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6/6/20 | @standup4justice: @nckash and I protested today in New Orleans. We chanted ‘Black Trans Lives Matter’ ‘Black Queer Lives Matter’ ‘All Black Lives Matter’. As a black queer man myself, I was disappointed to see certain people eager to say Black Lives Matter, but hold their tongue when Trans/Queer was added. I want to reiterate this sentiment: if your revolution does not include Black Queer voices, it is anti-black. If your revolution is okay with letting black trans people like #TonyMcDade slip through the cracks in order to solely liberate black cishet men, it is anti-black. You are trying to push yourself through the door of a system designed against you, and then shut the door behind you. It is in our conditioning to get as close to whiteness, straightness, maleness as we can because that’s where the power is. And if we appeal to it, maybe it’ll give us a slice. But the revolution is not about appeal. It is about demanding what should have been given to us from the beginning. What should have been given to black, queer, and trans individuals from the beginning. Which is the right to exist. To live and prosper in public. Without fear of persecution or threat of violence.
There is so much tragedy on the timeline these last couple of days so I added some photos of me and Nic to show some #blackboyjoy #blacklove #blackqueerlove ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 You’ve been my rock and guiding light through all of this and I love you so much. I know that on the other side of this Is change, though the fight is far from over.
#justicefortonymcdade #justiceforninapop #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforahmaud #justiceforbreonna
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Wtf ever happened to @magickalmenagerie?? I just got a random email from them, but the website doesnt exist anymore??
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I used to call in to my local radio station every day in middle school and request that they play the Kingdom Hearts theme and they never did because I didn’t understand how the radio worked back then but one day, one fucking day the radio host was like “for the kid who keeps requesting this song for two years straight, here you go, oh and by the way we’re blocking your number” and they fucking played it and beating the system was worth never being able to request a song ever again
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I really want to look more into Hoodoo & Conjure but it’s so annoying because every book I find on it is by some white woman or white man trying to profit off of black culture. Why do white people even feel the need to do hoodoo? Who are you even contacting because you aren’t contacting your white ancestors. They weren’t the ones who practice this work. What you’re really doing is trying to use African slaves in your working knowing and unknowing and it’s messed up. Just stop. A lot of white people who claime they do Hoodoo rarely mention that hoodoo was made by African slaves to protect themselves from white slave masters. I hope more black people wake up and stop thinking that hoodoo is evil and actual research this and learn what it is because now the white folks are trying to rewrite the history of it and make a profit off of it. If anybody knows in any good website or books by black men and women who practice hoodoo let me know.
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I found an old train ticket in this second hand book I bought a while ago. 
I’m wondering who was so passionate about studying Romanticism on a train from Milano to Trieste on 11th april 1988. Were they returning from holidays and studying for an exam? Or were they doing research for their thesis? 
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whats the verdict on white pagans claiming a connection to gods belonging to cultures historically subjugated by white people (ie. india, ancient egypt) bc idk shit about shit but something abt it feels Very Corny And Tonedeaf At Best And Very Racist At Worst to me
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WINTER SOLSTICE 2019 December 21st
Congratulations on making it to the home stretch of the decade! Make it count.
The Solstice marks a period in which our ability to reach across dimensions is enhanced; a spiritual vortex yawns right on open, allowing us to access greater levels of potential and kick certain spiritual goals into motion. This Solstice takes place under the auspices of Scorpio, which only amplifies the potency of release work: bringing death to old ideas, behavioral patterns and fears, etc. Now is the time to shed old skin and protect the softness of the new.
I’m offering $20 Solstice spiritual consultations from now til the 20th. Therein, we’ll discuss your goals for 2020 and things to release prior to the Solstice. We can also determine if your release items can be burned in my Solstice fire on the 21st. Please set aside at least an hour for your consultation.
As this is also the end of a 10-year-cycle, this year’s Solstice promises to set us up right for 2020 - if we take advantage of it. Gain insight on how best to do so in advance! Just select General Inquiry Reading when using my scheduler.
Love, Nine
About | Services | Book Your Consultation | Review Thread
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this is a live video performance of Muddy Waters and his band performing "I got my mojo workin"
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Witch Aesthetics // Lilac Witch
Cactus-Succulent Witch | Bone Witch | Kitchen Witch | Moon Witch (Dark) | 
Moon Witch (Light) | Christmas Witch | Fire Witch | Star Witch | Curvy Witch
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The Xenomorph from Ridley Scott’s Alien will join the Figma line of ultra-poseable action figures from Japan’s Good Smile Company. Due out in December, it costs 8,800 JPY (approximately $81) to pre-order.
The 6.3" tall figure can be articulated in a variety of different poses. Its lower jaw can be opened to allow the inner mouth to be extended. It includes a Facehugger accessory with interchangeable tails and an articulated base.
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Domination Spells
Y'all seem to be really interested in spells like these and I’ve gotten so many requests to post more stuff like this. So, here are some of my best tips and tricks I’ve accumulated over the years to make spells like this work best.
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In my experience, I have had the most success with black, purple, and red candles. Purple is used for domination spells often as it symbolizes power. Black absorbs all other colors and can be used as a stand-in for any spell. Red is often used in love spells but is underrated and under- utilized in domination and other defensive spells like tapa boca (shut up) ones in my opinion and for me has proven very successful.
If you are using a doll or person representation in a spell where you are trying to dominate someone, turn the doll upside down on its head. By putting your doll upside down it puts pressure on the target to bend to your will as well as shows them they are in your control and you have them turned upside down.
Cloves. While they resemble nails which is a plus (nail someone down/pinning someone down=controling them), they are a powerful agent in domination and defensive spells alike. In a glass-encased candle, I typically stick 5 on top, but powder can be used around a candle as well.
Alum works really well for sour jars and shut up spells, it is essential for me in these types of works.
High John the conquer oil, tame sheep, and bend over oil are all oils you can make or buy at a reputable botanica. These are my favorites to use, but it all depends on the type of work your doing. if it is a love domination spell, for example, you might be better off using something like bend over if you want your partner to be submissive to you.
Keep the petition with the person’s name that it is already dressed with your oils in your shoe. Now the person is literally beneath your feet as you assert your position over them.
These are just a few tips/tricks I have picked up over the years that I thought would be helpful. Happy casting!
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Once again, Guillermo is gonna give the gays all they want.
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I don’t get worked up about small inaccuracies in period dramas because honestly, most contemporary dramas can’t even present the world we live in now accurately. How am I supposed to criticise a movie set in the year 1922 for portraying a specific model of radio three years before it was invented when movies set in the year 2019 struggle to correctly depict how a cell phone works, in spite of both the writer and the actor presumably owning one?
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