piper-corden · 9 years
Well, I mean, I can’t actually join, because of work, but I do appreciate you saying that. Even though I do not look good in a bikini. Too revealing for… stuff.
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Now I have a really bizarre mental image, and I’m going to have to agree with you.
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piper-corden · 9 years
You can’t grovel with Paramount Pictures, Piper. Their time is worth more money than I’ll ever see in my life. 
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I’m staying in your second bedroom, by the way. Hope you’re having a good vacation.
But you can’t just give up. You’ve worked way too hard for that, Harry.
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Oh? I am. You know, you should come too. I asked Jude and Josh to come too, but I don’t think they are. I’m only here for a couple more days, but still. I’m with a couple of girlfriends, and it’s so much fun. Maybe it’ll help you forget about this mess and loosen up a little. Then you can go back to LA re-energized and ready to get your movie.
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piper-corden · 9 years
My apartment is all cleaned and fixed up, but I kind of don’t want to go back to it right now. I’d say maybe I should take a vacation like everyone else is doing, but going alone sounds just really, really sad.
Maybe I’ll just visit home. It’s been awhile since I was back there.
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Who says you have to go alone? Come join me!
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what now?
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piper-corden · 9 years
I guess if all your wearing are bikinis, that makes packing easier.
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Oh absolutely. Literally the only stuff I packed was beach wear. And sunscreen.
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piper-corden · 9 years
In true Hollywood Star Sam Mason style, he showed up at the office fifteen minutes before I did, talked out of his ass, caused irreparable damage and cost us a deal.
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Oh no. I’m sure it’s not irreparable. You have to try again and absolutely not take no for an answer until they give you another shot.
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piper-corden · 9 years
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And I wasn’t invited?
You’re welcome to join, but bikinis are part of the dress code.
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piper-corden · 9 years
Sam happened.
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piper-corden · 9 years
Having a relatively minor part means I get lots of little breaks to unwind.
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Done with filming already, or are you just running away from set for a bit?
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piper-corden · 9 years
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Oh no. What happened?
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piper-corden · 9 years
I have the rest of the week off, and a plane ticket to Cabo. Impromptu vacations are the best. It’s going to be bikinis and Mai Tais all day, every day.
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piper-corden · 9 years
H: I need to tell you something.
P: What's up, buttercup?
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piper-corden · 9 years
Yeah. I still feel kind of violated knowing they’re all out there, but I’m getting over it and hopefully everyone else is too.
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Good. Snow is okay sometimes, but not the way it must be over there. How much longer are you going to be there, by the way? I want to come visit you when I’m done shooting if you’re still in the city.
So it turns out
I always wanted to find out if you did. Sorry it had to happen like that, though - I know you like your privacy, and whatever, and it’s gotta suck. At least it’s pretty much done with by now, right?
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Pipes, chill. You know as soon as it drops below 60 I’m going to shrivel up and die, so I could never move here or anything. Not full time, at least. Summers, maybe. But I don’t do snow, so there’s no fucking way I’d stay here forever. 
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piper-corden · 9 years
Very true. That was a whirlwind.
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That’s good. Is this going to be a permanent thing? I mean what happened to the photography thing, if you don’t mind me asking?
Yeah, I mean, that’s definitely possible. Especially after that Taylor Swift drama, I think you’re safe.
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I – it’s okay. Not as bad as I thought it’d be, I even get to make some decisions.
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piper-corden · 9 years
That is not healthy, Harry. I’m getting worried.
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Tempted to ask if you even lift, but I cant let myself sink that low - even if my diet has consisted of nothing but coffee and Redbull for the last week.
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piper-corden · 9 years
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Fun for you. You’re her favourite.
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piper-corden · 9 years
I knew it. I like Aunt Marge -- she’s so much fun after half a bottle of wine.
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Yes. That’s exactly what I’m doing. Tearing the family apart and ruining all of those awkward gatherings with Aunt Marge is my endgame.
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piper-corden · 9 years
I am too. I’m coming over tomorrow, and dragging you out if I have to. I work out now, I can definitely take you on.
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Good luck. You’re not very threatening and neitehr is mom. At least not from three states away.
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