picolaser · 5 years
Laser Treatment for ACNE SCARS
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Everyone has a right to become beautiful or handsome. Acne scars should not be an obstacle for someone to become more attractive. Now, FOTONA StarWalker has introduced the laser treatment for acne scar. Laser treatment of acne scars brings big benefits for everyone!
It is painless. It does not ruthlessly strip off the top layer of the skin using a rapidly moving tool as it works by pulsing intense light layer by layer into the skin.
It is precisely. This kind of treatment allow for treating a targeted area on the face.
No surgery at all! Patient can treat their acne scars without leaving any new scar as it is non-invasive.
It is effective. Patient can experience dramatic change on their skin and get long-lasting results based on type of treatment.
Zero chance of getting risk from any dangerous reactions of chemicals on the skin. It is different from chemical peeling as it is chemical free.
Short recovery time. The skin gets back to normal without one week as there is no scars and cuts.
There is no risk of infection. Hardly any bleeding and no cutting help to reduce the chance of infection from laser treatment.
However, everyone should know that laser treatments might guaranteed results with minimal side-effects but they may not suit everybody. If the patient is having an eczema, psoriasis, or has sensitive skin, then he or she should not try laser treatment. This is why it is important to consult any expert cosmetic surgeon at FOTONA StarWalker before going in for any of these treatments.
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picolaser · 5 years
Learn about type of DEEP ACNE SCARS
Do you feel annoyed or embarrassed with your acne scars? It affect your daily life and you wish to get rid of it? No more worries about it! It is because FOTONA StarWalker are pleased to introduce the laser acne scar treatment now! In order to treat acne marks and scars, it's helpful to learn about the types of deep ache scars. 
Boxcar scars
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Boxcar scars are round or oval depressions with steep vertical sides. They tend to be broader and wider than ice pick scars and causing an uneven, pitted appearance on the skin. Edges of shape move straight bottom into the skin and often similar size as the original acne lesion that caused them. Mostly, these scars occur around the areas of the dace where the skin is thicker, for example jaw and lower cheeks. The deeper that inflammation from an acne lesion reaches into the skin the more likely it is to scar upon healing.
Ice Pick Scars
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Ice pick scars are narrower and deeper than many types of scars. They’re known by narrow pitted shapes in the skin. It is even worse as their V-shaped scars can go deep into the skin.  They can look like small oval or round, like a chickenpox scar. These shapes are usually more noticeable to the naked eye. They are mainly caused by severe acne, such as cysts and papules that occur deep in patient’s pores. These are the most difficult scars to treat because they can extend far under the surface of the skin.
Rolling Scars
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Rolling scars have smooth edges and look like tiny hills and valleys. They are also known as depressed acne scars. Rolling scars aren't sharply defined. The skin itself seemed uneven and craggy. When fibrous bands of tissue grows between the skin and the subcutaneous tissue below, it causes rolling scars. These bands pull the epidermis, binding it to deeper structures of the skin. It is this pulling of the epidermis from within that creates the rolling appearance of the skin.
Keloid scars
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Keloid scars are tough heaped-up scars that appear suddenly above the rest of the skin. They have smooth top and a purple or pink colour. Keloids are formed from collagen that the body produces after a wound has healed. These scars may appear anywhere on the body. They enlarge progressively with irregularly shaped. However, keloid scars cannot regress over time. They are less common in children and the elderly.  
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picolaser · 5 years
About Nevus of Ota
What is Nevus of Ota? It is the hyperpigmentation of an eye and its surrounding area as a result by excessive melanocytes in the tissues. It shows bluish or brownish pigment around the eye or whites of the eyes. Nevus of Ota is unilateral as it is usually involves only one side of the face. The hyperpigmentation of the skin around the eyes and on the face mostly present as blue-grey or brown in hue.
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Symptoms of Nevus of Ota.
This situation can happen at any of the following areas of the face:
whites of the eyes
eye’s surrounding area
side of the face
How can we diagnosis Nevus of Ota?
Patient who faces situation such as two different coloured irises (heterochromia iridis) are suspected to suffer from eyelid and episcleral pigmentation diagnostic of the Nevus of Ota.
The function of slit-lamp biomicroscopy is to differentiate episcleral and conjunctival pigmentation. Comparative examination of the iridis can help to determine coloration and surface characteristics.
Dilated ophthalmoscopy shows asymmetric “darker” pigmentation of the choroidal vascular layer beneath one retina.
Ophthalmic ultrasound imaging helps to show the thickening of the vascular uveal layer of the eye. Both posterior and anterior segment (UBM) imaging are included in the examinations.
Laser Treatment of Nevus of Ota
             However, there is no more worries for this diseases. Treatment such as laser treatment has been introduced to the public. It can be considered as the best way to treat Nevus of Ota. This treatment should be repeated more than once, with numerous way and applications. It is to kill the melanocytes that result in bluish hyperpigmentation and help people with Nevus of Ota to return their skin to its natural pigment.
Fotona will provide more information
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picolaser · 5 years
Unwanted Hair Removal
Can you imagine that one day you can have a hairless arms and legs? You would never have to worry about them being stubbly. You would never have to worry about having painful waxing experience for removing unwanted hair?
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For some women or even girls, they have had a bad experience with having coarse and unwanted hair. According to Génesis, a 24-year-old woman described her first memories of hair removal. “In fourth grade, a boy called me a werewolf when he saw my arm hairs and upper lip hairs … I cried to my mom about it … she bleached my lower legs, my arms, my back, my upper lip and part of my cheeks to diminish my growing sideburns. I remember it itched and burned.”
NOW, there is one effective hair removal treatment that works for everyone without getting pain ! It is knows as Laser Hair Removal.  This treatment works with each pulse of the laser beams highly concentrated light at the hair follicle to destroy it and can target multiple hair follicles at once without damaging the surrounding skin. The area where the treatment is taking place is numbed prior to the procedure to reduce pain. The laser is then held above the skin and the intensive rays of light are shone onto the specific area of skin.
This treatment can include areas such as:
There are some benefits using Laser Hair Removal:
Cost-effective. Laser Hair Removal can provide long-terms results of treatment. You can easily save your money and time on weekly or even daily products such as wax or cream.
Highly-accurate. Laser treatment is done by machine and it is efficient and precise. It can help to target areas with coarse, dark hairs and not damage surrounding skin.
Quick. The specialized lasers only take fractions of a second to treat multiple hairs at once. Large areas are treated quickly. Smaller areas are treated in just minutes.
Long-lasting results: This treatment can give you most permanent hair removal after a series of treatments scheduled approximately 6 weeks apart. Once the hair follicles are destroyed, they will not grow back.
Fotona provide more information. 
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picolaser · 5 years
Nail Fungus
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Nail infection, which also known as Onychomycosis, is a kind of disease that caused by fungus. As fungus prosper in warm and dark environment, your toenails are easier to be infected than your fingernails. Sometimes, your nails will turn out to meet situation such as crumbling edges. It is just some common situations that occur in infected nails. Men are more likely to get fungal infections than women. According to research, men are easier to get fungal infections than women. Older people or those who have a weak immune system or ongoing (chronic) health problems such as diabetes are also at higher risk.
Causes that will result in nail infection include:
Excessive sweating
Having a history of athlete's foot
Walking barefoot in moist communal areas such as such as locker and shower rooms, gyms and swimming pools
Having a minor skin or nail injury, such as psoriasis
Having diabetes or a weakened immune system
Being older, owing to reduced blood flow as experienced more years of exposure to fungi and slower growing nails
You may have nail fungus if one or more of your nails are:
Thickened and hard to trim
Whitish to yellow-brown discoloration
Crumbly, ragged or brittle
Nail starts to curl up or down
A dark colour that may cause by debris building up
Smelling slightly foul
Laser Treatment
Laser light imparts through the nail and the surrounding tissue
The laser light is absorbed by pigment in the fungus causing the pigment to heat
This heat damages or kills the fungal organism
Can result in nail to grow normally and slowly as it may take up to 12 months to see an entirely clear nail
 Fotona will provide more information 
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picolaser · 5 years
Pico laser
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Pico Laser is the quickest laser for most skin imperfections, including age, sun, melasma and acne scars. Pico technology is the fastest, safest and most efficient laser treatment that can be shown to selectively destroy discolorations of the skin and promote the production of elastine. Its extremely high specialisation, which helps to improve the velocity at which the laser shatters tattoo pigment parts, can achieve the optimum photomechanical impact. In the end, it helps to reduce the number of treatments necessary.
Pico Laser is a laser treatment without surgery and non-invasiveskin, which can focus on specific problem areas of the body and not only the face in several areas. The technology is revolutionary and provides ultra-short energy (but not heat) to the problem area. This creates an intense effect, which shatters the target skin pigment or particles easily disposed of by the body.
As Pico Laser produces intensive energy pulses, it is mild to the outer skin layer. The Pico does not burn off or slacken the outer layer of skin. Patients only feel mild to no discomfort during treatment. This is a fast, minimally uncomfortable procedure and with minimum downtimes. For the rest of the day your skin is red and the next day almost back to normal. 3-4 treatments are needed for approximately 3-4 weeks.
The collage of the pigment induces skin rejuvenation collagen production and acne scar improvement. In a minimum of four weeks, Pico laser treatments are done with follow-up treatments. The new gold standard for melasma and pigment treatment is pico laser. This can be the most effective pigment laser because much more energy can be delivered in a very short period of time where minimum damage to the skin is caused.
Safe and highly effective
Minimal discomfort or pain
Little or no side effects
Requires fewer treatments
Removes skin imperfections
No injury to surrounding skin
Is Pico Laser Skin Treatment Right for You?
Request a consultation with our consultant find out if Pico laser skin treatment is right for you and what outcome to expect. Please go to our website https://fotonastarwalker.com.my/
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picolaser · 5 years
Acne Scars
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Acne scars are usually caused by inflamed blemishes caused by excess oil, dead cells and bacteria in the skin pores. The pore swells and the follicle wall breaks. Shallow lesions tend to be minor and heal rapidly. But if there is a deep break in the wall of the pore, infected material can spill out into surrounding tissue, creating deeper lesions. The skin attempts to repair these lesions by forming new collagen fibers. These repairs usually aren't as smooth and flawless as the original skin.
Why treat acne scarring?
Physical, emotional and social reasons for treating acne scars include:
Improved appearance
Enhanced self-esteem
Promotion of better skin health
There are two main types of acne scars:
Hypertrophic or keloid scarring:
These scars are caused when the body produces too much collagen as acne wounds heal, resulting in a mass of raised tissue on the skin's surface.
Atrophic or depressed scarring:
These scars develop when there is a loss of tissue. There are two common types of atrophic scarring. "Icepick" scars are usually small, yet obvious holes in the skin. "Boxcar" scars are depressed areas, usually round or oval in shape with steeply angled sides, similar to chickenpox scars.
Do's and Don'ts
Keep out of the sun. Over- exposure to the sun can make the scars darker and appear more prominent.
Inflamed skin irritate. Overwash or scrub scarred areas can reduce the elasticity of the skin and increase the appearance of the scar.
Choose scars. Unwashed finger and nail bacteria increase the risk of additional cysts forming, leading to a larger scar.
Give up scars of acne. New techniques- some non- chirurgical- can improve the depth and appearance of acne scars dramatically.
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picolaser · 5 years
Tattoo Aftercare by Day
A tattoo is more than just an art piece and a way to assert your personal style. However, caring for your tattoo is significant as it can prevent the complications and ensure that it heals properly.
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Day 1
Wash the tattoo with warm water and a fragrance-free soap. 
Apply a petroleum ointment. 
Leave the bandage off so the tattoo can heal. 
Day 2 - 3
Wash your tattoo once or twice a day.
Apply a fragrance- and alcohol-free moisturizer. 
Days 4 - 6
Keep washing your tattoo once or twice a day. 
Apply moisturizer. 
Don’t pick at the scabs. 
Days 6 -14 
Don’t pull off the scabs.
Gently rub on a moisturizer several times a day.
Days 15 - 30
Keep moisturizing until the skin looks hydrated again. 
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picolaser · 5 years
What causes skin pigmentation problems?
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The key to the treatment of all these pigmentation types is the early intervention. If you leave it and leach melanin in the dermis, it is called dermal pigmentation. The deeper the pigment, the harder it can be treated. In order to deal with your pigmentation problems, this will help you to understand the causes.
1. Genetic Problems
Some of us come from freckles. The melanin clusters of our skin are clumped closely together instead of spreading evenly, causing these beautiful "angel kisses" on our skin. This type of skin is highly sensitive to UV light and prone to sunburn and skin cancers, so it is essential to protect the sun.
Some of us also have mole-prone skin – when dark pigment clumps tend to form. As we age, they usually grow up and have a hair that grows out of them. Most of them are benign, but you have to look at them if they change size, colour, shape or shape. A dermatologist's annual checkup is recommended.
2. Exposure to the sun
After exposure to the sun, we may get a sprinkling of freckles on our skin, but they fade in winter. This is the effort of the body to protect skin cells against UV damage.
Freckles can nevertheless become permanent and UV damage may not become visible until we grow older when they rise to the surface as " liver" or " age" spots on our hands, cleavage, face, etc . These can become darker and more permanent unless we take preventive and remedial action.
3. Caused by hormones
Melasma is the term used for excess pigmentation caused by hormones. It can be caused by hormonal fluctuations, so it is quite common when birth control hormones such as the "Pill" are taken; it can also occur during pregnancy when called a pregnancy mask, butterfly mask or chloasma; and it is common after menopause when your youth's sun damage becomes visible as spots of age.
4. Inflammation information
Post-Inflammatory pigmentation (PIH) may occur if your skin is chronically inflamed – it can be common in people who are struggling with dermatitis / eczema, acne, and Addison.
Some medication – including antibiotics for tetracycline, certain cancer drugs, etc. – may also cause hyperpigmentation. Do some research if you are prone to pigmentation.
Skin physical injury can also cure and leave dark marks. These include scratches, burns, squeezed pimples, even repeated friction.
5.  The opposite extreme
Sometimes we get the opposite of hyperpigmentation – hypopigmentation – in which skin patches have no melanin or decreased melanocytes completely. This can be caused by a variety of systemic disorders, such as vitiligo, due to prolonged chronic inflammation or damage to the skin.
Although these pigment changes are often irreversible and camouflage may be the simplest and most effective treatment, there are more and more options for medical treatment.
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picolaser · 6 years
Why is Melasma so Hard to Treat?
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Melasma afflicts primarily mid-color skin, whose genetic code makes their skin hypersensitive and hyperactive to any irritation. Accordingly, especially in the case of an un-stable melasma, even a treatment designed to remove overabundance melanin may really stimulate the already hypersensitive and overactive melanocytes including them to make much more melanin, making the melasma worse than previously.
This incorporates:
- Chemical peels
- IPL treatments
- Lasers
- Micro-needling
- Exfoliating skin creams
 Treat Melasma with Lasers
Specific lasers modulated are utilize in precise ways, to deliver energy that will change the molecular structure of the melanin however not vaporize or remove it. Truly, all the melanin that was there before the melasma treatment is still there after the treatment.
Besides, the melasma will really appear a little darker than before the treatment on the grounds that once the molecular structure of the melanin has been altered, it reflects light diversely at the surface of the skin.
By then the immune system is alerted to the presence of the modified melanin particles that now appear foreign and therefore the immune system gets busy dissolving away the altered melanin. Hence, there is no excess melanin being removed, your very own physiology is doing the work, similarly as it was designed to do.
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picolaser · 6 years
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Aside from keeping up a proper diet as well as exercise regularly, another option to beautify your body is undergo either invasive or non-invasive cosmetic procedures. Notwithstanding, before you put yourself and your well-deserved cash in the hands of an aesthetic clinic in Malaysia, here is a checklist of imperative things you should know:
1.      Ensure the aesthetic clinic is properly registered
Remember that any aesthetic procedure done at improbable places like homes (be it the therapists’ home or your own) and hotel rooms is illegal and entirely precluded. A valid aesthetic clinic is one registered with the Ministry of Health Malaysia. Along these lines, ensure that the clinic you intend to visit is recorded under Annual Practicing Certificates (APC). In addition, the APC for the clinic additionally should be noticeable to the public.
2.      Ensure your doctor is certified
There will be terrible consequences (truly) if the doctor you choose to perform your aesthetic surgery is either fake or an inadequate person. A qualified doctor must be both trained and certified with Letter of Privileging and Credentialing (LCP) accreditations from the Ministry of Health Malaysia.
3.      Never hesitate to get some information about the aesthetic products
After visiting at the aesthetic clinic in Malaysia, ensure the aesthetic products, for example, Botox and fillers are both genuine and original. Remember that these specific products are strictly supplied to a registered aesthetic clinic. In the event that you are having an uncertainty regarding the products, don't hesitate to ask your doctor. This is your rights to do as such and it is better to be as careful as possible.
4.      Always let your doctor know about your medicinal history
Before getting an aesthetic procedure, always inform your doctor about your medical history. It very well may be anything significant going from your past and current medications, contamination, allergic or scarring. This will enable your doctor to comprehend your condition better before any final decision is made.
5.      Ask for side effects
Any aesthetic surgery, in any case invasive or non-invasive, has its side effects. Thus, don't hesitate to ask your doctor what are the side effects in the event that you pick a certain procedure.
6.      Ask for a patch test
A patch test is where your skin is clinically tested to determine if you have an allergy cause or irritation. You can ask for your doctor to do a patch test before the aesthetic procedure, particularly if you definitely know you have a sensitive skin.
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picolaser · 6 years
Qualification for Laser Treatment for Age Spots
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Before setting out on the journey to use laser treatment for age spots, one should initially counsel with a dermatologist to see whether he or she is a qualified candidate for the procedure. As much as spots show up on everyone's skin because of age and sun exposure, removal of age spots on face with laser isn't generally the answer for everybody. So how would you know whether you are the perfect candidate? The accompanying guidelines should assist you with determining who is a qualified candidate and who isn't.
·        A qualified individual can have any of the accompanying conditions on his/her skin: lines, uneven pigmentation, acne that is immune to laser treatments, wrinkles and liver spots. Individuals with slight acne should look for mild solutions rather than ruin or damage to their skin.
·        The individual ought to have elastic, non-oily skin. Oily skin can result in the forming of blisters. The individual's skin ought to likewise be one that isn't prone to scarring after small wounds. Individuals with easily scarring skin could create crusts and discoloration if they experience the procedure. The blisters that develop after laser treatment of oily skin are normally quite painful and difficult to heal.
·        The individual must be free of any medical considerations. This is comprehensive of prescription medication, and previous or existing skin conditions, for example, eczema. This is to guarantee there are no complications with the healing process.
·        In opposition to what many people believe, the better candidate would be someone with lighter skin tones instead of dark ones. This because there is the risk of permanent discoloration on individuals that have darker skin tones.
·        A good candidate would be somebody with realistic expectations of the procedure; someone who will acknowledge the terms of the treatment and uphold realistic expectations.
Extraordinary compared to other things about laser removal of spots is that it can likewise be used to treat different types of blemishes on the skin, for example, wrinkling because of aging, blotchy skin, scars that give the skin uneven tones, spider lines, and acne.
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picolaser · 6 years
Legs Veins
Varicose and spider veins: Varicose veins are expanded veins that regularly twist and can swell over the surface of the skin. They might be blue, red, or flesh-colored. Spider veins regularly look like webs. 
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Having spider or varicose veins can influence more than your appearance. These veins can cause genuine distress. Some varicose veins put you in danger for a complication like a blood coagulation or open sore on your legs.
Insignificantly invasive treatment can dispose of or fade leg veins. Treatment can likewise reduce side effects like pain and fatigue plus prevent complications.
Why leg veins appeared?
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Varicose and spider veins are damaged veins. We develop them when tiny, one-path valves inside the veins weaken. In healthy veins, these valves push blood one way — back to our heart. At the point when these valves weaken, some blood flows in reverse and accumulates in the vein. Extra blood in the vein puts pressure on the walls of the vein.
With continual pressure, the vein walls weaken and swell. In time, we see a varicose or spider vein.
A few people have a higher risk of developing these veins. If blood relatives have them, you have a higher risk. Numerous individuals get them since they sit or stand for long periods most days of the week. These veins likewise turn out to be more common with age and during pregnancy.
Spider veins can likewise be caused by daylight, hormonal changes, or injury.
Vein removal with laser treatments.
Dermatologists use lasers to treat spider veins and small varicose veins. During laser treatment, your dermatologist directs the laser light at the vein. Laser light can pulverize the vein without damaging your skin.
Small spider veins may disappear promptly after treatment. Larger spider veins and varicose veins will darken, and you'll likely observe them for 1 to 3 months before they disappear. To get complete clearing, you may require at least 3 treatments.
Most patients can return to work and many of them can get to their normal exercises the following day. After every treatment, some patients need to wear compression stockings for a short time.
Every patient need to protect the treated area from the sun for 3 to 4 weeks. This keeps dark spots from developing. Protecting your skin from the sun year round helps to prevent new spider veins and skin cancer. The results you will see depend generally on the individual performing the leg vein treatment.
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picolaser · 6 years
Laser Tattoo Removal
Laser treatments have been used widely for tattoo removal in recent years. Laser tattoo removal techniques can get rid of your undesirable tattoo with negligible reactions.
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Lasers remove tattoos by breaking up the pigment colors with a high-intensity light beam. Dark tattoo pigment retains all laser wavelengths, making it the most effortless color to treat. Different colors must be dealt with by chosen lasers based upon the pigment color.
You should initially plan a consultation with a trained professional who can assess your tattoo and advise you on the procedure. The quantity of medications or treatments you will need will rely upon the age, size, and color(s) of your tattoo. The color of your skin, and in addition how profound the tattoo pigment goes, will likewise influence the removal technique.
All in all, this is the thing that you ought to expect during a laser tattoo removal session:
1. You'll be given a pair of protective eye shields.
2. The expert will test your skin's reaction to the laser to decide the best vitality for treatment.
3. The expert uses the laser to pass pulses of intense light through the top layers of your skin that will be absorbed by the tattoo pigment as it were.
Smaller tattoos will require less pulses while bigger ones will require more to remove them. In either case, to totally dispose of a tattoo, it will take a few medications or treatments. After each visit, your tattoo ought to wind up dynamically lighter.
Laser tattoo removal is uncomfortable, yet most patients needn't bother with anesthesia. Contingent upon the area of your tattoo, you might need to apply a topical anesthesia cream beforehand.
Quickly following the treatment, utilize an ice pack to mitigate the treated area. What's more, apply an antibiotic cream or ointment and bandage to protect it. You ought to be sure it’s covered with sunblock when you're outside.
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picolaser · 6 years
Remove Scar Using Laser Treatment
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Laser treatment for scars reduces the appearance of scars. It uses focused light therapy to either remove the outer layer of the skin’s surface or stimulate the production of new skin cells to cover damaged skin cells. 
Laser treatment for scars can reduce the appearance of warts, skin wrinkles, age spots, scars, and keloids. It doesn’t completely remove a scar.
Laser scar treatments don’t make a scar disappear. Instead, they’re designed to make a scar appear less noticeable.
The body begins the process of repairing a wound after a skin injury. A scab develops over the injury to protect it from germs, then eventually falls off. Sometimes, the skin underneath a scab is the same color as the rest of the body. However, depending on the depth of the injury, a scar often remains after a scab falls off.
These scars may fade or become lighter with time. When a scar becomes permanent, laser treatments can be used to remove the outer layer of the damaged skin’s surface. They basically smooth the skin to improve tone and appearance.
These lasers are also used to target blood vessels in the scar tissue and reduce redness. They can also penetrate the skin’s surface to stimulate the production of new skin cells.
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picolaser · 6 years
What is Pigmentation?
Dark spots, age spots, sun spots
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You might not have profound grimace lines or crow's feet, but rather on the off chance that you have an inclination that you're ageing, odds are it's gratitude to uneven skin tone. Presently, we're not talking a sweet sprinkling of spots, but rather greater, uneven dark colored patches on the face as well as hands, décolletage and shoulder areas. It's these ageing dim spots of trouble that is known as pigmentation, caused by sun exposure and particularly the UVA beams which enter profound into your skin and cause ageing.
Skincare industry legend Dr Nick Lowe clarifies: "UVA stimulates your pigment cells called Melanocytes to fabricate the pigment called Melanin. This is in charge of your tan and furthermore your undesirable dull patches". These sun spots may take up to 10-20 years to grow, so on the off chance that you see some demonstrating now it could have been caused when you were a child.
Dr Solish, the Cosmetic Dermatologist for Indeed Laboratories, clarified that triggers of pigmentation in young ladies likewise incorporate the prophylactic pill and pregnancy which change hormone levels. This combined with sun exposure can result in sketchy dull spots, frequently on the upper lip and brow.
Until ongoing years one of the main approaches to truly treat pigmentation was with lasers, which are a decent alternative for a few. Laser technologies becoming globally recognized to break pigments into ultrafine particles that are easily eliminated. Our body will respond by moving fluid to the area to help flush away the particles.
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