plt23830 · 9 years
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This is a depiction of several Greek gods and goddesses. Why do you think the Greeks had so many?
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plt23830 · 9 years
Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization, no society, no future.
Elie Wiesel
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plt23830 · 9 years
Greeks and Stuff
So- the question that we pose to you-
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How is this civilization possible without trade and/or agriculture?
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Would the Greek philosophies be able to flourish if they had to start from scratch?
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plt23830 · 9 years
This is a great song to pass the time while you study. 
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plt23830 · 9 years
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This is the ancient Greek city-state of Athens. What kinds of buildings or social interactions do you see in this picture? What did Athenians need to be able to build these grand buildings and organize their society? What makes this society more advanced than the river valley civilization you’ve looked at thus far?
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plt23830 · 9 years
This short video gives us a glimpse at how the Indus Valley Civilization built their cities to maximize it’s effectivness.
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plt23830 · 9 years
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In groups of two to three draw a map of how you think an ancient river valley city would be formatted. (example above)
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plt23830 · 9 years
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These two photos show a piece of the irrigation systems in a ancient river valley civilization. Why do you think that irrigation was important for these civilizations?
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plt23830 · 9 years
The Code of Hammurabi is one of the oldest written law codes in history; it was written around 1754 BC and it was a result of Mesopotamian ruler Emperor Hammurabi.  
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plt23830 · 9 years
This epic concoction of the language arts was born out of Mesopotamia; the “cradle of civilization” which became the result of our ancestors developing abilities in agriculture; which was highly used as their means of becoming a civilization; a people establishing a permanent home.  They did so between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers because of the fertile soil.  
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plt23830 · 9 years
After reading this post, meet with your friends for a game. You can play any game, but you are not allowed to write down or read the rules, nor can you write down the score. Play the game at least three times. Write down the scores of each of the players for all three games. Describe the experience. How did you keep track of all those scores and rules? Is there a better way?
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plt23830 · 9 years
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Imagine your friend steals your favorite blanket. Your mom knit that blanket for you. How might you know this is a bad thing? Knowing that your friend did something wrong, who could you appeal to for help?
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plt23830 · 9 years
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This is a city. How on earth could we have cities like this in 2500 BCE? What would you need to keep a city this big running?
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plt23830 · 9 years
What does it mean? How can we determine if something is a civilization or if it is some other kind of social order?
What do we have that a small group of people living in the wilderness would not? Are any of those necessary to being a civilization? Hint: What do you need to live and how much of it do you need?
Reblog with your answers!
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plt23830 · 9 years
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Woah, that’s a lot of different crops! Which ones would you prefer to grow? What about your friends? Share this post with each other and talk about how you could have a nice, balanced dinner and good clothes in this time period.
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plt23830 · 9 years
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Which of these places would you rather live? Why? How could you find the necessities of food, water, shelter and clothing in both of these environments?
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plt23830 · 9 years
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What connects all three of the items in these pictures? What role do they play in our lives?
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