phsb2007 · 1 year
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pokeyman boards! watch the episode!
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phsb2007 · 1 year
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Alone again
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phsb2007 · 1 year
[EN] Unovans be like
[PT-BR] Prrtguês de Prrtgal
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[EN] Characters are from the nuzlocke "Lost Month" made by Leon Yorunaki. It's a nuzlocke originally in portuguese and currently being translated into english. You can read the english version here (Go read it!)
[PT] Personagens são da nuzlocke "Um Mês de Desespero" feita por Leon Yorunaki. A nuzlocke foi escrita em português e está completa. No momento, o autor está traduzindo pra inglês. O link dela em português é esse aqui (Vai lá ler!)
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phsb2007 · 1 year
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My socials / Minhas redes sociais : phsb2007.carrd.co
Bio PT-BR: [Um brasileiro tentando desenhar] 16 anos, falo português e inglês, meio que um refugiado do reddit, aprendendo a usar o tumblr
"#art" for my art / "#art" pra minha arte
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phsb2007 · 1 year
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[BR] HoloWin do meu novo banner - Eu troquei a cor da esclera e do olho pra ser os canônicos (Esclera preta), coloquei umas "veias" nas asas e deixei elas mais roxas... eu preciso ver como que faz efeito metálico
[EN] HoloWin from my banner - I re-switched the sclera's and eye's color to be of canon (Black sclera), I put on some "veins" on the wings and also made them "purpler"... I.. need to learn how to make metallic effects
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phsb2007 · 1 year
[BR] O Colecionador - Faz de Conta
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Vai, assistir, The Owl House / A Casa Coruja
No Disney+ ainda não dublaram tudo mas tem um grupo que botou legenda em tudo. Bem aqui ó
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phsb2007 · 1 year
[EN] The Collector - Play-Pretend (+Clean ver)
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Go, watch, The Owl House.
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phsb2007 · 1 year
[BR] O Obama tá no trem?? - Zero Escape
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Baseado nesse vídeo aqui (Tá em inglês) no minuto 2:39
Eu não achei que o desenho ficou tão bom, mas a vida é assim, tem vez que você acerta e tem vez que você erra
Vai jogar Zero Escape se você conseguir, infelizmente tem só em Inglês e Japonês (Se tiver alguma equipe traduzindo pra português me chama que eu adoraria ajudar)
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phsb2007 · 1 year
[EN] Obama's on the train?? - Zero Escape
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Based off of this video, at 2:39
Not super proud of this one, but I'm not hiding it because sometimes you hit it but sometimes you also miss. And those misses are important
Go play Zero Escape for the Drastic/Desmume Nintendo DS if you can
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phsb2007 · 1 year
Holographic Wings - Moves
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I got the inspiration from some videos like "Cuphead All bosses & ending" with the thumbnail being this layout with Devil in the middle and some bosses around. Then I had the idea of making this layout but with my Gliscor and his moves
Eu lembro de ver uns vídeos tipo "Cuphead 100% todos os bosses" e a thumb era assim, com o Devil no meio e outros bosses ao redor. Daí eu tive a ideia de fazer esse formato com o meu Gliscor e os movimentos dele
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phsb2007 · 1 year
Gliscor Paradox (pg2)
The top is moves related and the bottom is training poses
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"The holographic wings make the image of the eyes on Glare"
"If the wings are detached, it will free space for a mouth on the image"
"The holographic wing™ can transform into a protect"
"The sand tomb's swirl is thrown like a spinning top"
"Strategy: use Glare (paralysis), Protect, and Sand Tomb (trapping) to hinder the foe, then use Hyper Beam at long range. Dodge dodge 'n' attack"
(I was thinking more of anime mechanics, not game mechanics)
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phsb2007 · 1 year
Gliscor future paradox
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This is my take on a future paradox gliscor, which I decided to call Holographic Wings (screw the Iron this Iron that naming theme)
Tranlastion of the texts:
"Hologram device"
"The wing extends"
"He needs energy to keep it big"
"Holographic screen on wings can show battle informations"
"The pincers and feet [and tail segments] are detached"
"The wing is detachable"
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phsb2007 · 1 year
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• Σ • Φ • Σ • Φ • Σ •
Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere
Quando uma oportunidade passa, nem mesmo Júpiter consegue recuperá-la
Not even Jupiter can find a lost opportunity
• Σ • Φ • Σ • Φ • Σ •
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