pinkmarmalade1 26 days
Underworld Tings
Me being molded from a Mortal soul due to my father being a virgin God: 馃懡
Staying at camp in the Summer and in the Underworld in the Winter
Me and Nico messing with Spirits and Ghosts when we're bored
Hades asking me why I always sing to the Spirits
Me trying to startle Hades by using my Invisibility(haven't succeeded)
Me and Nico spending way too much time goofing off in the Palace
Persephone giving me a few flowers from her garden, which I then give to my father because he needs more love
Me helping my father reap souls during the winter
I always sing to the souls/spirits as I take them to the Underworld
Intrusive thoughts (what would happen If I were to switch two people's souls? 馃)
Me and Nico hanging out more in the Underworld since he usually spends time with Will while at camp(or Hazel if he visits camp Jupiter)
Not that that's a problem, I'm usually hanging out with Lou Ellen or Clovis(when he's awake) anyways
Once saw Hypnos sleep flying around the Underworld, which is funny because sometimes Clovis sleep runs
Me and Nico eavesdropping on the spirits and skeletons conversations because they know drama
Key points:
A lot goes on in the Underworld
Children of Hades and children of Thanatos make the bestest of friends
Nico is literally the goofiest of goobers once you get to know him
Hades is actually one of the most down to earth Gods you'll probably ever meet
Persephone is the best, I don't care
Hypnos....well, he flies in his sleep and the apples don't fall too far from that tree
Souls like to be sung to
Thanatos deserves more recognition and love for his hard work, being the personification of death doesn't make him inherently evil, he stands for peaceful death after all!
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pinkmarmalade1 27 days
I find it strange how Rick didn't make Demeter one of the "Big" Gods. Like she's an elder Goddess, their older sister, and probably more powerful than the other Olympians, and she's JUST considered an Olympian. Plus, her children are kinda done dirty in the series
You mean to tell me that being able to control plants is weak?
Plus, I feel like it would make sense for Demeter be a big God, it would be
Zeus: Sky
Demeter: Land
Poseidon: Underwater
Hades: Underground
It just makes sense
Ngl, in my Dr I made it so that instead of the "Big 3", it's the "Big 4"
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pinkmarmalade1 28 days
Things to script for your PJO Drs!
1. That you either don't get attacked by a monster on the way to camp or you for sure defeat it
I feel like some people don't realize how many Demigods don't even get to camp due to this
2. That you have some sort of flashy ability that you were born with
I say this because then it kinda forces your Godly parent to claim you. Also, it's freaking cool to just be able to show up to camp and be like, "Hey, I just got here and I can do this!"
An example would be like, if you are a child of Lady Demeter, you can make plants grow
Or if your a child of Lady Iris, you are like abnormally fast
3. You were born an abnormal way
Kinda like how Lady Athena's kids are born from her thoughts mixing with a mortal's thoughts. This would be very good if you just so happen to be the child of a maiden Goddess. I feel like there are many creative ways to go about this
4. Your protected from being cursed
For obvious reasons, *cough* Lady Juno *cough* Frank
5. You know your way around camp
It will shock you how big camp is
6. You have a relationship with your Godly parent
Or maybe that your just their favorite Demigod child. Perks of being a minor God's child is that there aren't many of you, so you naturally have a close connection to your parent 馃槈
7. Your somehow protected from monsters when you leave camp
Because you gotta stay safe! Here are some ideas I can think of...
If your a child of Lady Hecate, obviously you can just hide yourself from monsters using the mist or a spell or something
If your a child of Lady Aphrodite, perhaps she gifted you with magic perfume that throws off your scent
If your a child of Lord Hypnos, maybe you tend to make monsters fall asleep mid attack or make them feel so lazy they no longer want to attack you
If your a child of Lord Hades or Lord Thanatos(Like me!), you could just have a very intense aura that makes monsters less likely to want to attack you. Since both Deities have ties with death, that could just cause monsters to become hesitant or intimidated
Okay! That's all for this one, I have some other things on my script aswell so I might make a part two! Happy shifting!
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