Hurting is loving
Hello Edison,
I know it has been 2 years of love and fighting from the distance that keep holding in, and just to tell you here are 5 things it hurts the most. 1. first, loving you was the best feeling ever! the way we make love, the way we laugh and the things we talk about seriously. And, I would always tell my self. “unta amo lang kami sini pirmi” its really nice to know more about you, your love language, your flaws etc., So, why it hurts? because we both know that we can’t rely on the things we want because we play our roles for such to help ourselves in the future and it hurts so much to accept the reality that, time will come we both cut all of the talks and begin with separate ways.
2. second, it really hurts every time we argue and you can’t handle your words out of your mouth, just to tell you that I am also your priority because to think that I was out of the line and will never be in the same from the things you'd like to do or even appreciate, just so you know I am willing to give up everything just to give you everything and I won’t risk myself just because I can’t take the same back to me. 
3. third, it hurts to think that my love for you was not enough, I can’t tell because I never felt the same the way I handle things for you, I seek attention and you just did nothing, you cannot mend what I want or maybe I was just overreacting. you’d always tell to changed my attitude but I was afraid because maybe someday you’d be nothing. I won’t let things be so much easy to us.
4. fourth, what really hurts is, you cannot understand what it breaks me for as much I understand your situation, a 100% for that. In the first place I accepted you (all of it) and it break me so much especially everything I do was a fail to you, nothing heals from your words I always hear from you. I’m sorry not sorry 
5. Last and cuts the most is I will never be a trophy to you, you will never be proud of Kristine who loves you and fight for the love we deserve, and It cuts because you never see her fighting, protecting, loving and struggling because you only sees her as girlfriend, your future not hers and she hopes you knows better about her.
Happy Anniversary, You will never understand because you never tried.
we fall apart but still were together. I love you
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Dear tumblr,
I can only tell that life was such a clouds running in a hazy blue colored uniform skies to think more of it, it was just like a sudden dark clouds brought by a storm and rains starts. I can’t blame myself to love rainy season cuz it was like me loves to cry...
to tell you frankly, my realizations destroyed me as much as I trusted everyone that leaves me behind after of everything I’ve done and who am I to have a choice. RIGHT??
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Dear Edison,
We know that life isn’t that easy sometimes, we fall, we stand and fought for the things we want but, we? Aren’t those people. Even if we make through there are a lot of individuals that could break us and even fall out from everything that matters between us two. And im so happy even if we can’t make it together, im happy for you to your future and your loved.
You make the best in me and even make me stronger in tough times. I make me believe in myself when no one was still, even you
I love you so much, and this is the end
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A lot of people think that living as a couple is always peachy, but this is the real reality.
Living with the person you love is not what everyone thinks it is. You don’t wake up early in the morning for breakfast together in bed every morning. It's not snuggling in bed together until you sleep peacefully every night. It's not always having the house clean and food freshly made every day.
Living with the person you love is arguing for simple things, probably that we are far from each others body, everyday with your work and for me who’s struggling, its been hard and you're exhausted, arguing over financial issues, not having by my side for the every hardships, the moment that we have to give up but still we have to keep going.
But despite everything, every day you expect to see that person eagerly or go home everyday to meet that same person you know loves you and cares about you. You laugh together the moment you do something funny, it's intimacy with each other.
It's living an emotional crisis and without having someone who sits next to you, hugs you and tells you that everything will be fine and you believe it.
It's loving that same person even when it drives you freaking crazy and pulls you out of your box.
Living with the person you love is arguing for silly things constantly, but it's also having a love that many people spend their lives looking for. It’s the times that people try to break you up, but the love was stronger. It's not perfect and it's very difficult to keep it balanced every day, but it's wonderful and the best you can experience, because if it were easy it wouldn't be worth it.
That's why every day you think... ”NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, SEE YOU AT HOME.”
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Once a upon there was a princess who is lovely, kind, thoughtful and only wants a simple life, happy family, to be loved and live her life she wants her to be, her father granted her wishes and gave a perfect yet simple life she wants.
Many years past, she’s blooming and wants to go somewhere and enjoy the rest of the day. Unfortunately, a bad news brag her day and made it the most contrition brought to her life. Her father died.
She was grieving the whole time and don’t know what to do, she promise to her father that she will do everything what her father wants her to be. Until, she met a guy who was in the middle of the night, she fell in love by that time and fell in love and in love and loved.
And by that love she was always crying, she always sees heart aches and realizing that nobody else was in her side. She always talk to God and to her father in prayers “why am I suffering papa?” Until such time, he dreamed about her father.
“This is the life you want, you’re the one who makes your life, you’re the one who knows the best for yourself. I will always love you darling you take care of yourself”❤️
Then she woke up and cried...
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Hi tumblr
It is sometimes hard to please someone whenever you just wanted to loved. There some instances that I don’t understand, I would prefer to make myself in silence to embrace my own peace and cry at the darkest times.
I want someone who can love me unconditionally, accept me unconditionally for how much I love them and willing to risk myself to them.
I sometimes ask God of why I need to suffer this life? I keep myself on my own pace and ignore everyone! I want rest, but when?
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Hi tumblr it’s been a while and it’s been a while since I fall in love with the man I stole from the ocean. Every night I saw him sleeping with his beautiful eyes and lusty lips but it was like everything for me 🥺 I imagine a little one that would cry the moment he woke up, smile from its sweet dreams and tenderly sleep on my arms.
Everything is under control, I want a family in Gods’ perfect timing…
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Life’s Greatest Success
Life’s greatest success…
               It is truly hard to adjust yourself in everything, and every day you should fight stress and to manage yourself to be happy and make things compatible and not complicated. I am Kristine Cybelle Palmes and I am pressured for my future success. In twenty two years  of my existence I never felt to be first in the line, right away I am doing my best of what others expecting me though sometimes I feel sad maybe because from all of my effort I will never be the best though I think that maybe I should fix myself in a way I could handle situations, sometimes I don’t understand, I’m truly hurt and happy for those person that is always beside me. I am used to be dependent of myself and I am happy for that because along the way I manage to seek things only for myself and grow up from what I truly want.
To tell you frankly, twenty two years old individual already have a career, matured enough from stories about life, I never say that I was eager to pay my own bills, or work in my future field because we may not know what truly my life come through though I am eager to make my own life so that it is my turn, to be first in the line maybe my family sees me I am determined of everything but why I can feel too pressured sometimes? Why they always blame me from simple problems? Is it not enough?
               My success will come I can say it in God’s perfect timing! Maybe I will not just consider some things that can eventually linger failures along the way, I can wait and I trust Him.
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I learned, you see that when love arrives, physical love, physical desire there is a complete surrendering in all normal rules of existence. You do things and allow things to be done, there is time, a year, a month or even one night perhaps to spend love and happiness to you and that becomes unforgettable. It is indeed the best thing to spend the day with you, what else if we’re getting married?? Every time you share things and plans about your life, your future and as part of it seems to be the perfect assurance that we have.
Love, I am happy! Your support, your perseverance reflects on me that I should be more focus, focus on myself, to be independent and determined to achieve my goals, so that we will together persue our promises and those plans we pray.I love you Edison, I love you
We’re forbidden from our passion in the roaring twenties. All I want is you❤️
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I wish happiness and understanding🥺😭
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How lucky I am to have Edison in my life💕 his intentions are pure and willing to do everything just to make me happy. I love him so much and I pray that he would be the man waiting on the altar as I walk in the aisle.
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We are both stolen from our partners, I stole a man who realize his worth out of his love and sacrifices in life.
I stole a man who wants to put his self as a priority from whom he loved
I stole a man who gives unconditional efforts and love to others and set aside his self to give beautiful life for his loved ones
I stole a man who is happy with small things that are even valuable to others
I stole a man who considers my sadness and struggles in life and giving faithfulness from the words he throws on me
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Hello tumblr. I just wanna share my aches today... so lately my boyfriends’ maiden shared stories and rumors around comparing me to my boyfriends ex😭 I am just happy for what mama (bf mom) compliments about me and for her son also, and kinda disappointed with somethings or maybe i was overthinking or what?
This two lad talking to each other lately saying that my boyfriends ex is beautiful than me but that moment i just realize that I don’t have to be insecure knowing that his ex already have work and suitable in paying her bills, I am only a student, studying, dumped of learnings because of this pandemic. I look myself and felt pity at that moment 😔💔 I was kinda insecure from those things that her ex did for my boyfriends families his cousins, his aunts etc. And there was only me 😔 struggling everyday for my online activities, wants to hug my boyfriends sister and play with her the whole time!!
Mama (bf mom) told their maiden that I was more beautiful, only that his son’s ex is more whiter than me hahaha which sounds funny because i will never be much whiter because of my course hahahaha its good to hear that mom supports me and waiting until I finish my studies and work one of the agencies of the government. The lesson is that, I don’t have to compete things and make them even worse of what other people saying. Instead wait for your success ang glow up in which people will see and astonished on your ability.
I know my boyfriend will be proud of me
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hi Tumblr! I have nowhere to held my emotions, It’s my first post :))) i’m so happy!! luckily you exist!
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