piccolojunior · 9 years
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I can’t think of any good dick jokes! Ah, what a wasted opportunity.
Give me a hand and help me swing… I mean! Swing this promo!
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piccolojunior · 9 years
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I can’t think of any good dick jokes! Ah, what a wasted opportunity.
Give me a hand and help me swing… I mean! Swing this promo!
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piccolojunior · 9 years
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piccolojunior · 9 years
toooooo tiiireed
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piccolojunior · 9 years
Study time.
Back in 7 hours.
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piccolojunior · 9 years
Send ♡ if you’d be interested in discussing a ship between our muses
                           /O/   (hug)   \O\
 Omg totally ahaha That can be so cute hahaha Cute little pies. 
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piccolojunior · 9 years
Arranged marriage AU starter sentences
“So you’re my future bride/groom? You’re not what I expected at all.”
“I know it doesn’t seem so, but I will take care of you.”
“Let’s get this straight, I’m only agreeing with this arrangement so my parents would shut up.”
“I…think I’m in love?”
“You don’t have to worry, I’m never going to touch you.”
“I look forward to getting to know you better.”
“Are you scared? Don’t be. ‘ll protect you from today onwards.”
“You are the reason why I can’t be happy.”
“I don’t want to marry you at all, the person I love is someone else.”
“We’ll make this work out.”
“Don’t run away from this, from me!”
“I can’t believe they’re making us get together.”
“It’s crazy, isn’t it? Two complete strangers who know nothing about each other being brought together like this.”
“The moment I saw you, I knew we were meant to be.”
“I know it’s already been arranged, but let me do this properly…Will you marry me?”
“All right, all right! If you’re so against it, then we can work together to sabotage our own wedding!”
“If I don’t win your heart in a month we can call off the wedding.”
“You are mine now. Don’t look at anyone else.”
“Don’t cry. I promise I will love you and protect you to the best of my ability, til death do we part.”
“I have loved the idea of you since before you were even born.”
“ have been eagerly awaiting the day I could finally meet you…and I am not disappointed. You are beautiful.”
“I don’t think this is going to work out. It’s a mistake to go through with this.”
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piccolojunior · 9 years
Send ♡ if you'd be interested in discussing a ship between our muses
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piccolojunior · 9 years
My muse has just taken a Truth Potion, send “Spill it” plus a question and they will answer.
My muse cannot give half truths, partial truths or bend the truth. They will have to spit out everything then and there!
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piccolojunior · 9 years
Basic Angst Starters
because sometimes what’s left to the imagination is much more terrifying.
“Are you feeling alright? You don’t look it.” “I just heard something… Something bad…” “Why didn’t you tell me about this?!” “What’s all this blood?!” “Will you tell me what the fuck is going on?” “Don’t give me that look! It wasn’t my fault!” “You should probably sit down for this.” “Please tell me you forgive me!” “I can’t live without you!” “Oh god, It was a mistake coming here… I’m sure of it.” “What the hell happened to you?!” “Where have you been?! I’ve been waiting for hours!” “You promised you wouldn’t do this anymore!” “I knew not to trust you!” “What’s that in your bag…? Is that–? Tell me it’s not!” “Is this what a dislocated shoulder feels like?!” “How could you do this to me?!” “Wake up! Wake up!!! You’re having a nightmare!” “I feel weird… what was in that drink…?” “I don’t want to leave you, but you’re not really giving me another option.” “Please… you’re scaring me…” “Ssh, I heard something again. How aren’t you hearing it? It was loud… and getting closer.” “Are you okay in there? You’ve been so quiet.” “I came as soon as I could! Did he/she get to you already?” “I don’t know whether I want to do this. I don’t know whether I CAN do this.” “Do you remember anything?” “You have to tell me who did this to you!” “No, no, I’m not alright. I’m definitely not alright.” “What’s your fucking problem?!” “Are you crying?” “You’re freaking me out! Please calm down!” “I’m leaving. And I’m not intending to come back.” “You… are dying?” “Did you drink the whole bottle while tripping? Seriously?” “Do you have a deathwish or something? Jesus!” “Ever been held at gunpoint? Want to know what it feels like?” “Stop screaming! Shh, calm down! You have to keep quiet!” “When’s the last time you slept?”.
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piccolojunior · 9 years
"So that's what I want, I want to be a fighter!" He said still smiling, tilting his head to the side "Dragonballs ... Dragon ..." Closing his eyes and thinking more "... I know that name from somewhere... I think... three... Seven, right? "
 Freeza crossed his arms. “I don’t see why not. I’ve run into some that have had… potential.” Yes, too bad the lot were a stubborn race. I could have used that one in the turban in my army. This child looks unnervingly familiar. 
 “Do you know what Dragonballs are?” he asks as an after thought.
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piccolojunior · 9 years
azuretyphoon started following you
“Ahh!! You’re so blue! And Tall and blue! ”
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piccolojunior · 9 years
s-aiyajin-blood started following you
“Puuufff!! What are you looking ?”
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piccolojunior · 9 years
I just think he was jealous.
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piccolojunior · 9 years
“Arcosian?”He asked blinking slightly and tilting his head to the side, analyzing.
"These Namekians you speak! They are warriors? I think my father was a warrior! I don’t remember ... So can I become a warrior? "
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 “No, child, I am not a human or of your race; I’m an Arcosian. I don’t know a whole lot about your kind but I can tell you you’re a Namekian. I’ve crossed paths with a lot of your kind. 
 I can’t help but think you remind me of one I came across a long time ago.” Freeza tapped his chin with an index finger in thought.
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piccolojunior · 9 years
“Food! ... I'm not small! You who are too big! "He just said, opening a backpack and finding a plastic cup, opening his mouth to eat it too, after all, was to be eaten, right? “Want some? Is that what you want?”
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isuckatbaseball started following you
“Uhnm!hnm…auhn!! Good Good!”
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piccolojunior · 9 years
“...uhnm...” He wasn’t that brave to start the battle, so he just kept standing and waiting “We...can..do it later... if..if you want.”
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“…Not really.” Its been a while since he done this but he can do it. 
Attempts to flip him over. Or was it it? He heard namekians don’t have genders and generally look male.
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