piliyi · 1 month
@fornalhaut <- multi
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piliyi · 2 months
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piliyi · 3 months
my ocs are all so pretty... life is so hard when your ocs are all hotter than the canons you rp 😔😔😔
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piliyi · 3 months
❝ you look like a nice person who likes to help people in need. ❞ minchul hehe
it’s a strange thing to be seen. he was so desperate for it as a child, for someone to look at him and see in him the things he read about in the early hours of each morning, surrounded by other children his age — be good, be kind, be charitable, help your fellows even when you can’t help yourself. shed tears only for others, never for yourself. and he wanted to be good, and kind, but more than anything, he wanted to be told this is what he was. often, he wondered if the other children were half as hungry. 
“ …are you making fun of me? ” he twists in his seat, pulling the thick, woven blanket more securely around his middle. his gaze drifts naturally from the tv screen to lock with tooru’s, eyes searching. curious.
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“ …or flirting with me? sorry. sometimes i can’t tell. ”
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piliyi · 3 months
breath of the wild sentence starters
❝  it took all i had just to stay alive against that monster, but you beat it like it was a straw training dummy.  ❞ ❝  well, i just wanted an excuse to get close to you, you know?   ❞ ❝  i feel like someone should tell you that you have a kind of sulky look about you.  ❞ ❝  you can’t assume to know anything until you experience it for yourself.  ❞ ❝  it’s rare to see your kind around here.  ❞ ❝  try to be a little more sensitive to people you don’t know.  ❞ ❝  unspeakable sorrow surrounds this landscape.  ❞ ❝  please take some time to really admire the flowers. i worked so hard to plant them…  ❞ ❝  you’ll likely face many hardships in your life…but never give up! promise me that.  ❞ ❝  i get a feeling that heading home isn’t an option for you, so take care of yourself out there.  ❞ ❝  courage need not be remembered, for it is never forgotten.  ❞ ❝  for the first time…my heart knows what it means to love.  ❞ ❝  there’s a fine line between courage and recklessness.  ❞ ❝  if you’re free to grab something to eat sometime, keep me in mind.  ❞ ❝  shh! looks like there are still monsters about.  ❞ ❝  it seems you and i may just get along after all.  ❞ ❝  how did you pull that off?! actually, don’t answer that. i ought to be thanking you, not interrogating you.  ❞ ❝  i’ve learned to overcome my grief. you can’t change the past, only the future.  ❞ ❝  are you…following me?  ❞ ❝  this spot is our little secret, ok? just between you and me.  ❞ ❝  i can’t believe i’m actually saying this…but you must avenge me.  ❞ ❝  by the look on your face…i dunno, it just seems like you been through somethin’.  ❞ ❝  do you know how the gossip mongers refer to you? they are out there at this moment, whispering amongst themselves…  ❞ ❝  opening up to others might make you vulnerable, but it’s the only way to give your life any value.  ❞ ❝  it looks like i got hit pretty good back there…  ❞ ❝  what’s wrong? too scared to talk?  ❞ ❝  i’ve got to tell you…when you first showed up,     i thought someone was pulling a prank on me.  ❞ ❝  let’s make one thing clear: i’m not going anywhere.  ❞ ❝  we each have something to hide, i suppose.  ❞ ❝  i don’t know you, and i’m actually pretty busy here. you should probably go.  ❞ ❝  maybe we should just settle this one on one?  ❞ ❝  don’t preen yourself just for doing your job.  ❞ ❝  please. now is not a good time.  ❞ ❝  if you need something, do me a favor. ask someone else.  ❞ ❝  i actually wanted to talk about something a little personal…  ❞ ❝  my apologies…i fear i have said far too much.  ❞ ❝  i used to be a big deal back in my day, but the world moves on fast.  ❞ ❝  you must have seen a battle or two.  ❞ ❝  that memory will haunt me until my dying day…  ❞ ❝  let me ask you once more…when will you stop treating this as some sort of childish game?  ❞ ❝  no! i am not a child anymore.  ❞ ❝  i do suppose you’ve proven your value as a warrior.  ❞ ❝  i advise you to change the subject.  ❞ ❝  welcome to the middle of nowhere. population: us.  ❞ ❝  this area is nice and quiet…  ❞ ❝  dark magic preys upon the land when darkness falls…  ❞ ❝  everything - everything i’ve done up until now…it was all for nothing.  ❞ ❝  i had no idea traveling was so dangerous.  ❞ ❝  you’re quivering like a hatchling…what is the matter?  ❞ ❝  you have proven to possess the resolve of a true hero.  ❞ ❝  if i may be so bold… what is it that you are planning to do next?  ❞ ❝  i hope you get to meet your true love soon.  ❞ ❝  you are the heir to a throne of nothing… nothing but failure.  ❞ ❝  it’s okay, i know. your silence speaks volumes.  ❞ ❝  the only thing that really helps me feel better is walking among the fireflies.  ❞ ❝  just looking at those ruins now…it really gives you an idea of the destruction that went on there.  ❞ ❝  you have a smile like the sun. i would do much to feel its warmth upon me once again.  ❞ ❝  i’ll stay here and chat with you for a bit, if you’d like.  ❞ ❝  you should follow through on what you say you’re going to do.  ❞ ❝  there i go, needing someone to bail me out again.  ❞ ❝  i don’t know why, but my heart won’t stop beating a mile a minute…  ❞ ❝  yeah, you know what really is ‘me’? drinking.  ❞ ❝  i see…black. so much blackness. a deep, dark abyss, drawing you in…  ❞ ❝  save yourself. go! don’t worry about me - run!  ❞ ❝  you sure do know how to keep a woman waiting.  ❞ ❝  overconfidence can be a deadly foe.  ❞ ❝  don’t ask too many questions, and i won’t either.  ❞ ❝  aren’t you tired? aren’t you chilly? have you eaten yet?  ❞ ❝  i want to be clear — whatever treasure is to be had here belongs to me.  ❞ ❝  close calls like this get my stomach all tied up in knots.  ❞ ❝  much as it galls me to thank you for saving us…that is what happened.  ❞ ❝  i don’t see any monsters, but…i can feel their eyes on me.  ❞ ❝  what’s the matter? are you unwell?  ❞ ❝  now that i have gotten a good look at you, it is all too clear who you are.  ❞ ❝  you’re amazing. when you fired your bow, it was like time stopped.  ❞ ❝  you’ve done all you could. feeling sorry for yourself won’t be of any help.  ❞ ❝  oh, no…i can see by the look in your eye…you won’t listen to me.  ❞ ❝  you look like a nice person who likes to help people in need.  ❞ ❝  you look like your everyday traveler, but how can i be sure?  ❞ ❝  what’s your problem? how dare you try to eavesdrop? mind your business!  ❞ ❝  what are you doing skulking around in the dead of night?  ❞ ❝  you seem at home in battle.  ❞ ❝  i was out running an errand when i saw it. it was incredible…and terrifying. it was incredibly terrifying.  ❞ ❝  the afterlife lays claim to all. we never know when it will beckon.  ❞ ❝  that got hairier than i expected. you did pretty good.  ❞ ❝  i’m just pulling your leg. you looked so serious, i couldn’t help but goad you a bit.  ❞ ❝  i don’t get to leave this place too often…  ❞ ❝  i know when someone is lying. my father isn’t good at lying either.  ❞ ❝  i didn’t notice you…i was a bit lost in thought there.  ❞ ❝  i can’t get angry…i won’t get angry…  ❞ ❝  you know, your skin looks super shiny, and you look like you haven’t got a worry in the world…  ❞ ❝  i’ve been watching, and i feel safe saying there’s no one suspicious around here.  ❞ ❝  you are going to be the death of me.  ❞ ❝  is something wrong? do not tell me the steel has slipped from your spine.  ❞ ❝  one would think years upon years of such treatment would have made me mend my ways…one would think wrongly.  ❞ ❝  your path seems to mirror your father’s.  ❞ ❝  i am filled with a strange and terrible certainty that something awful is about to happen.  ❞ ❝  um…were you talking to that statue?  ❞ ❝  you cannot turn back now. follow your heart and seize your destiny!  ❞ ❝  you had me worried there. don’t mess with people like that.  ❞ ❝  forget we ever spoke.  ❞ ❝  you hardly speak anymore, and smile even more rarely. you are still the kind soul i know, but something has changed.  ❞ ❝  a warm fire can do wonders for a weary soul.  ❞ ❝  i hated you with all my heart…but it would seem my anger was misplaced.  ❞ ❝  has anyone ever told you…? you have the most beautiful features.  ❞ ❝  wait a minute! please, think about what you’re doing.  ❞ ❝  i used to really love the night. at night the world sparkles and shines in an almost magical way. it’s beautiful.  ❞ ❝  oh! you’re paying me a visit? that’s sweet of you.  ❞ ❝  what were you praying for? long life? wealth, like so many?  ❞ ❝  teehee…i knew you’d come back.  ❞ ❝  you’ll never guess what i found! wanna see?  ❞ ❝  have you grown so comfortable here that you can’t imagine leaving?  ❞ ❝  you’re needed elsewhere. you must eventually leave. you know this.  ❞ ❝  i may have dismissed you too hastily before. you have many promising qualities.  ❞ ❝  if you need anything, i am ever at your disposal.  ❞ ❝  are you trying to cheer me up?  ❞ ❝  well, if you’ll excuse me, i need to go save the world.  ❞ ❝  do you like this dress? i made it myself.  ❞ ❝  you really shouldn’t mess with things you don’t understand.  ❞ ❝  i don’t want you to come here, anyway!  ❞ ❝  the more i think about it, the more it gives me the creeps.  ❞ ❝  what special brand of loony does it take to go traveling without a map?  ❞ ❝  my heart is drawn to yours. i am doomed.  ❞ ❝  no one who has gone there has ever come back! so you’d best forget about going there.  ❞ ❝  why are you looking at me like that?  ❞ ❝  i was warned about men who throw words like ‘dream girl’ around.  ❞ ❝  you have to come at me harder than that to impress me.  ❞ ❝  on second thought, now is not the time.  ❞ ❝  i can’t explain why…but i trust you for some reason.  ❞ ❝  we meet again! we must have been married in our past lives.  ❞ ❝  you aren’t just a normal lad, are you?  ❞ ❝  i need to stop relying on others to help me and help myself instead.  ❞ ❝  caring for others is an emotional liability.  ❞ ❝  i’ve picked up a few tricks after many, many years in the wild.  ❞ ❝  i firmly believe you and i can withstand any kind of hardship, as long as we are together.  ❞ ❝  there aren’t many heroes in the world like you anymore.  ❞ ❝  why do people equate the unnessecary pursuit of power with some childish dream of adventure?  ❞ ❝  legend has it that if you swear your love before this freshly plucked blossom, you and your partner will live a charmed life.  ❞ ❝  i’m sorry that you came all the way to see me for nothing.  ❞ ❝  you could…always stay here with me forever.  ❞ ❝  should i check my map, or should i go by intuition like the original trailblazers?  ❞ ❝  you must be busy, you know, saving the world and all.  ❞ ❝  at first i thought it was just a bad dream.  ❞ ❝  if you find yourself in some trouble, please promise to run. fast.  ❞ ❝  it’s not like a sword alone makes a hero.  ❞ ❝  the scent of the soil is the smell of life itself.  ❞ ❝  there’s no reward without risk, right?  ❞ ❝  i may not be much use on the battlefield, but there must… there must be something i can do to help.  ❞ ❝  i’m waiting for someone. and it’s not you. can you go away?  ❞ ❝  that sword there is proof enough…you are the hero i’ve been waiting for.  ❞ ❝  you’re wasting your time here; i have nothing worth stealing.  ❞ ❝  looking mighty free there, eh?  ❞ ❝  you have not changed a bit. once a hero, always a hero.  ❞ ❝  you are looking at me as though i am a stranger to you. those eyes…they lack the light of familiarity.  ❞ ❝  things to do, places to seem right? better get on it. time waits for no one.  ❞ ❝  there are some legends about that island, so the village fishermen tend to avoid it whenever possible.  ❞ ❝  okay, that was enough mortal peril for one day.  ❞ ❝  …oh, my. look at that face! you are totally my type. hi.  ❞ ❝  oh, have i mentioned how incredible you are? and how thankful i am?  ❞ ❝  nothing makes me want to not do something more than being asked to do it.  ❞ ❝  i’ll admit it. i’m mighty jealous.  ❞ ❝  there are few who know of such legends anymore.  ❞ ❝  innocent curiosity can cause tragedies that can never be taken back.  ❞ ❝  what’s the matter? are ya worried about me?  ❞ ❝  hm? a voice beckoned you here?  ❞ ❝  you came to the middle of nowhere in this weather just to see me?  ❞ ❝  i want you to know that the path you are walking down is one we should all follow.  ❞ ❝  i thought you had harder bark on you than that.  ❞ ❝  it would be a mistake to judge people on appearances alone.  ❞ ❝  it is woven into your destiny that you prove them wrong. do you understand? ❞ ❝  …oops, someone heard me singing…badly.  ❞ ❝  you look like you’re pretty good with a bow and sword, so you must be pretty strong.  ❞ ❝  i don’t know what it is about men. constantly worrying…  ❞ ❝  yeah, yeah. i’m still alive. it’s fine—don’t worry.  ❞ ❝  what are you doing up so late? monsters roam about at night. it’s way too dangerous to wander around.  ❞ ❝  thinking back on it, it’s a wonder either of us survived the trip…  ❞ ❝  i’ll take any monster in a fair fight. it’s another story when they cheat and catch you by surprise.  ❞ ❝  i wish this rain would take a hint and lay off for a while.  ❞ ❝  if you haven’t slept yet, you really should…staying up late can’t be great for your health.  ❞ ❝  you want to get out of my personal space or what?  ❞ ❝  money and life are all as one to me.  ❞ ❝  what do you think of my lipstick? i think it’ll bring me good luck!  ❞ ❝  i do hope my bluntness has not offended you.  ❞ ❝  i have no right to ask this of you…but i am powerless here.  ❞ ❝  truth is, i just got lucky.  ❞ ❝  i hope that ours will be a long and profitable relationship.  ❞ ❝  i may be somewhat used to seeing bad omens by now, but that…well, let’s just say it’s badder than most.  ❞ ❝  why the long face? i bet i could guess.  ❞ ❝  i’m not about to give this information away for free. i’m no fool.  ❞ ❝  seeing you brings me great joy. i bet you have that effect on everyone.  ❞ ❝  it is a shame us two never had the chance to see what might have been…  ❞ ❝  what does it matter? that’s all in the past.  ❞ ❝  you know what that means, don’t you? the end is here.  ❞ ❝  oh no, there i go again, just talking with no purpose. i get carried away and just don’t know when to quit.  ❞ ❝  i somehow managed to escape into the nearby woods.  ❞ ❝  let’s wish each other good luck, eh? we’ll need it.  ❞ ❝  i was so sure that was the end for me. i was prepared for the worst.  ❞ ❝  take it easy? and let a rumor like this go to waste? nah, i gotta go big…  ❞ ❝  what are you doing, sneaking up on me like that? you scared me!  ❞ ❝  when you get to my age, you start reminiscing about all the memories from your childhood.  ❞ ❝  now that i’ve met you, some of the excitement’s gone.  ❞ ❝  i get the feeling you’re going to end up doing even better in this world. that’s the feeling i get when i look at your face.  ❞ ❝  you seem harmless enough. forgive me, i’ve just been on edge with all these monsters running around.  ❞ ❝  well, that’s life for you, with all its twists and turns. i hope you’ll stick with me through them.  ❞ ❝  nice baby sword, pal. i bet it can’t even keep a flame going.  ❞ ❝  with how peaceful it is around here, it’s sometimes easy to forget that the world almost ended years ago.  ❞ ❝  that doesn’t reflect well on your upbringing at all…  ❞ ❝  even the areas near civilization are full of monsters these days.  ❞ ❝  may the gods smile upon you.  ❞ ❝  i’m sorry, but i seem to have twisted my ankle…  ❞ ❝  that would mean you are…no, it’s not possible. can it be?  ❞ ❝  you’d better remember my name, for it’s not the last you’ll hear of it!  ❞ ❝  i’m sorry if we got off on the wrong foot. uh…that’s all…  ❞ ❝  i can tell you’ve trained your body well.  ❞ ❝  who are you?! be on your way, you…suspicious person!  ❞ ❝  i’m so shocked i don’t know if i’ll ever be able to fully recover from this.  ❞ ❝  no matter. i’m just happy you’re still in one piece.  ❞ ❝  ha ha…did you think i’d deceived you?  ❞ ❝  don’t lie. i know just what’s going on. liars like you deserve to be punished!  ❞ ❝  it is finally time for me to tell you everything.  ❞ ❝  s.  ❞ ❝  a dealer in life and power…that was me, once.  ❞ ❝  i’m sorry. that wasn’t very nice of me at all…  ❞ ❝  love…it’s such a sublime, precious thing, you know?  ❞ ❝  ahhhh…so there are some who still pay me homage.  ❞ ❝  it was a real honor to meet you.  ❞ ❝  i know it’s not my business, but i’m rather concerned.  ❞ ❝  be warned. if you go, i cannot guarantee you will survive.  ❞ ❝  isn’t that, like…an incredible thing that only incredible people can have?  ❞ ❝  i’m sorry you had to see me like that.  ❞ ❝  not to be rude, but you don’t look so well.  ❞ ❝  as for me…well…i just do not believe you are guilty of anything.  ❞ ❝  i…i cannot forgive you. not ever.  ❞ ❝  …so? did it move you?  ❞ ❝  the sight of this is going to haunt my dreams for weeks.  ❞ ❝  i apologize. perhaps it was not my place to say as much.  ❞ ❝  i can’t shake the feeling that we were destined to meet.  ❞ ❝  i can see it in your eyes. you’re asking yourself, “why me?”  ❞ ❝  you…did you just try to push me? no, i assume?  ❞ ❝  to be honest, i’ve been watching you.  ❞ ❝  you can’t solve all of people’s problems with power alone.  ❞ ❝  when all this is done…perhaps we can spend some time together.  ❞ ❝  i believe in allowing the mistakes of the past to wash away.  ❞ ❝  it seems you’re a great deal more important than you appear.  ❞ ❝  the only pleasure that gives me comfort is cooking.  ❞ ❝  ah, the smell of the sea.  ❞ ❝  that is NOT an appropriate question to ask a lady you’ve just met.  ❞ ❝  i can assure you that i do not now, nor have i ever, needed help from the likes of you.  ❞ ❝  oh? well, i suppose i changed my mind.  ❞ ❝  now that i think of it…shouldn’t you be dead? sorry. that may be too personal a question.  ❞ ❝  do you not understand the gravity of what you have done?  ❞ ❝  i thought i made it clear that i am not in need of an escort.  ❞ ❝  your face sickens me! i am sickened! get out of my sight!  ❞ ❝  how dare you show your face here after what you did.  ❞ ❝  are you the hero? could it be?  ❞ ❝  words often fall meaningless when we try to describe tragic events of a certain magnitude.  ❞ ❝  you certainly are cute when you’re blushing.  ❞ ❝  there were times when i’d stay out so late, i didn’t realize morning had come.  ❞ ❝  i like watching the river flow by. is that such a crime?  ❞ ❝  as you are now, i cannot say whether you are worthy or not.  ❞ ❝  i heard a terrible rumor that you had fallen in combat.  ❞ ❝  i bet you think this is just a myth, right?  ❞ ❝  oooh, i don’t have time to be drinking right now…  ❞ ❝  please feel free to show your excitement. anyway…  ❞ ❝  a bit early to flirt, isn’t it?  ❞ ❝  it’s been a while since we’ve seen the sun here.  ❞ ❝  nothing’s wrong. just leave me alone.  ❞ ❝  we hardly know each other, and you’ve been so nice.  ❞ ❝  it’s so soothing to stare at, don’t you think?  ❞ ❝  in a world as dangerous as ours, are you seriously asking me to travel alone?  ❞ ❝  well, even someone like you/me has their limits.  ❞ ❝  i wish i could be a kid again and think only of myself.  ❞ ❝  what you did for me is more than i could have ever expected of you.  ❞ ❝  you have grown much recently. you know you will be a worthy heir when the time comes.  ❞ ❝  mark my words, i’ll protect this land of ours to the death.  ❞ ❝  we’ve both been through a lot, i’m sure.  ❞ ❝  such is the way of youth…driven! even reckless, some might say.  ❞ ❝  i can’t stop trembling. i thought i was ready for this.  ❞ ❝  if you don’t mind, i’d love to catch up sometime soon.  ❞ ❝  it seems i’m the only one with a mind of my own.  ❞ ❝  i would be overjoyed if you could find it in your heart to forgive me. if not now, then perhaps one day.  ❞ ❝  speaking of which, can you believe this view?  ❞ ❝  you aren’t trying to tell me you want a reward, are you?  ❞ ❝  you came all the way here, but it was in vain. i have no desire to speak with you.  ❞ ❝  i hope you know…that i will always protect you.  ❞ ❝  i’ve recovered to the point where i can stand.  ❞ ❝  we meet again. it seems that sharing space is our destiny.  ❞ ❝  so how about it? care to hear stories of my glory days while we walk?  ❞ ❝  open your eyes…wake up.  ❞ ❝  if you keep doing everything everyone asks of you without question, you’re gonna get conned eventually.  ❞ ❝  it seems that…i was wrong about you.  ❞ ❝  i simply must admit the truth. you’ve accomplished something that even i could not.  ❞ ❝  what? you look like you’ve got something else to say.  ❞ ❝  go on. there’s nothing to hide.  ❞ ❝  you’re making my cheeks warm looking at me like that.  ❞ ❝  i’ve never been one to question fate.  ❞ ❝  i can tell, just from looking at you…you have a place in my dreams.  ❞ ❝  you…i really owe you for what you did.  ❞ ❝  it saddens me to know i truly am all alone in this world.  ❞ ❝  you cannot fool me with such a fanciful lie.  ❞ ❝  i would never have thought you could have taken down something that big. no offense.  ❞ ❝  know that the only reason you’re not already sliced into pieces is because i am otherwise occupied.  ❞ ❝  that is a special gift from your ancestors…you must never let it go.  ❞ ❝  you were just pitying me, weren’t you?  ❞ ❝  listen, if you wanna get anywhere in this life, you gotta have cash and cachet.  ❞ ❝  this place is so filthy and women free, it might as well be called a manfill.  ❞ ❝  you’ve traveled the world helping folks, but there’s more that need helping. you don’t have the luxury of tarrying here.  ❞ ❝  you were gone for so long, i started to fear the worst.  ❞ ❝  won’t you come see me again? i’ll be waiting.  ❞ ❝  what’s wrong? you’re just staring.  ❞ ❝  as brave as you are, that does not make you immortal.  ❞ ❝  we’ll need to make preparations as soon as possible.  ❞ ❝  …youth. it’s just goam on a wave. gone before you know it.  ❞ ❝  everything’s going hazy…this might be the end…  ❞ ❝  don’t do anything reckless under any circumstances.  ❞ ❝  you think i’m just going to let this stand? do you?  ❞ ❝  i was thinking…this reminds me of the time we first met.  ❞ ❝  crazy times we live in, eh?  ❞ ❝  i hate to think what would’ve happened had you not shown up.  ❞ ❝  you commoners with your notions and assumptions…  ❞ ❝  not to pry, but…i have to ask. who are you supposed to be?  ❞ ❝  i encourage you to slow down for a moment, my courageous friend.  ❞ ❝  once this whole thing is over…maybe things can go back to how they used to be when we were young.  ❞ ❝  villages everywhere were burned. many lives were lost…  ❞
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piliyi · 3 months
@piliyi : I promise, I'm fine. I just look tired a lot, thanks to… the tiredness. / rokushi moment ! / accepting.
"Roxas!" Her tone is that of a scolding girlfriend, but there's a faint laugh in her voice — it's not funny, exactly, except that she gets it, and she imagines it's probably the same for both of them. All three of them. All of them, everyone she knows suffering in some quiet way that doesn't show on the good days but never goes away. It's not funny that Roxas is always tired, any more than it's funny that Xion is always tired. But being around Roxas makes Xion smile, and being around Xion makes Roxas smile, too. Doesn't make the tiredness go away, but reminds them both there's space for more. "That's not comforting!"
It isn't funny, that his hair is extra - mussed and his eyebags are extra - bad, except that her hair is only presentable because Olette did it for her this morning and her eyebags are only a few degrees off from bruise - like. It isn't funny that they're both the result of unfathomable cruelty and abuse and it isn't funny that it's taken Xion so many months and so much kindness and so many tears to even call it that, except that they're still here, and they're so much like the teenagers they were built to be. And it's — it's good, maybe. That Roxas can be tired but alive? Or that the bad things that make him tired, or her tired, can still ache and ache without killing them. That they get to be alive, even if it's still bad, some days, some weeks? Months?
"The good news is that I was actually gonna ask if you wanted to spend a few nights at my apartment? I haven't been sleeping very good either, and I always sleep better with you." It's good, that she can say this without being afraid of being a burden. It's good, that they sleep better when they're together. It's good, that they can be tired and together.
It's good, that today the bad thing happening to Roxas is tired instead of dead or dying because of Xion.
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piliyi · 3 months
Hi. I’m sorry to put this on your dashboard, but my siblings and I are pretty much at our wits end, and I’m begging at this point for any help that can be given. I have a link in this post that will lead to a gofundme in my sisters name to help raise any kind of funds for my mothers medicine and doctors appointment fees while we try to get better health insurance to afford costs— and my sister mentions in the gofundme a little bit about what’s going on. But to put it here as well under a read more:
TL;DR my mother’s health is steadily being revealed through multiple tests with her doctors to be getting worse. First she was told about the fact she possesses ulcers, a deteriorating colon, and polyps (that have since been removed for testing and we get those results soon). Yet now we were given x-rays/photos of her stomach where healthy tissues are supposed to be but they’re not— parts of her stomach show up dark, which apparently means that those parts are… dying/deteriorating as well. And we hope that her polyps come back negative— but at this point even though we are trying to keep a strong face, we are all concerned that might not be the case. And preventative medications to take action now rather later, as well as treat what’s currently been found, has put us all in the negatives. Again, as my sister will say in the gofundme itself, we’re not asking for more than we need or anything like that— we’re just looking (and are grateful) for any help at all. And again, I’m really, truly sorry to have put this on your dashboards.
The link to the gofundme can be found: right here.
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piliyi · 3 months
my last 2 exams of the summer are today and then im no longer on crunch time ooogh im revamping fenris and making a blog for my inquisitor and and and and
16 notes · View notes
piliyi · 3 months
my last 2 exams of the summer are today and then im no longer on crunch time ooogh im revamping fenris and making a blog for my inquisitor and and and and
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piliyi · 3 months
2 days............
5 more days till i can be here more consistently...
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piliyi · 3 months
3 days...
5 more days till i can be here more consistently...
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piliyi · 3 months
4 more days...
5 more days till i can be here more consistently...
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piliyi · 3 months
5 more days till i can be here more consistently...
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piliyi · 4 months
↪     𝑺𝑬𝑻𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 , updated .     (  a  collection  of  various  settings  meant  to  inspire  drabbles  or  be  used  as  prompts .   )
001.   the seaside ,  as the sun is setting .
002.   a cabin in the middle of the woods .
003.   a picket-fenced home in the suburbs .
004.   a dark bus stop lit only by street lights .
005.   a private jet miles high in the sky .
006.   a funhouse’s room of mirrors .
007.   an office building ,  bustling and busy .
008.   the back row of an empty movie theater .
009.   a run - down motel room .
010.   a loud house party on a suburban street .
011.   a university lecture hall during a class .
012.   the rooftop of a very tall building .
013.   a great ballroom during an elegant party .
014.   the back of a wailing ambulance .
015.   the wine cellar of a large mansion .
016.   behind the school’s gymnasium .
017.   a boisterous bonfire at the lakeside .
018.   an otherwise empty parking lot .
019.   the shady bar of a noisy , dark club .
020.  the grounds of an empty summer camp .
021.   a large hedge maze ,  easy to get lost in .
022.   a neglected or derelict treehouse .
023.   a spacious ,  light-filled meadow .
024.   an underground illegal fighting club .
025.   an abandoned scrapyard .
026.   a large penthouse overlooking the city .
027.    an apple orchard in the middle of spring .
028.   an empty playground with squeaky swings .
029.   an extravagant greenhouse .
030.   the base of a large waterfall .
031.    a spacious walk - in closet full of lovely clothes .
032.   a solemnly quiet hospital room .
033.   the dark depths of an abandoned mine .
034.   the deck of a fishing boat at night .
035.   the thick crowd of an audience at a show .
036.   a long ,  winding road .
037.   the scene of a violent crime .
038.   a fork in a hiking trail deep in the wilderness .
039.   a cramped dressing room .
040.   a dusty antiques shop full of relics .
041.   the street of an unfamiliar city at night .
042.   between the tall shelves of a thrifted book shop .
043.   a building abandoned during construction .
044.   a house without power or running water .
045.   a mysterious trail found in the woods .
046.   the back of a taxi stuck in traffic .
047.    the inside of an elevator that won’t move .
048.   fairgrounds during a large event  (or after hours) .
049.   a garden bountiful with flowers or produce .
050.   a childhood home or bedroom .
+   30  more  setting  prompts :    1 / 3 / 2024
051. the site of a horrible accident .
052. a closed pool , after everyone has left .
053. a home holding horrific memories .
054. by the side of a dangerously quick river .
055. a private hotel room .
056. a police station in the middle of the night .
057. a ferris wheel carriage under a sky of fireworks .
058. a lavish , invite - only party .
059. a public transit stop as rain is pouring down .
060. the back of a taxi going in the wrong direction .
061. the underworld .
062. a dusty , forgotten attic .
063. on the set of a television show or movie .
064. a lighthouse overlooking the raging sea .
065. in a post - apocalyptic bunker .
066. on a ship hundreds of miles from the nearest coast .
067. on the rooftop of a perilously tall building .
068. a tent pitched in the middle of the woods .
069. a crowded stadium during a football game .
070. the morgue during an identification .
071. an otherwise empty library during a late study session .
072. a place that feels familiar , yet you've never been here before .
073. a long hallway that seems to stretch on forever .
074. a signpost at the start of a hiking trail .
075. a bar or tavern bustling with life .
076. the dance floor of a masquerade ball .
077. inside of a car parked in a secluded area .
078. at the edge of a cliff overlooking a large lake .
079. inside a very old house with very old haunts .
080. the antiseptic interior of a space station .
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piliyi · 4 months
Tumblr media
illusive realm
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piliyi · 4 months
verified ways to send aid to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, food, rebuilding homes/businesses etc. (Spotlights 1 verified gfm at a time so if you don't know who/where to donate to just go here and donate to the one they show you!)
Help provide tents (urgent):
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents for displaced families in Gaza (emergency bc tents in Rafah are being burned as we speak) (paypal) (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: also working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash & other daily essential suppliess to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Gaza Municipality's water project: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water and waste management services for the people of Gaza. (This campaign only has a couple of weeks left but it's still only at 15%!)
eSIMs (urgent):
guide to buy & send esims for gaza
crips for esims for gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), this team of volunteers are collecting funds to buy & manage gaza esims regularly
Medical Aid
Palestine Red Crescent Society: Provides emergency medical and ambulance services and humanitarian relief on the ground in Gaza e.g. rescuing and treating the wounded.
108K notes · View notes
piliyi · 4 months
blood, blood, gallons of the stuff ! a collection of icky, bloody prompts for those who like to choose violence. actions are reversible. general warning for blood, violence, murder, death.
" that's a lot of blood. "
" it isn't mine. "
" what did you do ? "
[ sigh ] " what did you do ? "
" come on. have a taste. "
" holy shit, are you okay ? "
" it looks worse than it feels. "
" you should see the other guy. "
" it's a good look on you. you should get covered in blood more often. "
" lean on me. "
" oh my god. oh my god, oh my god, what the fuck ? is that what i fucking think it is ? "
" . . . gross. "
[ standing over a body ] " oops. "
" is that a fucking body ? "
" look, i'm sorry, okay ? "
" what the hell happened ? "
" before you say anything, it wasn't me. "
" at least it wasn't me this time. "
" look at me. this is who i am, no matter how much you pretend it isn't. "
" look at me. this is who i am, no matter how much you wish it wasn't. "
" i'm not scared of you. "
" you don't scare me. "
" shut up and let me help you. "
" i got your shirt all bloody. "
" let's get you cleaned up. "
" that looks like it hurts. "
" i'm fine, just. . . give me a minute. "
" we are so fucked. "
" what the fuck is wrong with you ? "
" are you gonna help me clean it up or not ? "
" the fucker deserved it. "
" red looks good on you. "
" what the hell did you do ; tap - dance all over the body with ice - skates ? "
" what, did you run over the body with your car a couple times after ? "
" i. . . i didn't mean to. . . "
" sorry. fuck, i'm sorry. "
" this isn't what it looks like. "
" it was an accident. "
" motherfucker ran right into my knife, i swear. "
" people need to look both ways before crossing. . . bullets. "
" would you believe me if i said wrong place, wrong time ? "
" hey, look at me. i don't care. are you okay ? "
" they deserved it, right ? please tell me they deserved it. "
" you're bleeding. "
" what the fuck happened to you ? "
" you're getting blood on the carpet. "
" sit down before you fall down. "
" that looks like a you problem. "
sender spits out a mouthful of blood at receiver's feet
sender spits out a mouthful of blood on receiver
receiver finds sender covered in blood
sender tries desperately to stop receiver's bleeding
sender helps receiver clean up after a kill
sender wipes blood from receiver's face with a washcloth
sender wipes blood from receiver's face with their thumb
sender licks receiver's blood off a knife
sender licks receiver's blood off their thumb
sender lights up a cigarette a foot away from someone they killed before offering one to receiver
receiver finds sender stood over a body
sender stitches up receiver's wound [ optional wound placement ]
sender digs their finger into receiver's wound [ optional wound placement ]
sender frantically checks receiver for injuries under all the blood
sender guides receiver's bloody hands under a faucet / water source and begins washing them clean
sender bites receiver hard enough to draw blood
sender tilts receiver's head back to staunch a nosebleed
sender draws a smiley face out of the blood they spilled :)
receiver finds sender cleaning up a kill in a daze
sender looks receiver in the eye as they shoot / stab / kill someone
sender ruffles receiver's hair, getting blood all over their hand
sender gets some of receiver's blood on them and makes a face
sender flicks blood at receiver to annoy them
sender stomps in a pool of blood to splash it on receiver
sender slips in their victim's blood but receiver steadies them before they can fall
sender steadies receiver when they slip in the blood sender spilled
receiver comes home to sender covered in blood and waiting for them with all the lights off
sender spits out a tooth and it hits receiver
sender tries to wipe blood off receiver but the blood on their hands just makes it worse
sender takes an injury meant for receiver
sender shows up on receiver's doorstep covered in blood
sender sits down quietly next to receiver after receiver kills someone
sender punches receiver in the mouth
receiver watches sender lick the blood off their fingers like its cheeto dust
sender helps receiver bury a body
sender hugs receiver just to get their victim's blood all over them <3
sender hugs receiver just to get their blood all over them <3
sender leans on receiver for support
sender kills someone to protect receiver
receiver finds sender in a frenzy maiming a body after they've already killed it
sender kills someone and the blood spatters on receiver
receiver finds sender desperately trying to wash the blood off of themself
sender kisses receiver to taste the blood on their busted lip
sender shoots / stabs receiver non - fatally as a warning
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