This post is an image of the lagoon on campus. I chose to post this image beacuse I thought it had a very good representation of the sense of feeling that had been emplaced on the people of Manhattan during the period in the graphic novel Watchmen. As the cold war was a time of heightened awareness and felling of not knowing what would happen at any given moment. As such I believe that the fog in this post represents that feeling very well as it enacts as a blanket to the sky not knowing what is above to come down.
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The photo of a sunset I took from my Dorm Room represents a binary. Seen is the window grate that holds things in and keeps things out. Then the background is that of a beautiful sunset in which a rainbow of bright colors is extracted. The character Oscar Wao in the novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (2007) by Junot Diaz comes to somewhat embody this binary establishment as well. As for on one hand he is a very creative, and enjoyable young man who is enlightened by the ability to associate himself with girls, we can link this to the sunset. But on the other hand, he has enacted a sense of disappointment in the presence of depressive mental states. This is provided as an analogy to the grate that is held on the inside of the window, as for these feelings are of internal fruition.
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This image is that of a zoomed in section of my car seat. This photo shows the blending of two colors white and black to create the exterior that holds the seat together. While reading the novel Sula (1973) written by Toni Morrison it is clear to see that the same instances of a community can be seen in the actions withheld inside the novel. While the book deals with aspects of racial tension there are also cases in which the binding of such people and cultures go farther than any form of opposition could ever provide. It relates to a phrase found very often in our world today, and its that love will always persist over hate. These notions are emplaced in the novel and become associated with the photo of my car seat. As if we are to persevere the instances of connections bind us together as one that is impenetrable.
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Analyzing The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde I have come to abstract interpretations of specific aspects of the novel. In this case, I have gone ahead and provided an image of my shadow. The presentation of this image I have associated with concepts of something watching over you. Shadows present themselves in environments of light and become absent in the presence of darkness. Dorian Gray in the novel becomes encapsulated in an infatuation by the self-portrait painting constructed by Basil. The painting becomes the basis of understanding for Dorian that dictates visually his strive for self-pleasure. Watching over him he becomes evident of this “shadow” whenever facing the painting that provides him his light for life. Becoming to notice the alterations to the painting when merged at eyesight. Therefore my photo above supplements itself well when discussing specific aspects of the book pertaining to Dorian Gray and his painting.
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The close-up context in which Nate has provided through this post emerges to me as one of heightened interest. When viewing the image I have associated this with a binary of my own Tumblr posts. This post situates itself within the category of self-reveal as it is the first time the author of the account is administered. I know this because I am in his class. Opposite to this would be an account that remains anonymous as to add a sense of wonder within the photographer. I have situated myself on this binary as for I never engaged in images of the self within my Tumblr account. Coming from my decisions, I was motivated by the phrase “I wonder who took this photo?” to develop an account one in which came to fruition without generating themes of self. This photo goes on to develop the sense of diversity when it comes to interpretations of life on campus.
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This post by David I found intriguing due to my first impressions of the image. When looking first at the post without the text I assumed this might have been a poster for some sort of theory of life. Similar to the matrix I assumed this poster supplemented thoughts in which humans might be currently living in a simulation. Such ideas have been situated by such Tycoons as Elon Musk. After reading what David had to say I agreed with him in the ways in which he connected the links between the graphic Novel Watchmen. I would also go on to add the contrasting ways in which the color Red seen in his post becomes connected within specific themes in the novel such as Blood, or Ketchup. These themes are applied within the beginning and closure of the novel. Such are the reasons why this post was of interest to re-post.
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The above photo is a screenshot of my favorite bands most recent album cover. This album is called Simulation Theory. Ironically, it has the word theory in it. The colors that the band uses for the cover is similar to colors used in the graphic novel, Watchmen. The use of purple and blue are to show the colors of Mars in the graphic novel. For the album, is to give it a spacey feel, which all the songs on that album are. Blue also represents something sad or cold. In the novel, blue is shown to be cold which describes the character Mr. Manhattan well. Blue can also represent electricity, for both the album and novel, electricity plays a big role in it. The biggest comparison between both the album and the novel is war. The band Muse writes songs about war to hopefully find peace. The novel has to do mainly with war, especially the cold war. The Watchmen characters want to find peace and resolve the conflicts of war.
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The image I have gone ahead and selected is one of a unique set of lava formations falling into a pit of lava. This image is unique due to its optical illusion in which the lava has formed into the recognizable shape of a human body that is falling into the lava. Taken in Hawaii 1996 this photo represents meaning to me in the way that it shows how the world that we live in can provide access to a variety of mind-blowing experiences. This image shows how even in nature the ability to be fooled is ever so present. The content of this image being that of a Volcanoes is why this image is so memorable to me. I am very intrigued by Volcanoes and their geological processes that alter the environment in their associated areas of impact. these are the exact reasons as to why I have selected the photo I did to represent one of my favorite images.
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This post captures the 10 pages I selected in Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself” and had ran through the Voyant-Tool Web Application. At first my selection was based off a piece of the poem in which I though incorporated intense language. This application went on to produce a representation of words/data through the analysis of Walt’s text. The results allowed me to see the poem through a selection of terms allowing patterns of the human body to come forth. The forms were presented through such words as “Girl”, “Eyes”, and ”Neck”. Viewing the poem section with this analytical lens provides a unique representation of Whitman’s poem. But I had noticed the vast amount of detail that becomes withheld when comparing the results back to the selected text. Going on to alter my view of the poem in such a way that now I have come to notice a potentially unintended pattern of terms. Allowing to show me something that was not originally thought to be recognized.
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This image is labeled as the “Peter Griffin News Meme’ within the vast world of memes. I appreciate the expression of comedy within this meme as it provides a form of relatability. This post provides a situation in which I have encountered providing the proper context for me to laugh at this meme with ease. After selecting this meme, I was tasked with inserting my own text that I grabbed off of Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself”. The addition of the line I chose for the customized meme does in fact make the approach to the meme quite different. As for now the directed audience has been emplaced with those who have knowledge of the specific poem.  Also, this altercation assists in providing separate levels of comprehension when this small segment of text is presented in such a way (Ex. Meme). Providing me with an experience that gives way to separate forms of unintended interpretation when it comes to the association with Walt’s poem.
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These two maps represent my hometown, located not to far from the SUNY Oswego Campus. One map shows my interpretation of important aspects when it comes to my living experiences in my hometown. The other map in question is of a screengrab of a Google Maps Arial photo of the area I selected for my map. As such the creation of my personal map provides a very iconographic depiction of a select few of activities that represent my map. Therefore, locations such as the movie theater or waterpark become easily accessible to users like you. While both maps provide insight into sperate forms of information it is still the fact that these maps can only go so far in providing information. For instance, the visual experience goes without access to first-hand accounts that establish contextual atmospheres with each associated location. The omission of this information is important precisely due to the main focus of the maps as providing locational comprehension when traveling, allowing for excess information to not be presented.
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