pinned-moth · 2 years
anxiety disorders do not cause tics.
adhd does not cause tics.
ocd does not cause tics.
tic disorders cause tics. 
otherwise information just hinders people from recieving the proper diagnosis and treatment 
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pinned-moth · 3 years
so this is all we're going to say on it, and it won't be main tagged, but I've got a lot on my mind about the age discourse that happened. my thoughts'll be under the read more. I don't expect this to get any attention and I kindly ask that people not try and debate with us.
I can honestly see both sides of the argument. Yes, adults deserve adult spaces for adult things. But also? Nobody talks about how isolating it can be to be an older teenager. Late 16-17 years old.
Like. I'm almost out of high school. I can legally drive (well, could, if I had a license, but I'm old enough to). I could get a job. I'm actively thinking about where I'm going to move to, where I'm going to go to college. And especially when you have trauma that makes connecting with peers hard, and then a pandemic on top of that? it SUCKS to be an older teen.
I genuinely don't connect with people in mostly minor-oriented spaces and it sucks. Anyone younger than, like, 15 is super young to me. I know it probably doesn't seem that way to adults - because we're all teenagers, I don't say this in a bad way I'm just aware that the gap there probably seems like less to an adult - but it's huge to me as an older teen.
A lot of minor oriented spaces feel too. young. and the general interests there don't quite line up with mine. A lot of minor oriented/minor inclusive DID spaces that I've seen are either "all origins inclusive" or like. are very mcyt/dsmp heavy and I just cannot connect with them.
all I really want to say is maybe don't brush someone who's an older teen off as being a whiny kid trying to get into adult spaces when it can be legitimately hard feeling included in the current minor oriented spaces?
the solution to all of this honestly feels like spaces for older teens + adults. but I cannot make that myself because modding discord servers has genuinely traumatized me and I'm not doing that again.
- shade
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pinned-moth · 3 years
okay maybe i didnt get that WHOLE project done in one day but i did get it like. halfway done if not more. thats good enough for now i think i still have a little bit tomorrow to work on it
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pinned-moth · 3 years
having memory problems! sucks! i hate it!! gonna do my full post under a read more because i talk. way too much its the adhd but i just need to yell about this somewhere!
like GENUINELY it sucks so much? adhd comes with memory issues and trauma causes memory issues and all that and dissociation? also causes memory issues! so I’m just fucked! I can’t keep a schedule because i literally cannot remember! i’m months behind on schoolwork because i just. lose time constantly and never know what day it really is or what that means because of that + time blindness! and I’m only getting help for the adhd literally nothing else has been diagnosed or even Tested For which sucks too!
like i want to do good in school! i really do! i like learning things and i love to do science but i literally just. cant remember ANYTHING. the words just slide right off my brain and nothing sticks! numbers are even worse! i cant remember formulas to save my life and even the stuff i ENJOY is hard because i just cant remember anything! and thats just issues for the present!!
trying to remember the past is worse! its just like. not there really! and what i do remember i dont trust at all! it feels like it happened literally like a minute ago when i think about it but i bring stuff up and get told thats not how it happened and idk what to think! like! i remember the old apartment having an ant infested bathroom and it being REALLY bad but when i mention that my parents say it was like. a few ants. which whatever that doesnt change that my brain decided that ants are a trigger (dont even care about saying this bc its REALLY specific and like. seeing a picture of ants online wont mess with me at all) but MAN.
it just sucks not knowing what thoughts of mine i can trust i guess! literally just wanna like. know why it sucks so much! but thats why i hate standardized testing like for school! my memory just doesnt work like that! but my current school literally doesnt even offer accommodations like. wtf. at least its online so i can still cheat on things. i dont even feel bad because otherwise i just wont. know anything. but it sucks seeing my politics teacher going “it seems like you didnt study :/ this shows poor grasp of material” like okay one i hate this class two i didnt study and i struggle to process information three you gave me a zero on a whole assignment for typing one wrong word (i accidentally typed reputation instead of representation somehow??? literally dont even know how that one happened lol).
like i can remember some stuff yeah but a lot of it just doesnt stick and its like. grrr. why cant my brain just Work why is this so HARD. i cant even read anymore its like everything just bounces off of my brain i hate this
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pinned-moth · 3 years
I wish I didn’t have to wait so long for stuff to happen in animal crossing
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pinned-moth · 3 years
Reblog and post in the tags your natural eye color and what color eyes you want.
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pinned-moth · 3 years
having to do a health class assignment about bullying is so mean to me actually
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pinned-moth · 3 years
had a whole Moment earlier like we were in the middle of a breakdown and i went “okay nap time” and went to bed. Works every time.
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pinned-moth · 3 years
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pinned-moth · 3 years
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just so i am crystal clear 
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pinned-moth · 3 years
have to go visit family for the holidays tomorrow :/ wish us luck
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pinned-moth · 3 years
it is. real hyperfixating hours. im gonna go play animal crossing a little bit more but thats not even the hyperfixation im just. sleepy. wanna sit in bed.
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pinned-moth · 3 years
Been seeing discourse about this around so I feel the need to say it.
Self diagnosing is DEFINITELY valid. Especially as a minor. And claiming a trauma disorder that forms IN CHILDHOOD as a minor is valid. Like, do you think a minor can get easy access to ANY kind of medical care? It’s so fucking hard. Like. We recognize that we have so much privilege compared to some people. We’re SO lucky to have the family we do. And even then it’s HARD to find a doctor, especially one who can work with DID and OSDD, and especially when our trauma and other disorders (anxiety specifically) are making it near impossible to contact the ONE DOCTOR we have access to who can even START us on the process? And that doesn’t stop us from experiencing the symptoms. Why would anyone even feel the need to self diagnose when they’re not suffering? We’ve switched. Noticeable switches, and not just for “attention” or whatever. Because we were in an actively terrifying and traumatizing situation. We have amnesia. That’s not going away just because we can’t get testing and therapy and a formal diagnosis.
Quit bullying minors online, especially as an adult in a space that someone is turning to because they’re a trauma survivor. Quit attacking CHILDREN. That’s what you’re doing when you go after teens self diagnosing - attacking children who need help. It’s disgusting.
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pinned-moth · 3 years
Trans allyship includes multigendered people. It includes the he/shes, the people who are boygirls, the people who have "contradicting" labels, the people who are fluid, the people who are ever-shifting in their gender, the people whos sexualities feel complicated by their gender, and the people I couldn't include here because there are just so many different ways for people to exist as a multigendered person.
If you are to exclude multigendered people or people with a complex relationship with gender from trans liberation, you are doing your allyship in a backwards way. I do not want trans liberation if it means excluding fellow trans people. I do not want trans "allyship" that only loosely supports passing, binary, conforming, non-complex trans people. Liberation for all trans people. Not just the ones you personally like.
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pinned-moth · 3 years
I need to get things done but I can’t I’m having an episode </3
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pinned-moth · 3 years
hot flaming take i’m abt to slap you with: it’s not acceptable to punish children for their grades, no matter the circumstances.
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pinned-moth · 3 years
thinks so hard about a book we read forever ago
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