plunniesattack · 2 months
“Let me make this perfectly clear. You are not saving my daughter from a dragon. She IS a dragon. You are going to protect her and keep her company until she learns how to control her magic.”
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plunniesattack · 2 years
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plunniesattack · 2 years
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requested by: anonymous request: dialogues about "getting back together after some time apart"
Feel free to use and reblog!
"I thought about you."
"I wasn't sure how you felt. God, I didn't know how I felt."
"What do you mean you want to try again?"
"I don't know why I trust you."
"Wait, you're really serious?"
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"You know, this can go horribly wrong."
"But I need you."
"The feelings for you just wouldn't leave me alone."
"This just feels right."
"No matter what, I'm always coming back to you."
"Can you just hold me for a moment?"
"Oh my God, we're really doing this!"
"But I thought we were done, you and I."
"It just isn't the same without you."
"We must be mad."
"And why should I want to go back?"
"What has changed for you?"
"It was a big mistake."
"I regret letting you go."
"I regret leaving you."
"I will wait for you."
"You have a chokehold on me."
"Who are we kidding?"
"I don't care about anything else."
"Stop doubting!"
"You know exactly what you're doing. And I hate that it's working."
"But how do I know that you really mean it?"
*sighs* "You're right."
"Don't ever go again."
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plunniesattack · 3 years
Growing Up From You (pt 1)
For the LBSC Secret Admirer Exchange 2022!
Marinette was surprised yet happy that Juleka had reached out and invited her to hang out. After of course having a mini freak out and making sure that the invite was sent on purpose because Juleka could've meant to text someone else and she didn't want to show up if it was an accident- Bottom line was, the Amber eyed girl did invite her out and would be meeting at the small coffee shop in fifteen minutes. Idly the budding designer wondered what she would think when Marinette showed up on time. The shop was decently busy but not overly so and Marinette spotted Juleka right away. She was sitting with her back to the door and by herself which puzzled the ravenette for a moment as she made her way to the table.
"Hey, Juleka! Just us today?" Okay, that sounded bad.
"Rose was busy but I also wanted to talk to you alone."
Marinette froze awkwardly halfway to sit down, prompting her friend to laugh at her and sit down hastily. As a peace offering, the taller girl slid a piece of apple pie across the table.
"You asking me, the daughter of baker parents, to cheat on them with this apple pie?"
"Whatever weirdo, I actually have something serious to talk about. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine?" Blue eyes blinked in confusion at the baleful look from Juleka.
"I mean it. You just finished a huge and very impactful chapter of your life."
"Oh. You're talking about me leaving Adrien." A small frown pinched the designer's face and she leaned back in her chair, ignoring the pie completely now. "I'm fine, honest. Yeah, it was hard but it's what I needed to do. No matter what anyone else says, I made the best choice because no one else would. It sucks, sometimes it hurts and sometimes I wish things were different. Sometimes I wish this whole thing didn't even happen but I can't afford to live in the past anymore, I refuse to."
There was a quiet silence at the table for a few moments, both processing the words that sat heavily between them. Marinette used the excuse of needing a drink to escape and went to the counter to look over the menu. The line was short but the other customers were picky enough that it gave her a few much-needed minutes before it was Marinette’s turn and placed her simple order for an iced mocha coffee. She couldn’t help but glance over at the table a few times but each time Juleka was on the phone and looked relaxed, probably chatting with her girlfriend.
“Order for Marinette!” Turning back, the designer took her drink and made the short but nerve-wracking walk back to the table, and slipped into the seat with a worried frown. The musician took a couple moments to finish her text and take a sip of her drink before Marinette’s nerves broke.
“You’re not going to tell me I should give him another chance? Or that I should hear him out? Apologize for ignoring him in his time of need? Being selfish and thinking only of myself? That I walked away from something meant to be, I just was scared to put in the work? Nothing?”
“Do you want me to?” Juleka asked very seriously, staring directly into surprised blue eyes in a rare show of how serious she was. "Look, back in the beginning, I admit it was a match made in heaven. It seemed you just both needed a push to realize what was right in front of you. And I apologize."
"What, Juleka you don't-"
"I do Marinette. I may not have all the details but rumor mills are based on half-heard truths and I'm sure you're tired of being told you're a bad person and how wrong you are when no one is putting the same pressure on him."
The designer was shell-shocked, to say the least, Marinette never imagined that this is how the conversation would go. Juleka basically undid every nail in the coffin she felt trapped in for the last couple of weeks. Some of the girls weren’t even talking to her right now or maintained a distant but polite attitude if they were. Only Rose had even tried to maintain their relationship but both girls led busy lives and it was rare to actually get in touch.
“Look, I know you didn’t break up with him just because and I’m sure there was a reason but you haven’t had the chance to talk about it yet. I want to hear it if you want to share it.” Juleka lowered her eyes, her speech done, and idly fiddled with her pastry.
“You sound like someone else I know.” Marinette teased, grinning back at the small smile the taller girl had. “Yeah there’s a ton of little things and it just adds up you know? Good things, worthwhile things always take work and patience and time- I gave it my all. Gave him my all and it just… Wasn’t enough.” When she sighed, it felt like she deflated or the strings that were controlling her movements were finally cut. Half-heartedly the raven-haired teen finished her pie, her Maman could make it way better.
“Next time I’m totally invading your parents' bakery.” Juleka muttered, also not able to finish her slice.
“Don’t do it too often or they’ll go broke feeding you for free.”
“There’s a tip jar.” Marinette laughed at the dry humor from the other girl, she had missed this.
“Are you doing anything after this?” “Nope, got any ideas?” “A few…” Marinette grinned mischievously and they cleaned up their table before leaving.
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plunniesattack · 3 years
I challenge you to use one, some, or all of these words in your next piece of writing:
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plunniesattack · 3 years
Valentine’s Day Prompts
Put a number and a pairing/character in my ask box and I’ll write you a short ficlet!
Ice Cream
Those packs of 32 novelty valentines meant for whole classes
“I refuse to take part in this.”
Teddy Bears
Rose Petals
“That’s today?”
First Valentine’s Day after a break-up
“Valentine’s day was yesterday and all the candy is super cheap! We need to get to the store NOW!”
“I know we had a date tonight but I got called in for work.”
Low-budget Date
“I’m throwing a me-party.”
Corny poems
“This is an unholy amount of cheesy romance novels.”
“Wait–you write cheesy romance novels?”
“I cooked something for you!”
Asking Someone out for a first date
Coffee date
“You’re not very good at this ‘romance’ thing, are you?”
Date gone completely awry
“I can’t believe you remembered that.”
Secret Admirer
Cheesy pick-up lines
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plunniesattack · 3 years
February Bingo Card!
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1) A finds out B’s never had a Valentine 2) A has a secret admirer 3) A gets B flowers and it would be nice if A wasn’t allergic. 4) A tries on lip-gloss/lipstick and turns out B likes it. 5) A’s ex is seeing someone and when B decides to help make their ex jealous they fall for A in the process. 6) A and B pretend to be a couple to try wedding cakes. 7) A and B play spin the bottle, bonus if it’s A or B’s first kiss. 8) A and B struggle to get gifts for each other and end up buying the same gift. 9) A and B go on a friendly vacation and accidentally get the honeymoon suite. 10) A and B drunkenly make out and can’t stop thinking about it for weeks. 11) A makes B a valentine and suddenly stoic B can’t stop blushing. 12) A and B do each others make up drunk and make out. 13) Pick a sad song and write something happy and romantic with it. 14) Drunk A asks drunk B to be their valentine. Bonus if they both cry. 15) A is used to expensive gifts so when B gives A a handmade card they’re surprised A loves it. 16) A makes a cute playlist for dinner with B but they hit the wrong button and instead put on their sexy playlist (Bonus if the songs are embarrassing) 17) A bakes B a beautiful cake (Bonus if they mixed up the ingredients) 18) A decides to take B skating but B’s embarrassed they don’t know how to skate. 19) A gets sick before their date with B and B takes care of them. (Bonus if B doesn’t mind getting sick and kisses them anyway.) 20) A serenades B outside their window (Bonus if the song they use is dumb or sexual) 21) A tries to wear heels on a date and fails miserably (Bonus if they have a romantic day in a hospital room.) 22) A tries to make dinner and almost burns the kitchen down and that’s how they meet cute firefighter B 23) A finds the ring B got them and tries it on. (Bonus if they forget to take it off when B’s proposing or they try to get it off but it’s stuck) 24) A is a ghost and B decides to help them find their body so they can leave their house. (Bonus if by the time they find their body they’re both crying because they know A wont remember them when they wake up) 25) A and B watch a show to make fun of how dramatic it is but end up getting really invested and trash talking each other when they find themselves rooting for different sides of the love triangle.
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plunniesattack · 3 years
Person A and Person B were only going to be together for Valentine's Day, as a joke, but they soon realize there might be more chemistry in between them than they thought
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plunniesattack · 3 years
Valentine’s Day Prompts
“I love you.”
“This is the best Valentine’s Day ever.”
“What are your plans for tonight?”
“I love it.”
“You’re amazing.”
“Did you make this all by yourself?”
“You look beautiful.”
“Will you marry me?”
“I have a special surprise for you.”
“Oh, you shouldn’t have.”
“Looks like you have a secret admirer.”
“This is my favorite holiday.”
“You are the greatest person in the world.”
“You’re as sweet as chocolate.”
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plunniesattack · 3 years
Valentine’s Day Prompt Starters & Ideas
1.       “Be mine until the end of time.”
2.       “I’ve been hit with Cupid’s arrow.”
3.       “Happy Valentine’s Day, from now until forever.”
4.       “Only if you promise to be my valentine.”
5.       “Happy Valentine’s Day!” “Um….. is that today?”
6.       Preparing a special Valentine’s Day dinner together.
7.       Trying to find the right words to write in a Valentine’s Day card
8.       Making homemade chocolates for their beloved
9.       Planning and proposing to their significant other on Valentine’s Day
10.   Wearing brand new lingerie for a sexy evening together
11.   Attending a Valentine’s Day party and finding an impromptu date
12.   Your crush giving you advice for the night of Valentine’s Day when they think you already have another date
13.   Being surprised by flowers and chocolate sent to your work from a secret admirer
14.   Forgetting tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and frantically rushing out to find a last-minute gift.
15.   Writing a secret love letter and leaving it on your crush’s desk
16.  “Roses are red, violets are blue, all I want for this V-Day is to do you!”
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plunniesattack · 3 years
50 Ways To Say “I Love You”
“Be safe”
“Make sure to come back to me, okay?”
“I got these because I know they’re your favourite”
“I saw this earlier and I thought of you”
“Give me a hug please”
“I’d really love it if you came”
“Please stay”
“Just- uh . . . try not to die. I’m really not bothered to replace you”
“You’re leaving already? Nooooo~”
“[insert very specific insult]”
“Well maybe I like having you alive, ever thought about that?”
“You’re the only one I really want to be there”
“You’re my everything”
“I’d rather be hurt and be with you than be okay without you”
“I think in every reality, I still find you”
“I want to make something for you”
“There are people who love you, you know”
“Dedicated to [character name]”
“I did this for you”
“I would give all of this up for you”
“Stop worrying about you? Stop worrying about you?! I can barely stop thinking of you!”
“I wish I could stay here forever. Just me and you”
“I won’t admit that I missed you”
“I made it the way you like it”
“I can’t stand not talking to you”
“I didn’t ask you to do that” “You didn’t have to”
“Don’t move - I’ll get it for you”
“Tell me all about [thing/person their partner is interested in]”
“You won’t take care of yourself so I will”
“[talks dreamily about their future with their partner]”
“When am I going to see you next?”
“I was thinking of you”
“You’re worth it”
“I’d rather just hang out with you, if I’m honest”
“I really like your hands”
“You’re the only reason I’m coming back”
“I am not leaving you”
“I knew you weren’t dead. I refused to believe it- I knew it couldn’t be true”
“Shut up and kiss me”
“I’ll take care of you as long as you need me”
“You’re not alone anymore”
“It’s okay it’s okay is got you”
“You don’t have to pretend with me”
“Whenever I’m with you I am real”
“Just you and me; that’s all I want”
“You’ve finally rendered me speechless”
“You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen”
“If only you could see yourself as I see you”
“I love you”
[part 2]
[50 ways to say I hate you]
Leave requests for other oneliners / prompts!
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plunniesattack · 3 years
Valentine’s Day Prompt Starters & Ideas
1.       “Be mine until the end of time.”
2.       “I’ve been hit with Cupid’s arrow.”
3.       “Happy Valentine’s Day, from now until forever.”
4.       “Only if you promise to be my valentine.”
5.       “Happy Valentine’s Day!” “Um….. is that today?”
6.       Preparing a special Valentine’s Day dinner together.
7.       Trying to find the right words to write in a Valentine’s Day card
8.       Making homemade chocolates for their beloved
9.       Planning and proposing to their significant other on Valentine’s Day
10.   Wearing brand new lingerie for a sexy evening together
11.   Attending a Valentine’s Day party and finding an impromptu date
12.   Your crush giving you advice for the night of Valentine’s Day when they think you already have another date
13.   Being surprised by flowers and chocolate sent to your work from a secret admirer
14.   Forgetting tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and frantically rushing out to find a last-minute gift.
15.   Writing a secret love letter and leaving it on your crush’s desk
16.  “Roses are red, violets are blue, all I want for this V-Day is to do you!”
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plunniesattack · 3 years
Valentine’s Day Prompts (backfiring edition)
“This was really sweet of you, but I’m allergic to flowers.”
“These chocolates are vegan, right?”
“I don’t know what to tell you, there is no reservation under that name.”
“I know I promised we’d spend Valentine’s day together, but something came up.”
“Wait, today’s Valentine’s Day?”
“I think you burnt dinner.”
“Would you prefer red or white?” “Neither, I’m sober, remember.”
“You aren’t seriously planning on giving them that for Valentine’s Day.”
“We were suppose to give each other presents?”
“I hate Valentine’s Day.” “You what?”
“When you said you had dinner and a movie planned, I wasn’t expecting hot pockets and Night in the Museum.”
“You didn’t seriously buy me a puppy for Valentine’s Day, did you?”
“This has been the worst night ever.”
“Are you breaking up with me?”
“There’s something I’ve been wanting to say for a while now.” “I want to break up too.” “…will you marry me?”
“I thought candles would be romantic.” “You burnt my house down!”
“I did not picture spending my Valentine’s Day in jail.”
“What. Just. Happened.”
“I hate Valentine’s Day.”
“Just admit we’re lost.”
“That’s disgusting.”
“I love you.” “That won’t get you off the hook.”
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plunniesattack · 3 years
Holiday Prompts
Valentine’s Day
A disaster date
A secret admirer
“You really love love, don’t you?”
Person A is a huge grump but is so in love with Person B that they celebrate Valentine’s Day with them
love letters
“This is not the romantic surprise I was expecting”
“Will you be my Valentine….forever”
Person b’s kid gets their first rejection and person a comforts them
Person A is sick and is afraid they ruined their chance with person b
“Eat your heart out”
Dressing up as the other person
A halloween fair
“Why are you so good with a knife?”
Family halloween costume
“You’re scared of the graveyard?”
The Monster Mash
“Please tell me that’s fake blood.”
Only two surviors
Turning into your costume
Food fight
Making hand turkey’s
“You don’t eat lasagna on thanksgiving? It’s a staple in my house.”
“The turkey is still cold???”
“I’m gonna find some use for that extra whipped cream.”
Sexual innuendoes all day
Everyone keeps bringing you the same food
Accidental fire
The football game
watching a parade
A snowball fight
“Are you eating cookies at 3 am?” “What! If it’s good enough for Santa, it’s good enough for me.”
Spending Christmas at the other’s childhood home
Letters to Santa
A secret Santa
Christmas Eve Traditons
Person A works at a Santa village and Person B takes their kid as an excuse to see them
Working on Christmas
Fake holiday dates turn real
I saw mommy kissing santa clause
New Years
Only one’s without a date at the party
Watching fireworks together
“My New Years Resolution is to kiss you way more often”
“You look like the drunk aunt right now.”
“Who needs a party when we have each other?”
Having sex into the new year
A New Years surprise
Snow angels
“I still have glitter in my bra.”
Your kid says they’ll be able to stay up all night
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plunniesattack · 3 years
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For art or writing here are my Valentine's/February Prompts since it is the months of love
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plunniesattack · 3 years
Nothing fancy… Just some angst & hurt/comfort prompts! Send me prompts if you want!
“I– I think I need to sit down.”
“I just want to be alone right now”
“I want to go home.”
“When you look at me it’s like you don’t even see me.”
“You need to stop this. I can’t watch you burn yourself out anymore.”
“Hey, it’s me. You’re safe.”
“Stop that. Hold still.”
“You’re looking a little pale.”
“You did everything you could.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“You have to help [him/her/them]. Please.”
“It reminded me of you.”
“Hush, it’s alright. None of it was real.”
“Can you just leave me alone? Can I have that at least?”
“I’m fine… just a little dizzy.”
“I think I messed up this time.”
“It was only a dream.”
“Is that what you honestly believe? After everything?”
“You were supposed to be there.”
“It’s not that bad.” “You’re [bleeding out/burning up]!”
“Why are you always so reckless, huh? Do you ever think about what would happen if something happened to you?”
“Please tell me what I can do. There has to be something I can do.”
“Something isn’t right.”
“You can lean on me.”
“You’ll only make it worse.”
“I never wanted this. I never wanted any of this.”
“You don’t need to stay.” “I don’t need to stay. But I want to.”
“Just go to sleep. I’ll protect you.”
“You’re a really bad liar.”
“What if there’s no happy ending for us?”
Tag list: @vanilla-chip-101 @sumerianempire @peachgummycandy
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plunniesattack · 3 years
writing prompts! actual dialogue edition
you know, between two people? not just a single quote? yeah. that.
– “Can you stand?” “I can try.”
– “They don’t scold. They don’t have to. If they look at you a certain way, you know you’re being scolded.” “Ah. So I’m definitely going to be scolded, then.”
– “Do they always follow what you say?” “No, actually. Almost never.”
– “Do you remember that conversation?” “I remember you saying you would explain. How much did you?”
– “I shouldn’t be here.” “Well, you are, and don’t think of leaving.”
– “You sound a bit like them, actually.” “Is that a compliment or an insult?”
– “Oh, so you aren’t looking forward to meeting them.” “I can’t think of many people who actually are.”
– “Look, I appreciate your hospitality, but I can’t stay-” “Yes, you can. Now sit down before you fall over.”
– “You keep being irresponsible and not taking care of yourself, of course I’m upset!” “I only collapsed on you the one time. The other times were only almost.”
– “If you’re not going to take what I say seriously, I’m going to tie you up and take you home.” “Good luck with that.”
– “Somehow you must not have heard all the bad things said about me.” “I’ve heard them all twice. But I’ll make my own judgments.”
– “They clearly want you dead.” “We knew that already.”
– “I don’t know why you expected anything else from me.” “I never expected much of anything. If you hadn’t turned out to be so clever, I might have given up on you years ago.”
– ”You’ll never have me by your side.” “I will, one way or another, no matter how long it takes. I will have you.”
– “You don’t know how dangerous they are.” “They don’t know how dangerous I am, either.”
– “Don’t try to talk. Save your strength.” “There’s not much to save.”
– “You don’t have to be alright.” “I have to get through the rest of this, though.”
– “You’re hurt.” “No! I’m okay! Really, I’m okay!”
– “Do you, uh, want me to come with you?” “You’re part of the team. We want you with us.”
– “Maybe we should hold hands. That way you won’t fall down any holes.” “More like if I fall down I’ll take you with me.”
– “What is it?” “Something’s wrong. I don’t know what. I just feel it.”
– “I can walk fine on my own.” “Yes, but I want to be close you. You know, as friends.”
– “Were you worried that I was dead?” “Of course not.”
– “Well this is not what I expected to happen.” “What did you expect?”
– “I had a bad feeling. Was I right?” “Depends on what you mean by bad.”
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