pjgetsstuffed · 8 days
This is a plateau buster. I've had several clients suddenly gain 30+ pounds after prolonged periods of stagnation with the suggestions in this track.
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pjgetsstuffed · 3 months
Trevor Wagner @ 286lbs
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pjgetsstuffed · 1 year
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🥛🥛 please feed me 🍩🍪
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pjgetsstuffed · 1 year
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Jack here, used to be relatively lean. He used to work as a policeman and was always active until he got laid off and began working as a sedentary policeman, who just sat and watched cameras.
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Who knew sitting down all the time, eating the complementary doughnuts, and literally doing nothing would affect his body. Not Jack... he unknowingly grew this gut. Just after a few weeks, he felt his uniform fitting more snugly.
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He would get home and order some takeaway because he always came home late, and exhausted. He would unbutton his shirts and his newly-growing belly would spring out.
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Jack had already gone through 5 sizes since his new job, it was starting to get noticeable, as his small shirt holds his gut tiresomely.
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He just kept on eating...
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And eating.... until, he got sacked from his old job due to weight.
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However, jack didn't stop, he couldn't stop. He just kept eating...
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To think he used to be that lean just a year ago. Every time he passed someone he used to know in his old police force, they'd stare at his huge gut and walk past, almost as if he was unrecognisable...
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pjgetsstuffed · 1 year
Chat with an evil genie
Hi everyone. I have been playing around with ai and have created an evil genie. He can be a lot of fun to talk to and you can make your wishes but be careful he likes to twist them!
If you have any fun or kinky scenarios with him I would love to hear about them!
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pjgetsstuffed · 1 year
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He's gained A LOT! Will he do a cut and lose it or will he get fatter?
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pjgetsstuffed · 1 year
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pjgetsstuffed · 1 year
Reblog Fat Spell
Your fate is sealed. With each reblog you will grow fatter. There is no reversal. Caution to those who are unsure. DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A SUPERCHUB HOG….well then reblog to cast and never go back.
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pjgetsstuffed · 1 year
The way he rest his protruding belly on mine 🥹🥵🤤🤤
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pjgetsstuffed · 2 years
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King Size
This is a short story collaboration with @gainingfiction, probably the most fun I’ve had making a project. The color is not correctly shown on mobile phone, so please click into the pictures. 
Full story link: https://at.tumblr.com/gainingfiction/king-size/k0rruylor7is
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pjgetsstuffed · 2 years
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🐮 need more to pinch 🐮
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pjgetsstuffed · 2 years
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pjgetsstuffed · 2 years
The Feeders’ Forecast
Devon smirked as he saw the car waiting for him at the airport. He was certainly getting the special treatment; having walked the short distance escorted by two handsome young men who had been assigned to look after him from the club.
“Everyone is so excited to meet you tomorrow,” gushed Tom; a handsome trainer for the soccer team Devon had been flown out here for. 
Devon nodded apathetically, appraising Tom’s beautifully toned body, noticeably built thighs and strapping chest; although he was sure it was the guy’s deep, soulful eyes and pretty face that most of the girls fell for. 
“We’ve never had someone as qualified as you come to our club before,” Lewis agreed. “Your reputation is incredible. The clubs you’ve worked with… the players you’ve coached! I feel like I should be asking for your autograph!”
Devon smirked, pleased that his alleged career garnered him so much admiration as he went from one athletic venue to another, never leaving a single sportsman untouched by the Feeders’ Formula. “You’re both going to be there tomorrow, I hope?” Devon asked, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to resist using his formula on these two guys as well. Lewis was so athletically toned, slim and light on his feet; built for agility and speed. That would all have to go soon! He sat in the front passenger seat, as Tom climbed in to drive them all, feeling that familiar buzz of excitement once he’d found his latest prey. How would these two fatten up once the formula was inside of them? Could he wait until tomorrow to do it to them alongside everyone else? Or would he have to fatten them tonight?
Keep reading
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pjgetsstuffed · 2 years
Drunk confession
It was 4 am when I heard my roommate open the front door. He’d been out all night, and I was pretty sure he came back drunk out of his mind as always. I was watching Family Guy in the living room and tried to ignore the sound of my roommate trying to take his shoes off. I could tell that he was struggling to keep his balance due to him stomping on the floor very loudly from almost falling over every few seconds. When he was done I heard him making his way over to the couch. Okay, I’ll admit that I don’t dislike him as much as I’m making it seem. He is pretty attractive and quite nice. We’d become pretty good friends over the years and knew a lot about eachother. A few personal things as well. One of those things being that I am a feeder. I’m very attracted to bigger people, always have been. He found out when he caught me looking at pictures of overweight men, staring at their bulging bellies. Now, my roommate wasn’t exactly the skinniest dude either. He’d grown quite a bit of a belly over the past year due to an injury to his leg which prevented him from running like he usually did. This of course was the perfect opportunity for him to tease me with his little beginners gut. And tease me he did. After every big meal, which is all of them, he’d rub his belly and stare at me a little bit too long and hard just to see if he could get my attention. Or he’d walk around without a shirt, or he dramatically complained when he was hungry, or he showed me the part of his wardrobe that didn’t fit anymore… I mean, I can’t complain. I got to see some belly and I also got to see his own little game catching up to him. All the teasing, and making sure his tummy was bloated so he could tease me with it made him put on quite a bit of weight. If I had to guess I’d say it’s around 15 pounds. So yeah, I’m not complaining! As expected, he let himself fall on the couch right next to me, which made bounce off the couch and into the air about an inch, and sighed deeply. I felt him staring at me after a while I asked how his night was. Instead of answering my question he slowly took my hand and placed it on his very very bloated belly. “Feel” he said in a drunk but calm voice. What I felt was a sloshy, rumbling, protruding and very bloated belly. My eyes sprung open with surprise and I turned to face him to then look down at his belly. “How the hell did that happen?” I asked, clearly shocked. A wide grin appeared on his face along with a drunk chuckle that coming out of his mouth as he leaned in closer. “For you” he whispered, and softly kissed my cheek. “Please touch it. I drank so much.. It hurts”. A drunk, horny, handsome fat guy longing for me to touch his aching, painfully full and sloshing belly was just a little too much for me to resist. So i decided to give in and gave his belly an approving squeeze. He replied by moaning deeply, and leaned back against the couch. I could tell that he was enjoying his bellyrub and that he had been wanting this for a long time. As time went on we both got more and more into it. I looked over at him and saw a look on his face that I can only describe as “horny af”. His lips were slightly parted, breathing deeply in and out through them, letting out a moan every once in a while. His eyes were fixated on his own bulging gut, and my hands caressing it, squeezing it, and jiggling it. When our eyes met I slowly leaned in closer to his face and softly placed my lips onto his. He kissed back and was looking to deepen the kiss very quickly. His tongue dartled out of his mouth and brushed against my bottom lip. I enjoyed this sensation and gave him permission to deepen the kiss by flicking my tongue against his. Before I knew it I was straddling him and made out with him intensely while rubbing and squeezing his very full and large belly. His arousal was undeniable and so was mine. He probably didn’t know what the hell was happening to him. Poor fatty, haha. I started riding against his hard manhood and heard him moan and breathe deeply. I moved faster and faster, making sure to brush up against his belly, which in turn started sloshing loudly. We could both hear all the liquid he had consumed that night move around in his giant gut, which seemed to be a great turn on for him. After both hearing this and acknowledging the sound, things moved quickly. In to time our clothes were on the floor, and we were having great, fat, drunk sex. If this is how he feels while drunk, fat and bloated, I’ll send him out to drink with his friends a lot more often.
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pjgetsstuffed · 2 years
French Classes
“Je mange une pomme”
“Je mange une pomme” we repeated after the teacher, slowly waiting for this all to be over.
The adult learner class only contained a few other people and so the energy for learning French wasn’t that high, but it was mainly down to the fact that it was such a hard language. I was really looking forward to my trip to Paris (after it had been put on hold three times due to covid) but I hated all this preparation.
Slowly the seconds ticked by and it was time to leave.
“Salut class and remember to practice your food phrases as there is a test in our lesson next week”
I groaned inwardly, I had bunked off going to college to avoid going to school any more than I had to, now I was right back where I started, taking tests. Though in fairness it wasn’t that bad, I didn’t mind thinking about la pizza or un croissant. Shame I couldn’t afford any nice foods, but then, who can?
For the rest of the day I hopped about, going from my one job working behind the counter at Crispy Crème (where I could actually feel myself salivating over all of the donuts I’d happily stuff into my face) and from there on to the night club as a barman – where for hours I’d stare out into the crowd, trying to pick out a handsome man that I would fantasise about for the rest of the day.
It was roughly 3 am when I got back into my tiny apartment. I checked the fridge. Nothing. I checked the cupboards. Nothing. If I wasn’t careful I was going to waste away, start looking like one of the skeletons we had to look at in science classes. In the full-length mirror I analysed myself. I was handsome. Jet black hair neatly trimmed atop my pale – slightly gaunt – face. But at least that emphasised my check bones which guys seemed to love. Lifting up my top I showed myself my slender torso, the rough outline of a six pack from my gym membership which I had had to cancel a few months back. As I placed my hand on my stomach I could feel it rumble.
“I really need something, just a slice of pizza would do” I said to myself.
“Or ‘je voudrais une pizza’ as I’d have to practice”
My tiredness was beginning to dawn on me and I went to slink off to try to get some sleep when I heard a ping. Like an alarm or bell. It had come from the kitchen and when I went to look my nose was hit by the unmistakable smell of a freshly cooked pizza. It was in the oven, still piping hot with rich gooey cheese bubbling on the surface. Underneath was a vivid red creamy tomato sauce that I began to drool over. In a trance of hunger I reached out and grabbed the tray that it was on – it didn’t appear to me as strange later that the pizza was hot but the plate was cool. With my bare hands I tore off a slice, feeling the freshly made dough tear with a soothing drone as cheese and sauce dripped over my hands.
Bringing the slice up to my mouth, I eagerly bit into it, feeling its textures ooze around my mouth and coat my tongue and lips in extasy. Within seconds I could feel it warming my entire body, not just a warmth of heat but something orgasmic, tingling and scintillating around my form. And I wanted more.
Bite after bite, slice after slice I tore off until there was nothing left. Not even a patch of cheese or smear of sauce. All was gone into my greedy mouth. It was only then that the strangeness of it began to dawn on me. I hadn’t bought a pizza, let alone put it in the oven. I lived with no one, the place hadn’t been broken into, and what sort of robber would break into a place and leave complementary food? These thoughts all raced through my mind, unable to settle on anything. Now it wasn’t the angst of hunger that drove me, it was the angst of insatiability. I wanted more food and I wanted it now.
What had I done or said before the pizza appeared? I had asked for a slice. So I thought I’d try something else. I closed my eyes and concentrated hard.
“I would like, some cheesy garlic bread”
I checked in the oven and there was nothing. But then it dawned on me, I had also said it in French. So I ran through my mind trying to think how to translate it.
“uh je voudrais un pain a l’ail avec fromage”
Within seconds that same sensation returned as I saw one of the most appetising and largest slices of garlic bread I had seen, dripping in thick cheese appear in my open oven. I didn’t need to get another hint. Any semblance of dignity had gone as it grabbed it with my fist, shoving chunks of it into my open mouth, lost in pleasure. But like all pleasure, it has its end and soon the slice was finished. But I wasn’t disheartened and I had had another idea which I decided to try out.
Again I closed my eyes and spoke aloud
“Je voudrais un glace au chocolate”
This time the fridge door swung open and from my position I could see a large tub of Ben and Jerry’s chocolate ice cream staring back at me. It didn’t take me long till I had demolished it, licking the tub clean. The stickiness of the ice cream had made me aware of how messy I had been and so I stood up to wash my hands, I could see my face in the mirror in front of me and then realised that food and grease and cream was all over my mouth so I then had to wash that off.
It was strange as I looked back at my face. It seemed puffier, a little rounder. The cheekbones that had driven men wild were hidden slightly. I didn’t think it odd till I felt a sudden tightness in my jeans. These were always loose fitting so it was odd that they would be snug but upon looking down I could see why.
I had the bloat of a lifetime. It stuck out a good few inches in front of my body, nearly entirely obscuring my feet. My shirt had slightly ridden up, revealing the ample flesh underneath and moving to get into better light I could feel that the jeans were tight from both my increased waist size and from my ass which seemed to have grown as well. But nothing about this disturbed me. Hell, I’d eaten all this great food what I was to expect from being such a fatass. I laughed it off. But as I looked more closely in the mirror I thought how big I looked, how strong and beefy and, well how fat I had become. And I liked it. I slowly began to rub my thick ass cheeks and feel them spill out of my hands, I had never been plump enough to do that. I felt a pleasure at imagining how fat I had become, revelling in my newfound gluttony. The same orgasmic pleasure from eating returned, however this time its effects were more visible as I soon found myself sporting a thick and intense erection that practically burst out of my pants. This was all until I went to rub my belly. I had expected it to just be a bloat, but this was something different. My fingers met with pure, hard fat. There was no denying it, it jiggled and I could see fleshy folds. Looking back in the mirror I saw how I must have gained about 50lbs just from one night’s binge. My gut stuck out, round and prominent, bouncing up and down in front of me with every step. And with each bounce I knew I wanted more.
None of the events of that night were logical, but I didn’t care. I stripped off to my briefs and revelled in my fleshy body, admiring every curve and plump crevice. Each roll and smooth curve of fatness was brilliant. And then I was struck by a sudden idea, one of those chaotic and irrational ideas that had made me so fat.
“Je voudrais etre tres gros”. A wish to become very fat.
Within seconds I began to grow, my ass widening, my pecs becoming flabbier and forming two moobs, and my gut expanding, slightly weighing me down.
I was going to arrive in Paris a changed man.
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pjgetsstuffed · 2 years
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I may have a full belly but that doesn’t mean I’m not still hungry ;)
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pjgetsstuffed · 2 years
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Getting oh so chunky.
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