ok so
if you look through the fanfic, it’s going to be very different from before. two things are different: one chapter is gone completely and one has a different ending, among various formatting and grammar adjustments in other chapters. this is because Chane is no longer an Admin, and we have to remove her character from the story. many of us think it is too early in the story to kill a character, and that it is easier to just take her out completely. i’m sorry Chane, this was our only other option, and i hope you forgive us. however, unless Chane tells us to take some posts down, regular non fanfic posts that contain Chane and her art are still here. we haven’t removed those and dont plan to (unless told to do so). as for Violet and Li, we will incorporate them into the story when we get off hiatus. soon.
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hi yes hello
go follow @pixel-empire-diamonds we’re having fun and now a draft that will probably never be posted in the story:
He waited in the lobby until the secretary told him to go up to floor 90. The building was diamond-shaped, and pinkish-white. Someone wanted to talk to him.
He opened the doors to the conference room where he was supposed to go.
“Sit down, Hugo,” a voice told him.
“What do you want?” Hugo replied, defensive. He looked across the table. A man stared back. A man with power. The Mayor.
“Hugo, you don’t know this,” the Mayor replied. “So I’m going to tell you and it’s going to be very straight-to-the-point.”
Hugo glared. He knew it was about the music. The Mayor never did like Electronic music. Nor did the Mayor like Hugo.
“Listen, Hugo,” The Mayor stared intently at the other across the short table.
“You have more power than you know.”
Hugo was shocked. “What? I’m just a musician, why would I have power?”
“Your music is WHY you have power! It’s causing something- some kind of awakening. The citizens are starting to rebel. To run away. Have you ever heard of the Icarus case?”
Hugo nodded. “The two teens who ran off to find the key that would supposedly ‘save the citizens’?”
“Yes,” replied the mayor. “That happened because of your music. It’s happening to other teens and young adults too. I don’t know why and I don’t know how, but soon enough the City will be in ruins.”
Hugo didn’t see the problem. The City WAS kind of controlling. “So..?”
“So we’re prohibiting you from ever making music again.”
Hugo was shocked. “NO! You can’t do that!!” Hugo was unaware of it, but his eyes began to flicker turquoise.
The Mayor glared. “We can and we will. It’s for the greater good.”
Sparks of turquoise energy began to fly around Hugo. “You have no idea what you’re talking about! It’s a coincidence! There’s no proof! You can’t take away my passion!”
“NO!!!” Hugo’s eyes turned fully turquoise. A blast of sound and energy exploded around him, knocking over everything and everyone within a 500-foot range. Hugo didn’t know what happened. But he know one thing for certain: he needed to run. (yep it’s bad i know delete this later)
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We're gonna be kinda quiet for a while consider this a hiatus. see you soon. bye -the Admins
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Hugo is the best. How dare you ??
Hugo or Hugo (much hard i know)
oh god bri
someone help
i choose hugo
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Phrases that make me feel safe
• ‘I’m here’ • ‘it’s alright’ • ‘I’ve got you’ • ‘you’re okay’ • ‘nothing bad is going to happen’ • ‘you’ve got me now’ • ‘you’re safe’ • ‘I won’t let anything hurt you’ • ‘I’ll look after you’ • ‘this is real, you are real’
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Meet the New Admin
Since AdminChane left, we wanted to find someone to take her place and help us write, for the sake of consistency. We don’t know what to do with AdminChane’s character, but we do have a new admin, AdminViolet! Wanna see her normal blog? it’s here: @violet-divinity
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For personal reasons, I am leaving the Pixel-Empire-Diamonds. Thanks for everything guys. Good luck. -Chane
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announcement thing
Tumblr is being stupid as fuck, as usual.
3 of our drafts were deleted by the system and a thing I put up yesterday about an AU was also deleted by the system.
One of our admins, you may know him as @my-myfacehurts, is on a hiatus. A friend of his is monitoring his account right now. So we have decided to hold back on releasing new chapters and wait for him.
During the time he is gone, we may be doing a few fun things like AUs, posting more art, surveys, etc.
So for now the story is on hold as we are still working on the next few chapters and we’re waiting for admin MFH to return.
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sorry for the lack of posts. we're trying to get new chapters out asap
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So UPDATE! I redid the pixel with a blue outline and this one doesn’t have that weird white!!! Yay!
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don’t you pay them any mind
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eyyyyy my first pixel!!!!
this took forever :D
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We need to discuss a few things.
First: we have two conflicting story ideas regarding the Worlds and Pixel Empire. Brianna and Chane have kind of implied that the Worlds and PE are alternate dimensions, which I personally think doesn’t fit very well with the story. Remember, in one of the earlier chapters Hugo sees Porter in what appears to be a comatose state, instead of gone altogether. This probably implies that the Worlds and PE are actually virtual realities, which I think makes more sense with the whole “pixel” theme. So can we change it to that?
Second: We’re all going in different directions and this story is all over the place. We want to try to get it on one storyline, which means we need to get the other characters in the Worlds/PE, and SOON. So MORE CHAPTERS, STAT. But not so close together that there’s no suspense. 
On a sidenote, we have a RED ALERT: THE SHIPS ARE CONFLICTING! We have Portgo and Briport and Brichane and Ninjeon and Chanego all running around like “He’s mine, you can’t have him!” and what are we gonna do? There’s only one Porter and one Hugo. Plus, Rory, Li and Sam don’t even have ships yet but if the Admins who run those characters don’t want them to have ships then that’s cool. So, my question is this: who’s gonna get Porter and Hugo? Or is it just not gonna be anyone and they’re gonna be together like i’m writing, or are we just not going to include the shipping aspect at all? 
btw i vote portgo -n
I vote either none or Portfo. It seems kinda unfair that you all will compete for them (you guys can have them, idm)-Senpai
First off-
Chane is the one who said they were different dimensions. I didn’t say that. What I mean by a portal is something that will take you from one place to another. And i don’t give a fuck about the ships. -b
ok -n
I don’t personally care about the ships. I like the idea of the virtual reality stuff though. I’ve been trying to get a chapter for Sam up but I’ve been super busy. Hopefully I’ll have something this week- Edit Anon Sorry I haven't seen this sooner. I don't personally care about the ships. I also don't care about the dimensions and such. Do as you please, I will try to stay updated as possible -Chane
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