phennex-writes · 4 years
Still waters
@diivinerose @dulcis-pythonissam
Drip drip drip.....
The time we spend together felt like a blessing, your fiery temper, your confident tone of voice. They always let long a song in my ears. Your warm body always kept me warm during the cold winter nights, and I loved how sweet you always were to me. Protected me from evil.And showed me that even someone as simple as i could mean something to someone like you.
Drip drip drip……
How I will miss the and ventures we have, the love that we made, and the sweet little dragon were brought up together. Both of you were my true family. More than a young witch like me could even dream of. You were my true light in the dark To my beloved fiery demon, and my sweet dragon child. May our paths cross. Again in my next journey in this cruel world. May you love me again, for I know, that I will forever love you.
Drip drip drip, the water dropped on the floor
Water poured from the the tub, streaming in volumes, flooding the place slowly. An arm hung from the tub. A body lay lifeless inside, sky blue filled with tears, yet they were smiling. Smiling at the sweet memories she shared with her beloved people as the life faded from her.
The water felt warm, her face watching the familiar ceiling as she went under. The sound of distress and anger, and a soft plea reached her ears… But it was all so distant. A warmth enveloped her, as her lungs were finally filled with air. Soft short breathes entered through her nose and left through her lips. Sky blue eyes watched shadows dance around her.
Drip drip drip, did the drops of water from her clothing
The room started to burn around her, making it steamy from all the water around them, a cough, and an aching body as the words finally reaching her hazed mind.
Small hands cinged to the other. Her haze disappeared and now finally made room for more thoughts to spread through her mind. Something that once felt empty now full and streaming. Tears streamed down at the scolding tone the other had. But she knew that it was valid. “What were you thinking?? Clearly you weren’t!! What if I came here too late, you moron!!” Dark familiar eyes stared back, her hair crimson from the flames, the reason why she didn’t feel like she was freezing. Daniela, her beloved fire demon, the one she would leave their home, their dragon Ruby to. The one who had stolen her heart, yet she felt like she was holding her down. Loud sobs echoed through the room. Her own voice hitching and hoarse from the water that had filled her lungs slowly.” I-I’m sorry… “ The young witch cried, knowing the words wouldn’t cut the letter she had written, it would only made Daniela hesitate to leave her side for a long time. But. The demon deserved better.
Daniela took her to their room, which till felt more like her own than anything else, small hands clung weakly to the demon, who placed her on the bed, covering her with blankets, letting Ruby, the young dragon who now was just as tall as her if it stood on its hind legs.
It lay on top of her, like a dragon on guard duty. Ruby growled, as if scolding her a well, her hand traveled over to it’s head, a small smile forming on her lips.” Sorry…. I worried you too didn’t I??”
It huffed in agreement, until explosions could be heard from outside.
The witch knew who it belonged to. Once again it brought tears to her eyes.
Had she really just almost ended her journey earlier than intended?? What was going through her head when she did it?? Somehow she couldn’t seem to recollect those thoughts anymore. The explosions stopped, but she could still feel that the house was warmer than usual. Her beloved demon probably felt enraged enough to keep the place so warm, it could burn with each breath she took. After a while, the door opened, and there she was, sky blue fixed themselves automatically on her. Seeing the other shake: probably from fury and hurt. Which she didn’t blame the other for feeling such a way, even if demons rarely felt any other emotion that the one representing themselves most with. Her mouth opened, but Daniela was faster.” Save it, I don’t want to hear it right now…” The demon growled, and so she did, closing her mouth once more.
Daniela started pacing, until finally, Shizuka opened her mouth.”Dani… I’m cold… could you warm me up??” She was far from cold now. He heat of the room and Ruby on top of her made her feel like she was overheating, but she wanted to hug her lover, the one who she wished to spend her mortal life with. Cheeks burned a bright red from the heat. “Please??” The demon, cursed, but slowly, made her way to the weakened witch. Grabbing her away from a growling dragon, who simply snuggled against her back.
There, they lay, wrapped in each other’s arms. All snuggled and safe.
“ I am never leaving your side again, Never leave my side again. Don’t you dare leave me, you’re mine…” The tone of her voice wasn’t as harsh anymore, and Shizuka, knew she wasn’t angry anymore. “ I promise.. My heart and soul are yours, always and forever” The last words the demon spoke only reaching her before sleep took her.
“Don’t scare me like that again..”
The witch hummed, ever so softly, her body grown tired, sky blue emerged themselves in the darkness of her sleep, softly breathing against the hot skin of the other, until finally he let her body recharge rom the strange event of the day.
Drip drop said the water, dripping from hr fingers to the floor
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phennex-writes · 4 years
The ticking of the clock
Tick tock said the clock. 
The heart of a human beats with every second of a minute. 
Tick tock
Another minute passed, and another beat of the heart could not be heard. 
And another, until the doctor claimed there no longer was a beat. No longer a breathe, no longer the father she held so dear. 
Tick tock said the clock
That moment that felt like it would last forever, last memory of him smiling, alive, breathing, and yet here he as unmoving. In his bed. Sky blue watched carefully, young and full of life. Like the man in front of her who showed her pieces of the world, now gone
Tick, tock, tick, tock….
The clock went by, and the day of the funeral came, slowly but surely, as she watched it all from her window. The four walls she lived in for so long would broaden. They would expand and expand, no longer would she have to crave for it. With every ending came a new beginning. With the death of her father, her do opened, and as much as he would miss him, no matter how many times she would drop a tear for him, finally she could leave. 
Tick, tock, tick tock, tick tock….
The funeral came, the even before the watcher made sure no evil spirits came to take the pure and white traveler from his body and to have him make his way to the lord.  Their journey began, Forty days to pass before he would make it, and every day she would pray for his journey. 
Tick tock, said the clock…
As the carriers placed him inside, making sure he was the first to enter the church before others would follow, the pallbearers each having their own bath towel to hold, each hung from the crosses of the church. Now she stood here, crown in hand, a flowery wreath that would decorate the the coffin. 
Tick, tick, tock….
It felt empty, numbing even, seeing her father lay there, it was like he was acting, like he would just opening his eyes and say it was all a joke, but the now pale skin and unmoving chest, that he was no longer here, sky blue eyes were glued to him, as the prayers and speeches came. Even her own voice could be heard, echoing the walls of the church as her words filled the room. Until the priest took over, finishing the ceremony, and having to do her duty as crown carrier once more. No tears fell. Not even when she said her final farewell. 
Tick, tick, tick….. 
He clock kept ticking, finally upon arriving home, the family came over to pay their final respect, there she stood, her long blonde hair loose, hanging over her shoulder, head low in respect for the king and his heir, her uncle, most words had escaped her, most words were like the ticking of the clock. Ticking in her head until finally it would stop. 
Tick, tock, tick, tock…
Large fingers made it to her cheeks, pulling her face up, sky blue looking up to onyx coloured ones. Cold, yet pity was shown in them.” So young, yet you lower your head to me… my condolences for the loss, may his soul rest….” It had been the only voice that reached her ears. The only one who truly spoken to her, finally she could feel the tears stream over her cheeks, clouding her vision, and clouding those dark eyes, eyes that resembled onyx clouded away from her vision. 
It was when finaly her clock kept on ticking, finally the tears streamed and her heart ached from the loss. Finally did she let herself free, all thanks to those chocolate brown eyes. Those words that were nothing but pity to most, but the young princess, were nothing but comfort. Smaller hands reached to the ones that caressed her cheek.” Why the tears dear cousin?? Aren’t we here to celebrate is life?? Then let us do so, come, dear Shizuka”. His voice was strong, cold, yet consoling. It made her believe in his words, and followed him as she dried her tears. 
And every step was like the ticking of a clock, and he was the guiding stick, guiding her to a future she could walk with pride. 
Tick, tock, said the clock. 
Her clock finally worked like it should, with head held high, sky blue finally facing the world. Finally spreading her wings. 
She was free, until her clock would stop. 
@creation-is-chaos @dulcis-pythonissam
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phennex-writes · 4 years
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Spark Joy | Freude Theme 20
Spark Joy | Freude is a responsive single column sidebar theme with a muted, simplistic and big aesthetic. It aims to make your blogging experience spark joy.
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Responsive layout.
Single column.
Sidebar + custom links.
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Do not claim as your own.
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Please like/reblog if using.
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Donate: ko-fi, buymeacoffee.
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phennex-writes · 4 years
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phennex-writes · 4 years
The tree trunk
Pictures are what gives us back a memory of a time before, something we need to re-freshen the memory, because over time they become cracks in our memory, just like the cracks in the ripples of a tree trunk, the older it gets the wider it will be. No one can tell what memories this tree has forgotten, or which it still sees, only time can tell and time doesn't speak.
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phennex-writes · 4 years
Be a story teller
       From time to time, all can feel as if we have been standing frozen. Sometimes we feel like time has been going to fast to even catch up, wondering where it all has gone to, It has a heavy feeling that the modern world with social media taking over our mind, it has become a pattern that most people are not even aware of. But what if I told you that there are some among us, who still follow the rules of old?
       What if these people have been among us, what if this person is you? Someone close to you, or perhaps someone you never met before. These people have been living in their own minds, away from the thing we call time and space. Creating their own, how, you do ask?? It’s quite simple, voicing their world: Telling what is inside their world, what people live their, the list goes on. Every world is different, sometimes even ending, having a new world be born in its place. But what actually happens in these worlds?? 
       Why do we create our own new world?? Are we perhaps not satisfied with the world we live in? Are these actually worlds that exists? Or is it that the worlds have been sending their own visuals of their world to us. Writing it down, sometimes the idea of these worlds are welcomed, with people like  heroes, sidekicks, villains,  civilians, kinds of animals, or gods/deities  are always written about. There are times however that these worlds are not as well received: people claiming that the story isn’t interesting, or catchy, but we never stand still that our stories are perhaps just that. A story. To someone who thought of us, how the world was born, and let it live the way they wanted it to be. Perhaps there are people like us who don’t like our story. 
       Now my final question, do you think you are part of a story. Or are you the storyteller?
Only you can set this thought process in motion. I know I am a storyteller, now let you tell me about my world. 
       My story.
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