phffwillitbelove · 10 years
How she awoke
The sun was brightly shinning in through her windows when she first opened her eyes. At first her groggy mind thought it was just the light that woke her but then she heard that ring again. O shit she thought! I overslept. Am I late for work? Is that one of my co-residents? She quickly felt around for her phone, her eyes still adjusting to the bright light, and without a second look or thought just swiped to answer.
“Hello, Clara. It’s Harry. How are you?”
“Hello, Clara. Are you there?”
Clara quickly pulled her phone from her ear and looked at her screen. Yep, it was a number she didn’t recognize. But no way it was him, she had last seem him only about 7 hours ago, there was no way he would be calling so soon.
“Hello, is anyone there?”
“Hi- um sorry. Who is this again?”
“H-a-r-r-y” he sounded out for her, “you know the guy you gave your number to last night, or well earlier this morning I should say.”
“Yes, of course. I just don’t – I guess I didn’t really expect you to call. Especially not so soon!” she blurted out before she could think of the words she was saying.
“Ha ha ha, so you didn’t think I would call you?” Harry asked. “Or is it that you didn’t expect me to be this needy?” He said with an even heartier laugh.
“I… I don’t really know what I thought”, she said uncomfortably. What was going on, was he mocking her. She had noticed in the short time she had known him that he often turned to humor to diffuse uncomfortable situations, mostly uncomfortable situations for her since he always seemed so god dammed smooth and cool. “Anyway, what can I do for you your highness?”, she said as she came back to the moment.
“You did not just call me that! What did I tell you last night?”
He had told her how uncomfortable it made him to have people call him that. Sure he was used to hearing it, mostly from people introducing him to large groups and at formal state engagements, but in his personal life – when he was out there just trying to be a regular guy - nothing bothered him more than that constant reminder of just how far from normal he truly was.
“Sorry, Harry. I’m still waking up, my brain hasn’t really turned on yet.”
“O, sorry I didn’t realize I had woken you. I’m so sorry.”
“No, no. Don’t worry, it’s 11:30am I should have been up anyway. Today’s my only day to get my life together, run all my errands, clean my apartment. You know all that fun stuff.”
“Well, I was hoping I could get your opinion on where to go today. I have no engagements till this evening so I wanted to enjoy the “big apple” while I can. And I really thought since last night was so much fun I couldn’t go wrong with your suggestions.”
“Last night was fun, I agree”, Clara said – secretly she knew it was the most fun she had had outside of work in months but she wasn’t about to tell him that! She had lost all faith that she could even be fun anymore. “So what were your options for today? Or do you want me to just make a list of suggestions?” she said instead.
“Well, I missed the Rain Room while it was in London and was hoping to catch it here. I think it’s at some museum nearby.”
“Yes, it’s at the MoMA” Clara interrupted.
“Have you been? Was it good?” Harry asked excitedly.
“No, unfortunately I never seem to have the time. I hear it’s great – frankly Esther would be a much better person to ask about this stuff. She gets to go out and have fun as part of her job – that lucky brat,” Clara said laughing carelessly just as she had last night at his jokes.
“Well, then you have to come with me today.”
“I’ve barely gotten up, I’ve got so much to do. I’m not sure I can…”
“Now, now, now, think about it before you say no. When are you going to have another day off? And when else do you get to play tour guide to a “prince” as you say?”
“O god, are you using that.”
“I’m not above cheap tricks to get what I want” and Harry wasn’t lying. Right about now he would pull out any trick to get her to come out with him again. Not that he could really explain to himself why he wanted this so badly. What was it about her that he had woken up with this incredible desire to call her? After she had left, he had sat there for a couple of minutes replaying the night in his head. She was warm and friendly and honest to a fault. He could tell that his status made her a bit nervous and uncomfortable but he could also sense her determination to treat him like she would any of her other acquaintances – that she had a firmly held belief that she was not beneath any man because of just his status. It certainly didn’t hurt that she was beautiful with that adorable cleft chin of hers.
“So what’s your address?” Harry asked. “I’m going to get a car and pick you up. We can grab lunch and then head over to the MoMA.”
“Wait, I haven’t even agreed to come yet! Do I even have a choice?”
“Not really, I’m not going to let you say no. I’m just going to keep harassing you until you give in.”
“Fine, give me 20minutes”, she finally conceded. She knew she wasn’t going to win this argument with him, and frankly she knew she didn’t want to.
The next 20minutes flew on by. She frantically ran around her apartment trying to find something to wear. The decision was made much easier by the fact that she hadn’t done laundry in over a month so really there was not much to choose from. As she threw on some jeans a top and breezy cardigan she promised herself she was going to do a better job of running her errands. All of a sudden her phone was ringing again, where her 20minutes up? They couldn’t be. She looked at her phone and saw it was Esther calling her. Calling to find out what had happened last night after she left no doubt.
She quickly picked up for her best friend and gave her the very very abridged version of the night and the developments this morning.
“So he’s on his way there now?”, Esther questioned. “Wow! That must have been some night.”
“Esther! I told you nothing happened. And nothing is going to happen. Come on I’m not that easy.”
“Ha ha ha, well maybe you should be. At least consider making an exception for prince charming.”
“O god enough! He’s on the other line. I’ll call you later I promise.” And with that Clara was running down the stairs of her 4th story walk-up apartment. She was a bit out of breath by the time she got down so she took a minute to compose herself before she opened the door. There on her regular New York City street corner was the black SUV she had ridden in the night before, back door open with Prince Harry waving her in.
Clara took in the sight of him. He was dressed quite differently, than the night before, but then again so was she. He had a Boston Red Sox hat on… not sure this was the smartest way to disguise himself while in NYC but Clara wasn’t sure if the rivalry was understood outside of America. It worked great on her though, since she happened to hate the Yankees herself and was an avid Red Sox fan, a remnant of her college days up in New England. So this was casual Harry; baseball cap on, rolled-up button down white shirt and jeans. It was effortless and yet perfect. Prince Charming indeed.
The conversation between the two of them flowed quite easily and somehow Clara managed to convince him to grab Banh Mi sandwiches of a street cart in midtown and eat them on the steps of the New York Public Library – her favorite spot to people watch. They sat there in the anonymity of the crowd. No one around them suspecting who he might be, after all not a lot of people were even aware he was in the city and even if someone might have thought he looked familiar no one would think that a prince would be squatting on the steps of the library eating Asian sandwiches with everybody else. Clara couldn’t remember specifically what they talked about for so long but mostly it was about her, he wanted to know where she grew up, went to college, medical school, what her parents did. He was interested in hearing about the normalcy of her life, it was as if he was devouring the life he was denied through her. She couldn’t imagine why any of this was interesting to him but she could tell he was fascinated so she went on, and frankly she so hardly got to make new friends that she was glad to share. She was careful not to ask him much about his family or his life however. She imagined he would be quite guarded and hesitant to share these things with a stranger so she was surprised when he volunteered how he often wished he had gone to college.
Most of Harry’s friends had been to university at some point and they all had great “chums” (his word not hers) who they had met there and who they all proclaimed would be friends for life. Many had ended up in relationships with college mates. William had of course famously met his wife at St. Andrews and both he and Kate never seemed to stop gushing about how wonderful those years were and how they wished they could go back to that carefree and happy time. Harry was not often jealous of William – knowing full well that his brother’s life was even less his own than Harry’s was - but this was one of the few things where he envied his older brother. William had gone to University and the press had signed on to a blackout deal while he was there which allowed him to have a relatively normal experience. Meanwhile Harry, became the center of the press attention. Sure his behavior didn’t help, but he was a lost teenager trying to find his way without the structure and protection that university allowed William. Harry had come to abhor the image that those pre-Sandhurst years created. Not because he regretted the experiences he had, well some of them he did regret, but not the majority – he regretted the image because it had been almost impossibly hard for him to shake off. Even now at 32, despite several successful philanthropic endeavors, including Sentebale and the Invictus Games, each story published of him still contained some mention of those earlier years, those rebellious years that so fascinated the public. He had grown, he was a different man. All those who knew him could see it but he knew that the press and the public never forgot about his past and that one failed step and all he had done in the last 4 years would be invalidated. He hated himself for it.
Perhaps this was why he liked talking to this girl he had just met. She was so normal and yet so formidable. She had come from an average family with no great wealth or prospects, and made herself into a respected member of society, a healer, a surgeon all through her hard work and dedication to education. That she was infinitely smarter than him there was no question. But yet she was also approachable and warm and loved a good laugh. He could tell she absolutely loved her job and took pride in it despite the toll the long hours took on her health and her relationships. He found himself relating to her in many ways he wouldn’t have imagined. Harry was so glad to have made a normal friend, so much so he didn’t even care she was a bloody American.
They did eventually manage to make it to the Rain Room, and through Harry’s minders, to get in despite the long line that had already accumulated. They had the exhibition mostly to themselves as they were added to the end of another private tour and it was absolutely beautiful, but frankly Clara thought it was nowhere near as exiting, interesting, or mind opening as her conversations with Harry had been that day. The more she spoke to him the more she realized that behind all the glitz and glamour he was just a regular guy desperately trying to carve out a legacy for himself and much like her, motivated by a great desire to make his family proud.
As the evening crept up on them Clara had tried to say goodbye at the MoMa but Harry wouldn’t have any of it. He would take her home at least. She conceded, not wanting to sour the wonderful day she had had with him. As they walked out of the MoMa through a back alleyway that led onto W 53rd street where his black SUV would be waiting they were abruptly stopped by his RPOs. There was some momentary commotion on the street and they didn’t want Harry to be caught off guard in the middle of it so they made them wait in that alleyway. There wasn’t a lot of space between the two buildings and Harry leaned into Clara’s ear and whispered “this is exactly the kind of picture the press goes for: Prince Harry sneaking a beautiful girl off to an alleyway to do the naughty” and laughed.
Clara laughed too, but nervously. She hadn’t missed the fact he had just called her beautiful, or how close to her he was standing. Clara’s whole body was on high alert and she hated the fact that she couldn’t control it. She was thankful they were in a shaded area or otherwise he would have surely seen her blush. She felt butterflies in her stomach and all. But he wasn’t moving away. He was just standing there, watching her, smiling at her with that devilish grin of his and those piercing blue eyes. Despite everything Clara had told herself before she knew that in that moment she wanted something to happen, she wanted to kiss him more than anything. But she didn’t and he didn’t and the moment passed and soon enough they were allowed to exit the alley and climb into the SUV. Clara felt both relief and loss in that moment as the RPOs came back to call on them.
Within ten minutes Harry was dropping her off at her apartment and Clara once again said goodbye to her new friend never expecting to hear back from him again. 
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phffwillitbelove · 10 years
How they spent the night
Author's note: Here's the second chapter. Thanks for reading! 
Clara, Esther, and Harry had gone for that drink at the hotel bar after all and they’d all had a great time. In fact they were now well into their fourth drink and at their second stop of the night.
Harry noticed Clara eyeing his RPOs and came over to sit by her side. “So you fancy Jimmy over there don’t you?”
“I’m sorry what?” Clara replied.
“Well I see you watching my dear Jimmy over there. Would you like me to introduce you?”
“Hahaha no thanks, that’s okay. I was just curious about what he must be thinking just watching all of us drink, and laugh, and have fun while he works.”
“Yeah, well I suppose he’s used to it” said Harry as he smiled uncomfortably aware that his life was such a fascination to her. “He’s a good chap, I really don’t mind making the introduction.” He said with a grin.
“O god”, Clara laughed. “The last thing I need is to fall for a man who lives an ocean away! I’ve done the long distance thing before and, never again, never again” she chuckled.
“That sounds awfully smart of you” he said. Harry wanted to ask about what happened the last time she did long distance but new better. He could see the sadness in her eyes, she was trying to hide it behind a good hearty chuckle but he recognized sadness when he saw it because he had so often experience it himself. Suddenly the room went quiet. It seemed that Esther had finally tired herself out of singing and taken a break.
“Well do any of you want to sign?” she said to him. And to Esther’s delight the prince obliged. When Clara saw the song he’d picked as it came up on the TV screen she let out a little shout of joy. Queen – We are the champions, could he have chosen a more appropriate song? Absolutely not… this song was perfect for him.
I've taken my bows And my curtain calls You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it I thank you all But it's been no bed of roses, No pleasure cruise. I consider it a challenge before the whole human race And I ain't gonna lose.
We are the champions, my friends, And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end. We are the champions. We are the champions. No time for losers 'Cause we are the champions of the world.
We are the champions, my friends, And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end. We are the champions. We are the champions. No time for losers 'Cause we are the champions of the world.
They spent a couple of more hours there and before Clara and Esther new it, it was past 3am! A panicked Esther looked at her watch and realized that she was only 5 hours away from a big project meeting at work and that she still had to make it back home to Brooklyn and back. “OMG, I really must go” she informed the group. And then Clara looked at her watch too…”How did it get this late? I haven’t been out past midnight in forever!”
Harry could tell the night was winding down but it was practically breakfast time for him now, not having adjusted to the time difference, and he was starving. So he took a shot, “Do either of you know a good place for breakfast food that is open now?”
“Coppelia” said Esther as she gathered her things and started going down the stairs. “It’s American/Cuban, Clara you’ll love it” she said with a wink. “I’m going to hail a cab.” Then walking up to Clara to kiss her goodbye she whispered, “details tomorrow.” Then before Clara could say anything she turned around, walked straight up to Harry and said goodbye, “Thanks for the lovely evening your highness, it was really great to meet you. I still can’t believe I just got serenaded by a prince.” Harry laughed at that and thanked her for showing him a good time before opening the door out of the karaoke club for her.
Clara couldn’t help but laugh. O Esther, always looking out for her – not! Now Clara was stuck all alone taking a prince to a 24-hour diner for breakfast and in an evening gown no less. Clara was racking her brain for a way out of this. Some good excuse to get her home. Unfortunately she had already shared that tomorrow, well now it was already today, was her day off so work wouldn’t be an option. What to do, what to do. She was starting to get nervous, as she always did around new people in social situations where she wasn’t wearing her white lab coat or scrubs. There was just something about the doctor’s outfit that gave her all the confidence she lacked in her personal life. It was Esther who always took her out with her, sometimes Clara thought out of pity, it was Esther that always showed her a good time, and it was Esther’s fault that this night hadn’t ended hours ago!
Her thoughts were interrupted by Harry. He had astutely figured out that her thoughts were racing ahead of her and stepped in with his usual charm to set her at ease.
“So Dr. Gonzalez Santiago, were is this Coppelia place?” Why did he like using her full name like that? It was like he took pleasure in sounding out the Spanish name.
“Over on the West Village, on 14th and 7th I believe but don’t you think we’ll draw too much attention with you in a tux?”
“Excuse me Dr. Gonzalez Santiago are you trying to get me naked?”
“What? OMG NO! No, no, no, how can you think that?”
“HA HA HA HA HA” he laughed. He laughed for almost a full minute. In that time Clara’s face had come back to it’s normal shade of tan and she realized that he had purposely been trying to get a rise out of her, trying to make her laugh at herself again. And he succeeded. She laughed with him and then she punched him jokingly on the shoulder and said, “Well that’s enough fun for you tonight! If you want this breakfast we should just call for takeout.”
“That sounds like a great idea. Let’s call on the way back to my hotel.”
At the thought of going back to his hotel with him she got nervous again. But why was she nervous, it’s not like this prince would be interested in her, she was surely overthinking it. “Ok, I’ll pull up the menu” said Clara as she gathered her phone and purse and followed him out of the karaoke bar and into his SUV that was waiting. In just a couple of minutes they had made it to his hotel, the food had been ordered, and now they just had to go up and wait for it. When they got off on the penthouse floor from the private elevator they were greeted by two more RPOs. They opened the double doors and showed them into the suite’s living room area and then closed the doors behind them. They were alone. For the first time she was actually alone with the prince. And right on cue there were those nerves again.
Harry walked into the bedroom and took off his bowtie and placed his suit jacket on the bed. His Iphone had totally died so he was looking for his plug to charge it. When he came back out to the living room he saw Clara standing by the floor to ceiling windows. She was absolutely beautiful in her bright red gown, he wondered if she knew it. She wasn’t really his type at all, he was quite famous for his type, but it wasn’t because she wasn’t blonde, unfortunately. If he was being honest with himself, she wasn’t the type of girl he ever went for because she was so put together, so focused on work, her life had a purpose. When they had spoken at the bar it had been clear from the first moment that her life revolved around her work. She loved her job, loved being a surgeon and helping people, and so it made sense that was what she talked about. The girls he’d dated had not really had a career, they had grand plans but weren’t really in any rush to execute them. Even Chelsy, she wasn’t on a career path when they had started, and in fact once she decided to seriously focus on her career she didn’t really have time for a lot of the shenanigans they had enjoyed previously and so the relationship fizzled. So why did he find himself attracted to this girl who was so clearly not his type, he didn’t know.
She turned around and saw him there with a big smile on his face and she couldn’t help but smile right back at him. She noticed he had made himself comfortable and that he had rolled his shirt sleeves up. She couldn’t help noticing how muscular his forearms were and how broad his shoulders looked now out of the confines of his jacket. He was handsome, that was for damn certain. But what was she thinking, snap out of it Clara she told herself. And then forced herself to make conversation. They talked for a few more minutes before the food got there and only then did she realize how hungry she was again, and Harry was absolutely starving not having made it in time to grab dinner at the Gala. They ravished their food in complete silence for about ten minutes before he finally said, “Well Esther was right, this Cuban American food is excellent, ropa vieja breakfast platter we should get that in London.”
O how he said “ropa vieja” was so goshdarned adorable! She realized that she’d never heard anyone with a British accent try to speak her native Spanish tongue before but it was kind of precious. She did try not to laugh at him though.
It was time for Clara to go home now, she was absolutely exhausted. She had be up for almost 24 hours now, and so had Harry. They were veering on delirium and she knew it so she thanked him for the breakfast and the drinks and picked up the shoes she’d taken off when she walked into the suite. Harry was exhausted too but he was also a bit sad to see her leave.
“Thanks for showing me around tonight. I had a much better time than the last time I was in NYC.”
“Well, just remember that the next time you see a New Yorker in London, you make sure they have a good time too.”
“Yes, if you ever come to London I’ll be sure to show you around.”
“Wouldn't that be something, having a prince as your tour guide” she laughed as she moved towards him to kiss him on the cheek goodbye. She did her customary right cheek to right cheek air kiss and pulled back only to have him pull her forward for a second kiss on her left cheek. “O right you Europeans do two, I forgot.”
“I thought you Americans didn't really do any.”
“Well I’m not a regular American, the Latina in me must do at least one kiss” she smiled, turned around, and started walking away.
“Hey Clara…”
“Yes?” she turned back to face him.
“Would it be alright if I got your number? You see I’m in town for just a couple more days but I’d love to run my New York City plans by you. You know, so you can tell me if I’m hitting the right sights.”
Clara smiled at him, and considered his request for a moment. She didn’t see what could possibly come of it, but then again she couldn't really see the harm in it either. “787-650-0070” she said and then walked straight out the door without another look back.
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phffwillitbelove · 10 years
Fixed. Didn't even realize that I had chosen that tag or that this blog existed. Sorry guys, clearly the newbie here.
Hey guys, quick reminder! Please do not use the royalfanficcollection tag for anything other than chapter updates.
We only reblog chapter updates. For manips, story promos, previews, etc, a good tag to use is princeharryff. (Also, please don’t use phff as a tag. That’s one of the author’s URL and if you use that tag, you are effectively using their personal tag.)
We need to keep the royalfanficcollection tag as clear and clean as possible to allow us to easily be able to keep up with updates.
Thank you!
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phffwillitbelove · 10 years
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phffwillitbelove · 10 years
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Dr. Clara Gonzalez Santiago - photographed outside the NYPH in the UES of NYC
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phffwillitbelove · 10 years
How they met
Author's note: This is my first try at fanfic... probably no good at all but this story has been dancing around in my head for a while. If I do get into the swing of things it may be several chapters long. Let me know what you think!
Well, at least I get to leave the hospital early today thought Clara as she made her way out of the operating room and back to the resident workroom. Today had been a long day, like most days for the past four years of her life, but nothing really special had happened. She had come in to work before sunrise, rounded on her patients, done some charting, ran downstairs for her morning dose of coffee, and then proceeded to meet her patient before surgery. A typical day in the life of a surgical resident. But there was certainly something different about tonight. Tonight Clara had a big fancy gala to go to and despite her best efforts she was starting to get excited and anxious for it.
Now that it was the evening of the gala she was regretting having signed up for it. It was 6pm already and dinner started at 7. She still had to sign-off to her co-residents and then dash home, make herself at least presentable, and then attempt to cab it down to the St. Regis in time - going right through the thick of midtown traffic.  The subway would probably be faster, but she hadn’t worn heels in what seemed like forever and braving all those stairs and platforms in an evening gown no less, seemed awfully dangerous.
Somehow she managed to make it on time, her best friend Esther was there already, thank god for the friendly face! Excitedly the two girls made it in and were immediately reminded how out of place they were by the St. Regis’ decadent elegance. They signed up, found their table, and sat among other surgeons that Clara had met on occasion. Since food and drinks were available and the conversations were merry no one seemed to notice that the guest of honor still had not arrived 45minutes later. Eventually the organizers started to get nervous and Esther who had agreed to be Clara’s plus 1 just so she could see (and maybe meet) the prince wouldn’t stop asking about it. “You don’t think he’s going to cancel do you?” said a worried Esther. “He would have done that sooner than this don’t you think. He’s probably stuck in traffic or something like that.” Clara reassured her.
“I don’t know Esther but I don’t think he’s coming. Can we just go now?” asked Clara, when at 8:30 the prince was still MIA. “But we’ve waited so long already, and they said that he was flying straight in and his flight was delayed but he’s landed now. Can’t we just wait a bit longer” was the pleading response from Esther. Clara new that Esther had been obsessed with the redheaded royal for years now but she just couldn’t get herself to care anymore. Her toes were killing her, she hadn’t had more than 5 hours of sleep in the last 4 nights and she was exhausted, her bed was looking incredibly enticing right at this moment. “O come on, please, I can’t stay here if you go – I’m not part of the hospital. Do it for me…” was the next she heard so begrudgingly Clara agreed to stay but “just for another 30minutes, if he’s not here at 9 I’m leaving.”
9pm came around and still no prince, some of the older attendings had left. But most people were still around, it was a fantastic party and many of these people had been working tirelessly for months or even years so they were enjoying their big night. But for Clara it was time to go home so she dragged Esther back down from the meeting hall towards the back entrance of the St. Regis where the coat check was located. While they waited for their coats Esther made one last plea for staying but Clara’s tiredness had gotten the best of her and she was grumpy now. The words that came out of her mouth next where not her best moment, “Esther, you stay if you’re so crazy about meeting this stupid prince. I’m going home, I’ve worked over 80 hours this week, including 12 hours today. Tomorrow is my only day off in two weeks and all I want to do is sleep. I mean who the hell does this guy think he is? Just ‘cause he’s a prince he thinks he can keep all the stupid American peasants waiting?” Again not her best moment but it was only about to get worse because in that moment someone came up to her from behind and spoke to her.
“You’re absolutely right madam, I mean what a self-centered ass he must be” said a man in a gorgeous British accent.  Clara heard the words and looked at Esther who’s face had gone pale and who’s jaw had literally dropped. Shit! She didn’t have to turn around to know what she had just done. Never one to shy away from a difficult situation, she took a deep breath and steadied herself before turning round. And then there he was, Prince Harry himself with a devilish grin on his face, looking ridiculously handsome in his tux. Clara could feel her face flushing… she wanted to say something but the words were escaping her. Thankfully, he broke the silence.
“Nice to meet you ma’am” he said as he extended his hand in greeting. “I apologize for the tardiness, it is really inexcusable.” Then looking at Esther he said “Thank you so much for waiting, I’m Harry, and you are?”
Esther face was as bright as the sun, she smiled wide at him and introduced herself before nudging Clara in the ribs and saying, “And this here is my grumpy, overworked, best friend Dr. Clara Gonzalez Santiago.”
At the mention of her name Clara sprung back into the moment. Her face seemed to have cooled off a bit, and she had regained power over her words. “Nice to meet you your highness. And… sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.” At those words Harry let out a chuckle, “no you didn’t mean to get caught being rude is more like it.” He was not letting her off easily, damn it, but his smile was so warm and those piercing blue eyes looked so jovial in that moment that Clara had to just join in and laugh at herself too. “Well, now that I’ve embarrassed myself in front of royalty I think my night is complete. Have fun in New York she said as she reached for her coat that had been brought back by the attendant who now stood there in awe also gaping at Prince Harry.
“Wait you can’t be leaving now, I just got here. Plus I think you owe me a drink after hurting my feelings like that. Please stay a bit longer.” Harry immediately said, he didn’t really know why he wanted to keep talking to this doctor. But there was something about the cute smile she had just flashed at him, or maybe it was the way she was so quickly able to laugh at herself, but more likely it was the fact that she clearly was not all that interested in getting to meet a prince that made him want to get to know her. He could tell she was both embarrassed and tired and that she was not likely to stay so he turned to her friend Esther who was clearly not immune to his charms. “Esther please convince her, the two of you must come back up and have a drink with me” and gave her a wink and a smile. From the corner of his eye he could see that Ed was incredibly anxious to get him up to the reception so he knew he had to go. “I really must run up and say hello and thanks to all of those who came to see me and stayed so long tonight but I’ll be expecting you up there.”
And just like that he was gone. Clara and Esther looked at each other, o my god, they had just spoken to Prince Harry! Esther was so excited she was practically jumping up and down. Clara had to admit that the man was handsome, and tall – he was very tall, or maybe it was just her 5’4” frame made him look that way – no he was really tall and handsome, and cheeky too. She had always formed first impressions quickly and on first impression she had to admit she liked him, he seemed like someone she could be friends with. So back upstairs they went to wait for the prince once more.
There were lots of people at this gala for Harry to greet and thank. His trusty personal secretary Ed knew most if not all of their names, he walked around the room making brisk introductions that Harry somehow managed to make genuine and warm. To Harry the room spun by so quickly, a quick smile here, a handshake there, and always many thanks and in 30minutes he was done. Now of course - he had to be - because the meeting hall was scheduled until 9:30pm and most people were itching to head out as they had work the next day, it was after all a Thursday night and many of these people were hospital employees, managers, or doctors. But Harry was glad it went by so quick because he could see that at the edge of the bar were two beautiful young ladies waiting for him. This had been a crazy day for Harry, nothing had gone according to plan, and a bomb threat had kept his plane at the tarmac at JFK unable to actually make it to NYC for 4 hours but the night was shaping up.
“So how about that drink?” he said as he approached.
“Well, I think we should probably go to the bar downstairs as they’ve stopped serving here” said Clara.
“Lead the way, this is your city.”
Clara and Esther both laughed at that, this may be their city, but this fancy NYC was not their turf at all.
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