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blog is archived. find blossom at @gratvm !!
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blog is archived. find blossom at @gratvm !!
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Sarcasm, that’s the game they’re going to be playing today it seemed. Then again, they were always sarcastic and condescending with each other all the time, this was nothing really new. “Regardless, knowing that you can read or cannot, you probably don’t read anything really good.” He probably had bad taste in her book preferences. She takes a peek up from her book for a moment, easily matching his glare after a moment. “Because I’m a lady and I deserve the best seat in the house. This seat is the best.” It was the one she always went to and she wasn’t changing that now.
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“You got me, I’m completely illiterate and have been pretending for over a decade that I know how to read. What’s this book even about? I dunno it doesn’t have pictures.” He’s not moving either, finally looking up to shoot her a red eyed glare in frustration. “And F-Y-I, I was here first. Why should I go?”
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Send me invasive questions about the muse, and see how they react.
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“I know I’m pretty but please don’t stare.”
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This was hardly how she wanted her day to go. She just wanted to come to the library and enjoy some books and relax, but here he was and he was the last person she could relax around. “I’m surprised. I never took you for someone that knew how to read.” Rolls her eyes but sits down and opens up her own book. “I don’t have to listen to you. I’m staying, you can leave.”
@piinkpvff​ liked for a ROWDY RUFF
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“It’s called a public library, I’m allowed to read, and before you make the quip. Yes, I know how.” He actually hasn’t looked up from his book yet. Motioning flippantly to wave her off. Even less in the mood to hear her voice than usual. “So, Bye.”
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So uh?? First starter call here.
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Blossom has a theme, rules and about pages up finally !! WHOO.
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Send "🌀" to find my muse, injured and alone after being beaten up
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Winks at the dash.
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                          Kids grow up to be dangerous things.                                    They learn from adults what to avoid.                                          Or worst, what to be when it’s their turn.
      ( @briilliance - @piinkpvff - @voidfcllen - @bluepvff - @morbucksheir )
                              —- PERSONALS DO NOT REBLOG —-
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"I'm not angry at you, I'm just disappointed.." He raised her to be better than this, to work together and be proud of each other. "Buttercup worked just as hard as you did for that merit and now, she doesn't even want to go receive it because of how you reacted to it. I expected better from her big sister." - Utonium
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Disappointed. It rings in her ears, bounces around in her head. She would’ve felt better if he said he was angry instead of disappointed in all honesty. The last thing she ever wanted to do was disappoint him and yet, she had gone and disappointed him already. Her bottom lip quivered and tears welled up in her eyes, though she tried to hold it together. Her fingers pluck at the fabric of her pink skirt and her head is bowed, eyes staring at the floor. She feels shame for her actions. 
“I’m sorry...I never wanted to disappoint you.” Her words are quiet and shaky. “I know she did, she works just as hard as the rest of us. I was just jealous for a moment. I wanted that to be me. I guess I was being childish and overly dramatic.” She takes in a deep breath and looks up at him. “I will be better next time. I won’t act like that again. I will raise her up instead of be petty and childish. But please, be angry with me...Don’t be disappointed. Please....” Disappointed was a word she hated hearing.
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“Keep talking and it surely will be the last time.” He sure did know how to aggravate her to no end. He was probably the most aggravating one out of the brothers. “Both? Ah, no. Just you, Brick-head.” Rolls her eyes at him. Put them both out of their misery? As if. 
A small grin tugs at her lips and she leans in just a bit, eyes narrowing at him. She knows that he cannot stand being brushed off, it’s something they had in common there. So, she would use it to her advantage of course. “But you do care what I think, but eh, you’re truly not worth my time and I shouldn’t waste my breath on you right now.” Take that.
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“Oh right, because it’d be the first time. Go ahead, maybe the second time will take, and you’ll put us both out of our misery, hm?” He was an asshole, and damn proud of it, really. Having the confidence to stand up for himself wasn’t a bad thing.
There’s a part of him that bristles at her insult, a tiny crack in his defenses. He can’t stand to be brushed off (and he knows she knows this after so many cursed years.) “Yeah, whatever. Like I care what you think.”
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@briilliance what blossom and buttercup need in the thread right now.
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They’re always fighting, wouldn’t be surprised if the Professor implemented this at some point.
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the gorlsss
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“Call me pinkie again and I will end you.” Okay she wouldn’t but she doesn’t want to be known as pinkie. “Actually you’re an incorrigible asshole, let’s get that right first and foremost, yes?” 
She lets out the longest sigh and glares at him. “You’re truly not worth the time or the effort. I have better things I could do than fight with you.” like read her new book. “Just spare me the shit that falls out of your mouth if we’re listing off things to spare each other from.”
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“Hate to break it too you, pinkie, but I’m a very close copy, not a mirror.” He rolled his eyes back. “Oh, go ahead, take your best shot. Make my day.”
Brick really wasn’t in the mood to fight. Not physically anyway. Why did she have to be so damn annoying? “Just spare me the self righteous spiel.”
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