pigeonstardrop · 18 days
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"We make it out of this hell together"
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pigeonstardrop · 3 months
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Happy pride month
I couldn't find a png of Warly so it's just his crockpot. His crockpot is aroace.
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pigeonstardrop · 4 months
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Anyone else subscribing to my "red guy is literally just a human man inside a costume" theory??
Redraw of an old comic I made a year or two ago!! I binged all the episodes again and I couldn't help but to take another stab at it <3
I've always held the personal headcanon that Red is a human in a costume. I mean, he literally is a guy in a costume meta-wise, but it also fits with how he's desperate to find a family (both in the web series and the show), despite never fitting in with the other red guys. He has a higher level of awareness (although Yellow does take the spotlight in the show, maybe Duck will be next?), and he simply doesn't fit in with the "childrens show" aesthetic in terms of his reactions to the world around him. It seems like he's constantly acting, while Duck and Yellow both seem genuine in their responses, especially in episode 5 where Red starts to break down trying to escape and desperately sings a song hoping it'll continue the plot.
Plus him shivering at the end of episode 5! A tiny detail but I really like it.
Anyway enough of me rambling, here's the old comic!!
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Let me know what you think!! I love this show and this is the first time I've been able to really engage in the fandom!!
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pigeonstardrop · 4 months
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and he looks like a smart boy too
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pigeonstardrop · 4 months
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Sitting in the living room, cooking a meal, having my belongings on display...
One day I will have the life I desire.
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pigeonstardrop · 4 months
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The Mullner's house
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pigeonstardrop · 4 months
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More art under the cut!
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Prompt by: @miu-senpaii
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pigeonstardrop · 4 months
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hes very funny to me
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pigeonstardrop · 4 months
Bachelors (sdv) x gn!reader
Bachelors and self-harm comfort
TW mentions of Self Harm and suicidal ideation.
If you struggle with either of these, I strongly encourage you to reach out to someone and get help. You are not alone.
These are not super graphic, but definitely more graphic than my other fics if you have read those. So please read with caution.
These are all assuming you are in an established relationship.
• This was a long standing issue for you. You knew Sam would find out eventually one way or another, so you made it a point to tell him rather then him accidentally finding out.
• But when you did tell him, it was pure panic.
• He doesn't know how to help you, he didn't know how he never noticed! Does he tell anyone? Does he call anyone? Why didn't you tell him until now??
• Once he gathers himself a little bit, he asks for more details.
• He knows that you need him, and not to make it about him by breaking down.
• He starts keeping an extra eye out for if you are acting any different, or if he sees any warning signs.
• He tries really hard to be there for you, and knows he won't be perfect.
• Makes a trip to Harvey's to ask how to help 'someone' who struggles with sh and suicidal ideation.
• Harvey suggested that Sam brings that 'someone' to the clinic with him to have a little chat.
• You and Sam head down one day and you all make a plan on what to do when things get really bad.
• Mostly involves extra support, and you getting into a therapist on a semi-regular basis.
• Sebastian I think would be the most aware of the signs besides Harvey?
• So when he sees you avoiding him a bit, or not letting him touch you when normally you're all over him, he knows something is wrong.
• "Babe, whats up?" He gentle grabs your arm. "What's wrong? You've been acting different for a while now. Are you okay?"
• He isn't accusatory or anything when you tell him. He just pulls you into a tight hug.
• He just wants to be there for you. Self Harm is a really difficult topic, both to experience, and to witness. He tries to get to the cause of why you do it, but you honestly don't even know.
• You know you shouldn't, but sometimes it feels like all you can do.
• After talking about it for a long time, you eventually go to sleep in his arms.
• When you wake up, he already had some sort of breakfast made because he knew you'd be too tired.
• He left out some super old books about mental health he had (Aka like one from high school) and offered to look through them with you.
• Checks in with you frequently, and isn't one to dance around the topic. Yes, he handles it gently and shocking calmly, but he knows you can't avoid talking about it.
• Not going to lie, the way I see a relationship progressing (Aka kinda intense and fast paced) he would find out before intimacy.
• You were already a little nervous so you completely blanked on your old scars and relatively new self harm.
• So when he saw, you panicked, and then he panicked because you were panicking, and all around it was chaos.
• Nothing went to plan that day because you just ran to the bathroom to cry.
• ...
• He knocked on the door, "babe.. Could you come out please? We should talk about this."
• "I don't want to"
• " Babe come on." He tried the handle and it opened.
• "It's okay. You're okay. I'm not mad, now can you talk to me about this?"
• You opened up and told him everything. With Alex being the most stereotypically attractive out of all the Bachelor's, you'd be very nervous about letting him see scars.
• But he doesn't care. He thinks they are proof of how strong you are and how far you have come.
• "Babe I just want to be here for you. We don't have to rush anything. I don't care if you have scars, you're beautiful. I love you, and you will get through this."
• Harvey finds out during your first physical.
• This I feel would be just after you started dating.
• But he asks the dreaded question of "have you had thoughts of hurting yourself or others?"
• You knew you had to tell him. No matter how awkward or emotionally taxing it got, it was important both in your relationship and for your personal health.
• So you did.
• He let his little doctor mask slip because he thought he already knew all your medical business, and that this was just a formality.
• "Dear..?" He looked so sad for you. "Why haven't you told me this?"
• Legit starts tearing up, because how on earth could you hate yourself? And to the point of hurting yourself?
• You start apologizing for not telling him sooner, "Harvey we had just started dating, I didn't want to put too much on you too soon. This is my problem to deal with!"
• And then he takes a few deep breaths, and collects himself to do this in a more professional manner.
• "My love, you do not have to go through this alone. I need you to tell me if you ever feel like.. hurting yourself. Okay? Call me. Call the clinic. Get me if I'm home. I will be there for you."
• "Even if we weren't dating, I would still be there for you! So no matter how much I care for you, because I so deeply care for you, this is my job."
• Sets you up with a therapist in the city, because he knows that even if you know you can talk to him, it's good to have a non-personal professional to be able to talk to.
• You helped him, now it was his turn to help you.
• Found out a morning he woke up early and you forgot to close the bathroom door. Not a fun scene to wake up to.
• I don't want to say he got angry, but he shouted,
• It was more out of sheer panic and distress rather than anger.
• You panicked, dropped everything, and basically burst into tears on the spot apologizing.
• Then he freaked out even more because he yelled at you and ran to give you a tight hug.
• Shane tried to calm you down, but it took a really long time to get you to stop hyperventilating.
• Eventually, he helped you clean everything up, and although it was really hard for you, he took you to Harvey's.
• Shane knew that he wouldn't be able to give you all the help you needed, he was still recovering himself.
• But he tries really hard to help, the same way you do with him.
• He helped you set up going to a therapist. You go to the same office as he does.
• He will be there for you every step of the way. Won't let you go.
• He truly understands, and just wants the both of you to feel better.
• He would feel guilty for not noticing the signs.
• "My love..?" He is just so confused when he sees. "My love what did you do?"
• Doesn't exactly panic but is just dumbfounded. How could you hate yourself? How could you not like yourself? Why on earth..?
• He helps you clean up, though is a little queezy with blood.
• He would keep himself relatively strong in front of you, but you hear him crying for you when he thinks you're asleep.
• He is there for you, he asks Leah because he trusts her (though would not actually bring up your name. Would make it under the guise of a situation in his book)
• He wouldn't invade your privacy. But he just would check with you a lot more.
• He loves you, and just wants to see you love yourself.
An* Once again, if you struggle with self harm or suicidal ideation, please reach out for help. Helplines and resources are a quick Google away for your area. You are not alone. I promise things will get better.
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pigeonstardrop · 4 months
Shane SDV Headcannons
A/n: Thank you guys for the support that I've been getting! It really means a lot to me because I've never really posted my writings before this.
Please send me requests for writings! I do a crap ton of fandoms (Stardew, DC, Harvest moon, etc!) So feel free to ask, even if you dont think I would know the fandom!
As always, these are just my opinions
Word Count: still too lazy :)
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and addiction, suicide, general spoilers for Shane's heart events
I personally play Stardew on console so I dont have the 1.6 update yet BUT I think that Shane would wear shorts, even in the winter. Its just so in character for him with his overall actions
Speaking of, I think that Shane either doesn't get cold or literally just sucks it up so he doesn't have to change into something other than his shorts.
I feel like after the farmer brought him to the clinic for his event on the cliff, he would avoid them at all costs for DAYS. He probably thinks of himself as weak and just finds it awkward after everything that he said and did.
He acts way more like a dad or a big brother to Jas. I feel like even though he has issues with alcohol, he would somehow be more present in Jas' life than Marnie.
Jas sees him as if he's a superhero. There's no way she doesn't. He really tries his hardest for Jas to get sober after she sees him drunk for the first few times.
He absolutely breaks down when he sees Jas cry. Whether its about her jumprope breaking or because he drunkenly talked about suicide, he just cracks inside.
If it is about him being drunk, however, I think that he would beat himself up for it. It would linger and haunt him every time he went to the saloon for the next week.
I like to think that Shane would have a dad bod but a strong physique if that makes sense?? Like if he needed to, he would help the farmer haul a tree across the farm with no problem.
He totally gets wicked bad heart burn. As somebody who is super sensitive to heartburn a well, I know damn well that when he wakes up with a hangover he is immediatly opening up a bottle of Tums.
Definitely is either scared of going to the doctors or just finds it to be the most annoying thing in the world.
Would scroll through Vine constantly when it was a thing. He knew every single major vine. On the topic of vines, I think that he would get Digorno frozen pizzas just because of the "ITS NOT DELIVERY, ITS DIGORNO. YOU CANT DIVER DIGORNO" vine. Prove me wrong.
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pigeonstardrop · 4 months
you're too sweet for me 🩺☕
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pigeonstardrop · 4 months
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pigeonstardrop · 4 months
rip to my side account i wld normally post this on i forgot the login and dont feel like looking for it.
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pigeonstardrop · 4 months
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I started a new game to play the new farm but😭😭 I forgot how mean used to be Shane at the beginning
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pigeonstardrop · 4 months
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i just think that they
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pigeonstardrop · 4 months
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Birthday: Spring 20 
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pigeonstardrop · 4 months
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This how I want to spend my day
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