pietersetm · 4 years
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bill skarsgĂ„rd & penelope mitchell ‒ hemlock grove. 1x01 (2013)
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pietersetm · 4 years
     DEFT FINGERS PRY THE STICK softly from his, not an ounce left of the previously aired threat as small steps bring her almost pressed up against him. “ i was only teasing, silas, ” georgina whispers the confession, feigning embarrassment as if he were a true exception from all the rage and chaos she would love to unleash. an empty hand moves to brush a few strands of hair away from his eyes before moving to rest on the back of his neck, forcing him to crane a little lower to meet her eyes as her fingers gently toy with his hair. “ if i did that — ” the prelude comes sickeningly sweet as her other arm snakes its way around his hips. georgina practically locks them in an embrace, hazel eyes falling shut as a lazy smile creeps onto her lips. “ who else would i be left to dance with ? ” the question lingers, and the brunette slowly puts the cigarette out on the waistband of his jeans, a few calculated centimetres higher than the fabric so the barest of skin could feel the heat press firmly in, faintly burning him as she holds silas close.
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      the brunette's disposition is   CONFUSING   and suggestive and flirtatious and he's narrowing his eyes.   he should have known better than to think georgina would just throw the cigarette in the trash or smoke it herself.   no,   instead he feels the cigarette against bare skin.   it makes him grimace.   he can see the 5-10 millimeter oval shaped scar that will be left on his skin.   he sees it in the darkness behind his eyelids when he closes them to get rid of the sight of her.   he doesn’t step away.   doesn’t allow his reaction to show his rage and disappointment.   he doesn’t show how   MAD   he is,   but he feels rage in his chest.   a still face asks,   “what the fuck is wrong with you?”   a deep breath sucks in-between pouty lips.   “you have no right to touch my body or anyone else’s for that matter.   i don’t give two shits who your family is,   princess.   ---”   he shakes his head.   “stay the hell away from me,”   and turns on his heel away from the brunette and back through the door in which he came.
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pietersetm · 4 years
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THE SILENCE IS AWKWARD even for mattie as she places her fingers atop of the book and pulls it into her space. “hmm, sorta. yeah.” nose crinkles slightly, brows raising as if holding back her tongue. “what brings you to the library then since you don’t read?”
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      he traces the library desk with his index finger idly.   “oh,   y’know,”   he starts with his ill-timed,   incredibly   DRY   humor.   “pickin’ up girls.”
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pietersetm · 4 years
     THERE IS A PLACE FOR EVERYONE at gallagher’s, and while georgina stands firm in believing hers is anywhere else but in it  ( suitcases barely unpacked and bed barely looking slept in ) the gym was as close as it could get for her. a familiar routine easily settles in : hours in a day spent throwing punches, shuffling feet faster and faster, kicking them higher and harder each time. georgina stops mid-combo, leg slowed to an abrupt stop with perfect control at the sign of someone invading her space. “ if hit you, pieterse, i can’t promise i’ll be able to stop, so unless you’re not thoroughly opposed to dying, i suggest you get the fuck out of my way. ” @pietersetm​
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      the boy blows smoke knowing full well it’s not allowed in there,   knowing full well that her lungs are   PRISTINE   just by looking at the way she wears commitment like a crown.   “kill me then,”   he says lazily,   the words drawling from his lips slower than the smoke rises.   “whatd’ya say,   georgina gallagher?   put me outta my misery.”
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pietersetm · 4 years
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“ listen–  i’m  more  than  willing  to  help  you  practice , love . all  you  had  to  do  was  ask  nicely . ”  she  teases  the  other . 
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   “you been practicin’ that line in the mirror at night,  sweetheart?”   he leans closer,   cryptic smile in place.   “i don’t need help.   not even yours,”   he says,   tapping her nose with his finger like she’s a small child trying to insert herself into someone else’s business.
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pietersetm · 4 years
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SOMETIMES SHE WISHED HER LIFE was like an agatha christie novel. she wished her life was filled with such intrigue and allure, it would never once be boring. above all else, she wished her life held the promised spark of relief that accompanied the expositions of a mystery resolved. the ending of the pale horse left her feeling.. bitter, to say the least. namely because she wished she could figure out who the catalyst of her best friend’s death ( and her own hearing loss ) was. perhaps that was a weight she was going to carry with her for the rest of her life, the black hole of the unknown. the guilt of the assist. the sadness of it all. tossing the book onto the library table with childlike capriciousness, the girl startled quickly once she noticed it had crossed over onto someone else’s study space. “shoot, i’m sorry.” mattie mumbled, tentatively offering the student a smile, though her eyes were mostly focused on their papers hoping nothing folded out of place. “the ending was just.. really really good and—” a pause. slow down. there are bigger things to worry about than an out of place crinkle. “good book. big rec.”
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       he clears his throat, makes it known that her mumbles are breaking up the silence.   “do i look like the type to read?”   he asks, book open and in hand on the table in front of him.
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pietersetm · 4 years
not to be dramatic (except it’s jas, so yeah) but she has quite literally never been more tired and emotional drained in her entire life and that’s saying something for a girl who normally wildly oscillates between emotions. she hasn’t even begun to think about how to talk to the witness protection kids, if they’ll even want to talk to her, and she’s pretty much been camped out in the infirmary for the past two days. even with mari bringing her tea periodically, she’s craving something sweet for the stress so she’d hurried to her dorm for the vegan lemon blueberry swirl cheesecake squares she’d baked as a kind of thank you for the picnic louis had planned before he got, you know, STABBED. it’d be fair to say her mind is elsewhere as she makes her way back to the infirmary, resulting in her walking straight into a table corner and dropping her closed container on the floor. “oh
my god,” she says, her voice cracking. “they’re going to look so ugly now!” she didn’t even bother kneeling to pick up the container before bursting into tears. / @gallagherstart​
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      he doesn’t have the words for this one. he can tell just by looking at her. the glossy lips, the hair... extensions? he’s not sure, but he can tell that she’s not a girl he knows how to talk to. wants to talk to? uncertain. probably. regardless, he scratches his head, contemplating what to say, how to console her, like he’s the kind of guy that does that. a shrug of his shoulders. “i’d still eat ‘em.”
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pietersetm · 4 years
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Lizzie McGuire, You’re a Good Man, Lizzie McGuire (S02E16)
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pietersetm · 4 years
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pietersetm · 4 years
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Thin White Lines // Five Seconds of Summer
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pietersetm · 4 years
“No, that’s okay, you don’t have to.” She let out an awkward laugh, unsure on how to react or respond. What she did do was take a seat next to him on the stairs. “If you don’t mind me asking, how did you even get to that topic? It wasn’t like a random text from a friend, right?”
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       a slow nod of his head. presses the lock button of his phone. looks over to her. “huh --- it is bold of you to assume i have friends.”
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pietersetm · 4 years
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maeve froze for a second, rethinking what she had said, replaying the words in her head a couple of times before realizing what she had said. both her hands slammed on the table, eyes widened at silas. “ THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT ! ” she gasped. “ you— i— no ! ” her cheeks burn a bright shade of crimson as she stuttered, utterly failing to defend herself.
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      a hand to the back of his head, combing it innocently as he eyes her, waiting, anticipating, silence beckoning. “oh, no?” he eventually asks with an innocent he can only fake momentarily before asking devilishly: “what did you mean, then?”
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pietersetm · 4 years
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she rolls her eyes at him, but there’s a smirk. she’s used to his antics at this point, it’s been years and years of it. he’s more like an older brother than just some friend barging into her room. “i’m too lazy to change, so,” she retorts, leaning back against her pillows, as she peers at him across the room. “yeah, it better be the fuckin’ zombie apocalypse or something,” she says. she barely sleeps as it is, so what little time she gets, she takes. when it comes to her attention that he’s gotten his dates mixed up, she pinches the bridge of her nose, and lets out a sigh. a tad dramatic, but whatever. “yeah, it’s next week,” she tells him. “you gotta phone, dude, put it in your calendar.” she takes her hair out of the messy bun that she often wears when sleeping, and shakes it out, her hair resembling a lion’s mane more than anything. “well, you’re here now, and i’m awake, so– how’s it going?”
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      a huff of air makes silas’ shoulders rise and then fall in an unintentional shrug, one accurate enough an answer as an intentional one. he’s pushing his hair back with his hands, first one, then the other, in a slow motion windmill type motion. “right,” he says, no apology for the mishap, though taking a mental note to do better by her next time. the question of how things are going feels... large. and he’s without an answer, so instead he counters it. “you like it here, pudge? you... sick of it yet? ready to pack up and go fill stella’s shoes yet?”
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pietersetm · 4 years
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   As she approached the stairs, Lohri places her phone in her pocket because it was not safe to go upstairs without paying attention to the steps, it was a fact. The boy’s possible question made her think, with her head lowered, she looks back up with a frown. She wanted to be able to say she didn’t know what he was talking about but her habit of helping people stopped her from straying from the question and following her way. “Why aren’t you just kind and say yes, it is a super power if that was good, I suppose.” She speaks softly despite clear criticism. “Unless you’re too troubled and anxious to make a point.”
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      “seems a little juvenile to LIE and call it kindness. a face like yours prob’ly gets away with it, too. hell, i bet you even sleep at night. sound. like a baby in a cradle, convincin’ yourself it’s all in the interest of making people FEEL GOOD, that they’re white lies, nothin’ more, but that’s fuckin’ twisted and i’d rather be a fuckin’ asshole for tellin’ the truth than be canonized a saint ‘cause i’m a fuckin’ good liar.”
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pietersetm · 4 years
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           her smiles stay thin but it’s her EYES that show the most amusement, leaning in a little closer at his small touch.   “ you don’t need to say it, “   she murmurs quietly, moving her hand to his chin so she could pull it down to face her better, letting their eyes meet.   “ i can see it in your eyes, csontváz. “ 
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      “they say anything else?” he peers closer like a game of hide and go seek with her orbs. “yours... say you’re not who you appear to be. that there is more to you than...” a slight smirk on an otherwise deadpan expression. “meets the eye.”
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pietersetm · 4 years
“Ha. In your dreams,” she replied. She was just playing along, having fun, and in her mind doing a little F&S homework but it did amuse her slightly to know that if her Russian even knew what was going on here he would rush over and possibly break Silas’ nose. “What about you?” she asked, turning it back on him. He couldn’t comment on others skills if he didn’t comment on his own. “How have your reviews been?” 
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      “seems like a waste of a dream to me. ’specially considering porn hub exists,” silas says. “and i don’t like to brag, red, but help yourself to my yelp reviews,” he tells her. “five stars,” he adds like it’s a spoiler alert. and then he runs a hand through his hair like the short exchange is exhausting, or maybe like he’s disappointed in her, or in humanity as a whole, and the latter half is true. “now elise, i ain’t the boyfriend type so i could be wrong, but isn’t telling a guy about your head game and asking them what it’s like when they go down on a girl... crossing a line? unfaithful? disloyal? sketchy? some shit like that?”
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pietersetm · 4 years
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“ what the hell, man– ” scott lets out an incredulous chuckle, shaking his head at silas. they’re clearly on different planets. “ i’m a give ‘n take kinda guy. sometimes you gotta give a bit more, sometimes you can take a bit more. ” he scoffs lightly, amused. “ maybe she just didn’t want to give it to you. ”
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      “i give plenty. be sure to think about that when your li’l sock puppets givin’ you head later,” silas says with a scoff. “if it’s not consensual, it’s not sex, it’s something else. so don’t go sluggin’ those words around like it’s nothing, a’ight? these hands mighta done some shit i fuckin’ regret, but that? not that, man. that’s a different kinda evil, man.”
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