plumblossombouquet · 2 months
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii here is some pretty cool music bc why not. anyway, i may not roleplay anymore but I'm going to start posting my art onto Tumblr!!! my @ is @feedme2forest
tbh so surreal logging back onto here
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plumblossombouquet · 1 year
after 5 long months ive logged onto this account. ive cleaned it up of any cluttering posts. i feel a lot of regret for how ive handled certain things and for how harshly ive always treated myself. i had tried to be optimistic on this blog, you can see it, but deep down i was miserable. this isnt a sob story post, it is more of an update and analyzing myself too. because to analyze me back then and me now is to see growth as a person.
tbh i was struggling with a lot of things months ago and even relapsed in things i wouldn’t have imagined i would have. this isnt for validation at all, i like writing things publicly like this, like a note for myself? idk. 
i know i would make comments about my mental state back then “how it got better” but that was never the case. it was temporary. 
to be quite honest, i will get into the real real gist of it. i had moved out of my parents place like in october of 2022. living with my family has always been stressful, i wont go into that though. my roommate was an incredibly selfish and two-faced person. there were red flags but i either hadnt noticed or ignored them. she was a complete pos, imo, and even reveled in being one. she was even gross and her sister who also lived with us was also gross. i feel bad for her cat bc she wouldnt clean the litter box that much until she wasnt so “depressed”. i am honestly not sure, i put quotation marks bc honestly i feel that she was just lazy as fuck. she was one of those girls who followed trends and went out clubbing a lot and had lots of hook ups. i dont know man, maybe i seem like an asshole but ive struggled with depression since i was a kid and still find energy to clean my cats litter box. granted, i have better coping mechanisms and thought processes and am just in general in a better place mentally but idk i love my cats to death and feel like a dickwad when i even go a couple of hours over with cleaning their litter box. she also didnt try to help with her cat becoming obese basically and stuff, so yea. sorry for the long tangent, my roommate was a dickwad.
after moving out of that hell hole (i wasnt apart of the lease so it was p easy), i think i moved out beginning of february? well, situations happen and i move out of parents place with my bf at the end of february. place ends up being fucking infested with bed bugs and the landlord lady was a bitch and so yea. i moved in and out like 4 times in the span of november 2022-march 2023 i think? tbh, that was all pretty stressful. but i think the good thing out of it was my cats are indoor cats now and i love taking care of them.
while cleaning my posts of clutter, i had a wave of nostalgia both good and bad. it wasnt that long ago but it feels like it. i loved rping hu tao and i think a lot of the reason as to why i could never rp with a lot of ppl was because i was harsh to myself and held myself back. i felt like i didnt properly convey hu tao’s portrayal and compared myself to other hu taos. it is easy to compare because it isnt your writing or portrayal. i could look at myself, be a harsh critique about my looks, but at the end of the day there could always be someone out there that sees things differently. in a more positive and less judgemental light, ig. i also had and still struggle with social anxiety. it has gotten better and perhaps it has helped that ive learned to be more understanding of myself like i am with others.
i love hu tao as a character and always will. and id love to come back to her! but tbh i have fallen out of the game and havent been playing it. i havent played the event including hu tao. i am not sure yet if i am going to make such a commitment to rping again but looking back at the posts made me feel a bit happy. i kinda like how i wrote her, i liked interacting and being goofy. 
so, there is that, i guess. 
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
the end
Dearest followers, I know I haven’t really been on in the past two months. I apologize. I’ve been honestly trying to figure out what I want in life. How to cope with life and the illnesses I face. Perhaps it doesn’t quite matter much to really post this message but I rather do so for the tiny chance some may be awaiting my return. 
I’ve decided I am not returning to roleplaying. Not that it isn’t a nice hobby but there are many factors in my decision making. I’ve ultimately decided its more of a waste to try and work on such a fruitless hobby. Everyone around me has either been burnt out or nobody wants to write with me. I’m not trying to garner pity or anything, it is the pure truth.
I’ve loved writing Hu Tao a lot. She is a fun character to write and study. I felt on several occasions me and Hu Tao have similar personality traits. I loved making memories on here and discord and the people I have met. But things change, I always thought of myself as somebody who could wait for long periods of time. In the end, it is more beneficial for me to let go and pursue bigger ambitions of mine. You may wonder, “Paint, this is quite literally just a tumblr RP blog and those last sentences were a bit too deep for the context?”, but that message isn’t just for tumblr RP but a message for others to read and think. Stop waiting on others who wouldn’t wait on you. Get up and do what makes you happy. You can truly only depend on yourself!
I won’t delete my blogs for the sake of memories. And who knows, maybe you will look back on this post and find a spark of motivation to do you. 
All of this played a bigger role in my life and thus I shall close this chapter of my life.
Have fun roleplaying!
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
Hey guys, tbh I wanna write but I recently moved and the wifi situation is wacky. I'm afraid to do anything on mobile cause I'm afraid of the graphics being humongous or smthing. Will have to do a test post soon!
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
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Inspired by the voicelines from Genshin Impact! CONTENT WARNING: none, ask if you need one added!
Send me “About [NAME]” for my character’s thoughts on another character! OPTIONAL: Send “About [NAME]: [SUBJECT]” for thoughts about a more specific thing!
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
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“The sexiest things to do on a Sunday is... Be a menace!!!”
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
dark core personality test
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
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“Before the worms eat us, we must eat them first ~ !!!”
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
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“...Death is a beautiful tragedy. Sometimes you find that the most brilliant are honored after they die.”
...         “And other times their lies and deception are revealed. Does it all matter to me as a funeral director? Not at all, my job is to guide them to the border. Hehe, I am not a judge.~”
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
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the funeral director
we offer many services for the dead so the living can rest easy.
(this blog is on indefinite hiatus)
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
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@aexther​ asked: "Happy Birthday Hu Tao!" He said while smiling before giving her the cake he made for her. "It's not much but I hope you would like it."
unprompted (always accepting)
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The director was surprised to hear there was a visitor. She wondered who it could be who needed her? She came to greet them and was suddenly surprised by the blonde traveler. A cake made by the traveler?! Her lips curl into a smile. She had always heard praise from Paimon that they were an excellent cook. “Oh? A birthday cake made just for me?!”
She accepts the gift and is curiously gazing over each detail. It was definitely made for her. If not for the text, “Happy Birthday Hu Tao”, the color gave it away. So much heart was put into such a tasty dessert. Happiness swelled up inside of her and she can’t help but express that excitement. 
“I love it! Thank you so much, Aether! I can’t wait to try out your cooking!!! Thank you, thank you, thank youuu!” She puts down the cake onto a nearby table to give Aether a big hug. 
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
...me staring at some asks i didnt answer bc i genuinely never saw them in my life... im sweating.
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
[ ☎ ] my muse calls yours in tears.
[ ✪ ] our muses are stuck in an elevator together.
[ ◐ ] my muse is having a sleepover with your muse.
[ ✿ ] my muse attempts to cook dinner for your muse.
[ ◈ ] my muse makes a drunk confession to your muse.
[ ღ ] my muse makes an attempt to cheer your muse up.
[ ✦ ] my muse pushes yours out of frustration/anger.
[ ❢ ] my muse discovers yours all bloodied and bruised.
[ ➤ ] my muse accidentally punches your muse in the face.
[ ⌚ ] my muse recalls their favorite memory with your muse.
[ ✜ ] my muse collapses in front of yours, all bloodied and bruised.
[ ☯ ] my muse tells yours that they never want to see them again.
[ ✈ ] my muse asks yours to accompany them on a trip/mission/etc.
[ ● ] my muse catches yours snooping through their belongings.
[ ☻ ] my muse wakes up in your muse’s closet the night after a party.
[ ✌ ] my muse reaches out to yours after months of no communication.
[ ☢ ] the car broke down in an unfamiliar part of town, and our muses are lost.
[ ✠ ] it’s three in the morning and my muse unexpectedly arrives at your muse’s home.
[ ☁ ] the entire city is without power due to a storm, and our muses run into each other during a supply run.
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
Xiao continued to listen to the director’s soothing voice guiding him from the brink of death as his dim yellow irises brighten with light, he isn’t usually one to accept help from others as he was a loner.
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He told her that his Karma was toxic to mortals but it seemed that she didn’t care, he huffed a little as he leaning against her.
“…I appreciate your concern to help Director but again, you shouldn’t concern yourself with me as all I do is bring pain and destruction to those who tread too close…but if you truly wish to aid me…there should be a type of medicine that balances out my Karma, keeping it at bay…the only one who carries it is Morax….”
“You’re right, I probably shouldn’t be.~” Hu Tao sighs with a lax attitude. However, she did as she pleased. The citizens of Liyue could attest for such a claim. Even the popular legal consultant! 
“But if I had left you in your severe state... Would you even be able to cover the costs~?” The cost? The cost of the funeral fees of course! She eyes the adeptus and gives a smirk. No matter how hard she can try she just couldn’t stay serious. “Just kidding, just kidding! Hmmm, Morax, though? Hasn’t the archon of this land already left this nation? Or do you not know of his passing? Don’t worry, dear friend, I can inform you--Wait! No, my favorite consultant, Zhongli, can! He was in charge of the Rite of Passing for Rex Lapis!!”
Strange that Xiao mentioned Rex Lapis. That must mean... Well, it wasn’t really her business to be snooping around anyway! Perhaps he was still in denial? 
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
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“How about instead of proper burials for the Adepti... We mummify them instead? Hmmm.... I should start stocking up on white wrapping paper... Maybe green for a certain Adeptus~?”
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
Send "💎💎💎" and My Muse will say three things that comes to their mind when Your Muse's name is mentioned
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
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everyone is built, busty, curvy, muscular, tall, and then.... her.
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