pianocoat · 27 days
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You are evil
You have booped me beyond my words
You have booped my past and future -- my abuelita on the chair -- the geese in the lake.
Have you no mercy?
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pianocoat · 27 days
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pianocoat · 1 month
SASUHINA MONTH 2024 Prompts and Artist of the Year!!!
It's time!
Welcome to 2024! In June, we'll be hosting SHMonth2024! Thanks all for following along with us during our journey! Your patience and enthusiasm keeps us going, and we appreciate all of you!
As always, let's start with our Artist of the Year for 2024!
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Mods of the SasuHina Month Event work hard to not only keep up to date with the happenings of our little part of the fandom, but we also carefully consider all our beautiful SasuHina creators! This year's Artist of the Year is always creating beauty with their works, and we want to shine a light on that!
Everyone, please congratulate Pongalia for her hard work and for being this year's SasuHina Artist of the Year!
Our dear artist always brings awe to everyone who sees her art! As you can see above, she makes the most beautiful, capturing art! Her talent is inspiring, and she's known across the fandom for her beautiful shading!
Please visit her X/Twitter to show her some love! She deserves it for all her hard work and passion!!!!
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Now . . .
The time has come.
As a quick reminder, this years theme is Opposites Attract (very fitting for these two, if you ask us). SasuHina Month 2024 is happening in June, so (hopefully) you all will have some time to think and plan!
Thanks all for joining us!
We present to you: The Prompts of SHMonth2024!
Day 1
Beginnings & Ends | Inicios y Finales
New & Old | Nuevo y Viejo
Day 2
Silly & Serious | Bobo y Serio
Fail & Succeed | Fallo y Éxito
Day 3
Shy & Bold | Tímido y Audaz
Few & Many | Poco y Mucho
Day 4
Summer & Winter | Verano e Invierno
Humble & Proud | Humilde y Orgulloso
Day 5
Create & Destroy | Creación y Destrucción
Crying & Laughter | Llanto y Risas
Day 6
Friend & Enemy | Amigo y Enemigo
Empty & Full | Lleno y Vacío
Day 7
Pearl & Onyx | Perla y Ónix
Dawn & Dusk | Amanecer y Atardecer
Day 8
Hidden & Seen | Oculto y Visto
Loud & Quiet | Ruidoso y Callado
Day 9
Kind & Cruel | Amable y Cruel
Past & Future | Pasado y Futuro
Day 10
Angel & Demon | Inicios y Finales
Rain & Shine | Lluvia y Brillo
Day 11
Lost & Found | Perdido y Hallado
Color & Grayscale | Color y Escala de grises
Day 12
Cat & Dog | Perro y Gato
Tea & Coffee | Té y Café
Day 13
Glass & Stone | Vidrio y Piedra
Yin & Yang | Yin y Yang
Day 14
Early & Late | Temprano y Tarde
Far & Near | Lejano y Cerca
Day 15
Sweet & Bitter | Dulce y Amargo
Bright & Dim | Brillante y Opaco
Day 16
Apart & Together | Separados y Juntos
Deep & Shallow | Profundo y Poco profundo
Day 17
Smooth & Rough | Suave y Áspero
Admit & Deny | Admitir y Negar
Day 18
Freeze & Melt | Congelado y Derretido
Water & Fire | Agua y Fuego
Day 19
Love & Hate | Amor y Odio
Fast & Slow | Rápido y Lento
Day 20
Give & Take | Dar y Recibir
Adult & Child | Adulto y Niño
Day 21
Innocent & Guilty | Inocente y Culpable
Doubt & Trust | Dudar y Confiar
Day 22
War & Peace | Guerra y Paz
Yes & No | Sí y No
Day 23
Neat & Messy | Ordenado y Desordenado
Capture & Release | Capturar y Liberar
Day 24
Flowers & Weapons | Flores y Armas
Oblivious & Observant | Inadvertido y Observador
Day 25
Hot & Cold | Caliente y Frío
Rise & Fall | Ascenso y Caída
Day 26
Tall & Short | Alto y Bajo
Single & Married | Soltero y Casado
Day 27
Thoughtful & Selfish | Considerado y Egoísta
Forget & Remember | Olvidar y Recordar
Day 28
Magical & Ordinary | Mágico y Ordinario
Absence & Present | Ausente y Presente
Day 29
Attack & Protect | Atacar y Proteger
Always & Never | Siempre y Nunca
Day 30
Before & After | Antes y Después
Departure and Arrival | Partida y Llegada
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pianocoat · 4 months
Boldly! He Chased Her - Day 31 [END]
Last chapter woo!
No longer 2023 (oops), but I had a blast writing this fic, and I'm so glad people are liking it, too. There was fluff. There was angst. There was drama. But in the end, things worked out, and I can finally close this fic feeling proud of myself.
Thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoy the last chapter!!!
Chapter Rating: M
Summary: It’s been eight years since he left Konoha; nine months since he returned. Now Sasuke has to figure out what to do with his decade-long crush on Hinata. She’s everything he remembers her to be, but at the same time, she’s almost a stranger. Rather than push him away, however, Sasuke’s only more inclined to chase her.
Day: 31
Prompt: Will You Marry Me?
Favorite Part:
He tugs on his pants, escapes to the kitchen for a second, then comes back with a bottle of lemon water in hand. Hinata opens the packet carefully to avoid ruining the words, and then she pours the sugar into the bottle and swishes it around before drinking from it, enjoying the taste of her childhood.
Sasuke drinks from it as well, grimacing at the sweetness.
“That day I chased you out of the gate and yelled that I would be waiting for you — I drank the one you gave me back then, too.”
“Did you?”
“I could hardly talk. It was so sweet.”
She laughs and nudges him. “It’s not that sweet.”
Sasuke smiles, as if she missed something in his words, before leaning over to kiss her and taste his proposal on her lips.
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pianocoat · 4 months
Boldly! He Chased Her - Day 30
I'm sorry, but I just love writing Sai's POV. He's become a fav of mine since writing him in this story. And 'dish-washed' totally need to be a new emotion now!
I wanted to try a scene with Kurenai and Sasuke, which I don't think we see often in SH fics.
Hope you enjoy!
Chapter Rating: T
Summary: It’s been eight years since he left Konoha; nine months since he returned. Now Sasuke has to figure out what to do with his decade-long crush on Hinata. She’s everything he remembers her to be, but at the same time, she’s almost a stranger. Rather than push him away, however, Sasuke’s only more inclined to chase her.
Day: 30
Prompt: Sharing a Secret
Favorite Part:
Just as Sai begins on the outline, Sasuke says, “I almost got Hinata pregnant.”
Sai wonders what a normal expression for a pregnancy would be. Joy, probably. Maybe a little fear. Some might be dreadful. This expression is none of those things — or, maybe, all of those things mixed together.
“Congrats,” Sai offers.
Sasuke sighs. “No, Sai.”
Oh. “Good luck?”
“I said I almost got her pregnant.”
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pianocoat · 4 months
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Sorry, KJ, I just saw this xDDDD
Happy New Year to you and everyone!!!!
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(I like this gif so much because not only HanaKono but also Shino is there. We just need Kiba, and then the whole gang would be there!)
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pianocoat · 4 months
Boldly! He Chased Her - Day 29
First day moved in! Somehow, I feel like Sasuke wouldn't have much, so I figured it'd take less than an hour to get him situated into Hinata's place xD
It's also a bit of a spice fic. Writing spice is like easting nails XDD but like pleasant, tasty nails.
Two more chapters left!!! If I keep up this daily upload, last chapter will be on Christmas! :o
Chapter Rating: M
Summary: It’s been eight years since he left Konoha; nine months since he returned. Now Sasuke has to figure out what to do with his decade-long crush on Hinata. She’s everything he remembers her to be, but at the same time, she’s almost a stranger. Rather than push him away, however, Sasuke’s only more inclined to chase her.
Day: 29
Prompt: An Excuse to Pull You Close
Favorite Part:
Heart flittering, Hinata circles her arms around his neck, planting kiss after kiss on his chin. It gets in the way of his reading, but Sasuke doesn’t care.
“Welcome home, Sasuke,” she whispers.
His chin rests against her shoulder. The book is left forgotten on the comforter.
“I’m home.”
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pianocoat · 4 months
Boldly! He Chased Her - Day 27 & 28
This chapter is following the prompts for both Day 27 and 28 (seen below), so Day 29's prompt will be fore next chapter!
We get to see how this whole 'moving in' thing is going to work out. Huhu.
Chapter Rating: T
Summary: It’s been eight years since he left Konoha; nine months since he returned. Now Sasuke has to figure out what to do with his decade-long crush on Hinata. She’s everything he remembers her to be, but at the same time, she’s almost a stranger. Rather than push him away, however, Sasuke’s only more inclined to chase her.
Day: 27 / 28
Prompt: I've loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more. / Calling late at night
Favorite Part:
“I need to prove I can be responsible,” Sasuke decides.
Sai tilts his head. “You do?”
“I need to show her I’m not penniless.”
“You aren’t?”
Sasuke gives him another, very pointed look. “Sai.”
“Oh. This is where I comfort you.” In a manner that is rather forced, but at the same time heartfelt, Sai pats his back. “You’ve got this, buddy.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“You’ll be a millionaire before you know it.”
“That’s . . . going too far.”
“Well, the Hyuuga will definitely approve if you are,” Sai notes.
Sasuke frowns and shoves his blade under another splotch of paint, peeling it from the wood without consideration. “Not helping.”
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pianocoat · 4 months
Boldly! He Chased Her - Day 26
We're back in Konoha! Woo!
One of my favorite things to do (especially in this story) is to give the POV of other, regular villagers. You might see a few familiar names in this chapter pop up -- but don't worry! Hinata gets her fair share of the chapter, as well.
Chapter Rating: M
Summary: It’s been eight years since he left Konoha; nine months since he returned. Now Sasuke has to figure out what to do with his decade-long crush on Hinata. She’s everything he remembers her to be, but at the same time, she’s almost a stranger. Rather than push him away, however, Sasuke’s only more inclined to chase her.
Day: 26
Prompt: Finding the Middle Ground
Favorite Part:
So he goes back up, surprised to hear a light chatter come from his office.
“. . . so I’m still looking around for a good bakery,” the Uchiha finishes. As he was waiting, he dropped down to sit on the chair, and all the old ladies came around, their caution thrown into the wind. “I might have tracked one down by the library, so —”
“Oh, Kami, don’t go there.” Mrs. Iriko plants her hands on her bony hips, giving him a stern look. “Now listen to me. We have one here — just down the road, I tell you. Best bread in the world. Tell them that Mrs. Iriko sent you, and they’ll give you a good deal.”
“I’ll do just that.”
The Uchiha smiles (and Mr. Iriko means the good kind — not the frightful one with fangs and blood and stuff — but a good, warm smile), and Mrs. Iriko rests a hand on her chest, taken. Taken! With the traitor!
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pianocoat · 4 months
Boldly! He Chased Her - Day 25
Last Suna Arc chapter!
Now we get to follow Sasuke's search for Hinata. Obviously, he's not at all pleased with Zaiaku. We'll see what he decides to do.
Personally, I'm ready to wrap things up and get back to the fluff xD but Suna was fun to write, and I hope you all enjoyed!
Chapter Rating: T
Summary: It’s been eight years since he left Konoha; nine months since he returned. Now Sasuke has to figure out what to do with his decade-long crush on Hinata. She’s everything he remembers her to be, but at the same time, she’s almost a stranger. Rather than push him away, however, Sasuke’s only more inclined to chase her.
Day: 25
Prompt: I Trust You
Favorite Part:
“He also told me to believe everything I hear about you from now on. Especially the gossip around the tower.”
Everything set, he tightens the strings around his bag before hanging the straps over his shoulder.
“And what do you hear?”
If he had to guess, it would be things like ‘I can’t believe we let a traitor into our village!’ or ‘Did you hear how he threatened us? Scumbag!’
“Well,” Hinata hums, “that you’re a debatable public speaker.”
He holds the door open as they leave the room. “Debatable.”
“That you should never be considered for any Kage role.”
That, somehow, fills his chest with pride. “Maybe that’s true.”
They go through the grand entrance and step out into the desert heat. Far off, above roofs, they see the gate wide open, waiting for them. Hinata’s fingers curl around his hand, and she holds him in the way he wants to be held.
“And that . . . you love me very much,” she whispers.
And for a second, it all seems worth it. The future punishments. The earful he got from Temari and the one he will get from Lord Gai. The speech. The five days out in the desert, running on minimal sleep and food and water. The new wave of hatred and fear that will probably follow him for the next decade because Uchiha Sasuke dropped a burning corpse on the steps of Kazekage Tower.
In the end, it worked out — because Hinata knows, and will know, the most important thing.
Sasuke kisses her, tasting a bit of aloe on her mouth, and says, “Let’s go home.”
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pianocoat · 5 months
Boldly! He Chased Her - Day 24
9k chapter? I need to stop doing this to myself (and yall).
We finally find out where Hinata has gone off to, and what the final days of her and Gaara's relationship looks like. Plus: and old character from past chapters shows his head again!
We're almost through the Suna Arc! I think the next chapter (Sasuke's) will be the last. Then we're back in Suna! Woo!
Chapter Rating: M
Summary: It’s been eight years since he left Konoha; nine months since he returned. Now Sasuke has to figure out what to do with his decade-long crush on Hinata. She’s everything he remembers her to be, but at the same time, she’s almost a stranger. Rather than push him away, however, Sasuke’s only more inclined to chase her.
Day: 24
Prompt: Finding the Middle Ground
Favorite section:
Hinata puts her back to the stereotypical, stone wall and turns to her cellmate — because of course one cannot be in a cellar alone. They always have someone in there with them. In a day or two, the poor man is going to be dragged out screaming, and Hinata will never see him again. 
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pianocoat · 5 months
Horns and Binoculars
Did a bit of drawing. Bonus points if you figure out which fics they're based on!
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pianocoat · 5 months
Boldly! He Chased Her - Day 23
I'm back at it!
Sorry it's been a while. Graduate school sure sucks out a lot of time.
But we're approaching Fall break, so I'm getting back into updating this story.
This is a shorter chapter, but I think I'm tackling a good amount of emotions. Personally, I'm ready to get these two lovebirds back into Konoha -- but we have a chapter or two left to solve stuff in Suna first. Soon, Piano, soon.
Chapter Rating: T
Summary: It’s been eight years since he left Konoha; nine months since he returned. Now Sasuke has to figure out what to do with his decade-long crush on Hinata. She’s everything he remembers her to be, but at the same time, she’s almost a stranger. Rather than push him away, however, Sasuke’s only more inclined to chase her.
Day: 23
Prompt: Poetry Spoken By A Simple Man
Favorite Part:
And there’s a woman next to you, breathing her dreams into your single hand — and soon, she will come with you back to Konoha. But almost, for a second, that miracle child almost kept her here.
That scares Sasuke. Because he never would have seen her again if she stayed here. Because all that he would have of Hyuuga Hinata is that memory of a small girl who watched out for him, who gifted him lemon water and small packets of sugar with messages.
“What’s y-your name again?” he’d hear right as he’s about to drift off to sleep in his small closet-of-a-room in Kakashi’s home.
“I-It’s okay if you don’t have flower eyes,” would echo in his head when he’s on his way to gather money from Shikamaru after completing another tedious and boring D-Rank.
And, sometimes, he might hear a whispered “come back safely” when he’s scraping dried paint off of Sai’s patio.
If Hinata never came back — that is all he would have.
That’s it.
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pianocoat · 7 months
hi, come back the kids miss you ~ ♡
I-I have kids???
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pianocoat · 8 months
Beginnings and Ends - SasuHina Recs
It's the 21st! That means it's fic writer appreciation day!
In celebration, I'd like to share some SH recs, but in a fun way!!! I'll be posting the first and last line of the fic, along with name, author, and brief description as to why I'm rec-ing it!
Good work, writers!
p.s. - Most of the links will be to FFNet, but if you see purple text, that means it's posted on AO3 as well~ I'm just doing this to save a little time on my end, but I understand some prefer reading on AO3!
A Miracle by Eleanor Rigby 000
"A field trip!?" The class repeated. After that, several voices chirped, each of them commenting on how psyched they are for the class field trip.
"Forever," she assured
This is a angsty, passionate story of hurt, comfort, love, and meeting an old love. The story is Modern AU where Sasuke's a model and comes back to visit his childhood town, where he meets Hinata. Honestly, this is the first and only fic that has made me actively cry, and I cannot praise it enough! Please check it out!!!
Okaeri by The Penumbra
She felt his fist connect with her stomach and went crashing down to the ground, barely having time to register what was happening.
"Okaeri, Sasuke. Welcome home."
This is sort of a prequel to the author's other fic "Snapshots: Black and White", which is also a stellar fic. It's set in canonverse, where Sasuke and Hinata slowly develop a friendship/relationship. You'll get your fair amount of angst, but really, you can hardly avoid such things in SH fics xD.
Ichinen by Cinderella Starsend
Hyuuga Hinata stifled a yawn as she stepped out of the door and shut it behind her.
"And I love you."
I LOVE this fic! It's split into 12 chapters, each corresponding with a month. Hinata works at Ichiraku's in an attempt to get closer to Naruto, but she bonds with Sasuke more. I really enjoy fics set in the narutoverse that change things like this, mixing around dynamics so it's not always ninja stuff and war and training. It's a cute story, and the author's prose is beautiful!
Neji Hyuuga: Matchmaker by emilyjm
Hyuuga Neji prided himself on seeing things other people never noticed.
Mission: matchmaker must be completed within five years.. Good luck, Neji!
UGHHHHH! Where do I start????? It's set in narutoverse where Neji's not only alive, but in charge of matchmaking everyone in Konoha so that he can get Sasuke and Hinata together. It's incredible sweet and incredibly moving and incredibly moving, and I love SH fics with a heavy focus on Neji. Please read it, and please read Another Story (sequel) which is JUST as good!!!
When Will I Lose You by @elreinodelpurgatorio
Hinata, Lady of the Underworld, stands in her peach orchard and watches the Doom God and the Messenger God speak to each other.
One of these days, Sasuke, seated on a throne next to Hinata, is the one to look at a wretched soul and say: "Request denied."
This is a really fun HadesxPersephone AU where Hinata is Hades and Sasuke is Persephone! It's a short, magical read that is always a breath of fresh air! The author is really good at coming up with pretty sentences. Highly rec!
What's Mine To Give by WritingHyuHin
After the massacre of his clan, Sasuke had one goal in his life at that young age. Revenge.
The things I do for you... Only you.... Hinata.
This is a rewriting of The Last movie, but SasuHina style! I think it's very believable and a fun thing to read, since I've watched The Last quite a few times. Seeing things that should be Naruto but are instead replaced with Sasuke warm my little, shipper heart. Give this one a chance!
Nyctophilia by Sommernacht
For as long as he could remember, the night had offered him comfort.
"Indeed," he whispered against her skin. His fingers found their way under her fishnet top, making her shiver under the touch. "The most beautiful night."
Sommer hits it out of the park once again! This was their 2022 SHMonth one-shot in which Sasuke and Hinata secretly meet each other when 'borrowing' meds at night. They grow close and confide in one another, and I think it's a loving, deep connection that is impressive to make in just one chapter!
A Study of Mannerisms and Other Alterations by MissLe
Sasuke Uchiha, as it was well known, was in possession of some very, very gorgeous eyes.
She decided, however, that the regal Uchiha nose would always hold a special place in her heart.
Ahhhh, this is probably one of my all time favorite fics! It's fluffy, it's cute, it's funny! I absolutely adore it! This fic is set in a Modern AU, where Hinata is a waitress at a cafe and Sasuke, a member of the firefighter team that comes by almost daily, has a pretty obvious crush on her. These two dweebs are adorable, and I read this fic so much!!!
Uprooted by @kiljoius
Today, Hinata is 20.
“Maybe I can live with that.” Maybe she can, too, she thinks.
Arranged Marriage? Check. Fluff and Humor in a SH FIC of all things???? Check. Witty dialogue and amazing chemistry? Check check check! Without giving too many spoilers, this Modern AU fic follows Hinata and Sasuke, who plan to act 'over the top' in their arranged relationship in order to get out of it. Lets just say it doesn't work as planned for them huhu. This is a really fun fic, so if you're in the mood, give it a read!
This is what I've got for now, but please feel free to comment or reblog with your own favorite fics (either your own or others) with their first and last lines.
@kiljoius @elreinodelpurgatorio @daifukumochiin @catruru @fher43 @gardenatsuntime @lavendereyedassassin @cariata @naoko-ichigo @lavender-long-stories @p-crowds @queenfox352 @- You guys, too! Show off fics you like (or your own)!
Good work to all authors/writers out there! We love you!!!
Mod: PC
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pianocoat · 8 months
Write down August 21st on your calenders!!!
Take time to list out fics/authors you want to send love to. Doesn't matter if it's 1 or 100!
I'm looking forward to seeing all my authors friends/idols getting the appreciation they deserve <3
August 21st is Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day  💕
Let’s be honest - we all forget to leave a comment sometimes. We don’t always go out of our way to click the “come talk to me on tumblr” link on AO3 to scream about the fic in the author’s inbox. On August 21st I encourage you to take a moment and show fanfic writers that you appreciate them!
How can you do it?
leave a comment and kudos on every fic you finish reading. Doesn’t matter how short. Doesn’t matter if you’re just repeating what other people have already said. Just be kind! Keysmashing, Caps Lock, and live commenting appreciated! (Bonus points if you leave a comment on every chapter)
ideas for what to put in a comment: one | two | three | four
floaty review box for ao3 (super useful for commenting as you read + it has a ‘review tips’ button if you feel stuck)
reblog ficlets, drabbles, fics, fic rec posts, etc. Put a nice comment in the tags. Remember that likes, while appreciated, don’t give the writer any exposure, meaning the posts don’t reach more people
go to your local fanfic writer’s inbox and talk to them about their fic of your choice. Let them know how long ago you’ve read it and what story point/sentence/scene still makes you smile when you think about it
send thank you messages to fic writers. In a world where you have to pay for almost everything, they’re supplying you with countless hours of free entertainment. It can get quite lonely without getting messages acknowledging the hours they spend writing stories - let them know their time and effort is appreciated
make fic rec posts and @ the authors whose fics you’re recommending! (believe me, fic writers love to see their stories in these posts)
create something inspired by a fic! You can draw fanart, make a moodboard or aesthetic post, or even write a song for the fic you love. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro doesn’t matter - the thought alone is what counts more than anything <3
buy the writer a coffee if they have a ko-fi page and you have some change lying around c: Caffeine keeps most fic writers awake when they struggle with a particularly slow draft or a difficult scene. More coffee, more content.
These are only some ideas out of the sea of possible ways to appreciate fanfic writers. On August 21st show the writers in your fandom(s) some love <3
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pianocoat · 10 months
Boldly! He Chased Her - Day 16
I had to, guys. I had to be a little mean to Sasuke, I'm sorry.
Also, I had fun writing Razutshi. Little gremlin
Chapter Rating: M
Summary: It’s been eight years since he left Konoha; nine months since he returned. Now Sasuke has to figure out what to do with his decade-long crush on Hinata. She’s everything he remembers her to be, but at the same time, she’s almost a stranger. Rather than push him away, however, Sasuke’s only more inclined to chase her.
Day: 16
Prompt: I Missed You
Favorite Part:
His mouth lifts, bites her bottom lip, and then she finds her dazed, foggy gaze.
“I missed you.”
Oh, she can tell. “So did I.”
His palm slides down her jaw, capturing her chin. “I found your note.”
Hinata grins. “I was hoping you would.”
“Cheeky thing.” He kisses her again, long and deep, before rubbing his thumb over her red upper lip. “Next time, tell me with this.”
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