Martein sees the door and, after inspecting it, opens it cautiously. They stand ready for a fight should the person they're looking for appear, though they try their best to not look intimidating in case it's someone else.
[Similar to what happened a few days ago, there is now a brand new spruce door, perfectly 2x1 meters. It seems to call to anyone passing by it.]
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Martein collects the dream matter in purpose-built vials, before going back to study the doorway for anything helpful.
There's a door in the middle of one of the OSHA halls, and it looks noticeably different from the other doors. For some reason, it's also ringing like a phone? Maybe somebody should open it.
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Martein is already studying the doorway, looking for any lingering connection to draw an identification from.
"Then tell me where his turf is. I'll make my way over, see if he's a threat that needs stopping, and then stop him if he does. Whatever version of me is there probably needs a chat as well, at the very least."
There's a door in the middle of one of the OSHA halls, and it looks noticeably different from the other doors. For some reason, it's also ringing like a phone? Maybe somebody should open it.
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She goes over to the other Mike, pulling out and pocketing the knives before immediately dropping dead. Martein then walks in through a rift in reality, ripping pieces of cloth from her corpse's clothes to make bandages. Once he's bandaged up, she goes back to the door and opens it.
There's a door in the middle of one of the OSHA halls, and it looks noticeably different from the other doors. For some reason, it's also ringing like a phone? Maybe somebody should open it.
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The moment he turns away, Martein has her bow in hand and an arrow tipped with dream matter flying silently towards the back of his head.
There's a door in the middle of one of the OSHA halls, and it looks noticeably different from the other doors. For some reason, it's also ringing like a phone? Maybe somebody should open it.
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"It was worth a shot. Besides, I know knives don't kill either of you, so he'll be fine."
They take a deep, long look into his eyes, studying their every detail. From his end, it simply appears to be highly focused eye contact.
"The Martein you know is probably lacking in a number of areas, so I'm not surprised she's short the brainpower to use every advantage possible."
There's a door in the middle of one of the OSHA halls, and it looks noticeably different from the other doors. For some reason, it's also ringing like a phone? Maybe somebody should open it.
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Martein's face twists into a cruel, sly smile. Without warning, she yells out into the hallway, louder than human lungs should be able to manage.
"Hey, Mike! There's a version of you here that probably kills Jackies! Want to deal with them yourself? You could probably kill me at the same time to sweeten the deal!"
There's a door in the middle of one of the OSHA halls, and it looks noticeably different from the other doors. For some reason, it's also ringing like a phone? Maybe somebody should open it.
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"I see… Say, do you know someone by the name of Jackie?"
She stares at him, deadpan, mind completely blank, and intentions entirely unclear.
There's a door in the middle of one of the OSHA halls, and it looks noticeably different from the other doors. For some reason, it's also ringing like a phone? Maybe somebody should open it.
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"I see the other versions of me are a lot more open about their past. Their loss, I suppose."
She sighs deeply, already growing tired of this Mike.
"So, how does this usually go between you two? You stab each other until one of you has to come back from the dead?"
There's a door in the middle of one of the OSHA halls, and it looks noticeably different from the other doors. For some reason, it's also ringing like a phone? Maybe somebody should open it.
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"I started doing the bare minimum for my contracts a while ago, and the people here helped me figure out that I can just not take the first however many bounties I see. They didn't mean to, obviously. I'm pretty sure this whole timeline hates me and wishes I never arrived, but that just comes with the job."
She doesn't react to Mike's movements even a little.
There's a door in the middle of one of the OSHA halls, and it looks noticeably different from the other doors. For some reason, it's also ringing like a phone? Maybe somebody should open it.
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"Ah, that makes more sense. I don't think I ever meet you, so you must know an alternate version of me, which I didn't know existed. The Mike in this timeline isn't someone I'd ever kill. I've come to realise that I should be more selective with the jobs I take. I only kill people who have it coming now."
She takes a moment to pause and study him.
"If you knew me in my future, you'd also know that pointing a knife at me isn't even slightly threatening, at my vital organs or not. I assume that means the version of me you know can't just die without consequence."
There's a door in the middle of one of the OSHA halls, and it looks noticeably different from the other doors. For some reason, it's also ringing like a phone? Maybe somebody should open it.
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Martein's face almost immediately adopts the look of someone who didn't want to deal with anything like this today.
"The where isn't important, what matters is the when, and the current when happens to be from before I've met this version of you. I know you well enough to guess you understand what that means."
There's a door in the middle of one of the OSHA halls, and it looks noticeably different from the other doors. For some reason, it's also ringing like a phone? Maybe somebody should open it.
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"Well, what the fuck is this then?" Martein, having nothing better to do, walks through the door. She puts the knife she was playing with away, not knowing what's on the other side.
There's a door in the middle of one of the OSHA halls, and it looks noticeably different from the other doors. For some reason, it's also ringing like a phone? Maybe somebody should open it.
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Character List
Martein (She/They)
Rhegis Krazede (They/She)
Scrips (They/Them)
FenEx (They/He/It)
XH-13 (It/They)
Character Introductions
She/They pronouns
Age irrelevant due to an exit from causality
Technically human
1.72m tall (5'8")
Bounty Hunter
Favours bows and bladed weaponry
Functionally illiterate
Can die on command
Can freely walk out of her afterlife
Has a lot of power-granting contracts
Has even more contractual obligations
Has more knives than seems possible
Has a blood alcohol level high enough to poison vampires
Strange accent that sounds like a mix of Russian, Kiwi, and South African
Cursed like you wouldn't believe
Often leaves business cards lying around
Martein; She/They; Top rank bounty hunter; I've killed more people than you've met, and my prices can be high because of that. If you need me urgently, mark a [incomprehensible] on the nearest flat surface in blood, and I'll be there. Alternatively, draw blood with this card, and that works too. It'll take me longer to get to you, though. If you have any complaints, you can register them at [incomprehensible].
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Rhegis Krazede
They/She pronouns
315 years old
Shadar-Kai Elf
1.91cm tall (6'2")
Favours crossbows and shortswords
Devout Servant of the Raven Queen
Sounds vaguely like an Irish person who lives in New York
Can be hard to find when they want to be
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They/Them pronouns
At least 58 years old
1.70m tall (5'7")
General Mercenary
Summons whatever weapon is best for the job
Filled with immense power
Amnesiac missing the first chunk of their life
Voice like a very strong Boston accent overlaid on a distinctly posh British one
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They/He/It pronouns
7 years old
Fennec Fox hybrid/Lab experiment
1.43m tall (4'8")
Speed is a more potent weapon than you might expect
Also knows MMA
If it can be reached, FenEx will reach it
A glowing gem guides through the darkness
Heavy Québécois (French-Canadian) accent with hints of English-Canadian
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It/They pronouns
7 years old
Living Armour
1.85m tall (6'3")
Bounty Hunter
Laser pistol, scattergun, and dagger is all it needs
Has feelings deeper than most organics
Sounds like the echo of a screaming deep-south Texan redneck
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Reblog if your inbox is always open to:
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Anything and everything pertaining to your muse and how you depict them.
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[Martein turns back into herself and looks at a strange timepiece before putting it back into a pocket.]
Okay, I'm going there now. Probably multiple times at once knowing future me. I'd say see you around, but you're annoying and I'd rather not. Goodbye.
[She pulls something out of a pocket, cutting a hole in reality and stepping through before the cut closes and seals behind her.]
Martein is doing strange Martein things, when a woman-beast in a suit picks them up off of the ground from behind. "Banned from hemomancy. Make clean knives. Fire useful for cleaning knives."
What the fuck are you on about? How do you ban someone from doing something you can't actually stop them from doing? Who are you to tell me how I am or am not allowed to do this?
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Why does it matter? Rules for my safety stop being relevant when my safety is no longer a concern.
Martein is doing strange Martein things, when a woman-beast in a suit picks them up off of the ground from behind. "Banned from hemomancy. Make clean knives. Fire useful for cleaning knives."
What the fuck are you on about? How do you ban someone from doing something you can't actually stop them from doing? Who are you to tell me how I am or am not allowed to do this?
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