pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
"A question like that is what started all this." Ryuzu sighs.
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“Really? I wasn’t aware of that... But I’m still curious to what the word means.”
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
corrin vc: felicia, for your sake and mine, let's not go deeper down this rabbit hole.
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
"Felicia please don't join in that chaos by asking that." That was all Ryuzu could say.
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“EH?! But I only asked a legit and curious question! I mean I don’t know what that word means.” She replied.
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
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“Umm.... What does.... horny mean?”
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
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“What’s happening?”
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
Oh no...
Not another smashed pottery that used to be plates and mugs. 
Felicia grumbled to herself under her breath; clearly upset at herself for dropping it in the first place... And to only make matter worse she dropped it right behind someone or to be more specific; Leon.
At least he was nice enough to help her pick up the broken shards that were scattered across the floor.
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“Ah... Don’t worry, Lord Leon... I mean I already done worse than breaking dinnerware and potteries.” She sheepishly smiled at him as she spoke in a rather casual tone of voice.
✧・゚: * » @pinkclumsymaid.
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            the moment the prince heard the loud shattering from behind him, he could only assume it was none other than… felicia. leon let out an exhausted sigh before kneeling down and helping the maid pick up the shattered pieces of plates and mugs. ( glad he had white gloves on after tending to his small garden of forget-me-nots, though they were a bit smudged with dirt – but that shouldn’t harm anyone. ) 
                                                 ❝ you must be careful, felicia. one of these                                                                   days, you’ll be doing more than                                                                              breaking the dinnerware. ❞
and from the tone of his voice, he certainly was not joking.
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
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                              “Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Nice shot, if I do say so myself!”
RP Blog for Viridi, Goddess of Nature, from Kid Icarus Uprising.
Semi-Selective Friendly towards OCs and Crossover friendly Smash Verse + Aus
                                                                  Pen by Shadow Chellen
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
Ooops; I should able get to replies either today or tomorrow. I been distracted
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
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                             MAY THE WRETCHED LOOK UPON ME AND SPEAK OF MY NAME.                            MAY THE SCORNED BOW BEFORE ME AND TRAMPLE MY ENEMIES.                                           MAY THE SHUNNED BE TREATED AS MY EQUAL.                                       MAY YOU BE VICTORIOUS IN EVERY WAR YOU FIGHT IN.                                                  HARK MY WORDS AND FOLLOW MY LEAD.                                     I SHALL CARVE A PATH OF GLORY TOWARDS THE FUTURE.
                                                        ind. leon from fire emble.em if                                                               selective  && private                                                                 ( casted by jinjin )
                                                                                                   ( THIS IS A SIDE-BLOG, YOU’LL BE                                                                                                             FOLLOWED BACK BY glorysmash. )
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
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                           Non-Selective | Multimuse | Run by Shadow Chellen
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
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Honestly the whole situation surrounding the invasion of Hel and undead soldiers just made the maid uncomfortable as it only serves as a reminder what is happening back home...
How her Lord and everyone in the army are trying to stop a dragon that used undead people as soldiers to serve in his army....  A war that she was taking part in that reunited two counties that were enemies together...
Although in this case... It seems to be worse... Considering what she heard going around the army. 
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
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✦✧   Shulk grinned as the ether marked appeared on her skin. He smirked at her, “Excellent job, young Felicia. Now, let me tell you where I saw Corrin.” He hummed, approaching the dark void where Darkon had stabbed into the ground.   “I believe I saw Dracula taking Corrin and several of the others with him. I do think it would be wonderful if we impaled the vampire through the head~.” And that way, Shulk could recruit more people to his army to take over the realm. Soon, two golden wings sprouted from his back, “Take my hand, Felicia.” ✧✦
The maid eyed the marking that formed around her skin in curiosity; no doubt telling her that the ether had enter her body. Hopefully she didn’t make the regret this choice in the long run however... She needed to save Corrin no matter what...
No price too heavy to pay.
“Of course.” Felicia nodded, following the other, as she was ready to fight anyone and anything that got in their way. It didn’t matter who they were... If they got in the way then they would pay for it.
She was surprise when two golden wings sprouted from the other’s back however she found it fascinating.
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“Don’t worry... I’m coming, Lord Corrin.” She whispered to herself after taking Shulk’s hand; looking at the dark void.
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
Felicia’s personal weapon;
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Tagged: Stolen~ Tagging: anyone who wants do this~
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
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✦✧   “Excellent choice, Felicia~.” He pulled out his blade with a smile, “Now, I will give you some of my powers. This will be your mark that you are working with me.” Soon, the ether blade slipped out, “I would like to ask for you to be still. Ether can be poisonous and I wouldn’t ever want to see you getting sick.”   He moved closer, placing the edge of the blade onto her hand. The ether would have burned, of course, but he did his best to lessen the pain. He was going to give Felicia a minor version of his abilities, so she could truly be of use to him. ✧✦
Felicia nodded, understanding that sh needed to be still if she didn’t want to be poison by the ether given to her, as she held her hand out whilst the other placed the edge of the blade onto her hand.
“I understand.”
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She could feel the burning sensation coursing through the body as the ether entered however the maid just only chewed her lip and made sure she didn’t move a inch.
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
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                              “Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Nice shot, if I do say so myself!”
RP Blog for Viridi, Goddess of Nature, from Kid Icarus Uprising.
Semi-Selective Friendly towards OCs and Crossover friendly Smash Verse + Aus
                                                                  Pen by Shadow Chellen
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pinkclumsymaid-blog · 6 years
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All I want is not to have two dead dads and twin sister in Birthright.
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