seablush · 9 years
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seablush · 9 years
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Armaan Singh, a Sikh seventh grader at Nichols Junior High School in Arlington, Texas, was arrested last Friday for “making a terroristic threat,” despite the fact that police understood it was nothing more than a hoax. He is now wearing an ankle monitor and waiting for a court date to be set. [via Dallas News]
This, along with a potential hate crime involving pigs’ heads at a school shows just when you think anti-Muslim (and Sikh) bigotry can’t get any worse, it does.
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seablush · 9 years
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Scavenger //
I’ve seen Star Wars twice now and I still don’t think I can put into words how much Rey means to me.
// Available as a print.
60K notes · View notes
seablush · 9 years
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689K notes · View notes
seablush · 9 years
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seablush · 9 years
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at least we’re still live under the same sky.
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seablush · 9 years
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#I love them so much
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seablush · 9 years
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555 notes · View notes
seablush · 9 years
#tbtvine WHY
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seablush · 9 years
Also does anyone know the name of this song? Please tell me!!
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seablush · 9 years
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Raf Simons Ozweego 2
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seablush · 9 years
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1/???? edits of shinee songs
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seablush · 9 years
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10K notes · View notes
seablush · 9 years
Transcript of Sandra Bland arrest video [8:40-15:25]
Cop: Ok, Ma’am. You ok?
SB: I’m waitin’ on you. This is your job. I’m waitin’ on you…
Cop: You seem very irritated.
SB: I am. I really am because I feel like what I’m getting a ticket for, I was getting out of your way. You were speeding up, tailing me, so I move over, and you stop me. So, yeah, I am a little irritated, but that doesn’t stop you from giving me a ticket.
Cop: Are you done?
SB: You asked me what was wrong and I told you. So now I’m done, yeah.
Cop: Ok. You mind putting out your cigarette, please?
SB: I’m in my car. Why do I have to put out my cigarette?
Cop: Well you can step on out now.
SB: I don’t have to step out of my car.
Cop: Step out of the car. [Cop opens the car door] Step out.
SB: No, you don’t have the right-
Cop: Step out of the car!
SB: You do not have the right to do that.
Cop: I do have the right. Now, step out or I will remove you.
SB: I refuse to talk to you other than to identify myself-
Cop: Step out or I will remove you.
SB: I am getting removed for a failure to-
Cop: Step out or I will remove you. I’m giving you a lawful order. Get out of the car now or I’m gonna remove you.
SB: I’m calling my-
Cop:[Cop reaches into the car] I’m gonna yank you out of here.
SB: Okay, you gonna yank me out of my car?
Cop: Get out.
SB: Ok. Alright. Let’s do this. Don’t touch me.
Cop: Get out of the car!
SB: Don’t touch me! I’m not under arrest. You don’t have the right to-
Cop: You ARE under arrest.
SB: I’m under arrest for what? For what? For what?
Cop: Get out of the car. Get out of the car! Now!
SB: Why am I being apprehended? Because you’re trying to give me a ticket for a failure-
Cop: I said get out of the car.
SB: Why am I being apprehended? You opened my car door-
Cop: I am gonna drag you outta here.
SB: So you’re threatening to drag me out of my own car?
Cop: Get out of the car!!
SB: And then you-
Cop: [Cop points his taser at her.] I will light you up!!
SB: Wow.
Cop: NOW!!
SB: Wow. [Sandra steps out of the car.]
Cop: Get out of the car!
SB: For a failure to signal, you’re doing all this. You’re doing all this for a failure to signal.
Cop: Get over there. [Cop points her over to the sidewalk, while pointing his taser at her.]
SB: Right. Yeah. Let’s take this to court. [Sandra continues to walk toward the sidewalk.] Let’s do this for a failure to signal. Yep, for a failure to signal. [Sandra is led out of the view of the dashcam video.]
Cop: Get off the phone.
SB: I’m not on the phone. I have a right to record-
Cop: Put your phone down.
SB: This is my property.
Cop: Put your phone down.
SB: Sir?
Cop: Put your phone down. Right now! Put your phone down.
SB: [Sandra puts her phone down on the trunk of her car.] For a fucking failure to signal, my goodness.
Cop: Come over here!
SB: Y’all are interesting. You feelin’ good about this whole thing?
Cop: Stand right here.
SB: You feelin’ good about yourself? For my failure to signal, you feel real good about yourself, don’t you?
Cop: Turn around.
SB: You feel good about yourself, don’t you?
Cop: Turn around. Turn around now. Put your hands-
SB: Why am I being arrested?
Cop: I’m giving you a lawful order. I will tell you-
SB: Why am I being arrested? Why can’t you tell me that part?
Cop: I’m giving you a lawful order. Turn around.
SB: Why will you not tell me what’s going on?
Cop: You are not compliant.
SB: I’m not compliant ‘cause you just pulled me outta my car.
Cop: Turn around!!
SB: Are you fucking kidding me? This is some bullshit.
Cop: Put your hands behind your back.
SB: Cause you know this is straight bullshit, and you full a shit. Full a straight shit. That’s why y’all are some scary fucking cops. South Carolina got all y’all bitch asses scared. That’s all it is. Fucking scared of a female.
Cop: If you would have just listened-
SB: I was tryin’ sign the fucking ticket. Whatever.
Cop: Stop movin’!
SB: Are you fucking serious?
Cop: Stop movin’.
SB: Oh, I can’t wait till we go to court.  OH, I can’t wait! I cannot WAIT ‘till we go to court! I can’t wait. OH, I can’t wait. You want me to sit down now?
Cop: No.
SB: Oh, you gonna throw me to the floor? That’ll make you feel better about yourself?
Cop: Knock it off.
SB: Ah, that’ll make you feel better about yourself? That make you feel real good, won’t it? Fucking ass. Fucking pussy. For a failure to signal, you doin’ all of this. In little ass Prairie View, Texas. My god. They must-
Cop: You were getting a warning, and now you’re going to jail.
SB: For what??
Cop: You can come read right- [Cop leads Sandra back over to the trunk of the car.]
SB: I’m getting a warning for what?
Cop: Stay right here.
SB: You just pointed me over there!
Cop: I said stay right here.
SB: Get your fucking mind right. OH, I swear on my life, y’all some pussies. A pussy ass cop pulls for a fucking signal, you’re takin’ me to jail. What a pussy. What a pussy. What a- you about to break my fucking wrist.
Cop: Stop movin’!
SB: I’m standin’ still! You keep movin’ me, goddamn it!
Cop: Stay right there.
SB: Don’t touch me. Fucking pussy, for a traffic ticket.
Cop: [Goes around the car and closes the front door. Walks back off screen to where Sandra is on the sidewalk.] Come read right over here. [He stands by the trunk of the car and shows her the written warning.] This right here says a warning. YOU started creating a problem. [Cop walks out of shot, toward Sandra.]
SB: You asked me what was wrong!
Cop: Do you have anything in your purse that’s illegal?
SB: Do I look like I have anything on me? This a fuckin’ maxi dress!
Cop: I’m removing  your glasses.
SB: This a maxi dress.
Cop: Come on over here.
SB: Fucking assholes. For a- you about to break my wrist! Can you STOP!? You are mother fuckin’ about to break my wrist! [Sandra makes sounds of pain.] STOOOPP!
Cop: [Sounds of struggle.] Stop! Now! Stop it!
Cop 2: Stop resisting, ma’am.
Cop: If you would stop then I would tell you!
SB: [In pain.] For a fucking traffic  ticket.
Cop: Now stop!
SB: [In pain.] You are such a pussy. You are such a pussy.
Cop 2: No, you are.
Cop: You were yankin’ around.
SB: [In pain.] For a traffic signal.
Cop: You were yankin’ around. When you pull away from me, you’re resisting arrest.
SB: This make you feel real good. This make you feel real good, don’t it? A female for a  traffic signal. For a traffic signal. I know that makes you feel good, officer.
Cop 2: I got her. I got her.
SB: I know it make you feel real good. You a real man now. You slam me, knock my head into the ground, I got epilepsy, you mother fucker.
Cop: Good. Good.
SB: I hope I-
Cop 2: You should have thought of that before you start resisting!
SB: Yeah, this is real good. Real good for a female. Yeah. Y’all strong, ooh. Y’all real strong.
Cop: I want you to wait right here. Wait right here.
SB: I can’t go nowhere with your fucking knee on my back. Duh.
Cop: [To Cop 2] I’m gonna open your door. [To man recording the brutality.] You need to leave. You need to leave. You need to leave.
SB: [inaudible] For a fucking traffic ticket.
Cop: For a warning. For a warning. You’re going to jail for resisting arrest. Stand up.
SB: If I could!
Cop: Roll over.
SB: I can’t even fuckin’ feel my arm!
Cop: Tuck your knee in.
SB: I can’t-
Cop: Listen, listen, you’re gonna sit up on your butt.
SB: You just slammed my head into the ground. Do you not even care about that?
Cop 2: He’s telling you to getup.
SB: I can’t even hear!
Cop 2: Yes you can.
Cop: Sit on your butt.
SB: You slammed my head into the ground.
Cop: Sit up on your butt.
SB: He threw my fucking head to the ground. What the hell?
Cop: Now stand up.
SB: All this for a traffic signal. I swear to god. All of this for a traffic signal. [To witness.] Thank you for recording! Thank you! For a traffic signal. Slammed me into the ground and everything. Everything. I hope y’all feel good.
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seablush · 9 years
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seablush · 9 years
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seablush · 9 years
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