plagassupremacy · 2 years
Plagas Leon Kennedy x Reader
This is my first time writing fanfiction and first time posting it too, keep in mind I have NO idea how tumblr functions and have no clue if i'm posting this right. Anyway, everything in the fanfic is consensual and Leon is infected with plagas. Also not adding tags since it's my first post.
You were assigned to accompany D.S.O agent Leon Kennedy to help rescue the president's daughter, Ashley. It had already felt like forever since the two of you had arrived to Spain, and there was still no sign of Ashley. "Leon, everything alright?" You ask as you notice him starting to look a bit pale. He looks back at you, "Yeah..don't worry about me." That was the usual response from him, but you knew something was off. "Maybe we should stop by a nearby cabin to take a short break?" you suggest. He pauses for a second, of course, him being the type to refuse any sort of help that's offered to him. "Fine...a short one." You were surprised, but pleased that he agreed. As the two of you continued traveling, you eventually found a cabin to rest in. You had some extra supplies on hand, so you thought it was only decent to board up the windows just to take some extra precautions.
You couldn't help but notice this place was filthy though, dusty wooden floors, worn out furniture, and a busted up mattress that only god knew how old it was and what had been done on it. Needless to say, there's no telling how long it's been since this place had been cleaned. However, this didn't phase Leon, as he immediately sat down up against the wall to rest, as if he was eager to. "Are you sure you're okay?" You asked, but no answer. You slowly stepped in front of him to see if anything was wrong. As you looked a bit closer, you started to notice his veins seemed a bit more distinct than usual, and held an odd shade of purple. You started to get concerned, as you leaned down to get a closer look, you began to be persistent on trying to help. "Leon, this isn't funny, quit being stubborn. It's clear something's going on." He started to gradually lift his head, as if he was going to respond, only to have this blank look on his face. "Leon?" He only stared at the wall. After his brief pause, he began to lift himself off the floor. "Leon if you think you're finished resting you're wrong. There's something wrong here and you need to tell me." He only stared at you, here's where you started to notice what was going on.
His eyes were a deep shade of red, a bright crimson. The look in his eyes left you uneasy as you started to back away. "Really? This quickly?" You thought to yourself, you had assumed it would've taken longer for this to kick in. You froze up, you didn't know what to do, he kept creeping closer to you and you kept backing away. Eventually, you were pressed up against a wall. The nails from this beat up house were jammed into your back, and take a lucky guess at what was jamming you from your front. Leon was leaning up against you. You then noticed how his breathing was off, he was breathing heavily, like a hungry animal. You were concerned, but curious at the same time. This worry caused you to become tense in your voice "Leon..." You said with a slight whine in your voice. His body is still, eyes dim as he towers over and looks down at you, still to no response. After it feels like forever, he begins to gently rest his hands on your shoulders. You begin to think maybe he won't be hostile towards you, and possibly even still recognizes you in this state. To no surprise, you were wrong. His gentle hold he had on you soon turned into a grasp on your throat as he slung you around. You quickly grabbed at his hands, trying your very hardest to remove them from the hold they had on your neck. Eventually, he threw you down onto that busted to hell mattress with excruciating force. You took a huge breath, relieved to finally be able to receive oxygen again, and trying your very hardest to ignore the throbbing pain in your neck. Leon notices your discomfort, leaning down above you as if he was going to aid to your injury. You knew better than this, you attempted to shove him off of you, but it was like trying to move ten tons of steel off of the ground. He only stared at you with that same blank look on his face. Soon, this blank look turned into a look of hunger, and maybe even concern. He lifted up his hands to brush against your face, then shifting his thumb to lightly stroke your bottom lip. This left you dumbfounded. "What's he trying to do here?" You thought to yourself. You were fearing for your life at the moment, but greatly ashamed that you were aroused.
After an eternity it felt of painful silence, Leon finally spoke. "Please..." He managed to break out. "Please?? Please what?" You thought to yourself. You didn't know what he was asking permission for, whether it was to be intimate with you or to hurt you, but regardless, if he were asking to hurt you, you wouldn't have a choice but to allow it since obeying was the safest, and if he were asking to be intimate with you well...you wanted it, badly. You hated to admit it, but these past few minutes had really been interesting you. You'd realized that you spent the past couple of seconds in your own world, and completely forgot to respond to Leon's request. "Please." He asked again, this time it sounded more like a demand. Your fear only added to your arousal, as you quickly stuttered and "Okay," giving him permission to what whatever it was he was asking to do to you. After this response, he immediately clashed his lips against yours, hard. You sank into it, his lips were slightly dry, and maybe even chapped, but you honestly enjoyed it. You tried gasping for breath, but with no hesitation, Leon had already managed to slip his tongue in.
His thick saliva tasted of the herbs he had taken to aid to his injury shortly before entering the cabin. His breath brushes against your face as he eagerly reaches under your shirt with heavy hands to get it off of you. Crystal saliva separates the two of you as he goes to remove your top, finally giving you a chance to catch your breath. You could feel his arousal pressing up against you. Forgetting the position you're currently in, you jerk your hips up to gain some friction, and thoughtlessly rub up against him. He quickly grabs at your throat once again. "You impatient bitch, can't you just be obedient for once? Always so whiny and needy like you're some mutt." He says in a low, but firm voice. Calling someone a bitch was not apart of his daily vocabulary, and wasn't like him at all, but this made you whine like a puppy.
Shamefully, you wanted more. "You ungrateful slob, how about strip the rest of your clothing for me since you want to misbehave." You stared at him, dumbfounded once again. "Well?" He shouted, reaching his hand to grab at your face. "Wipe that look off your face you filthy dog, you know better. Now do what you've been told." You were quickly brought back to reality, and started anxiously removing your pants. "That's it, maybe if you continue to be so good for me, I may even present you with a reward." "A reward? What's this guy thinking?" You thought to yourself. "Sit up on your knees." You knew better than to ignore this order, so you quickly sat up on the mattress and got on your knees.
You watched his as he slowly removed his belt and unzipped his pants. You noticed the mess he had made in his boxers as he removed his erect member, pumping it a few times where you could see. "Go on, don't just sit there. You know what to do sweetheart." He lightly stroked your hair as you felt your face heat up at the silly nickname. You reached your head down and started off by gently licking around his tip, you felt him tense up at this as you gradually guided your tongue from the bottom to his member, back up to the top. He started to grip at your hair. "Don't spend all your time teasing, or would you rather me apply force?" Forgetting the situation you're currently in, you looked up and responded, "And what if I wanted force?" Before you could even get a chance to think, he slammed your head back down on his cock, feeling it reach the back of your throat as your teared up. He did this a few more times before lifting you back up by your hair and bringing you to his face. "I thought you knew better than to speak to me like that."
He shoves you back down onto the mattress, shifting your underwear slightly to the side so he can slip two of his fingers inside of you. You quickly cry out, it was unexpected, but most certainly wanted. "Awwh, how long have you been neglected here? Poor baby." He teased. You felt more than embarrassed, and hated knowing how long it had been since you were intimate with anyone.
He could feel you clenching against him and removed his fingers, you whined in protest. "You think I'd let you release after that stunt you pulled earlier?" He was right, maybe you shouldn't have said that.
He grabs you by the upper thighs and aligns you up with his cock, eyes dimly looking down at you, double checking for approval. You nodded, feeling warm knowing he still had at least a tad bit of consideration in this sort of state. He forcefully slams into you as you cry out in pleasure. His size wasn't humongous, of course nobody wants an 11 incher or anything, but god he was thick. You had never felt yourself stretch out like this before. He sloppily slid his hips up against you, leaving you red in the face and jolting up against him, aching for more friction. He reached for that fragile throat of yours once again, slamming into you at an astonishing pace. He slapped his hand across your face, leaving a painful sting along with a throbbing red mark on your cheek. Although it was out of no where, you enjoyed it.
He started to kiss against your neck, getting sloppier each thrust. His breathing was heavy as he managed to stammer out "You're doing so good for me princess, doing such a good job." This was your breaking point. You felt your walls tightly clench against him once again. He noticed this, grabbing your face to turn your head towards him. "Look at me." He called out, close to reaching his climax as well. It seemed as if he had a burning anger in his eyes, and was taking it out on you. It didn't matter anyway, it felt good. You kept your gaze on him as you began to reach your high. "That's it, doing so good for me. Such a pretty puppy when you cum." That remark felt corny as hell, but it got to you nonetheless. After a few more thrusts, he came shortly after you. Easing your breath back to normal, you started to notice him beginning to seem heavier. Before you got a chance to think, he collapsed on top of you and had passed out. You could still feel him breathing, so you knew he wasn't dead.
Putting your clothes back on, you stepped outside for a brief moment to catch some fresh air. While collecting your thoughts, your accomplice Luis had seem to catch up to you. "Luis?" You stepped down from the cabin porch. "Hey! I managed to find a temporary anecdote for the plaga. It'll keep the victim of the plaga under control for a short time until they're able to receive the proper cure for it." "Be fucking for real." You thought to yourself, a tad irritated that he didn't present this to you sooner.
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