pluto44 · 10 months
Pairing: Coriolanus Snow x Lucy Gray
Warnings: none? just Snow being Delusional
Summary: Coriolanus Snow and Lucy Gray leave district 12. What kind of trouble might they run into?
Authors Note: Hii!! this is my first time writing anything like this. I wrote this after watching the movie and wanted more from Lucy and Coriolanus!! so i wrote this for fun. I’ve only watched the hunger game movies so some of this might seem out of character to the book readers out there? this is more of a what if? kind of fic. I changed a few of the details so that Coriolanus and Lucy would end up together. But don’t worry Coriolanus will still be jumping to conclusions, just for different reasons. anyways please enjoy, and i’m open to constructive criticism. i’d also like to know if you guys would like for me to continue writing more for this fic between Coriolanus Snow and Lucy Gray?
Word count: 1670
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“You know what I won't miss? people” he muttered.
“People aren’t so bad,” she looks at him. “It's what the world does to them, like all of us in the arena. i think there’s natural goodness born into us all”Coriolanus let out a sardonic laugh.
“No really,” Lucy says. “you either cross that line, into evil, or not. and it’s our last work to stay on the right side of that line.”
Coriolanus shook his head. “it’s not always that simple.”
“I know. I'm a victor” she smirkes.
Coriolanus stops behind her, picking up and examining a pile of wood. Lucy walks ahead of him.
“Sure would be nice to not have to kill anyone else up north though, huh?” she grinned.
“Threes enough for me.”
Lucy stops in her tracks. “you killed three…? Who's the third?”
“ The person you killed Coriolanus. you said you killed three people i only know about two."
He steps towards her. “Can you help me get this off?” attempting to change the subject.
“Do not lie to me.” They both stand there for a moment. Both waiting for the other to respond.
“there was bobbin in the arena and mayfair. So who's the third?”
He takes her chin into his hand, tilting it upward. “my old self. I killed him so I could come here with you.”
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The rain was pouring. Coriolanus suggested that he and Lucy should stop at the cabin to wait out the storm.
“We’re gonna need food and we can catch some fish while we’re here”
“There's some rods under the floorboards if you wanna.”
“these ones?”
“mhm” she nods.
opening them up Coriolanus freezes. Staring straight at him were the guns the mayor had everyone looking all over for.
Lucy takes notice of his change in demeanour.
“what is it?”
“it’s the gun” he lets out a small sigh in relief, picking one of them up.
“the one you fired at mayfair. spruce must’ve known about this place. if you destroy that gun you're free. you can go back home. will you?” she says nervously, afraid of his answer.
Coriolanus takes a moment, admiring the gun in his hands. “no more loose ends” he smirks.
“besides me.”
His head shoots up. “Besides you? you wouldn’t tell anyone.” he chuckles.
“of course not” she nervously smiles. silence fills the room before Lucy breaks it.
“ i’m just gonna go dig up some katnis” she says, quickly opening the door again.
“Lucy Gray” he calls out.
“But it’s still raining?”
“Well I'm not made out of sugar”
Grabbing her coat and a knife she hurriedly runs out the door.
Coriolanus stands there for a moment, thinking to himself.
“Why was she acting so different?”
Lucy Grays POV.
I ran. I ran until my lungs felt like they’d burst and my legs felt numb. My vision was blurred, i didn’t know why until i realised i was crying.
My legs started to slow, making me push them harder. I didn't want to stop, but my body was forcing me to, until I came to a complete Halt.
Coriolanus was lying to me, and I don’t know why. I crouched down trying to catch my breath through my broken sobs.
“I can’t trust him. I don’t wanna leave Coriolanus, but why was he lying to me? Why? Why?” I thought to myself.
I sat against a tree so I could rest. I let the rain hit my face as I stared off into the woods, feeling completely numb.
End of POV.
When the rain started to subside Coriolanus began to wonder what was taking Lucy so long.
“She looked like she was in a hurry,” he thought to himself.
“Was she angry with me? Maybe she needed my help?… or what if she somehow fell into the lake?… or Maybe the mayor traced us here, and they found Lucy.”
Coriolanus was on edge. The thought of Lucy running into trouble without him being there made his heart ache.
Images of Lucy struggling and calling out for him flashed through his mind. Trying to find a more rational reason for why Lucy Gray was taking so long, was now out of the question. He finally had enough and swung open the door, with determination and his gun in hand.
“Lucy Gray?” He called out
“Lucy Gray where are you”
He looked towards the Lake looking for any ripples. Any signs of lucy. But none.
“Hello!” He yelled out walking deeper into the woods.
“Hey has something happened? because if something happened we can talk about it!”
“Are you hiding from me?”
He cut himself off, taking sight of the bright orange scarf he gave to her. Fear washed over him.
“What if something happened to her?” He thought to himself.
He bent down picking the scarf up, when a snake appeared from under it. Biting him.
“Uughh!” He winced in pain.
“Lucy Gray!” he called out again. but he was met with silence.
Coriolanus was beginning to spiral.
“how could i let this happen.” he thought to himself.
All he could do was laugh in disbelief. While grasping at his head attempting to ground himself.
tears trickling down his face as he slowly pickes the scarf up off from the ground, and he puts it up to his nose, deeply inhaling the rose scent left by his mother.
“Someone must’ve hurt Lucy Gray. My Lucy Gray.” he thought to himself.
Coriolanus was angry with himself, Lucy Gray was all he had at the moment. After all of the lengths he went through to insure her safety, he failed.
*crack* The sound of a branch snaping caught his attention.
He quickly stood up, grabbed his gun and pointed it in the direction of the sound. slowly he stepped forward holding his breath. Anticipation weighing on him.
*crack* that sound again, but coming from a different direction.
He caught glance of someone running. He couldn’t make out who it was but all he could think about was Lucy Gray. So he pulled the trigger.
A scream followed by a loud thump from the direction his gun was pointed.
Coriolanus ran towards the sound. Not knowing who it could be. But he stopped.
“Lucy Gray?” his face went pale.
“Get away from me!” she yelled at him holding the wound on her left thigh.
He quickly gets on his knees to help, but she refuses.
“No! please” she pushes his hands away, forcing distance between them.
“Let me help you Lucy Gray please”
He reaches out his hands putting them on top of hers to apply more pressure and she winces.
“Ok, just keep a tight hold on your thigh like this, alright?” He looks up at her for her assurance, and she complies and hesitantly nods.
Coriolanus carefully picks Lucy up and begins to move
“I'm so sorry Lucy Gray, I didn't know what I was thinking”
Lucy tightly shuts her eyes, groaning in pain.
“we’re almost there Lucy Gray just hold on.”
Approaching the cabin, Coriolanus kicks the door open, not wasting any time and carefully sets Lucy onto their shared bed.
He runs to his bag bringing it over to the side of the bed as he crotches down, levelled with her wound.
“Let me see” he says, reaching towards her hand before she flinched away.
emense guilt began to wash over Coriolanus as he looks down.
“I can't help you if you won’t let me touch you, Lucy Gray.”
She looks away from him facing the wall.
He sighs. “I'm so sorry. I don't want you to be afraid of me... Will you please look at me?”
She turns her head towards him in frustration.
“Who was the third?”
“who. was. the third. Coriolanus.” her voice shook with anger.
“Tell me who else you killed, and I'll let you help me.” tears began to well up, as she tried to hold back her sobs.
Coriolanus’s head drops down to the floor. Silence filled the room as Lucy waited for his answer. Then he finally spoke.
“Sejanus,” he mumbled.
Lucy looks at him confused. “but he was hung at the hanging tree-“
“because of me.” he blurts out.
“I-.” he cuts himself off trying to find the words.
“I couldn't save him.… he was calling out for me. He needed my help and i stood there and did nothing. ” He says as he buries his head into the mattress while he grips Lucy’s dress, his knuckles turning white.
Her eyes soften. “His death wasn’t your fault Coriolanus. there is nothing you could’ve done differently that could’ve saved him.” she says caressing the top of his head with her free hand.
“I'm so sorry for doing this to you Lucy Gray.” he looks up at her.
She takes in a deep breath switching her tone of voice . “Let’s not talk about that right now. you’ve still gotta patch me up” she anxiously smiles.
“No Lucy.” Coriolanus stands up from the side of the bed and sits down next to her. taking her chin into his hand, and tilting it upwards he says, “What I did to you is unforgivable, and I'll spend the rest of my life making up for it.”
Lucy softens under his touch. Gently closing her eyes as he pulls her face closer to his. anticipating a kiss she holds her breath, but quickly pulls away.
“Lucy Gray.” he says softly, taking her face into his hands again.
“Open your eyes for me” he says, caressing her cheek with his thumb.
She takes a deep breath before slowly opening her eyes again, and is met with his.
“ I would never do anything to hurt you. you know that right." She nods her head slowly in agreement.
“good.” he pulls her in and their faces collide, melting into one another. Their lips moving with each other in sync. Lucy deepens the kiss eager for more. but he pulls away, leaving them both breathless.
“Now let me stitch you up.”
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