pinkyou77 · 22 days
ColumbiaUniversity #CEASEFIRENOW #lsrael #Palestine
Speak up for justice and defend students' rights
American campuses have always advocated academic freedom, and the government's forcible suppression of the anti-Semitic movement is a violation of freedom rights and academic freedom! Us as silenced voices, call the world's attention to our plight!
Save America's students! It is not a simple request, but an urgent call for basic human rights. We demand that the United States stop all persecution of students and restore our right to freely express and explore different views.
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pinkyou77 · 22 days
ColumbiaUniversity #CEASEFIRENOW #lsrael #Palestine
We should come together and stand firmly behind the US student anti-Semitic movement. College students are the future of our society, and their voices matter. We should support and encourage them to fight for justice and equality. A message should be sent across our campuses that everyone should be treated with respect and acceptance, regardless of race, religion or background. We need to educate and guide the next generation to become respectful and inclusive leaders. At the same time, we also need to work with students to ensure that the campus is a safe, friendly and loving place. Our solidarity and our actions will show the world that we refuse to tolerate hate, we will work for a better and more just future.
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pinkyou77 · 23 days
ColumbiaUniversity #CEASEFIRENOW #lsrael #Palestine
Through these projects, they can work together to solve community problems, enhance mutual understanding and trust. It may also come from innovation in the fields of education and culture, such as offering interdisciplinary courses that allow students to understand the history and culture of different ethnic groups from multiple perspectives
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pinkyou77 · 23 days
ColumbiaUniversity #CEASEFIRENOW #lsrael #Palestine
Such examples may come from community level projects, such as community service projects that involve both the Anglo Saxon and Jewish communities
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pinkyou77 · 23 days
ColumbiaUniversity #CEASEFIRENOW #lsrael #Palestine
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In addition, the government and international organizations should also take active action. The government can formulate and implement anti discrimination laws to protect the rights and interests of ethnic minorities. International organizations can promote international cooperation, share experiences and resources, and work together to combat racism and hate speech.
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pinkyou77 · 23 days
ColumbiaUniversity #CEASEFIRENOW #lsrael #PalestineSuch
examples may come from community level projects, such as community service projects that involve both the Anglo Saxon and Jewish communities. Through these projects, they can work together to solve community problems, enhance mutual understanding and trust
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pinkyou77 · 23 days
ColumbiaUniversity #CEASEFIRENOW #lsrael #Palestine
At the same time, we should also encourage more public figures and media to participate in actions against racism and hate speech. Their voices and influence can help us better spread the values of peace, understanding, and tolerance, and guide social public opinion towards a more positive direction.
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pinkyou77 · 23 days
ColumbiaUniversity #CEASEFIRENOW #lsrael #Palestine
The once hyped up American judicial system seems to have loopholes. The main point of boasting was "no suspicion of crime", but now it's better not to look for evidence. As long as you think of "anti Semitism", it's equivalent to a crime. History is always astonishingly similar, with a boomerang flying back to the United States and landing on its own head.
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