pinkpetaljam · 2 years
Hi! Can I ask for Sunny Day Jack: with s/o who's a mother? I think that would be interesting since Jack is from a 80s child program.
I personally think that if two people saw the VHS tape at the same time then they'd be able to interact with Jack, and that applies to these headcanons since it makes things more interesting, enjoy! (´ ᴗ`✿)
• Jack has always thought about what life would be like when he had a family, and for a while he started to think that it wouldn't happen when he's been trapped in that VHS tape for God knows how long, but one thing led to another and now he's part of yours.
• He tries not to overstep when he takes care of your child, but he loves to spend time with them – whether they're singing and dancing at the apartment or playing with toys when you're working at Yoghurt-topia – as long as they're happy, he's happy too.
• He's happy to make blueberry pancakes for everyone in the morning as well – sometimes he'll make them in the shape of dogs, cats, birds and other animals to entertain your child, but he always has a few puns up his sleeve to make you laugh too.
• "Good morning Sunshine and Sunbeam!" He smiles at the two of you before he places blueberry pancakes on the table. They're in the shape of bears, and he used the blueberries to make their eyes and noses. "You two are looking bear-y cute today!" 
• He loves to look at all the drawings your child makes, but the drawing he treasures the most out of all of them is the one where the three of you are smiling and holding hands in the park. He puts it on the fridge and stares at it every chance he gets.
• Jack also never fails to put your child to sleep by reading bedtime stories and singing sweet lullabies, and he's more than willing to do the same to you when you're in need of sleep, but he prefers to use other methods (i.e., kisses and cuddles) to lull you to 
• He becomes more protective and possessive as time passes – he'd convince you to distance yourself from your ex if you're still in touch, but if you're co-parenting and share custody then he'd deal with it personally – because he'd do anything to ensure that his family is safe and sound.
• "I'm not going anywhere Sunshine... You, me and Sunbeam are a family now – and family is forever."
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pinkpetaljam · 2 years
I hope this is okay to ask but if we give credit, are we allowed to use your 14dwy memes as reaction memes on twitter or possibly tumblr headers? Because the Back Off Bitch meme is such a mood 😂 Thank you kindly for making them 😍
You're more than welcome to ask this Anon, I don't mind at all!
If you're using my memes and edits on Tumblr it'd be better to credit 14DWY instead of me. I don't think I should be credited when I used their game sprites and extra art to make them, plus they've reblogged it so it'll be on their Tumblr anyways.
I haven't posted them on Twitter since I don't really use it that much (aside from liking NSFW content that isn't on Tumblr haha), but it'd probably be better if you link 14DWY's reblog if you use them there!
Thank you for asking though, and I'm happy that you like them! (◠‿◠✿)
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pinkpetaljam · 2 years
pov this is how u test ur sprites at 2am
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pinkpetaljam · 2 years
Could I slide in and ask for a Ren and/or Alan drabble/HC? Maybe where their S/O wears their jacket out of the blue? I just think it would be cute XD Love your blog BTW
Thank you for the request and love Anon! (˶◕◡◕˶✿)
Ren | [Ȑ̵̮̀e̶͍̳͊̏ď̵͔͌̈́ȧ̴̱̩̌c̵̨̖͚̎̉̃ẗ̷͉́e̵̬̠̬͠ḓ̶̀͋]
• Ren definitely has a wardrobe that consists of clothes similar to the ones Haruko wears in the webtoon, but his go-to is the peach brown sweater. When he realises that it's not in its usual spot one morning, he worries for a moment since you seem to like that particular sweater.
• He's caught off guard when he walks into the bedroom and realises that you're wearing it – he's always wanted you to wear his clothes, he's dreamt of it many times – and now that you're wearing his sweater he can't help but think that it looks perfect on you, that it was made for you.
• "W-What are you doing angel? Is that my sweater...?" He tries to cover his blushing face, but he's also trying to hide the way his eyes trail over certain parts of your body, and he starts to think about how you'd look wearing the rest of his clothes.
• He's even more happy when you leave the apartment wearing his sweater, he'd never want you to take it off particularly when Leon and Teo are nearby, because its a way of marking you and showing that you belong to him – he'd consider getting a second sweater so that you're matching.
• That being said, Ren would love it when you give his sweater back and it has the faint scent of your perfume | cologne. He'd end up holding the sweater close to his face to breathe it in when he's by himself, but that wouldn't be possible if you had your own sweater...
• And if you happened to be wearing nothing but his sweater, chances are that you're in for a good time – that happens to be one of his daydreams, and he's going to kiss and bite you all over if you let him.
Alan Orion
• Alan has taken some of your clothes before, specifically the clothes you won't miss if they happen to disappear from your wardrobe. When his green fleece lined jacket goes missing, he does try and look for it since he wears it frequently, but it's nothing he can't replace.
• He's taken aback when he sees you wearing it, but it doesn't take long for him to smile since he's never seen you wear his clothes before – he's been waiting for this moment for a while now, but at least you two are even when it comes to taking clothes without asking.
• "I was wondering where that went! It looks good on you doe-eyes~."  His smile seemed to widen as he walked towards you, and he gets up close to pick some lint off of the white fleece, but he treasures this whole moment when he sees how happy you are wearing his clothes.
• He starts lending you his clothes whenever you're out in the woods together considering how cold it gets at night, but he also likes to lend you his jackets in front of Erika and Stu – he can't help but grin and act smug when you wear his jacket in front of them because it's a subtle way of showing that you're his.
• Alan also loves it when you give his clothes back and he gets a whiff of your perfume | cologne, and he always wears them when he's out working or getting supplies for his cabin since it makes him think of you – he does get sad when the perfume | cologne fades over time though.
• And when you wear nothing but his jacket, he's more than happy to leave some kiss and bite marks that are hard to conceal with your usual clothes, but you'll always be able to hide it if you wear his ones instead...
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pinkpetaljam · 2 years
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Q: How would Ren feel about MC sleeping with a stuffed animal or something similar? He kinda seems like the type to do it too... I mean I’m 20 and I can’t imagine sleeping without one 😭 (link)
A: Ren owns at least 4 of his own (and none of them match his style), so I don't think he'd mind if you slept with your own stuffed animal as well!
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pinkpetaljam · 2 years
i'm kind of shy rn since this is my first time making a request on tumblr o//w//o........ but can you do a few headcanons/prompts for renren waking up next to his angel for the first time? thanks if you do it - but no pressure if you don't want to!
I'm honoured to write your first request - I loved writing these! (◠ᴗ◠✿)
• Ren didn't think that he'd sleep the first night, he never thought he'd sleep in your bed. But there he was, lying right next you as you slept soundly. He tries to watch you sleep all night because that's what he's used to, but he does sleep at some point.
• He's always used your preferred laundry detergent and perfume | cologne on his bedsheets and pillows to try and sleep, but it's not the same as sleeping in your actual bed – and now he gets to stare at you in-person rather than look at all his photos!
• He thinks it's all a dream when he wakes up again. He's used to waking up alone in his apartment, and he's usually wakes up holding onto his body pillow that has a photo of your face sown on. He pinches himself twice before he realises that it's real.
• Ren has also memorised your sleep schedule, so he tends to be awake an hour (or two) before you wake up and start the day – but he'll unlock your phone and turn off your alarms so he can wake you up personally.
• "Good morning angel... Did you sleep well?"  He whispers softly as you wake up, and his heart flutters at the sight of your bed hair and the way you murmur good morning in response. He'd kiss you now if he had permission-
• He's more than happy to make you breakfast in bed too, he's memorised all the your favourite breakfast foods, and he's practiced cooking them all to impress you – and if you prefer to drink coffee or tea, he remembers exactly how you like that too.
• When you leave the room to brush your teeth and get ready for the day, he's going to lie in your bed for a few more minutes – he's waited and dreamed of this moment for so long, and he ends up getting emotional from how happy he is – he's practically in heaven.
• "Ah... I'm never letting you go now angel..."
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pinkpetaljam · 2 years
I didn’t realise that anonymous asks were off because I made this side tumblr on mobile, but it should work now.
Feel free to send in some anonymous requests if that’s what you’re comfortable with, I don’t mind either way! Please note that I prefer to write lighthearted stuff for the most part, I’m happy to write about the usual yandere tropes (e.g., brief mentions of stalking) but when it gets too unsettling (i.e., detailed descriptions of murder and violence) I rather not write about it at all.
Thank you for understanding, I can’t wait to do more requests!  (◕ᴗ◕✿)
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pinkpetaljam · 2 years
Heyo! Is it okay if I ask for yandere Shaun headcanons from SDJ? Like, when he started getting attached to the mc and how he operates, etc. He's my favorite and there's not much of him out there. Thank you so much!
I tried to make sure these headcanons were in-character, but there's sadly not much info on him – feel free to tell me whether or not you enjoy these headcanons! (´ ᴗ`✿)
• The two of you met in college when he was doing film studies. He doesn't seem much for conversation at first when you make small-talk during one of his classes, but all it takes is asking him what his favourite horror movies are.
• He'd consider you to be a dear friend of his when you support his dreams of acting in horror movies, especially when you tell him that you'd support him no matter what – no one's told him that before, and he slowly become attached from then on.
• "Thanks, that really means a lot to me," He smiles at you, paying no mind to the way his heart starts to beat faster. "I should give you my autograph now, you can always auction it off when I'm famous!"
• Shaun makes it seem as if the two of you are dating even though he hasn't said anything, he'll lend you his clothes when you're cold and buy you breakfast | lunch when you're on campus – a lot of people, including Ian, thought you were in a long term relationship.
• He also voices any insecurities and doubts you have when you start dating Ian, it starts off as a small comment here and there, and then he asks you whether or not you're happy dating Ian, but eventually he takes matters into his own hands.
• "I can't believe he cheated on you! He even told you over the phone rather than in-person..." He does everything he can to comfort you, and while he hates to see you cry, he can't help but think you're better off without Ian.
• The two of you end up being roommates when you graduate, and he also manages to get a few roles here and there to help pay rent, but he never takes the main roles since it's time consuming, he'd rather be at the apartment with you when he has the chance.
• He'd try and talk you out of buying the Sunny Time VHS tape when you go out shopping – why waste your time watching that old thing when you could go out (on a date) and do something worthwhile? But you've known each other for so long now, you're practically dating now... right?
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pinkpetaljam · 2 years
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And thank you for sharing all of your amazing characters, artworks, writing, and silly memes with me!
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pinkpetaljam · 2 years
@14dayswithyou's Teo is peak character design, ever since they showed his full tattoos I was compelled to make this edit:
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I haven't stopped thinking about it since-
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pinkpetaljam · 2 years
Aa could we get any headcannons/ writing maybe with Jack or Ren and how they would react to a mc with like a fear of touch or strong dislike of being touched? I’m curious o-o
Thank you for the request – let me know if this is to your liking! (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Sunny Day Jack
• The first meeting doesn't go well for either of you. Jack tends to touch people as a friendly gesture, whether it's handshakes, hugs or high fives – it's part of his character – but he learns that he's made things worse by trying to touch you.
• "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..." He whispers softly, approaching you the same way he'd approach a lost child. "I'm Jack, Sunny Day Jack. What's your name?"
He'd never forget the way you looked that day, but he's also relieved that you didn't throw out his VHS tape when you had the chance.
• He wakes you up by singing your name rather than prodding you awake, but if that doesn't work then he'll resort to opening the blinds | curtains and taking your blankets. He'll always make blueberry pancakes to make up for it though!
• Jack's always protective of you whenever you work at Yoghurt-topia since some customers can be more touchy-feely than others, and while he can't physically intervene that won't stop him from telling them off.
• "That person needs to learn to keep their hands to themselves..." He shakes his head before turning to you. "Are you okay Sunshine? You can always take a short break if you're not feeling well..."
• He does ask you why you fear | dislike being touched when time passes. If it's because of something (or rather someone) you had to deal with in the past, he tells you that it's okay and that he'll never do anything that'll make you uncomfortable.
• Jack would envy Shaun and Ian if you let them touch you, but he'd wait forever if it means being able to touch and hold you one day – that said, if you don't allow anyone to touch you, he's happy as long as he's always by your side.
Ren | [Ȑ̵̮̀e̶͍̳͊̏ď̵͔͌̈́ȧ̴̱̩̌c̵̨̖͚̎̉̃ẗ̷͉́e̵̬̠̬͠ḓ̶̀͋]
• Ren has known about your fear | dislike of being touched for a long time, not that he'd tell you of course – but he'd act like his 'Haruko' self and make sure not to touch you when you're first meet – that's how he makes a good impression.
• "T-Thank you for the book recommendation!" He gives a tentative smile before he takes the book off your hands, but he's careful not to brush his fingers against yours. "I-I'm Ren, pleased to meet you..."
The smile you give him in turn is real compared to the forced ones you gave to people who touched you, and that was worth all the money he spent on hair dye, clothes and makeup.
• He's pretty happy with touching the same objects you touch, whether you're organising books at the library, sorting laundry in your apartment, or going out grocery shopping, you've practically blessed those things from your angelic touch!
• There's a chance that Ren knows what or who caused your fear | dislike of touch if he's looked through your social media and message logs – but when he hears about it from you personally, it's takes a lot for him not to go out with a sledgehammer.
• "It's okay angel, I won't let anything else happen to you, you're safe with me." His Haruko self wavers for that moment, but considering his [Ȑ̵̮̀e̶͍̳͊̏ď̵͔͌̈́ȧ̴̱̩̌c̵̨̖͚̎̉̃ẗ̷͉́e̵̬̠̬͠ḓ̶̀͋] past he's willing to make an exception.
• Ren definitely takes note of whose allowed to touch you, whether it's Leon, Violet, Elanor or someone else – but he also remembers those who try to touch you freely and make you uncomfortable – he's slowly crossing off certain names.
• And if you don't allow anyone to touch you, he's still happy because he'd do anything for his angel. As long as you have eyes for him and love him, he's considers himself to be the luckiest man in Corland Bay.
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pinkpetaljam · 2 years
I realised that my askbox wasn't turned on but it's open now, feel free to ask me to write drabbles and headcanons or if you'd like to talk about yanderes with me! (◠‿◠✿)
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pinkpetaljam · 2 years
I made some @14dayswithyou memes and edits a while back but never posted them until now, enjoy!
(Please note that all art and sprites were used with the creator and artist's permission — the sprites were taken from the game and the additional art are from their CuriousCat.)
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And a bonus one including the new upcoming characters:
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(Edit: I completely forgot that Leon and Teo weren't posted on Tumblr yet, you can find their profiles and other content on Twitter!)
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pinkpetaljam · 2 years
🚩 Minors don't interact, thank you! 🚩
Rose | 21 | She / Her
I love yanderes and I'd like to write drabbles and headcanons about them, particularly characters from the following series:
• 14 Days With You
• Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack
• My Dear Hatchet Man
I generally write lighthearted content, yanderes aside, but I don’t like writing and describing murder and violence in detail, and I won’t write about bodily fluids and functions.
My askbox is closed, but feel free to pop in when its open and I'll get to them when I'm free!
I also like to make memes from time to time for laughs, nothing too explicit though.
❤️ Last updated: 26th of June, 2022
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