platyhystrix · 8 months
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I should be getting ready for work, but here is Analog with her husband Brassius. They have been spending a lot of time together, away from everyone else.
I have a big spreadsheet of all my cockroaches' names and relationships, and both of these cockroaches are paired together. I hope they enjoy each other's company.
Brassius hasn't been spending time with his brothers, which isn't surprising. He molted first, so he's the oldest of three brothers.
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platyhystrix · 8 months
• Can you identify this bug?
send a submission to @crawlingkind, my bug ID blog! make sure to include the location, if possible.
• What’s your favorite _____?
it’s very hard for me to pick favorites out of any level of classification lower than family or order. if you get too specific I’ll have to just post a bunch of photos of taxa I really like and then I end up wasting time gathering those so don’t make me do that. my favorite animals are centipedes, though.
• What animals do you keep?
mainly centipedes, amblypygi, harvestmen, isopods, cockroaches, and darkling beetles/mealworms. I have experience with millipedes, vinegaroons,
• I want this bug as a pet! How do I take care of it?
please do your research before thinking about getting a pet invertebrate. they are definitely not pets for everyone since many of them don't do much of anything and do not want to interact with you. additionally, many invertebrates available as exotic pets are wild caught unsustainably instead of being captive bred, which both damages wild populations and often leads to unhealthy or dead pets. if you've done your research and have some specific care questions, I'm more than happy to answer, though!
• What’s your photography setup?
I use my phone for video and a lot of my photos. I’ve got little cheap clip on lenses that fit over the phone camera and help a ton with getting quick photos of bugs. for camera photography, I use the Olympus OMD EM-10 mk IV, with Venus Laowa 50mm Ultra Macro c-dreamer lens, Godox TT350 flash, and AK diffuser.
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platyhystrix · 8 months
I hate that I’m always trying to find cool biology themed stuff to wear but all the “nature inspired” clothing companies just have like two crossed arrows or a minimalistic mountain on a sweatshirt. Fucking lame, that’s barely even nature-adjacent. Put the life cycle of a salamander on a jacket, put hyena skeleton patterns on leggings, put a damn field guide of birds of prey on a peacoat and THEN you can have my money. Do NOT give me a shirt with a leaf on it that says “stay wild” or some bullshit I would much prefer clothing that broadcasts to everyone around me how many teeth an adult Jaguar has or how some pitcher plants can catch and digest rats.
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platyhystrix · 9 months
*explaining kitchen appliances to my pet medieval knights* The microwave, or Micheal the Wavious, and metal fork, or Sir Silver Prong, are sworn enemies and can never cross paths lest their meeting spell destruction for all.
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platyhystrix · 10 months
Today I said "Oh, you're so beautiful" to a cockroach sitting on a leaf, and it was beautiful, with leathery brown slightly translucent wings like a shield upon its back, a slender head with round black eyes, and long, lovely flickering antennae. If only our eyes were opened to the wonders of this creatureful world more often
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platyhystrix · 1 year
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platyhystrix · 1 year
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A late night photo of a fly of sorts, who appeared a night after I misted one of my tanks!
When I opened the lid, it flew out and right out of my open window! Safe travels, little guy!
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platyhystrix · 1 year
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Two ants have a tactile conversation through their antenna, while their smaller friend watches from the sidelines.
I assume they're sharing some gossip from the colony without the risk of all of their sisters overhearing it! Presumably something about Nutrients or perhaps a recent run-in with a housefly!
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platyhystrix · 1 year
Ah, good old Dendy!
Can't believe he's related to Barnacles! What a wonderful world!
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Name: Unnamed (1)
Skill: Soul Parasitoid
Quote: "▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯"
(Image by Gustav Paulay)
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platyhystrix · 1 year
I see a lot of definitions of what exactly constitutes a bug, so I want to know what you guys think makes a bug.
So if you think that earthworms are bugs but spiders aren't, you'd click "An above definition + land worms" and then say "insects only" in the tags.
I wish I had one more option so I could just have a "see results" button but I won't. 😭 Please reblog so the rest of bugblr can see it!
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platyhystrix · 1 year
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A watercolor commission series, featuring flies from Lauxaniidae and Tephritidae!
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platyhystrix · 1 year
A little worm, found wiggling about in the soil!
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platyhystrix · 1 year
Photuris consumes a Photinus. these two firefly genera aren’t closely related, but Photuris females mimic the blink pattern of Photinus females to lure in males of that genus, which they capture and eat to gain noxious protective chemicals that they can’t produce themselves.
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platyhystrix · 1 year
The fact that GLaDOS drops Chell off in a post apocalyptic world but we never get to see canon rugged post apocalyptic survivor Chell has harrowed me for 7 years. That is like the one reason I wanted a Portal 3. I NEED to see her timeskipped with 20% more stress induced gray hairs, and a rifle, and tattered jacket, and bandaged hands, and chilling and cooking a rotisserie headcrab over a fire in her impromptu camp with like her long stretch of chain reaction physics based traps surrounding it, and she is using the companion cube as a bench. I know she has the will to carve it out, out there
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platyhystrix · 1 year
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platyhystrix · 1 year
grubs are one of the most pathetic beasts in the realm. all they do is whimper and writhe every single day. not very different to a newborn puppy
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platyhystrix · 1 year
apparently they're making a new thing called "decomposing carrion". might have to check this out!
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