piper117317 · 4 years
I tried to be good for you
I really did
Yet I always end up failing
The tears you shed
are all because of me
Why cant you just understand
That I am no good for you
No matter how hard I try
There is always someone else
that can make you smile so bright
brighter than I could ever
I believe that if I held you tight
My love would magically show
but I held too tight that you crushed
in my arms
It was a slap to my face
that I had to let you go
let you go to someone else
Someone who could hold you gently
as if you were a delicate flower
I tried so hard to be that someone
but I cant
And Im sorry
I'm sorry I caused you so much pain
So much shedded tears
and I hope someone can wipe them away
because you deserve to smile so bright
brighter than I could ever
~ Little Piper
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piper117317 · 4 years
The ink spills red
Creating words of dread
Skin splitting
allowing the words to flow
As wounds are reopened
each promise destroyed
as ink drips
from the skin
and as more spills
less you feel
Until it all fades black
then you wake up again
~ Little Piper
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piper117317 · 4 years
A cloth
Forever covering my eyes
Your beauty is no longer
All I have are memories
but those soon fade
I still hear your smooth voice
As you describe the sea
I don't know its beauty
nor do I remember it
but the way your words flow
it creates a new beauty in my mind
And as you speak
I start to believe
that maybe
the blindfold isn't so bad
as long as you are by my side
speaking about the beauty that you see
~ Little Piper
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piper117317 · 5 years
I'm in love with you
how I wish I could say
but I know you don't feel the same
You wonder why I'm so bad at relationships
its cause they're not you
They don't smile like you
They don't laugh like you
They don't talk like you
They don't make me feel the way you do
but I can't tell you this
I have to watch you have others
Others that hurt you
Others that will never be good enough for you
I have to listen when you come to me
Crying when they don't know how to love you
how I wish I could say
I am in love with you
with you're beautiful eyes
how the light shade of green reminds me of grass
When the sun shines on them
how the tiny hint of yellow in them tell me that
You are the Sun I need in my life
I am in love with You
But you don't feel the same
And that's okay
~ Little Piper
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piper117317 · 5 years
Near yet far
We are like puzzle pieces
We fit together perfectly
but we don't stay
because a puzzle is no fun
once its complete
Our red string of fate
connects us
yet it's too tangled for us
to stay with one another
We have deep emotion
for one another
We just don't seem to stay
~ Little Piper
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piper117317 · 5 years
Why doesn't it last
When do the loving words
turn sour
When does the love fade
It always happens
No one stays together
When did the butterflies disappear
When did the romance die
A street light slowly flickering
until it goes out
Just like everyone's love
When did the love fade
~ Little Piper
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piper117317 · 5 years
Photos always highlight the beauty
Tumblr media
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piper117317 · 5 years
I was a moth
Always chasing after the light
Only to be burned
but you
You saw me as the sunflower
and because of this
it made me see
that you
You were my sun
~ Little Piper
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piper117317 · 6 years
It's all I see
It's calming
but it's scary
why won't the
light shine
where is the
Wait I
think my
Savior is coming
why does it look
So Terrifying
I can't move
Someone please
~ Little Piper
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piper117317 · 6 years
Tell me a lie
Tell me that
Im not trapped
inside the walls
of my mind
Tell me that
I'll survive
another day
that there is
Still hope
even if it's
All lies just
Tell me
~ Little Piper
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piper117317 · 6 years
That's what I see
But I don't feel
Like everyone says you're supposesed to feel
Instead I feel
So cold it burns
My lips turn blue
The water coming from my eyes crystal
Something is pulling
I'm dragged deeper inside
Until the light turns
~ Little Piper
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piper117317 · 6 years
Does it hurt to lose someone
Are you crying because you lost them
or is it because
You lost a part of yourself along with them
They're gone
They're gone
They're not coming back
They left you in this cruel world
It used to be you and them against the world
now its just you
Does it hurt to lose a part of yourself
~ Little Piper
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piper117317 · 6 years
These words swallow me whole
I'm afraid to speak
Someone could hear me
No one can hear me
As i scream a silent scream
Into the darkness that surrounds me
Words can't save me now
~ Little Piper
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