plutoisrad · 9 days
How grand my joy
To hear of your comfort and warmth
After hellish years
Leaves regrown from buried snow
To think as children we'd grow, apart
Fledged now in separation
How grand my joy
To hear of you through pleasantries
Two different stories that shared a same chapter
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plutoisrad · 23 days
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plutoisrad · 25 days
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plutoisrad · 29 days
“Some people turn sad awfully young. No special reason, it seems, but they seem almost to be born that way. They bruise easier, tire faster, cry quicker, remember longer and, as I say, get sadder younger than anyone else in the world. I know, for I’m one of them.”
— Ray Bradbury (b. 22 August 1920)
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plutoisrad · 29 days
Be proud of the dumb, little thing you wrote, just because you wanted to write a dumb, little thing. Your writing doesn't need to be serious and award-winning for you to be proud of it.
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plutoisrad · 1 month
Twist Prompts
Reveal that a character thought to be dead is actually alive.
Have a seemingly minor character turn out to be the main villain.
Unveil a hidden talent or ability in your protagonist.
Introduce a plot twist where the enemy becomes an ally.
Have your protagonist discover they’ve been manipulated by someone they trust.
Reveal that a significant event was a dream or illusion.
Have a character switch sides unexpectedly.
Introduce a shocking family secret that changes everything.
Reveal that the protagonist’s memories have been altered or erased.
Have your protagonist realize they’ve been pursuing the wrong goal all along.
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plutoisrad · 1 month
my boomer trait is that I’m never going to download tiktok. if you send me a tiktok that I can’t watch in my internet browser, I’m not watching it
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plutoisrad · 1 month
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plutoisrad · 1 month
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plutoisrad · 1 month
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plutoisrad · 1 month
okay but why did this hurt me so much. like if i write it has to be perfect or else whats the point? if i don't make it my life am i no longer worthy to do it? i've always thought like that and so i've written lines and excerpts and blocked myself from going any further. i'm going insane with all the ideas in my head that i can't pit into words because i feel i'm not worthy of. but it is me. writing is my love and it has been taken from me by me.
“And why don’t you write? Write! Writing is for you, you are for you; your body is yours, take it. I know why you haven’t written. (And why I didn’t write before the age of twenty-seven.) Because writing is at once too high, too great for you, it’s reserved for the great — that is for “great men”; and it’s “silly.” Besides, you’ve written a little, but in secret. And it wasn’t good, because it was in secret, and because you punished yourself for writing, because you didn’t go all the way, or because you wrote, irresistibly, as when we would masturbate in secret, not to go further, but to attenuate the tension a bit, just enough to take the edge off. And then as soon as we come, we go and make ourselves feel guilty — so as to be forgiven; or to forget, to bury it until the next time.”
— Hélène Cixous, “The Laugh of the Medusa”
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plutoisrad · 1 month
“And why don’t you write? Write! Writing is for you, you are for you; your body is yours, take it. I know why you haven’t written. (And why I didn’t write before the age of twenty-seven.) Because writing is at once too high, too great for you, it’s reserved for the great — that is for “great men”; and it’s “silly.” Besides, you’ve written a little, but in secret. And it wasn’t good, because it was in secret, and because you punished yourself for writing, because you didn’t go all the way, or because you wrote, irresistibly, as when we would masturbate in secret, not to go further, but to attenuate the tension a bit, just enough to take the edge off. And then as soon as we come, we go and make ourselves feel guilty — so as to be forgiven; or to forget, to bury it until the next time.”
— Hélène Cixous, “The Laugh of the Medusa”
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plutoisrad · 1 month
Words to use instead of beautiful?
Alluring - having a strongly attractive or enticing quality
Angelic - resembling, or suggestive of, an angel (as in purity, holiness, innocence, or beauty)
Appealing - having appeal; pleasing
Attractive - arousing interest or pleasure
Beguiling - agreeably or charmingly attractive or pleasing
Bewitching - powerfully or seductively attractive or charming
Captivating - charmingly or irresistibly appealing
Celestial - eminently pleasing; delightful, heavenly
Charismatic - a person who possesses special traits that attract, inspire, or fascinate other people; a person possessing charisma
Charming - extremely pleasing or delightful
Cute - attractive or pretty especially in a childish, youthful, or delicate way
Dapper - neat and trim in appearance; very spruce and stylish
Dazzling - brilliantly or showily bright, colorful, or impressive
Debonair - suave, urbane; lighthearted, nonchalant
Divine - supremely good; godlike
Elegant - of a high grade or quality; splendid
Enchanting - powerfully pleasing, appealing, or delightful
Enticing - arousing strong attraction or interest
Entrancing - capable of attracting and holding interest; charming
Exquisite - pleasing through beauty, fitness, or perfection; one who is overly fastidious in dress or ornament
Fine - worthy of or eliciting admiration
Gorgeous - splendidly or showily brilliant or magnificent
Graceful - pleasing or attractive in line, proportion, or movement
Handsome - having a pleasing and usually impressive or dignified appearance
Heavenly - suggesting the blessed state of heaven; beatific; delightful
Immaculate - having or containing no flaw or error; pure
Lovesome - winsome, lovely; affectionate, amorous
Pretty - having conventionally accepted elements of beauty
Pulchritudinous - physical comeliness
Radiant - marked by or expressive of love, confidence, or happiness
Ravishing - unusually attractive, pleasing, or striking
Refined - free from impurities; fastidious, cultivated
Resplendent - attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous
Seductive - having alluring or tempting qualities
Striking - attracting attention or notice through unusual or conspicuous qualities
Stunning - strikingly impressive especially in beauty or excellence
Sublime - tending to inspire awe usually because of elevated quality (as of beauty, nobility, or grandeur) or transcendent excellence
Sultry - exciting or capable of exciting strong sexual desire
Voguish - fashionable, smart; suddenly or temporarily popular
Winsome - generally pleasing and engaging often because of a childlike charm and innocence
If this helps/inspires your writing in any way, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read your work!
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plutoisrad · 1 month
today my cat purred and you know what life is okay
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plutoisrad · 1 month
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via weheartit
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plutoisrad · 1 month
[holds her waist in desperation]
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plutoisrad · 1 month
I'm held by the memories
I know you've moved on
I was immature and now I know better
What good has it done me
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