pilot-motivation · 3 years
i know 2020′s been rough and im proud of you for making it to 2021! surprise little hello from what was mod zone, i hope youre all doing well and be sure to stay safe! the ask box is open just for fun, ill be here and if anyone needs anything so just shoot an ask. love you!
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pilot-motivation · 4 years
To mod Nova: Only stop if you think it's not worth it, you could try and reach the person who made the blog if you wanna add more mods, but either way, only stop if you feel like it
Mod Nova: I think I will… If someone wants to make a new motivation blog they can. Just message this blog and I’ll try to point people in the direction of that blog. I will still keep this blog here if people still need it. and uhhh if you’re interested I have a blog with a bunch of my art? also send messages there if you need something, I may just be a college student but I would like to help somehow…and I hope this blog did. oh and I guess I can say that I’m Charlie.
here is the link to it. and another one
and mod Zone has one too.
oh also we both did try to reconnect with the starter of this blog a year ago, but a lot has happened in their lives, I don’t blame them at all. And honestly, my mind is not in the same place as it was when this blog was really active, I’m trying to start a new story and uhhh yeah. find Mx.Bones here. and here is the webcomic
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pilot-motivation · 4 years
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This blog is long gone but I thought to drop this fanart of Daggerbot here to remind y’all to do something you like! Even if it means taking pictures imitating villains! (Also if you want to follow me for art go here instagram.com/digitalinkerror) have a wonderful day (won’t be answering anything) -mod Nova
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pilot-motivation · 6 years
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This blog is long gone but I thought to drop this fanart of Daggerbot here to remind y’all to do something you like! Even if it means taking pictures imitating villains! (Also if you want to follow me for art go here instagram.com/digitalinkerror) have a wonderful day (won’t be answering anything) -mod Nova
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pilot-motivation · 7 years
To mod Nova: Only stop if you think it's not worth it, you could try and reach the person who made the blog if you wanna add more mods, but either way, only stop if you feel like it
Mod Nova: I think I will… If someone wants to make a new motivation blog they can. Just message this blog and I’ll try to point people in the direction of that blog. I will still keep this blog here if people still need it. and uhhh if you’re interested I have a blog with a bunch of my art? also send messages there if you need something, I may just be a college student but I would like to help somehow…and I hope this blog did. oh and I guess I can say that I’m Charlie.
here is the link to it. and another one
and mod Zone has one too.
oh also we both did try to reconnect with the starter of this blog a year ago, but a lot has happened in their lives, I don’t blame them at all. And honestly, my mind is not in the same place as it was when this blog was really active, I’m trying to start a new story and uhhh yeah. find Mx.Bones here. and here is the webcomic
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pilot-motivation · 7 years
Is this blog still open as of 6/13/17?
mod Nova- I don’t know, I have been answering asks when I get them but it might be time for this ride to end.no real way to add more mods (the original maker of the blog is inactive and the other mod and myself can’t add new ones) and I have been working on my own art and stories. So yeah it might be time. 
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pilot-motivation · 7 years
Okay. So my mom keeps saying I'm straight even though I'm not. She keeps saying I'm a little confused even though I'm not. I don't know what to do about it. I don't know even how she found out because I haven't told her. What should do about It? (Can I get advice from Ahmad,Danish,and Pilot plz and thx).
Ahmad: depending on the situation you have two choices I think... keeping quite around your mom and staying in the closet around her so to speak. Or tell her about it, explain that it doesn’t change who you are. And that you're not confused about who you are, cause well you know yourself the best. She can’t control you at all.
Danish: Having someone constantly doing that is rough, I would try to avoid the conversation if you don’t want to talk to her about it. Coming out is rough, especially knowing that she doesn’t approve. Talk to her about it, ask why she keeps telling you this. Tell her it's not helping you in your life. live as you want to.
Pilot: Be you! Do what you need to feel good. Tell her or don’t, make your choice. Just don’t do anything you will regret later, live like you want and love who you want. And just be the best you that there ever will be.
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pilot-motivation · 7 years
Hi. I was wondering of how to come out to my parents? I'm bisexual and afraid of c ok minh out to my parents. I think they will get mad at me or be upset with me. But can I get advice from Danish and Ellora?
Danish: I’m sure if your parents are open minded and accepting they will be okay with it. you being bisexual doesn’t change who you are and who you have been. When you find the right time to say it I’m sure they will not be angry or upset. Rember you don’t need to come out to everyone.
Ellora: Wait till your ready to say, maybe try to ask your parents how they feel about people who are in the lgbtq spectrum. It may take a while for them to accept, but know that they can’t change who you are or who you love. Make sure you feel safe when you do come out, 
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pilot-motivation · 7 years
Hi ! You've helped me lot with some of my problems so was hoping you knew what to do about a friend of mine, her mother died and she's been vary sad for a while and we are long distance friends (because she lived in the US and I live in the UK )so I can help that much but I still want to help and I was hoping you knew something that I could do for her.
Greeze: Long distance with that type of situation is a little tricky, let her know that you are there for her might be the best option. Send her life updates and messages telling her every once and a while if there is something you can do to help. like those little things, you can do to bring her mood up, like watch movies on Netflix together or just do stuff with a Skype call open. Just show her that even if there is the distance you are there for her. Don’t push her to do these Skype hangouts, but let her know that it’s an option.
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pilot-motivation · 7 years
Isn't it a funny kind of sad when suddenly you realize exactly how not okay you are? I find it hilarious. Because sometimes I'm just sitting there enjoying myself and then suddenly I realize, "Wow, I am absolutely miserable. I've been stuck in a rut for two years pretending everything was okay when it most definately wasn't. Wow, I'm dumb." And then I'd grab a distraction from wherever I felt like and hop down into the rut, like normal. [1/?]
Then, this girl transferred to my school, and my brain went, "Yes! Something new! Something exciting! Something that can distract me! Yes! This is wonderful!" And soon me and the girl were good friends. Before it's asked, no, we do not share romantic feelings for each other [though it has been asked by several random strangers]. And that was it. I formed an almost completely new routine, revolving around my friends instead of my home life. [2/?] I thought, "This is great. This is the best time I've ever had in my life. I hope this happiness never ends." But of course, everything came crashing down. My father got a job in another state, and now I'm being dragged away from everything I've grown up with. My sister got to take her goddamn girlfriend with her. [She's gonna be LIVING with us- like FAMILY.] I have to leave everyone I love behind me, including family, and she gets special treatment because she's older. [3/?] Every time I manage to escape, I'm thrown back without warning. Every time I meet someone new they're thrown away without a thought. Every time I relax and let my guard down something like this happens and my walls are built even higher. I add layers for every awful thing that's happened and I'll keep doing that until I can't see the top, and then maybe I'll finally be safe. Then maybe nobody will ever be able to hurt me or leave me again. How can they leave if you don't let them in? [4/?] But watch. I'm going to get to the new house. My walls are so high by now I'm using a ladder to add bricks. And then someone will come knocking, promising friendship and love and acceptance and everything I've ever wanted in life, and they'll keep saying it until I'm so tired from keeping them out, I let them in. They'll smile and chat, then turn and leave when they see who I am. A defensive, angry person who can't think of anything else to do but spew jokes to try and hide her personality [5/?] 
Vendetta: Being young is tough, you're forced to do what your parents want from you without your input. Things like a new job are a bit hard for even your dad to control. Especially with the changes in hormones teenagers go through. It’s going to take a while for you to feel comfortable, maybe it will happen after school when you feel safe to not have those walls. Cause school is just one of the many things you’re forced into for social norms, just do well there. If your heading that route, do well in college too. Do what you can to try and get that better future for yourself. During that time when people accept you for who you are. It takes a lot of time for that to happen, took me till Mahogany. Finding a family takes a long while, not just a blood bond but the ones deeper than that. The ones formed from actual bonds not just forced relations just because you were born. But it’s going to take time and therapy probably. Ask your parents if they can take you, as compensation for changing your life on you like that. Doing that could help you not only adjust to the new place but also come to terms with what is going on.  I’m sorry that I can only give you words, but I hope this helps. I believe in you to make it.
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pilot-motivation · 7 years
Um... What dose it mean if you've lose all feeling for everything and everyone around you? And you feel numb to everything except hate, self-confidence and boredom? Is that something I should worry about or...?
Pops: if anything this could cause you to be less social with others and a more withdrawn. I don't think feeling these things to an extent isn't bad, being self confident is all good. Having a dislike for others, hatred, and boredom in general is okay, as long as you don't act on it. Just don't do anything too out of the social norms like, "What if I stole from this person" or "Im going to skip class cause."
As far as the lose of feeling and general numbness I would suggest activities that would get your heart racing, so like skateboarding, exercising, roller coasters, and scary movies. You might not just have enough stimulus in your life. Just don't do anything that can get you in trouble, be smart about what your doing.
And it's fine, bug away.
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pilot-motivation · 7 years
Ever since school started for me, life had started to feel fake, I guess. Kinda like nothing was real, and that things didn't really matter. Now my brothers' graduating in a few days and I'm happy for him and all, but I guess that everything suddenly feels too real now. Like things matter more, and I can't keep up with it all. Now I'm dreading the day he graduates and goes to leave because I don't want to grow distant from him.
Charlie: hey, during school just worry about those grades and staying out of trouble. It's just an establishment that keeps kids off the streets for a few hours, socialize, be a kid, and do some class work. Don't sweat the small stuff and keep your bonds strong.
Vendetta: Hey, the bonds that really mater to you, like ones with close family and friends, don't really fade all that much with distance. And, at appropriate times, you could text and call your brother and talk about the mundane and not so mundane. Be it going to college or living on their own family always comes back together. It's that social part in human nature.
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pilot-motivation · 7 years
stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you
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pilot-motivation · 7 years
(I'm sorry I'm just going to rant,so you don't have to listen or reply to this) I just broke down crying at my best friends house because her sister and her sisters boyfriend had a argument I don't really know why I do this, I get emotional about things that happened 5 years ago. My parents split up when I was around 8 and they would end up arguing in front of my door so now I can't stand people arguing because it brings back to many bad memorys. (Thank you for listening,I really appreciate it)
Charlie: If you find yourself in those types of situations again get yourself out of there, and make sure you keep headphones handy listen to some music and keep your brain occupied with your phone. Don’t be afraid to leave when people start arguing with one another, afterward explain that you had some trama. I’m sure they will understand. 
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pilot-motivation · 7 years
I'm getting bullied all the time because of my accent and where I'm from, but I can't tell anyone because there doing it in a way I can't really tell others about, and I don't even understand why they hate so much! I just don't know what to do,hell! what can I do, I can't tell cause nobody will take me seriously; not my teachers, friends or even parents! I just don't understand why they hate me so much!
Artman: If you can’t vent it out by telling someone, do it on paper. Scream it on the pages, rip it if you must. scrawl your anger at these people on the page. and throw the page away into the trash. These kids don’t define you.Have pride in where you came from, your voice, and who you are. Kids hate those who are different, it's rough.
Charles: If you need to, as in the bullying goes too far for you, tell someone. Any form of bullying is wrong. verbal damages your mind, and that is far worse than any physical scar. Some bullies want a reaction from you, other’s are dealing with their own lives and take it out on you. In a few years they can stop, but in these years you should be enjoying yourself. Avoid them if you can, they don’t need to ruin your life.
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pilot-motivation · 7 years
I have a psychiatrist, I take medicine and I feel somewhat better. But I still self harm (my mom and doc don't know about this) and sometimes I have suicidal thoughts. But I don't know how of even if I want to tell them about this. It's kind of a big secret that I've been hiding for quite a while. I'm mostly worried about how they'll react or what they'll do with me.
Pops: If you find the courage to, tell your psychiatrist if at all possible. They are trying to help you, that’s what the medication is for. And you have been showing a progression right? at the very least tell the professional that your having these thoughts and self-harm, they are not supposed to out you to your parents. You don’t have to tell everyone. The worst thing they can do is to change the treatment your taking. Your mental health is their top priority, it’s what you're paying for after all. No shame in telling them that something is wrong, they are there to help you. 
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pilot-motivation · 7 years
I've got a friend that has depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, insomnia, biploar, etc. I've become so close to this friend, that They're rubbing off onto me. Whenever I'm not around them, I notice I'm happier and love myself more. I've tried to get away from them, but they've become so protective that they've ruined some of my friendships, including one I loved a lot, or threaten suicide.What do you think I should do?Thanks, in advance.-middle school smol
Greeze: You shouldn't have to feel tied down to this friend of yours. Also tell this friend that you two need space, cause that relationship has a negative effect on you And at that age you shouldn't have to deal with that nonsense, cause that is already an awkward age to begin with, I think. You just need to make friends and worry about social stuff...and school, that too. Be honest with this friend, and if they are repeated offenders of suicide attempts they might be doing it solely for attention. If they try to cling on more I would definitely talk with a consular to settle things. Cause for both of you that is unhealthy.
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