plasmamandepot · 11 months
This is Zora Carine. A former cult member, she rescued Plasma-Man from captivity and claimed to be after the same thing as Johnathan- the downfall of LESION. She aided him on several villain-of-the-week adventures, up until the fall of their leader, Adam.
However, her past was not quite the tale of victim hood she presented- though it did have some tragic elements. In reality, while she was subjected to cult torture like many others, she managed to gain such a high position in the organization that she controlled Adam (the previous leader of LESION) rather than vice vers. Eventually she allowed him to be arrested and killed witnesses to her plot in order to consolidate all the power on her own.
Up to this point, she used her embellished story to win the heart of Johnathan Long/Plasma-Man, who fell in love with her and sought to protect her from cult retaliation. Only, she’d be the one to turn the tables on him and drive the metaphorical knife deep into his back.
As it turns out, she had her reasons for doing so. Years ago, before he’d tried to turn his life around, and was mired in a life of constant debauchery, he’d attempted to drive while under the influence and struck a vehicle with her and her best friend in it. They survived, but her friend was paralyzed from the waist down for the remainder of her life. Johnathan Long’s company opted to cover up the incident (being the age just before common cell phone camera footage availability) by shoving some cash into her accounts and sabotaging the evidence. Johnathan himself was so high at the time that he’d forgotten the incident and the board at his company opted never to tell him the truth to maintain plausible deniability if the story ever broke.
While they at least had money from the compensation, Zora was forced to abandon her life ambitions to take care of her friend, who lacked parents or friends willing to do so in her life. Zora ultimately knew she could never afford to sue Long for what he had done, and conspired to kill him long before her troubles made her a target of LEGION’s game.
After she had taken power, she led a siege against the Rennaisance Tower and nearly killed Johnathan's friend and future lover and husband, Samuel Cheng. Zora then withdrew to an area outside the city, where she waited for Plasma-Man to come and retaliate. But in the midst of that came a "cleansing" that resulted in younger or less experienced cult warriors being slaughtered not only to consolidate power further, but to be a blood sacrifice to give her power to defeat her enemy.
She ultimately failed and wound up in prison, for now...
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plasmamandepot · 1 year
Origins Post #2:
This is Samuel Cheng. He’s a first generation immigrant from where his family lives in Seoul, to the United States. He moved there sometime in 2013 to seek employment in the field of energy research, and due to his family frowning upon his bisexuality. He found work as a young professional at Renaissance Technologies, an at the time up-and-coming company focused on developing experimental new energy technologies (run by Johnathan Long.) After an alien invasion in 2019 that resulted in the loss of his eye during an attack thwarted by another superhero (Star-Forger), he had to spend large chunks of his savings on medical expenses and higher ups at the company he worked for complained that his performance was severely impacted by his injury, and demanded Johnathan fire him to cut costs. Johnathan did so, leaving him without stable income. The very same day, he lost his apartment and received an eviction notice. He then spent time aimlessly wandering the streets of Cobalt City, and upon leaving a subway train was pursued and kidnapped by the forces of LESION, a death cult that had eyed him as a valuable potential member. He was then imbued with a chunk of the power of a God-Entity, a deity with authority over some aspect of the known universe. Johnathan’s entity. He set out to capture Johnathan as a source of fuel for the group’s magical rituals after some training, during which he was given a replacement eye from one of their victims via a ritual. He failed, as Johnathan became Plasma-Man for the first real time to defeat him. The course of their lives would change dramatically over the next few weeks, as Sam’s rescue from the cult out of mercy by Johnathan and subsequent battling against LESION together would bring them together as friends, and later as lovers.
More to come on his he became a superhero too in a follow-up.
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plasmamandepot · 1 year
This is Johnathan Long/Plasma-Man. Fittingly, we’re starting with his original first ever artistic rendering by @raddicalart . He’s the (now former) CEO of Renaissance Technologies, and a rather wealthy man with a history of alcohol and drug abuse, as well as having a revolving door of partners.
One day, he believed he’d unlocked the secret to a revolutionary new technology for building nuclear reactors- but he failed, and was nearly killed in an explosion. As he lay dying on the ground, surrounded by his failure. But a vision came to his mind in that time, from a God-Entity (a deity with power over some aspect of the known universe) offering him a chance to live- if he accepted a mission to aid him in preventing an evil cult from using its power. He accepted, and woke up to find his career shot and his reputation right along with it. He was alive, but was he living?
He proceeded to attempt suicide by alcohol poisoning, only for the entity within him to finally show itself and force him to throw the bottle across the room to prevent this- as he became the fiery ball of turquoise flame for the first time.
He appeared as a mere humanoid shape of flame in the new edition of his continuity, but appeared as the final version of his first costume (seen below) when he realized he could look however he wished within reason, and incorporated subconsciously his love of classic pulp characters like the Rocketeer when one of his former employees he’d unjustly fired tried to assassinate him on behalf of the cult using the entity’s power- LESION.
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plasmamandepot · 1 year
Hii! This is gonna be a new page for Plasma-Man and related lore that’s both canon and extended from the actual source material that it’s based on. Said source material is my own fanfiction, though, so this should be very fun! Check out what’s happening here soon if u wanna know more about my OCs.
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plasmamandepot · 1 year
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Sunset 2: Hopefully Not as Rushed
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plasmamandepot · 1 year
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Fuck it. Gelgoog doodle
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