piraguero12 · 1 year
I find it both Gunny and concerning that our unstable ball of anxiety called Ranger is carrying around a gun
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piraguero12 · 1 year
Diane strikes me as the type of Mom that would totally tell embarassing stories of the Ranger to Claire
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piraguero12 · 1 year
Wonder is Seer ever had a moment where they were hanging around the Den with Beth when all the sudden Claire stubs her toe aguainst a table screaming "Fuck Me!"
Causing our Seer to have a vision of Claire and Ranger banging
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piraguero12 · 2 years
Here's an Idea
So imagine an audio or scrip about Diane and the Ranger. Lets have a Ranger whi's still adjusting to gkenwood, feeling abit out of place and practically lost before being invited by Diane to go on a light patrol. Before she sits diwn on a bench out in the wild with nothing but the silence of the forrest around them before tapping the seat next to them
She tells our dear Ranger that she wont firce us to talk but that uf they ever need anything then they can count on her, both have a hearth to hearth with Ranger opening up about those locked away feeling, curling up as they talk, there voice cracking with each sentence as tears formed around there eyes
While Diane simply hearing them out, offering sympaties before opening up abit about her own, reffering to the Ranger as if they were her own Child
The ideas is there, im just not the best writter so i cant make it justice but its something ive had in mind
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piraguero12 · 2 years
Diane being best Mom
Every month or so Diane draggs the Rangers out for a family dinner.
So whenever they reach the Diner she tells the staff "Table for me and my 20 children please"
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piraguero12 · 2 years
Hear me out.
Glenwood AU where Diane is actually an immortal, one thats even older then the beurou of Magic
Millenias ago she had her iwn family yet lost them to the cruel march of time, while dishearthen at first over the ages shes managed to accept it finding comfort in helping and even guiding others. Treating them as if they were her own Children, seeing them grow into wonderfull people before peacefully passing away
With one of her close friends being another immortal and glenwoods resident mother figure for wielders Celine
The two bond over shared experiences, the feeling of being lost in time, the feeling of lossing loved ones to the brutal marsh of time yet finding comfort in the snallest of things like receving gifs from current loved ones, seeing those youve raise grown up to be proper adults
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piraguero12 · 2 years
i find the though of abby talking about werewolves while Claire, who just wanted to return a book, is just nods along
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piraguero12 · 2 years
Abbygal, our Local Magic 'Expert'
So a question i had fir the longest time was..what do actual maggic wielders think when they hear her podcast?
Do they find it interesting, like looking at the magic workd throu the len's of someone who knows nothing about magic, do scholars use it as research to see how non magic humans rationalies actual magic events
Or do they hate it? They hate hkw off the wall her theories are and the fact that they cant correct her only serve to be even more aggitating. Like imagine Celine with her centuries of wisdom lossing her mind as some humans talks 'facts' that are so unbelivably wrong that its painfull to hear
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piraguero12 · 2 years
Im preatty sure that every holliday Diane makes all the Rangers join her in making cookies to give them around Glenwood
This has the unintended effect of making every Glenwood ranger adept at baking even our angst filled Ranger
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piraguero12 · 2 years
druid Ranger
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piraguero12 · 2 years
What are yall thoughs on my Theories and Rambles about the Ranger?
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piraguero12 · 2 years
Imagine this...
One day the Ranger goes on there average patrol across the rorrest but due to recent incident they come armed with a riffle but at the same time Claire and here pack are out hunting
While running the pack cones across them, unabke to identify them the pack thinks that they(the Ranger) is just another poucher, so they decided to teach them a lesson
Hunting and following them until Simon in his wolf firms gets a hold of them, bitting there shoulder and practucally raggdolling them around like a dog with its chew toy but during this Claire gets a good look at them and realizes
"Wait...is that the Ranger...OH SHIT THATS THE RANGER!"
After the realization hits her she gets the now uncouncious Ranger off of Simon soon laying them aguainst a tree shifting back to call Diane, reporting the injured Ranger to her
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piraguero12 · 2 years
Rangers Vampire EX
So following the theory that our dear Ranger had his memory altered by his past girlfriend/close friend/loved one who,we assume, was a Vampire
This throry can take one of two forms:
She was hella toxic, manipulating our pridefull Ranger in the past until either he figured her out abd attemting to leave which ended up in her altering there memory, making herself look like a trusted friend before dragging the Ranger to Gleenwood somewhere far from his hometown but due to an incident she was forced to leave her Ranger behind. Before eventually returning onky to find-out that her Ranger had a crush on someone else a werewolf of all creatures. So using both her vampire powers and speech she convinces a group of pouchers to help her hunt down the 'large wolf'
The Ranger actually had a healthy relationship with her, one were they managed to better themselves, learned to express themselves better eventually moving to gleenwood to continue living together but tragedy stuck as an incident forced the pair appart. Worried for the Rangers safety she decideds to alter there memory making them forget everything they shared, all those years of healing and loving tissed into the deepest parts of there mind accidently reggressing them into the distrustfull angst filled Ranger we meet today
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piraguero12 · 2 years
Ranger Time
So imagine this allright..
After Claire and the Ranger naje up(or make out your choice) she decideds to invite them to the den to meet the Rest if the pack.
In the Den, Beth is iverjoyed since her littke theory was pricen cirrect as Knight hands Beth a dollar for lossing the bet
Meanwhile the Ranger tries to be friendly, in there iwn awkard way before they finally stand before Simmon. At furst Simon just stares him down causing the Ranger to shrivell up before eventually laughing giving them quiet the tight hugg
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piraguero12 · 2 years
Its time..lets Talk about Diane!
So Diane, the Second Ranger weve meet and our Main Rangers one(and quiet possibly only) friend.
We know little about her or them but im willing to speculate
●Responsible for spreading rumors around the Station that our Main Ranger and Clsire bonned
●like how beth is Claires wingman, Diane is the Rangers wingman
●has made a deal with Beth to get the Ranger and Claire on a V-day Date
●wears glasses. Why? Cause i said so
●is a non-wielder
●known Ranger ever since she/they started to work at the Ranger station
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piraguero12 · 2 years
Ranger looks like the type that would cry if youd give them a hugg
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piraguero12 · 2 years
Ranger was a Poucher
Allright hear me out, as Casttle recently mentioned that 1 of the pouchers is a nonhuman soo what if the 1 non human is the one responsible for altering Rangers nemories?
Maybe Ranger was close to being caught by the beurou and to either save the Ranger or themselves, they altered there memories essentially making the Ranger a ded end wen pursuing the pouchers
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