pilarcus · 7 hours
playing erdtree with my pal we get invaded by someone named "Drip Inspector" and im like "waitwaitwait. ok lets just pose leaning back to back and wait for them to show up maybe our outfits will be so good they wont kill us"
so we wait until they show up and then they get reaaaal close to us . and then pull out their telescope and start circling around us and zooming in for a good 30 seconds. then they clap, use the "wonderful" and "youre beautiful" prattling pates, and jump off a cliff. invader vanquished
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pilarcus · 2 days
A Full English Translation of Mine Yoshizaki’s 47 Question QnA 🔥🔥
— Near the end of the 11.5 Guidebook, Yoshizaki sat down for an exclusive interview with Shonen Ace (The magazine that serialized Keroro Gunso), where he answered some personalized questions about himself
I’ve translated all of them along with giving some context to certain media references in this w attached links. he’s talks exactly how you’d expect lmao
Q1: Yoshizaki-sensei, people often seem to think you’re a woman.
I guess it’s because my name reads as “Mine.” When I chose it, I only had the image of Ryuta Mine in my head. But judging by Keroro’s behavior, I think it’s pretty clear I’m not a woman (laugh)
Q2: What was the first manga you bought?
I had my uncle buy me one copy each of Kiteretsu Encyclopedia and Obake Q-Taro. I used to borrow Doraemon from a rental bookstore.
Q3: Do you still have them?
Nah, even if I did, they’d be unreadable by now. I reread them so much they fell apart.
Q4: Do you have a favorite place to read?
I haven’t been reading too much lately, but I love to in a quiet, cozy café.
Q5: Has anything recently made you feel like you’ve been tricked?
Actually, yeah. Not too long ago, a friend took me on a small trip. We hopped on the highway and drove quite a bit, and I had no idea why we were going where we were; but it was fun, so I didn’t think much of it. Later, when I got home and watched the episode of Kamen Rider Hibiki that I’d recorded that morning, I realized the episode was filmed in the exact spot we had visited! My friend hadn’t said a word! It caught me completely off guard, but honestly, it kind of made me pretty happy too.
Q6: Is there a character you look up to?
Oh, definitely Saeki-san (laugh)
Q7: Keroro’s gotten really popular. Anything about that make you happy?
Hearing that everyone involved with Keroro is having fun working on it is what makes me happy.
Q8: On the flip side, anything tough about it?
It seems like working on Keroro is also kind of exhausting (laugh)
Q9: If you could be any character in Keroro, who would you choose?
Maybe Poyon-chan. She seems so nice and fluffy.
Q10: Who would you like to live with?
I’d say the new characters, Alisa-chan and Nevula.
Q11: Why them in particular?
I feel like we could have a nice, quiet time in an old Western-style mansion.
Q12: Is there any invention from Kururu that you’d want?
Oh, definitely that one thing for making Gundam models!
Q13: What’s your favorite part of the manga drawing process?
Definitely when it’s finally completed (laugh)
Q14: What’s the toughest part?
Getting started (laugh)
Q15: What do you think of the illustrations in the first volume of Keroro?
What do I think? Well, it was my best effort seven years ago. There's something beyond just thinking "it's bad." Especially for Keroro, since I challenged myself to break my previous style and start from scratch, so there are definitely some awkward parts in there.
Q16: When do you draw the cover illustrations? At the beginning, in the middle, or at the end?
The inking is random, so it varies every time.
Q17: Do you pay attention to differentiating characters?
Sometimes I intentionally try not to differentiate them visually. I make their personalities distinct, so that can create a sense of difference. I’ve even tried going against silhouette theory a bit, which is directly reflected in characters like Keroro.
Q18: Which is more fun to draw, Keronians or Earthlings?
Keronians’ round eyes are a hassle, and Earthlings have too many lines... It’s a toss-up (laugh)
Q19: What about secondary characters? Which ones are fun to draw?
Every character becomes lively as soon as I draw them, so it's fun. To me, they’re all waiting in line to be drawn!
Q20: Any tips for drawing something you’ve never seen before?
Draw with your eyes closed!
Q21: Do you do anything to improve your drawing skills?
Since I started working, not really. I draw every day, so whatever I’m bad at stays bad, which can be a bit of an issue.
Q22: When creating a manga, do you start with the characters, story, or setting?
The theme. Something that instinctively feels like "that's it!" The rest comes after that.
Q23: When do you come up with story ideas?
I thrash my ideas around, trying to come up with something, and eventually, once I reach the mandatory state of resignation, it comes to me (laugh)
Q24: Which takes more time, storyboarding or drawing?
Q25: If you had to sum up the feeling of struggling to come up with storyboards in one word?
Q26: What’s something essential while you work?
Coffee, probably.
Q27: You’ve never taken a break from publishing, but do you ever want to? If so, when?
I always feel like I want to! Every single time, no matter what!
Q28: When do you usually draw your manga—morning, afternoon, or night?
My schedule is all over the place. I live on a 25-26 hour cycle, so when my timing is off, it tends to mess things up for a lot of people. It makes planning pretty difficult too.
Q29: What’s your favorite manga that you’ve drawn so far?
Definitely Keroro Gunso.
Q30: Do you think you’re better suited for one-shot manga or long series?
Considering the amount of ideas on my brain when working on Keroro storyboards, I think I’m better suited for long series.
Q31: Are you currently thinking about your next manga project?
Ideas come and go, honestly. Right now, I’m putting all my effort into Keroro!
Q32: Do you like your own manga?
When it comes to Keroro, I like it without hesitation.
Q33: If you were an editor, what would you tell yourself?
“You can take a three month break if you want.”
Q34: Are you comfortable with drawing manga in front of people?
I’m totally fine with it! But in reality, I usually work alone, holed up in my workspace.
Q35: Do you do anything for your health?
Not really… It’s bad… I feel like I’ve been sending out SOS signals lately (laugh)
Q36: Do you have any stress relief methods?
I never considered myself to be stressed, but recently my eye started twitching, and apparently, that’s a sign of stress. I was kind of surprised when I found that out!
Q31: There are 24 hours in a day, but how many hours would you really want?
48 hours would be great!!
Q38: Is there anything that influences your manga drawing?
I’m most influenced by the general atmosphere of the world around me.
Q39: How would you describe the feeling of racing through Okutama on your bike?
Q40: Anything that’s stuck with you or left a strong impression recently?
The insurance commercial with soccer commentator Matsuki has really stuck with me… As for things, I’m obsessed with the NSF100 motorcycle— I want it so bad!
Q41: A memorable quote that’s stuck with you?
“Ramen is long and delicious!” (I have literally no idea what he’s referencing here my bad guys)
Q42: Since getting your cat, Mac, has your life changed?
My lifestyle hasn’t really changed, but it feels like my heart’s OS has been upgraded by about three versions!
Q46: Do you like traveling?
I like it, but I haven’t gone anywhere recently. If I could, I’d love to go with all my friends.
Q43: What’s the most wasteful thing you’ve ever spent royalties on?
Royalties, huh... (laugh) The other day, I saw a Keroro bath towel in a UFO catcher machine, and I had to get it. I ended up blowing ¥2,000* and still didn’t win it. I wonder if my royalties will cover that…
*this is like $14 😭
Q45: What are the things you love the most?
The Earth, my wife, and Mac (my cat).
Q46: What’s the most shocking thing you’ve experienced?
When I first moved to Tokyo, I saw an elementary school kid at Yotsuya Station wearing a backpack and smoking a cigarette. I thought, “Wow, Tokyo’s scary. Maybe I should just go home.” But I’m glad I didn’t because I became a manga artist (laugh)
Q47: What does drawing manga mean to you?
It’s about making people happy. That concept hasn’t changed since I was a kid making hand-drawn manga for my friends in elementary school.
Anddd heres my impressively terrible scans of those pages just in case anyone wanted the source
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pilarcus · 2 days
Tumblr: Isn't it funny how Japanese light novels have such improbably long titles? Isn't it weird?
English literature for most of the 17th–19th Centuries:
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[Image description – A photograph of a book published in 1810, whose title reads, in full: "A Reviving Cordial for a Sin-Sick Despairing Soul, in the Time of Temptation, Being an Account of the Miraculous Preservation of the Author’s Bodily Life From Many Imminent Dangers; and of the Way in Which the Spirit of God Effected the Deliverance Of His Soul From the State of Nature to the State of Grace. To Which Is Subjoined, the Only Refuge of a Troubled Soul, in the Time of Tribulation and Affliction; or, The Mystery of the Apple-Tree, Explained and Laid Open, in Two Discourses From Cant. ii. 3", by the Rev. James Barry, Minister of the Gospel.]
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pilarcus · 3 days
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pilarcus · 4 days
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I can't be the first to make this connection
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pilarcus · 4 days
😈 You are not bound by the Hays code.
😈 You are allowed to have evil characters who are not punished by the narrative by the end of the story.
😈 You are allowed to have evil characters who win.
😈 You are allowed to have evil characters who make evil look fun and cool.
😈 You are allowed to make your fun, cool evil character the protagonist.
😈 You are allowed to glorify, romanticize and eroticize evil characters and villainous acts.
😈 You are not obligated to teach your audience a moral lesson.
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pilarcus · 5 days
I understand why a lot of fantasy settings with Ambiguously Catholic organised religions go the old "the Church officially forbids magic while practising it in secret in order to monopolise its power" route, but it's almost a shame because the reality of the situation was much funnier.
Like, yes, a lot of Catholic clergy during the Middle Ages did practice magic in secret, but they weren't keeping it secret as some sort of sinister top-down conspiracy to deny magic to the Common People: they were mostly keeping it secret from their own superiors. It wasn't one of those "well, it's okay when we do it" deals: the Church very much did not want its local priests doing wizard shit. We have official records of local priests being disciplined for getting caught doing wizard shit. And the preponderance of evidence is that most of them would take their lumps, promise to stop doing wizard shit, then go right back to doing wizard shit.
It turns out that if you give a bunch of dudes education, literacy, and a lot of time on their hands, some non-zero percentage of them are going to decide to be wizards, no matter how hard you try to stop them from being wizards.
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pilarcus · 5 days
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24K notes · View notes
pilarcus · 5 days
every time I see the term “big naturals”, my game poisoned brain thinks someone’s doing a fighting game joke about big neutrals, moves with huge ass hitboxes, and I’m like haha yeah I like big neutrals! Then I read the rest of the post and it makes no fucking sense whatsoever until my brain’s stabilizers kick in and rectify “big neutrals” to “big naturals” and only then I realize we’re talking about boobs, about tetas, about sizeable breasts, and I’m like haha yeah I like big naturals! I wish this was about hitboxes though.
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pilarcus · 5 days
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pilarcus · 6 days
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pilarcus · 7 days
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pilarcus · 7 days
'Mid' autumn festival? I find it quite based actually.
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pilarcus · 7 days
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pilarcus · 9 days
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been thinking about fantasy/scifi rule systems and free will
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pilarcus · 10 days
'mobsters' are part of a 'mob'. and so you'd think 'lobsters' would be part of a 'lob', but ohohohhohoho, life just isn't so simple
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pilarcus · 10 days
For some reason we were given access to custom emojis on teams and it took people less than 24 hours to add the logo of the local unemployment office and start using it as a reaction when something goes wrong or upper management announces another shit decision
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