phgcomic · 5 years
it is also for me
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Gift art from nope.flv
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phgcomic · 6 years
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I made the dirty ones small so the AI won’t see them!!!! EHEHEEHE by Geistpolizei or Nope or whatever they want to be called.
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phgcomic · 6 years
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Someone kept drawing me highground fanart so I had to return their beautiful affections. I will post theirs next BUT SOME OF THEM ARE NAUGHTY EHEHEEHE DOWNT BAN ME LOL
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phgcomic · 6 years
Tumblr will probably just vaporize most of the content on this blog when the porn ban goes into effect.
They really did a number on my main account just flagging stuff that wasn’t porn, and this one is practically all porn by volume. I’ve saved all of the images, but I need to figure out some new kind of gallery system to host all of my work so it can be properly organized and autistically annotated. Twitter has no capacity for organization, neither does Newgrounds. And deviantart is totally gay, so I may have to just have a limited social media presence with proper comic archives on my own webspace. I was working with an ambitious programmer buddy before, to make my own special website/gallery/comic hosting thing but I need to see what he’s up to lately. Last I heard he was literally saving up to hire the labor of a sweatshop in China. A real card.
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phgcomic · 6 years
Boob biting is pretty badass wish it was a sport
The best part is that nobody would even care who wins.
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phgcomic · 6 years
That boob biting image was excellent.
Thanks pal. I always wodnered what non-nippular boob-biting was like, and then I remembered I can simulate things with my drawing skill! Also I want to see more of it.
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phgcomic · 6 years
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For all of us top tier anime enjoyers. (okay low-middle-tier shut up I get it)  Good buddy. Not to deny him credit for giving me the idea... but associating people with this blog is not exactly an act of kindness. Ahh well I can retroactively edit this if he wants the mention.
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phgcomic · 6 years
You can't make Kung Pow! Enter the Fist jokes without streaming it, it's the law.
OHHH.... I didn’t know that.Ya know me and Steve Oedekirk go waaay back. I hate exactly 50 percent of everything he says. The other 50 percent I am okay with. I hated exactly 50 percent of Kung Pow because he can’t pace his movies for shit, but his concepts are often very funny.But I remember liking 100 percent of this... It was from a special in the late nineties.
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phgcomic · 6 years
Here’s that thing I promised yesterday.
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For election day @redraider91 and I brainstormed a heated battle between my Princess and his Terry exhibitioning themselves for homecoming queen considerations. Princess may have the high breeding and and ambient sluttery to catch eyes, but Terry got the best election strategist ten dollars can buy. Oh and that is the Buckaroo Banzai suit Cassidy is wearing.
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phgcomic · 6 years
Stream that film if you're so great
shit I forgot what the context for this was
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phgcomic · 6 years
Listen, I'm sorry for coming by and calling you out. I thought I was going to get into a real fight with someone who had the same visceral hatred as I did but I see yours has long dissipated. I set my expectations far too high for you. Don't take offense it's just not who you are anymore. I'm from a different time when people would tear into each other new assholes. I was called everything under the sun in every combination possible. Now it's all buzzwords, memes, and passive aggressive bullshit
And he rode off into the sunset, boldly refusing to realize that how he surmised the world around him was incorrect, childish and immature.
 Maybe he thought he lived in an anime or something... maybe he was just crazy, but one thing was certain:He bored everyone around him. And he brought nothing new or interesting to the table, and everyone thought he was dumb. The End.
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phgcomic · 6 years
After reading your latest blog post as to why I'm such a miserable pile of shit I realized you let the truth slip. You aren't the edgelord I thought you were, no that was gone years ago. It's actually kind of sad seeing someone who used to be edgy try to get back into it. It's like watching an out of shape athlete come out of retirement and embarrass himself in front of millions. You sold out and now you are trying to use this little spat as means to prove you still got it. You don't.
Here I’m going to post this publicly so everyone can laugh at you for being a gay drama nerd.
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phgcomic · 6 years
You're slipping. The cool mod in my mind always indented paragraphs :(
I remember i used to go to wikipedia to write fake articles about made up 15th century english nobility, and my indenting habits would really mess with the formatting so I stopped self indenting because I got self conscious about it... maybe. Maybe that’s not why at all maybe I’m the manchurian candidate or an alien replacement and suddenly I’m left handed now.
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phgcomic · 6 years
Your credibility is shot when you not only reply to me but post it on your page so you can get your mindless followers to dogpile on me. Hell your dumbass followers don't even get it right. I don't waifu Azula I'm not a weeb and not batshit crazy. I know the white knights on your page will stroke your ego but will never tell you the truth because they only like you for your content. I don't care about being liked because I'm the reminder of reality that exists out of your stupid cartoon world.
I respond to practically everyone, even after I say I’m not going to. Have you not seen the last like... gazillion responses I’ve made to asks on this blog, all made today?You remind me of Wimp-Lo from that Kung Pow movie. “Haha as you can see I am bleeding, which clearly means I have won! Haha!”And don’t defend yourself from accusations of weebery or waifuing! That makes you look like an even stupider idiot! What are you, ten years old? This is basic internet argument protocol! Play that shit off legit, but this is good since Azula is my wife and I touch her boob all day and I don’t need to waste any time smacking away your greasy paws.BTW: You totally sound like this: “I’m not a fag I don’t suck juicy gay dicks not even one since breakfast, idiot!!!”And has any one of my dudes actually attempted to contact you? I don’t know man, that’s a dubious claim considering you’re a boring idiot who is stupid and dumb and not interesting... If they do I’m sorry, but now that I think of it you’re kind of fun to make fun of... heh this actually kinda nice. Not because of you, but because I decided to get inspired after so long without really ragging on anyone.Ya know, I used to do this all the time but then I figured most people had good reasons for hating me so I toned it down and tried being reasonable since I have the choice to be in control of my emotions and being wantonly cruel is kind of a karmic bummer, but then you show up and you’re just off the wall with some shit that sounds like a script from a fantasy story, so I mean it must have enkindled some of my ancient evil spirit. Ya know, I take back some of what I said about you, you’re not completely boring and stupid. I can’t respond again while I’m at work, but I’ll definitely get back to you tommorrow if you message me again with more stupid shit. It’ll be public again because this is funny but you don’t care about being liked so it’s not a big deal right?
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phgcomic · 6 years
no he doest get in the way he is watching her and is shy . embarassed but he sneaks a peak. she knows it but she likes him
I’m cutting you off if you’re gonna write a sexy fanfiction in my ask box... I have to go to work anyway so CATCH YOU GUYS LATER!!!!
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phgcomic · 6 years
You know, I think this is the most active I’ve seen this page in awhile.
It is because asks are easier to answer than comics are to draw HEH oh there is a princess themed picture scheduled for posting tommorrow that I was commissioned to draw by a good dude, but it has to be posted tommorrow because it is election themed.
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phgcomic · 6 years
that could be a good amerimanga story begining the hero stands up to the thugs and saves the girl and then she takes a long shower
And he stands in front of the shower curtain and blocks all the good bits and you respect him for it yeah man totally on the same page!
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