fonicgears · 6 years
@stxllarxclipsx :
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Adjusting his hat, he kept his head down, not bothering to look up at the knight before him. He just wanted to go back home, but that wasn’t an option because no one was there. Not anymore. They were all dead, abandoning him to live all on his own. Looking up, past the visor of his hat, he studied the man before him. 
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painintopcwer · 6 years
@stxllarxclipsx - Xander (Day of Devotion)
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Laslow waited behind his dividing wall, the wall he put up to keep Xander from seeing the outfit he was changing into. He never thought he would dance in front of the other, let alone wearing this outfit. He took a deep breathe before stepping out from behind the wall. He also kept his hair the same it woke up this morning, with a bit of white on the top. 
The outfit was reminiscent of Azura’s outfit, but there was something different, foreign to it. “For today only.... and for you only...” He said before he began his dance. He kept his eyes closed, not wanting to see the crown prince’s face until he was finished. He couldn’t even think about the other staring, it would kill him with embarrassment. 
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messengerbirb · 6 years
starter for @stxllarxclipsx
"Pee. . ."
Once again, the little bird was all alone.
After that giant blast of yellow light shot by, it seemed as though he were entirely alone in the big world. Apart from seeing the occasional floaty ball of light, Pip had yet to come into contact with anyone. By this point, he was starting to become terrified that sometimes bad had happened to his Mama and all his friends.
"Pee, heellooo? Anyone out there?"
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dawnblxde · 6 years
@stxllarxclipsx - Bayonetta 
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“Well, this place is certainly interesting - looking. And look what it’s done to me.” His legs and other parts were longer on his body now. He was bigger. Oh well. No reason to complain. Then a bunch of weird fucked up angels turned up. His Ultima blade appeared. “Get lost or I will slaughter you? Not going to listen!? Then die!” And he began to cut them down, one by one.
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faerietaleweaver · 6 years
@stxllarxclipsx liked for a starter!
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“Yuri!!” Eyes shone bright as she spotted the swordsman, running over to greet him. “How have you and Brave Vesperia been?”
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guardiantactics · 6 years
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Pit ran up to the other angel, hugging them tightly and-- Pretty much randomly. Pit hadn’t seen the other in quite some time, so seeing them in the new smash tournament was refreshing.
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“You’re here! Awesome! It’s great to hear you got in again!” He chirped, wings fluttering excitedly.
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serpentsxdream · 6 years
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Green hues loked down at the male on his bed, it had been a few days since he had found the man bleeding out after what looked like a serious fall. He didn’t like helping others but he was interested in the pink strands of hair the other had. Perhaps this man was also a child of the full moon?
“Hey, you awake in there!? I want my bed back soon.”
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meebotheshorty · 6 years
@stxllarxclipsx | Sorey
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          Saving the world wasn’t just a bunch of traveling and fighting. Sometimes they had to relax as well, to what seemed like Sorey’s dismay. Mikleo knew that he always wanted to be up and running, helping as many people as possible by purifying hellions and even doing simple things whenever he could. But if he pushed himself too often, he couldn’t get stronger. Sorey would only get weaker at that rate, and that wouldn’t be good for the Shepherd.
          So — that’s why Lailah and the others had made the call to visit Elysia for a few days. If they did that, they could let Gramps know everything that was going on and take a step back to relax for a little bit. Mikleo was all for it. However, as soon as they got there, Sorey just had to ask all the seraphim in the village if any of them needed help with anything — they all shut him down, but still. That wasn’t how this was supposed to go.
           “Sorey — can’t you just relax?” Mikleo asked, walking up next to him and tugging on the sleeve of his shirt. “I’ll make you ice cream if you just come inside,” he offered, gesturing to Sorey’s house.
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traitor-angel-16-5 · 6 years
Closed starter for @stxllarxclipsx
(For Pit and Dark Pit)
Blood dribbled down her arm. Her body was covered cuts, on the back of her legs, all over her arms, any part of her that wasn't bleeding was probably bruised somehow. Clouds of debris floated into the air as buildings had plummeted themselves to the ground below.
All the while, the girl stood there and took in the damage. The expression on her face was neutral, unwavering. Yet, a dimmed blue ring floated over her head. Scarlet eyes stared blankly into the oblivion. Was that city her home? Did she have friends?
"I see no reason to cry," she said. "Although I did not think it would happen this soon, they were going to die someday."
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captain-pattycakes · 6 years
@stxllarxclipsx :
The girl hefted herself upwards, fingers curling into the window sill as she fiddled with the loose lock and pushed it open. A grin formed on her face as she hopped right into the commandant's office without breaking a sweat.
The room was as it always would be, neat. No dirt or anything, save for anything she accidentally brought in. Moving forward, the blonde tugged over her nice red coat and sat it down on the chair. 
“Flynn~ I got a job~” she chirped, making herself comfortable in a chair, reaching out to look at one of the many, and she meant many, papers that were neatly stacked on his desk. The council and the knights sure kept him busy. Still.... this was more important. 
“Yuri said that this is more up yer alley than his, before ya ask~” Besides if Yuri and herself did this without the law... there would be a rather poor outcome to the perpetrator's life. What this man was doing, not even she could forgive. 
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liittlemac-a · 6 years
"Here is your crown, your highness." Bayonetta put the super crown on his head.
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“Mom said it’s my turn to be princess around here.”
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fonicgears · 6 years
@stxllarxclipsx :
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A blink as he looked over to the blond that looked just like him before he simply shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry, can’t say I know.”
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painintopcwer · 6 years
@stxllarxclipsx - Garon
Being late for a meeting was a rare occurrence for the small princess after the three kingdoms found peace. She did her best to attend in order to best prepare should healers be needed. On her way, however, she bumped into a much taller male, causing her to stumble backwards.
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“I’m... so very sorry I didn’t... pay attention to where-” She paused when she saw just who she so carelessly bumped into and felt her whole body freeze, a shiver going down her spine. No one, but the Nohrian king Garon. “I’m.... so sorry, Sir....” She said, keeping her head down now. 
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@stxllarxclipsx continued from X
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“Yeah, yeah...” Sure he could push or punch Zelos away, but he knows better. They’ve known each other since they and Sheena were kids. Zelos of course was the oldest, Sheena second, and he himself being the youngest. 
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“And can you at least do something about some of the nobles calling me ‘Bud’ or ‘Sir Bud’? Even the king and the princess are doing the same!”
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dawnblxde · 6 years
@stxllarxclipsx - Rose 
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It would appear that he was no longer on his world. Where had his random teleportation taken him this time? This city, this area and world seemed outdated. Like it was set in the past or something like that. “Just where in the heck am I..” There was a brief sigh. 
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altosk · 6 years
"Dad, you're alive!" Karol ran to the man once they were on the Heracles. However, he did not realize what he had called the older man, the others staring in shock.
          raven’s return to the group had turned into something a bit more than a ‘hey, i’m not dead after all. surprise!’. he gives his surprise introduction, and then someone surprises him in return. his mouth falls open and he looks down at the boy, the shocked chorus of ‘captain schwann!’s behind him fall to deaf ears.he gives a sheepish scratch of his cheek, eyes only glancing up at the party behind the boy for a second before he kneels down to karol’s level. he can’t say he’s really been much of a dad to the kid lately, definitely didn’t deserve any awards this year but...
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                        ❝ hey, kiddo. glad to see you’re in one piece too. ❞
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