Prompt #12 Eating For Pain Control
It is recommended that patients who have chronic pain will need a diet plan that is high in protein.  It will be important to avoid high starch carbohydrates. This diet should be focused on promoting strength, movement, energy, and mental function.  It is important to keep in mind that patients who have chronic pain could be underweight due to pituitary-adrenal causing exhaustion and the “net endocrine nutrition effect of uncontrolled pain is loss of appetite, this catabolic state will manifest clinically as weight loss, muscle wasting, weakness, and poor mentation. There are four reasons why a high-protein diet is highly recommended: 1. Endogenous pain relievers are protein derivatives, 2. protein builds muscle cartilage, 3. protein activates glucagon, and 4. protein decreases inflammation (Tennant, 2011).  Also, chronic pain could be aggravated by obesity, such as “those with fibromyalgia, headaches, or some neuropathic pain, and may not be affected by excess weight. There are numerous issues with weight loss in those with chronic pain, therefore, patients probably can't move or exercise enough to drop a lot of weight” (Tennant, 2011).  The recommended dietary supplements are Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin B12. This could help with possible vitamin deficiencies or osteoporosis.  The physiological reason why this food plan is advantageous is that a high-protein diet allows for the increase of amino acids.  “Amino acids enter the blood from the intestine and travel to locations in the liver, glands, and brain, where they are building blocks for compounds critical to pain relief. These include endorphin, dopamine, serotonin, and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Insulin and thyroid hormones are derived from amino acids” (Tennant, 2011).  The individual limitations to adopting to this food plan are that economically it will be expensive, therefore using your resources like the farmer markets could be helpful.  Social class and status influence the ability to utilize a healthy food plan, for example, “healthy food habits are more positively associated with higher education, occupational position, and fewer economic difficulties (Boylan, 2010).
Protein foods:https://diet.mayoclinic.org/media/ruvjvevi/sample-higher-protein.pdf
50% protein by weight, such as fish,     beef, poultry, lamb, eggs, or cottage cheese, are rarely eaten.
Green vegetables such as beans,     broccoli, or brussels sprouts, which contain about 30% protein.
Whole grains
Beans, nuts, seeds, pods
Fresh Fruits
Olive oil (a healthier alternative to using in place of butter or other cooking oils)
Herbs & spices
Cited Work:
Boylan, S., Lallukka, T., Lahelma, E., Pikhart, H., Malyutina, S., Pająk, A., Kubínová, R., Bragina, O., Stepaniak, U., Gillis-Januszewska, A., Simonova, G.I., Peasey, A., & Bobák, M. (2010). Socio-economic circumstances and food habits in Eastern, Central and Western European populations. Public Health Nutrition, 14, 678 - 687.
Tennant F. A Diet for Patients with Chronic Pain. Pract Pain Manag. 2011;11(6).
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Prompt #11 The School Nurse Making A Difference
The school nurse’s knowledge of nutrition is a very important area for their professional development.  The school nurse has the ability to build a connection with the students within the school and provide nurse teaching about nutrition to the students.  Also, it is the school nurse’s role to know and manage all of the students who have food allergies and store their emergency medications, such as Epinephrine.  Children and adolescents with severe allergies are at risk of anaphylactic reactions. “School nurses screen for risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes in children” (Scott, 2013).  School health screenings are conducted as “part of health maintenance and assessment, annual height/weight, and acanthosis nigricans screenings can easily assist the school nurse with the early identification of at-risk children. Therefore, the knowledge of health and wellness strategies and their understanding of child development also place them in a key position to help guide school leaders and community leaders to make key changes in school dietary and activity offering” (Scott, 2013). Also,” the prevalence of obesity in children is widely believed to be rising rapidly.  An obese child is likely to grow into an obese adult, and adult obesity reduces life expectancy by 9 years mainly due to cardiovascular disease and the complications of diabetes” (Routh, 2006).
National School Lunch Program is usually administered by State education agencies, which operate the program through agreements with school food authorities.  One of the programs the schools can have is, the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program is a wonderful opportunity to provide fresh fruits and vegetables, free of charge, to all enrolled students in elementary schools with the highest percentage of students certified for free and reduced-price benefits. http://www.cn.nysed.gov/fresh-fruits-and-vegetables. 
 The goal of the FFVP is to:
Create     healthier school environments by providing healthier food choices;
Expand     the variety of fruits and vegetable children experience;
Increase     children’s fruit and vegetable consumption;
Make     a difference in children’s diets to impact their present and future     health; and
Encourage     nutritious snacking.  http://www.cn.nysed.gov/fresh-fruits-and-vegetables.    
Also, the Afterschool Snack Program (ASP) is another great program.
School Food Authorities (SFAs) can receive reimbursement through the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) for snacks served to children through the age 18. The intent is to use snacks as an incentive for children to participate in programs organized to provide after-school care that include education or enrichment activities known to help reduce or prevent children's involvement in juvenile crime or other high-risk behavior. The snacks may now also be served during the school day to the full school enrollment in extended-day schools. http://www.cn.nysed.gov/afterschool-snacks.
It is very important the school nurse becomes knowledgeable about what the school district offers for food programs to best help the students live healthier lives.  
Cited work:
Graham, V., Gibbons, K., Marraffa, C., & Sultana, J. (2000). “Filling the Gap” -- children aged between six and eight years: sources of nutrition information used by families, school nurses and teachers. Australian Journal of Nutrition & Dietetics, 57(2), 90–94.
Scott, L. K. (2013). Presence of Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors In Children. Pediatric Nursing, 39(4), 190–180.
Routh, K., Rao, J. N., & Denley, J. (2006). A simple, and potentially low-cost method for measuring the prevalence of childhood obesity. Child: Care, Health & Development, 32(2), 239–246. https://doi-org.libproxy.canton.edu/10.1111/j.1365-2214.2006.00582.x
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Prompt #10  Stress and Nutrition
All human beings experience stress, and our stress response could have long negative effects on our health. The effects of stress cause pathophysiologic alterations to our physiological body functions, such as the cardiovascular, immune, gastrointestinal, and neurologic body systems.  For example, autoimmune inflammatory disease.  A healthy diet for patients with the anti-inflammatory disease, especially “when done properly such as Mediterranean or Vegan diets, which are high in Omega-3, dietary fiber, low in carbohydrates and rich in foods such as fish, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.  Mediterranean or Vegan diets play an important role in regulating gut microbiota and produce a synergistic effect towards anti-inflammatory with gut homeostasis” (Kulakli & Caglayan, 2021).  Also, stress factors can happen due to dietary lifestyles. Many health professionals recommend a healthy diet to help relieve stress, such as the following:
Eliminate or restrict your intake of caffeine
Eliminate or restrict your intake of alcohol
Eliminate refined carbohydrates from the diet
Increase the potassium-to-sodium ratio
Eat regularly planned meals in a relaxed environment
Control food allergies” (Langer, 1998).  
 Therefore, it would be beneficial for me to change how I think of my stress because this will help me not only be more resilient in my life challenges but most importantly, healthier.  
Cited Work:
Kulakli, F., & Caglayan, G. (2021). Nutrition and stress: Two important external factors in polymyalgia rheumatica. Annals of Medical of Research, 28(2), 438–444. https://doi-org.libproxy.canton.edu/10.5455/annalsmedres.2020.01.072.
Langer, S. (1998). Stress Less: Natural Strategies To Help You Cope. Better Nutrition, 60(11), 38.
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Prompt #9 Why Do You Run Marathons? And What Do You Eat To Train For A Marathon?
Why would you want to run a Marathon?  And what do you eat to train for a marathon? As a runner, I have been asked these two questions numerous times in my life.  Non-runners find this concept of paying money to run and suffer through 26.2 miles very strange, so they cannot help themselves to ask these questions.  I have run ten full marathons and more than twenty half-marathons; however, it is not the exact number of races or the number of finishing medals collected, more importantly, it is what I have learned about myself within these miles of the marathon.  For me, every marathon has been different and has brought me something new to learn about myself, and the experience is never the same.  Yes, it is true marathons are grueling and miserable, however, those hours of running the marathon can prove just how strong, and powerful one can be.  Also, diet discipline is a task in itself, especially maintaining proper nutrition leading up to marathon day. The many hours of dedicated training to run this race brings an exhilarating feeling to be able to make it to the start line, and is an accomplishment in itself too.
“The American diet already contains too much salt; therefore, marathoners and triathletes must be careful with hyponatremia and must consider it when adding salty foods to their daily sports diet. Therefore, it is important, to consume extra fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods for potassium, magnesium, and calcium.  Also, it is just as important to limit your intake of alcohol and fatty meats.  Runners should moderate their intake of salt by eating less processed foods” (Clark, 2005).  Recreational and professional runners must be conscious of their body weight because the body’s weight is being “lifted off the ground with every stride to make forward progress and the energy cost of accelerating your body forward is proportional to your weight” (Men’s Health India, 2014).  However, it is important to note not to consume your mind so much about body weight, as this is about preventing injury to the musculoskeletal system, and helping reserve energy to push through tough workouts.  This can be done by adding simple changes, such as consuming as many vegetables as you can, followed by fruits, nuts, fish, lean meats, and whole grains” (Men’s Health India, 2014).  The contents of the nutrition training are the basis of healthy sports nutrition, the specific knowledge of food composition, the preparation of meals, and the design of a meal plan that follows the recommendations” (Schröder et al., 2008) “The two main sources of energy are stored fat and glycogen.  As a runner, I use the following as a breakdown of glycogen usage: We burn about 60 calories/km, implying that we only have enough glycogen to get us through 33km of our 42k marathon, leaving us with 9km to run on empty. In running jargon, it is called "hitting the wall” (Men’s Health India, 2012).
Runners that train for endurance running must keep a positive perspective and mental clarity to succeed. This is why nutrition and hydration are important.” Knowledge and compliance with the requirements of healthy balanced eating and a healthy lifestyle are measures that contribute to maintaining and strengthening health, reducing morbidity and trauma, the increasing life expectancy. Also, nutrition plays an important role in social and economic impact that the runner must keep in perspective” (Acta Medica Marisiensis, 2017).  In my opinion, marathon runners are motivated to a healthy diet due to their passion for running. However, it is important to take breaks from endurance running, and maintain a balance with a healthy diet when not training for a marathon. 
So, why run a marathon? You begin this running journey at the start line, and you have to endure the physical and psychological barriers to make it past the finish line, therefore, no one is out there to save you, but yourself and the only way to make it to the finish is moving forward, or through. There is no easy way out, I mean you can quit, but the feeling of empowerment is when you chose not to quit, and get to the finish line.  In my opinion, the greatest gift is our physical body and our mind, therefore, when you can be inspired to push past the physical pain, and tell your mind to keep going is what brings you joy after crossing the finish line.  A lot like the journey of life, I use the marathon as a metaphor for life.  Life is not always easy with many hardships and struggles; however, we must learn to be strong and push through to make it to the great moments of life.   It is important to do everything for yourself to keep a strong mental perspective, therefore, I work on what I can control physically, like intestinal issues.  For example, I’m a morning runner, so I “drink a warm beverage earlier in the morning, such as tea, coffee, and water to stimulate bowel activity. While running, visualize yourself having no intestinal problems.  A positive mindset opposed to useless worry may control the problem” (Clark, 2010)   On November 20, 2021, I ran the Philadelphia Marathon, I dedicated this race to my mother whom we lost unexpectedly.  I wanted to prove to her this day, I was ready to bring back the daughter she had raised! I received my marathon medal after crossing the finish line and was rewarded by understanding that “Even in the darkest moments, light exists if you have the faith to see it. Fear is a poison produced by the mind, and courage is the antidote stored always in the soul. In misfortune lies the seed of future triumph” (Koontz, 2001).  Also, this race was my testament to myself, I had accepted the death of my mother, and understood I had to go on without my mother by continuing to live a good life as she would have wanted me to do.  Below is a picture of me at the end of the Philadelphia Marathon. 
I have learned to embrace the suffering because it lets me know that when life gets hard that I can deal with the suffering and keep going.  There are not many who understand this concept but that is ok.  Also, running marathons has kept me motivated to care about my nutrition.
Cited Work:
Koontz, D. R. (2001). One door away from heaven /Lp. Bantam Books.
Gilbert, E. (2006). Eat, Pray, Love. Viking Press
Clark, N. (2005). Shake It or Leave It. American Fitness, 23(5), 28–29.
Running commentary. (2014). Men’s Health India, 1.
Schröder, S., Fischer, A., Vock, C., Böhme, M., Schmelzer, C., Döpner, M., Hülsmann, O., & Döring, F. (2008). Nutrition Concepts for Elite Distance Runners Based on Macronutrient and Energy Expenditure. Journal of Athletic Training (National Athletic Trainers’ Association), 43(5), 489–504. https://doi-org.libproxy.canton.edu/10.4085/1062-6050-43.5.489.
Race fuel made simple. (2012). Men’s Health India, 22.
Clark, N. (2010). Undesired Sideliners: Side Stitches and Runner’s Trots. Running & FitNews, 28(4), 21–23.
V. I., R., S., C., & Gr., F. (2017). Some Principles of Sports Nutrition of Adolescents Athletes. Acta Medica Marisiensis, 63, 42.
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Prompt #8
 “Both parents and children are greatly affected by the media. Television is one such medium through which advertisements directly affect children’s eating habits and their food consumption.  Children are targeted by advertisers and food marketers by increasing the number of commercials during television programs, which aims at influencing their food purchases, and intake.  Children’s food consumption has a direct relationship with obesity, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, and coronary heart disease.  Many studies have shown an increased amount of food advertisements with foods high in fat and sugar and low in fiber” (Hassan et al., 2020).   “As the AAP Committee on Communication1 concluded, “advertising food products to children promotes profit rather than health.'' This criticism is compounded by poor nutritional quality, the advertiser's consistent use of slim participants, the association between television viewing time and obesity, and the conflict between television viewing and physical activity” (Lewis & Hill, 1998).  “Therefore, it is not surprising that the high prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity around the world has been attributed to watching TV” (Hajizadehoghaz, et al., 2016). Also, by changing the children’s attitude toward unhealthy food and focusing on advertisements that promote healthier food choices.  
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Cited Work:
Hassan, A. U., Jasmin, R., Bhatti, U. D., Hassan, M., Iqbal, Z., Saddiqua, M., & Tariq, A. (2020). Influence of Watching Advertisements on Kids’ Food Choices. Pakistan Journal of Science, 72(4), 285.
Lewis, M. K., & Hill, A. J. (1998). Food advertising on British children’s television: a content analysis and experimental study with nine-year-olds. International Journal of Obesity & Related Metabolic Disorders, 22(3), 206. https://doi-org.libproxy.canton.edu/10.1038/sj.ijo.0800568.
Hajizadehoghaz, M., Amini, M., & Abdollahi, A. (2016). Iranian Television Advertisement and Children’s Food Preferences. International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 18–23
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Prompt #6
Prompt #6
“In recent years, the World Health Organization as the ‘United Nations decade of action on nutrition (2016–2025), collective acknowledgment of the concept of ‘food as medicine” (Frost & Baldwin, 2021).  As a Registered Nurse, I find it very important for patients to eat food high in protein and I myself eat foods high in protein to help promote strength, movement, energy, and mental function. “It is very important that the nurse should have adequate nutrition knowledge to understand the nutritional status of the patient. Nurses with good knowledge are likely to help patients in consuming the appropriate diets by convincing the patients. Promoting nutrition practices and providing proper nutrition education to patients is important in nursing practice. (Patil & Balai, 2021).  
 There are four reasons why a high-protein diet is highly recommended: 1. Endogenous pain relievers are protein derivatives, 2. protein builds muscle cartilage, 3. protein activates glucagon, and 4. protein decreases inflammation (Tennant, 2011).  Also, chronic pain could be aggravated by obesity, such as “those with fibromyalgia, headaches, or some neuropathic pain, and may not be affected by excess weight. There are numerous issues with weight loss in those with chronic pain, therefore, patients probably can't move or exercise enough to drop a lot of weight” (Tennant, 2011).  The recommended dietary supplements are Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin B12. This could help with possible vitamin deficiencies or osteoporosis.  The physiological reason why this food plan is advantageous is that a high-protein diet allows for the increase of amino acids.  “Amino acids enter the blood from the intestine and travel to locations in the liver, glands, and brain, where they are building blocks for compounds critical to pain relief. These include endorphin, dopamine, serotonin, and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Insulin and thyroid hormones are derived from amino acids” (Tennant, 2011).  The individual limitations to adopting to this food plan are that economically it will be expensive, therefore using your resources like the farmer markets could be helpful.  Social class and status influence the ability to utilize this meal plan, for example, “healthy food habits were, in general, positively associated with higher education, occupational position, and fewer economic difficulties, but there were differences in the strength of the gradient by food and country” (Boylan, 2010).
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Cited Work:
Frost, J. C., & Baldwin, A. J. (2021). “Food for thought”: The importance of nutrition to patient care and the role of the junior doctor. Clinical Medicine, 21(3), e272–e274. https://doi-org.libproxy.canton.edu/10.7861/clinmed.2020-0707.
Patil, R., & Balai, K. (2021). Nutrition Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Hospital Nurses. Research Horizons, 91–100.
Boylan, S., Lallukka, T., Lahelma, E., Pikhart, H., Malyutina, S., Pająk, A., Kubínová, R.Bragina, O., Stepaniak, U., Gillis-Januszewska, A., Simonova, G.I., Peasey, A., & Bobák, M. (2010). Socio-economic circumstances and food habits in Eastern, Central and Western European populations. Public Health Nutrition, 14, 678 - 687.
Tennant F. A Diet for Patients with Chronic Pain. Pract Pain Manag. 2011;11(6).
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Prompt #7
 In my opinion, the economic cost of food plays a big factor in influencing food options and choices within a specific region, geography, or local culture.  The cost of food has increased globally, therefore, a person’s economic status may bring broader food options or choices, while low-income groups tend to eat unhealthy diets.  Although, higher economic status allows for more accessibility to unhealthy and healthy food options, therefore, this could not equate to a healthy diet.  “The accessibility to grocery stores, restaurants, or farmer markets is another reason on influencing food choice, which is dependent on resources such as transport and geographical location. Healthy food tends to be more expensive when available within towns and cities compared to supermarkets on the outskirts.  However, improving access alone does not increase purchase of additional fruit and vegetables, which are still regarded as prohibitively expensive” https://www.eufic.org/en/healthy-living/article/the-determinants-of-food-choice.  “Beef cattle, sheep and goats are well suited to North Country farms and families due to the abundance of grass for hay and pasture, a cool weather growing season and ease of access to quality water.  Northern New York Livestock producers work together along with Cornell Cooperative Extension to improve their management and market their products locally and statewide” https://ncrat.cce.cornell.edu/livestock.php.  “Upstate New York's abundance of farms means we have a huge array of farm markets to choose from, and the markets below are the cream of the crop. The range from farms and orchards with their own expansive markets to seasonal and weekly city and town markets” https://www.newyorkupstate.com/entertainment/erry2018/05/838ca7835a9863/best_farm_markets_upstate_ny.html.  Also, New York State is a water-rich state: 2.6 million acres of water on Lakes Erie, Ontario, and Champlain; approximately 0.75 million acres on more than 4,000 smaller lakes; 70,000 miles of streams and rivers in 15 major watersheds; 150 tidal miles of the Hudson River estuary; and 1.1 million acres of marine waters extending three miles from shore. Many species of fish are sought by anglers in these waters. Fishing is fun and fish are an important part of a healthy diet. Fish contain high quality protein, essential nutrients, healthy fish oils, and are low in saturated fat” https://www.health.ny.gov/publications/2800.pdf.
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Prompt #5
 “Strawberry is one of the most imperative small fruit amongst the berries which originated in France. It is cultivated throughout the world while the USA, Turkey, Spain, Egypt, Mexico, Russia, Italy, Japan, and Korea are the main producing countries. Strawberry has great dietetic value and is a good source of vitamins.  It is a highly valuable crop for the processing industry and fresh consumption. It fetches higher prices when harvested early in the season and produces greater yield throughout the season” (Ali, et al., 2021).  
  “Due to their attractive color, flavor, and aroma, strawberry fruits are frequently consumed in the human diet.  Suitable agroecological conditions provide possibilities for strawberry production.  Several factors such as genetics, environmental availability of elements, cultivation type, ripeness state, and storage conditions are known to affect the quality of strawberries, which are a rich source of antioxidants” (Ristivojević et al., 2022). “Strawberries are economically valuable and popular with consumers who want to buy them all year round. However, a typical harvest season in most U.S. states is limited to only 3 to 4 weeks. Repeat-fruiting cultivars grown in these states could help meet that demand, especially if bred to be adapted to those states. To develop new repeat-fruiting cultivars that meet modern standards when grown in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic and similar regions, a production system utilizing low tunnels over raised white-plastic-covered beds was developed as a breeding tool to enable meaningful selection. The system also showed promise as a commercial production system” (Lewers, 2017).
 “Harvested strawberries were coated with Aloe Vera Gel either alone or mixed with essential oil from the basil plant. Coated strawberries were stored at ambient temperature (20°C) for 7 days and successfully retained their postharvest quality during storage. The results demonstrated that the application of Aloe Vera–basil oil complex coating is an effective method to preserve the postharvest quality and extend the shelf life of strawberry fruit at room temperature” (Mohammadi, 2021).
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Cited Work:
Ali, A., Ghafoor, A., Usman, M., Bashir, M. K., Javed, M. I., & Arsalan, M. (2021). Valuation of Cost and Returns of Strawberry in Punjab, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 58(1), 283–290. https://doi-org.libproxy.canton.edu/10.21162/PAKJAS/21.10050.
Lewers, K. S., Fleisher, D. H., & Daughtry, C. S. T. (2017). Low Tunnels as a Strawberry Breeding Tool and Season-Extending Production System. International Journal of Fruit Science, 17(3), 233–258. https://doi-org.libproxy.canton.edu/10.1080/15538362.2017.1305941.
Mohammadi, L., Tanaka, F., & Tanaka, F. (2021). Preservation of strawberry fruit with an Aloe vera gel and basil (Ocimum basilicum) essential oil coating at ambient temperature. Journal of Food Processing & Preservation, 45(10), 1–12. https://doi-org.libproxy.canton.edu/10.1111/jfpp.15836
Ristivojević, P., Lekić, N., Cvijetić, I., Krstić, Đ., Andrić, F., Milojković-Opsenica, D., & Morlock, G. E. (2022). Effect-Directed Profiling of Strawberry Varieties and Breeding Materials via Planar Chromatography and Chemometrics. Molecules, 27(18), 6062–N.PAG. https://doi-org.libproxy.canton.edu/10.3390/molecules27186062.
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Coffee Cafes
Prompt #4
 Coffee used to be part of a staple meal one ordered after a meal in a restaurant.  Today, the United States has created a coffee culture, and now there are so many coffee cafés and large coffee international franchises that offer a whole menu of coffee beverages and signature espressos.  Although there are larger coffee chains, it is the privately-owned coffee shops that have centralized the authentic coffee culture.  I decided to adventure to a few coffee cafes and a large coffee franchise.   I found that the independent coffee shops created a warm atmosphere of a cozy environment, free access to social networking, and socializing with people in the community.  The clientele appeared to be all different ages and diverse in gender, and race.  This is why some people prefer to stay loyal to independent coffee shops as opposed to the fast-paced larger coffee international franchises.  Also, not to mention the gourmet desserts and treats offered. “Coffee consumption is anchored in daily habits and a marker of European and Western consumer society and lifestyles. The beverage has changed from a simple form of preparation to a broad variety and up to specialty coffee with remarkable attributes in terms of aroma and flavored body.  Today, drinking coffee and spending time with others are social behavior patterns” (Simkin, 2019).  In my opinion, it is the coffee cafes that offer a much cozier and friendlier atmosphere.  
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Cited Work:
Simkin, P., & Schmidt, M. (2019). A cup of coffee in Bishkek: insights into the emerging coffee culture in Kyrgyzstan’s capital. Central Asian Survey, 38(4), 446–459. https://doi-org.libproxy.canton.edu/10.1080/02634937.2019.1674782.
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Prioritises Expansion in North America. Tea & Coffee Trade Journal. 2022;194(3):12-17. Accessed October 9, 2022. https://search-ebscohost-com.libproxy.canton.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=155765319&site=ehost-live.
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Prompt #3
Prompt #3
I have reflected on how the modern food system and globalization impact our relationship with food directly, and the more important question to discuss is why is a food system approach needed to address the poor diets of children and adolescents.  “Malnutrition, in all of its forms, is a problem of global proportion and requires urgent action. In many parts of the world, most children and adolescents do not receive the diets they need – in quantity, frequency, and quality to survive, grow, and develop to their full potential.  The local, national and global food systems need to be held accountable for providing healthy, affordable, and sustainable diets to children and adolescents today and in the future” the three focuses that could create positive outcomes are 1. “develop a common narrative around the need for food systems to produce nutritious, safe, affordable, accessible, and sustainable diets for children and adolescents, 2. validate a common approach to elucidate priority actions within the food system to improve diets of children and adolescents, and 3. Develop an action plan to improve children’s and adolescents’ diets using a food systems approach”  https://www.unicef.org/media/94086/file/Food-systems-brochure.pdf. 
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  Cited Work:
UNICEF, originally called the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund in full, now officially United Nations Children's Fund, is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide https://www.unicef.org/media/94086/file/Food-systems-brochure.pdf
The National Center for Biotechnology Information is part of the United States National Library of Medicine, a branch of the National Institutes of Health. It is approved and funded by the government of the United States. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7716102/
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Prompt #2
 “Excess carbohydrate is linked to Type 2 Diabetes, also to poor control of diabetes, and proneness to complications of diabetes” (Mohan et al., 2018). Also, there are complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates that should be considered when eating carbohydrates.  My nutritional belief is that carbohydrate intake should be monitored, especially if there is a family history of diabetes.  Complex carbohydrates, such as natural fruit, vegetables, grains, dry beans, and peas are the best carbohydrates to eat opposed to simple carbohydrates.    The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases reports, “Some evidence suggests that whole grains and dietary fiber from whole foods help lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. Fiber may also protect against obesity, colon, and rectal cancers, and type 2 diabetes. Fiber is also essential for optimal digestive health.  Most carbohydrates come from starches, fruits, milk, and sweets. Try to limit carbohydrates with added sugars or those with refined grains, such as white bread and white rice. Instead, eat carbohydrates from fruit, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and low-fat or nonfat milk”  https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diabetes/overview/diet-eating-physical-activity. Accessed Feb. 24, 2022. 
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 Cited Work:
Diabetes diet, eating, and physical activity. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diabetes/overview/diet-eating-physical-activity. Accessed Feb. 24, 2022.
Mohan, V., Unnikrishnan, R., Shobana, S., Malavika, M., Anjana, R. M., & Sudha, V. (2018). Are excess carbohydrates the main link to diabetes & its complications in Asians? Indian Journal of Medical Research, 148(5), 531–538. https://doi-org.libproxy.canton.edu/10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_1698_18.
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The Christmas Eve Family Tradition
Prompt #1 Christmas Eve Family Tradition
While growing up, my mother began a “Christmas Eve Family Tradition,” Our family had suffered two devastating losses just months prior, my grandmother, and then unexpectedly, my sixteen-year-old brother, Michael. My mother found the will to bring our family a new Christmas Eve tradition.  Later, I would come to realize, my mother’s grace in creating this tradition was to help our family come together in our grieving process.  My mother announced, “the Christmas Eve Family Tradition schedule will be given to you, and your father two days before Christmas Eve!”  This Christmas Eve schedule was given and this Christmas Eve Family Tradition continued for many years. Unfortunately, this tradition did end in my mid-twenties due to having my household with young children.  The schedule consisted of the following:
1. Christmas Eve Breakfast:
My mother cooked breakfast for my father and me. The rule was we were to sit at the kitchen table while my mother cooked.  Breakfast consisted of Pumpkin Pancakes that were served with whipped cream and cinnamon sprinkled on top.  My mother tried to build a Christmas tree on top of my pancakes with the whipped cream, which was a total fail on her part, because it did not look anything like a Christmas tree.  However, this moment brought laughter and smiles to all of us that morning.  Also, my mother never really enjoyed cooking but she claimed at that moment, “I like cooking when I have company and people to talk to!” That had been the first time we had sat together since losing, Michael, and it was good to see my parents laugh again.  This breakfast not only brought us together, but it gave me hope that we would be okay.  
 2. Preparing Shepperd’s Pie for Christmas Eve Dinner/Baking Christmas Cookies/Christmas Music
“The name “shepherd’s pie” first appeared in an English cookbook of 1877 that attributes the dish to Scotland while complaining that it is “too farinaceous,” since the potato topping was itself topped by a wheat-flour shell. Though not by that name, a recipe with that shell also appears in a Scottish cookbook of 1862. The dish is no doubt much older still. Today a shepherd’s pie has no shell but instead is a casserole of layered mashed potatoes on top and bottom with a filling in the middle. Some cookbooks distinguish between Irish and Scottish versions, the former using lamb and the latter using beef and turnips. Many versions also forgo the bottom layer of potatoes, using them only as a top crust” (Encyclopedia Britannica. (n.d.). 2022).  
 Shepperd’s Pie was made with real potatoes and it was my duty to make the potatoes from scratch, and for future years to come. My mother would help me mix the potatoes with milk and butter until they were mixed just right.  My father added the cheese on top and would put it in the oven.   I was always amazed at how organized and quickly we mastered this tradition and our roles on this special day.  Shepperd’s Pie had been my mother’s maternal grandmother’s favorite meal that she made for my mother on Christmas Eve.  Christmas Cookies were my favorite to make, and my mother would bring out the cookie cutters she had when she was a little girl.  We all would sit and relax after cooking the Shepperd’s Pie and baking the Christmas Cookies.  It was at this time that I would ask my parents questions about their childhood.  This was my favorite time to learn about my parents and their upbringing.  I think, my parents enjoyed telling me their stories.  There were lots of stories while decorating Christmas cookies, their stories were funny, and some were sad.  Years later, I have come to understand those days in the kitchen together allowed me to know who my parents were before they became our parents.  Also, it has made me feel good that I took the time to ask and listen about their lives, and I know this made them happy.  
 3. Christmas Movies/Christmas Puzzle
My mother made popcorn, and Hot Cocoa for all of us.  In front of the Christmas tree, we watched “It’s a Wonderful Life,” and Emit Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas.”
4.  Midnight Mass and Hanging Ornament
My mother would take me to midnight mass at Notre Dame Catholic Church, and after returning home from mass, together we would hang the last ornament for my brother.  After we would stand back and look at the tree in silence.  Usually, these Christmas Eves would end with a late-night snack of Shepperd’s Pie, and talking to one another about how the day/evening went. It is amazing how food can bring families together.  Preparing, cooking, and eating meals together are important to families.  My mother had always done this with her family, and she wanted to bring me to understand that modern family tradition is important.  
 Cited Work:
Encyclopedia Britannica. (n.d.). Shepherd’s pie. Britannica Academic. Retrieved October 2, 2022, from https://academic-eb-com.libproxy.canton.edu/levels/collegiate/article/shepherds-pie/609022.  
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