pickacardrcontinue · 3 years
... Like that has been said before, your confidence in terms of you not being penetrable over those insecurities that come from insides or outsides that for example people doubting at you won't take effect for you because once again you have put yourself high and with your efforts and dedication too, there's no other way for you to not get those dreams. Try to be as individual as you can so you won't have other people bothering your dreams or influence you by saying that you are unable to achieve your dreams. You are advised to stay strong in your own feet. Again this much depends on your own self belief on whether you are able to achieve this dream or not so as long as you truly trust yourself that you are able to get this dream, you are going to get that. With conviction and effort, those make the best combination for you to achieve your dreams. You are being advised here too that though you have to be confident and even almost arrogant like to achieve your dreams, make sure that you won't get yourself involved in conflicts or disputes that happen because you are way too ambitious that say you are legalizing whatever ways to achieve your dreams. No, be arrogant in the sense of you having self confidence but not embodying destructive arrogance that ruin your relationship with others especially family and friends or even to the point of you having new enemies or those who dislike you in the process of you achieving your dreams. Try to admit that though you need to stand high above others, it doesn't mean that you have to make it known to others by triggering their insecurities purposefully because you want to put them aside or even step down on them to the point of destruction. There's a beauty in knowing the wisdom that you can be high on yourself but also down enough to know that it won't be worth it to destroy any ongoing relationship that you have had with other people in your life.
... Be sure to keep your social life too as many as you can and appropriate for you so you won't be stressed by yourself or even isolated because indeed in times of us achieving our dreams, there are times when our emotions running high and low over whatever challenges that are thrown to us especially regarding to dream that we want the most. Be sure that both emotions and minds are under control so you won't back off from achieving your dreams since you think that it messes both emotional and mind state. Any goal has certain sacrifices to be made but mastery of mind and emotions are the key for you to be able to obtain those dreams without being in great turbulences that can bring bad effects for you. By that you will have the courage to achieve your dreams since both your mind and emotions are in line that it won't mess each other that makes you out of control. Your happiness in this in terms of you fulfilling your emotions by thinking what the beautiful outcome you can get from this dream will help you to overcome the obstacles that you face ahead and also will keep your mind in peace and clear state. So make sure that you always keep yourself happy that you will be avoided from such turbulences to your mind and emotions. Keeping a positive mind is a way to go for you to be able to maintain the balance and therefore be able to achieve your dreams. Don't let any obstacles stop you from achieving your dreams. If you are in doubt or a messed up situation that make you want to step back from your dream, calm yourself by getting your emotions and mind in order. Meditate is your answer to go. So that you come back again in peace and happiness that you can continue to achieve your dream. Yes it will not be all easy but you'll be able to get this. This will lead you to gain another skill which is self preservation in terms that you are not going to let your own emotions and mind become your enemy and obstacles for you to achieve your dream. So you make those things work for you not work against you. In future, you are going to be more equipped to maintain both emotions and mind in your favor which leads to your peace.
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pickacardrcontinue · 3 years
... It's possible that you become the face of the company so you'll be put front for important things. With this, you're going to secure your wealth that you have gained through work. Your stream flow of money will be good. In terms of social circle, you are going to have fun. People will appreciate you more, you are going to be invited to many events or parties. It could start from being asked to join projects where you are a leader or hold important positions or could be just you expanding your social circle, which means you get to know more people than before. Because you are achieving so much in your school or career, people will be pulled to you and that's why your social circle is expanding. People will put a lot of respect on you and you are going to be known. Here's a thing. You know that with all of those greatness, you are going to have many things that you didn't have before. You have a good school or career and social circles. Things seem perfect for you. The thing is things seem to be way too perfect for you. You're wondering if these too many good things happen to me, what's the bad thing then? What if after I'm doing so well at competition and then I join one competition and then things fall apart? That my academic record will be bad and my grades will fall? What if I befriend these people and it turns out they're snakes? They betray me behind the back? What if all that money I got will lose after I buy something that's way too expensive and not worth it? These worries and fears will be the reason why you are going to keep everything by yourself. If it's money then you're going to save all your money and not use it for a bit even for your own good. If it's people, you are going to pull yourself away from them, reject invitations to bond with them, and be more comfortable with yourself. All of those are caused by your fears of upcoming challenges due to your false approach or decision. The advice in here is that you need to release all those negativities and fears. Yes, things have good and bad. When you achieve many things, you are expected to keep up with that good work. When you see many people come to you, you are expected to be nice to them while also maintaining yourself in terms of who you are going to trust or not. It's so natural when it comes to everything in life. But you don't need to pull yourself away from everything to the point of making yourself suffer in your distrust and fears. Eventually those things will be the cause of your downfall or to the least, efficiency. All you need to do is select. If you want to join a competition, make sure it's something that you are gonna be able to handle along with your academics. If you want to buy something, make sure you really need those things not just for splurging. If you want to befriend those new acquaintances, make sure you already know them and rely on your intuition if these people can be trusted or not. All of these require you to do more investigation in case of people and more research in case of your school or career. With every reasonable amount of careful, you are going to find the middle path where you are successful but also nothing bad will cause your downfall or inefficiency
In case of love, someone will come for you to communicate thoroughly with you. This person is someone who has a bulky body and they're going to be protective to you. This person may have Aquarius and/or Aries placement. This person actually has been longing for you for a long time. They have been wishing to be with you. But they never really have chances. They have worked to get close to you, perhaps by texting you or trying to talk to you or even approach you by asking you about assignments or exams if you are still at school, work stuff if you are already working and else. But those attempts didn't work no matter how much they tried to get close to you. The opportunities just didn't come for them or they are unable to bring it further. They're waiting for that opportunity to talk to you closer to come to them. This is something they have been wishing for a long time along with many attempts they do. For you, the outcome of this connection with that person is this thing is fated. So when that person actually has opportunities to finally get to you to communicate thoroughly, what happens after that is fated. Which means that when you get close to them it's something that has already been divinely planned. Even if you are trying to pull away from this by saying I'm not ready for this for example, for some reasons, they're going to be back to you. You are asked here to trust this by leaping into faith. There's no need to be so worried. Whatever happens after this, you are asked to surrender and just see where things flow. You are really asked to have faith that things are going to work in your favor at the end in whatever forms regardless of what happens from this connection.
... So for example if you have a dream university and you want to go there, whether you are allowed to or not so you can get it depends on your mom's decision. If you want to get a job, in which field you apply so you can get a job also depends on your mom or other female figure in your life. At this point your benefactor on getting what you dream in regards to your school or career is your mom or other female family figure which could be your aunt, sister, or else. They know the best for you. This will be highly uncomfortable if you are not on good terms with them. Since you also are not accustomed to depending your decision on other people or have other people being the upper hand of the decision that should be decided by your own. But they know the best for you even from the beginning. It seems like their decision is quite not fitting with what you want. Do take their consideration and follow what they say even if you already have a plan by yourself. So if you are allowed to go to a dream university or job, that's good. But if you are not allowed to go to a university or apply for that job and instead are advised to go to another university or apply to another job, follow what they say. For example, you want to apply to this company. But your mom says, "I don't think this will be good for you, how about applying to another company?" You need to listen to her. Cuz if you insist on getting to that, you may end up in a toxic working environment or resign from that place. The same thing applies for university. If you insist, you can find that your peers are not fun or the school is boring so to speak.At this point, they know the best for you. This will teach you to surrender to a divine plan that maybe not all of the things are us who are in the hand of deciding. Sometimes, people know better than us even if we'd like to do that by ourselves.
In 5 years, there's going to be a new pivotal for you that will bring you abundance. This person expresses a childlike attitude in terms of them having pure attention most of the time although they can be naughty at some times. They're free spirited and will make you feel fun. This person has Sagittarius or Leo placement. But in this new connection, you are asked to be patient. There are two things that I want to highlight here. The first is that this person, although really childlike and fun, will force you to face your struggles and pain from the past which is why even if it seems like the new love is promising, there are times where you feel struggling because this person reminds you of something that you didn't get in the past. You also won't really believe that this person will truly be nice to you all the time. This is something that you need to face by yourself but eventually you will be able to make it. This is not going to be a super big struggle that makes you feel defeated. It's going to be overwhelming at times, but you'll be able to make it. Which is why patience to yourself is important. The second thing is that this person teaches you about how life can be taken in a fun way and how there are still new people that can bring you the other kind of happiness in which through their energy, you'll finally feel the fun. In some ways, this person is a healing energy although they don't necessarily intend to heal you. That's just how they are. But somehow through them, you learn that the world is still able to offer you happiness in a childlike manner. Which is why your final outcome is The Sun that represents joy. Yes you'll feel a certain type of joyfulness through this relationship. But you are asked here to release the past pain that you carry that makes you feel like you always have to struggle all the time. You're a fighter, but it doesn't mean you have to fight all the time. Sometimes you need to rest.
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