." He means code translating into magic. What an uneducated bastard... But he's doing his best, just for her.
He holds her tight, wrapping his tail around her in tandem with his arms. Full-body hugs are the best hugs, in his opinion.
“Are you certain…? I don’t want to force anything on you, my love…”
“ YOU WANT TO help me. I want you to help me. You wouldn’t be forcing anything on me. “
She’s silent for a minute, wanting nothing more than to calmly sit in his arms. The world almost feels like it’s spinning around her, but she doesn’t understand why.
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“ I’ve made up my mind. “
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
He holds her tight, wrapping his tail around her in tandem with his arms. Full-body hugs are the best hugs, in his opinion.
"Are you certain...? I don't want to force anything on you, my love..."
His grip tightens on her hands. “If I didn’t like you, would I have asked to marry you? If I didn’t love how you are now, do you think I would have asked to spend the rest of my afterlife with you?” He has a point. “I love you, no matter what body you have, or what form you take, I will always love you.”
ATHENE SLID HER hands out of his and wrapped him in a hug. A hug that she’d been needing for a while, judging by the tightness of it. For some reason her mind refused to let the subject rest, no matter how many times he told her how much he adored her. It wasn’t fair to either of them.
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“ … Then I’ll do it. “
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
His grip tightens on her hands. “If I didn’t like you, would I have asked to marry you? If I didn’t love how you are now, do you think I would have asked to spend the rest of my afterlife with you?” He has a point. “I love you, no matter what body you have, or what form you take, I will always love you.”
“The way you look has nothing to do with this, love,” he reassures her, taking her hands in his. “If you don’t want my gift, just say so, my love. I will not force anything on you. I just want you to be happy.”
“ I WOULD WANT you to like me. S-So if you’d prefer me to have a more human appearance, you can tell me. “
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Athene looked down at their hands, awaiting an answer.
“ Because I know… you’re more interested in living things. “
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
“The way you look has nothing to do with this, love,” he reassures her, taking her hands in his. “If you don’t want my gift, just say so, my love. I will not force anything on you. I just want you to be happy.”
@phatompa1ns​ – continued.
 He coughs and straightens out a bit. Seems he didn’t realize just how loaded that all was. “I wanted to gift you a body. A real one, not made of metal. Give you a true soul, true feeling. I know you don’t particularly like the one you have now, cold and made of metal and wire… With a true soul, and a true body, I think you’d be happier.” He gives her a nervous smile now, his tail swishing. “…Unfortunately, to give you such a gift, I would have to forge the body myself, and steal a soul from someone else, both of which require… ‘borrowing’ bits of others and sewing them together.”
ATHENE TRIED HER best to not be confused about any of this. But even still, the idea of stitching bodies together was something she’d only ever expected to see in a horror movie; if he was being serious, how could that not have struck a cord with him ?
“ Oh, honey… you don’t have to do that, you know. I mean, the body I currently have is just fine, isn’t it ?  “
A terrible thought soon crossed her mind.
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“ Do… you not like the way I look ? “
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
ATHENE HAS NO idea how to react to this. On one hand, she’s confused as to what the hell he’s talking about. And on another, it sounds like he wants to sew a bunch of corpses together and put her inside, which is… less than appetizing. But it’s her husband, so she’s got to put her thoughts together as gently as humanly possible.
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“ Ah, um… c-corpses ? “
He coughs and straightens out a bit. Seems he didn’t realize just how loaded that all was. “I wanted to gift you a body. A real one, not made of metal. Give you a true soul, true feeling. I know you don’t particularly like the one you have now, cold and made of metal and wire... With a true soul, and a true body, I think you’d be happier.” He gives her a nervous smile now, his tail swishing. “...Unfortunately, to give you such a gift, I would have to forge the body myself, and steal a soul from someone else, both of which require... ‘borrowing’ bits of others and sewing them together.”
"My love! I have something to share with you!" Oh he sounds excited! Wonder what he has up his metaphorical sleeve...
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
Athene hands her fiancé a bag filled with shiny tissue paper. There's a small notebook inside, containing a couple short stories. There's also an author's note before the start of the first story: "I wrote these for you. I don't want them to be published -- they're a gift to you and only you. I hope you enjoy them. Love, Athene."
She's found a weakness of his. If that bag were filled with nothing but tissue paper, it would still be an amazing gift, apparently. He's just ripping it all up. Just for the fun of it. He loves the sound of paper tearing, its quite cathartic. The gift inside is secondary to paper tearing for a few minutes, but once he focuses enough to pull out whatever else might be inside after that first layer of tissue paper. He'll... Clean up the mess he made later.
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
He can't contain his excitement any more. He has to share.
"I'm going to be making you a true body! I thought of the idea a while back, a little after I had asked you to marry me, and I know you really would like to enjoy an actual body, so I figured I could make you once, since I know my way around corpses, and-"
What a way to start a conversation!
"My love! I have something to share with you!" Oh he sounds excited! Wonder what he has up his metaphorical sleeve...
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
He's wiggling. Wiggle noodle. Who knew he could do that?? "You won't ever guess what I have planned! Go on, guess! Guess!!"
"My love! I have something to share with you!" Oh he sounds excited! Wonder what he has up his metaphorical sleeve...
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
"My love! I have something to share with you!" Oh he sounds excited! Wonder what he has up his metaphorical sleeve...
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
(     *     VALENTINE’S DAY ALPHABET   !    
send some letters to find out more about my muse   !
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not? 
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
"When exactly will you come for my bones, hm? I want to be there when you rob my grave." He's still giggling like an idiot, his tail swishing side to side. Really, the joke wasn't that funny, but maybe he just needed the distraction.
That actually earns a little chuckle from him. “Heheh… That’s morbid, you know… Even for a horror writer like you.” At least he’s smiling again. “…besides, my love, you don’t even have bones any more than I do, unless you’d like to rob my grave for my femurs or something, too.”
ATHENE JUST NODS, somewhat happy he’d mistaken her offer as being a joke. It was probably better for him like that, anyways.
“ Of course… I know you too well. “
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“ I don’t require femurs now, but that may change in the future. So I’ll come back to your offer. “
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
That actually earns a little chuckle from him. "Heheh... That's morbid, you know... Even for a horror writer like you." At least he's smiling again. "...besides, my love, you don't even have bones any more than I do, unless you'd like to rob my grave for my femurs or something, too."
He closes his eyes. Gently squeezes her hand. He rarely ever looks this beaten down…
“…Promise me… That you’ll warn me before you betray me. At least… Let me say goodbye.” Ah-
“ AH… WELL, IF that’s all, I can keep that promise. Though I will warn you, it’ll hardly make a difference. “
Athene shuts her eyes, deciding to indulge in a quick moment of silence before continuing her train of thought.
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“ If the day comes that I will betray you, I’ll light myself on fire and then bathe in gasoline. It would be better to be charred to the bone than sink to that level. “
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phatompa1ns · 5 years
He closes his eyes. Gently squeezes her hand. He rarely ever looks this beaten down...
"...Promise me... That you'll warn me before you betray me. At least... Let me say goodbye." Ah-
There’s a long, long moment of silence from him. His expression grows more and more… Tired. Defeated. Hopeless.
“…can you promise me something, my love…?”
SEEING HIS EXPRESSION change instilled an odd fear into her. Perhaps she’d hindered things as opposed to help them… but how? She could have sworn she’d done everything to make him happy. But still, he seemed so tired.
Where had she gone wrong ?
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“ Oh? Well… what is it ? “
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