philosophster-blog · 6 years
I was an assistant for the Kardashians. Kendall broke the heel off one of her shoes and would face plant every time we got out of the car. I tried several times to remind her to switch shoes but she just kept forgetting. Kim was wearing an abstract outfit right before an interview and kept referring to it as “haaavant-garde”. She was furious when I tried to correct her pronunciation because I hadn’t gone to fashion school.
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philosophster-blog · 6 years
Get Marshall up on there! Straddle him!
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philosophster-blog · 6 years
Yo ladies we got a bishop’s son in here!
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philosophster-blog · 6 years
Laura you are kicked out of saddle club woman!
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philosophster-blog · 6 years
When I’m bloated I can’t floated
-A poem by Dennis
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philosophster-blog · 6 years
What a stump! Wow it’s a four seater!!
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philosophster-blog · 6 years
[myself] may yell at me but that doesn’t deter me!!
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philosophster-blog · 6 years
Myself: We can all go to sleep to the soothing noises of the toilet
Dennis: The peaceful waves of the tank
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philosophster-blog · 7 years
*kicking legs* This towel is not big enough for the both of these
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philosophster-blog · 7 years
Dennis: That says naughty words can you please turn that off?
Sophster: No, your parents say naughty words
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philosophster-blog · 7 years
Me: What’s the point of eating chocolate covered raisins if you only want the chocolate
Kaylee: The hidden healthy
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philosophster-blog · 7 years
Patience is a hi-chew
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philosophster-blog · 7 years
I wish I was adopted so I could do everything in life... like go to prison
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philosophster-blog · 7 years
Let a homie rap a little *record scratch noise*
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philosophster-blog · 7 years
And the cops were like why are you doing so many u turns? And I was like I am just a baseball player
-kid in health
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philosophster-blog · 7 years
Sophster doesn’t even whine she just hates her life and everyone in it
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philosophster-blog · 7 years
I can’t though because then god will be like oh yeah???
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