plxgue4two · 3 months
i will like my mutuals posts when i have no idea what they're talking about it's called supportive blogging & it's important for our ecosystem
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plxgue4two · 3 months
just because i’m very slow with replies doesn’t mean i don’t care about our plot !!!
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plxgue4two · 3 months
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              𝐈𝐅 𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑳 𝐈𝐒 𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹
Selective, 18+, mutuals only multi muse blog featuring Emily and Charlie Morningstar from the Hazbin Hotel series, as well as lots of other muses from lots of other fandoms.
Rules. // Roster. // About.
[ X ]
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plxgue4two · 3 months
something something I forgot Munday pics where a thing again. I haven't taken any pics recently and I'm not taking one rn cause I'm at work and look 3 steps from death but tossing some pics I took/my friends took of me when we went out last weekend
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plxgue4two · 3 months
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send me ✎ ( pencil ) and I'll draw your muse!! send me 🖌 ( paint brush ) and my muse will draw yours!!
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plxgue4two · 3 months
//: update guys I'm dumb as shit
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plxgue4two · 3 months
Insert confused mouse noises
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plxgue4two · 3 months
thinking "haha what if i jokingly shipped them" is your last chance to get out btw
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plxgue4two · 3 months
Send me what Pokemon you think my muse is like!
For multi-muse blogs, please specify muse!
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plxgue4two · 3 months
Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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plxgue4two · 3 months
for every 🎁 i get in my inbox, i'll tell you a character i've written in the past. on the flip side, for every 🎉 i get, i'll tell you a character i want to write someday.
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plxgue4two · 3 months
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"Alright, ladies~! Now's your cue to SMIIIILE—!!"
@cxncrie / @plxgue4two, these muses are hilarious and I love 'em ||Lc
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plxgue4two · 3 months
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Brownie Cake
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plxgue4two · 3 months
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She tore her gaze away from the show on screen, reaching outside of her nest to grab the remote, fiddling with the buttons for a second before lowering the volume of her show until it was a bare murmur, tossing the remote into a corner of the room before falling back into her cocoon.
" You can come in, I'm decent- " she called out, loud enough that he'd hear her through the door.
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Outside, Pentious quickly gathered up his Egg Bois, and Navia could undoubtedly hear the ruckus they were causing just marching up to form a line in front of him.
"Hey, boss, we're here to help the mouse lady!"
"Are we allowed to touch her ears now?"
"Golly, I hope this isn't about when I stepped on her tail!"
"Do ya think she eats cheese?"
Even in a slight whisper, Pentious sounded annoyed as he gave orders.
"Silence! Your job is to keep Missss Lee company for tea this evening, issss that clear?"
The Egg Bois all smartly saluted, and he nodded in satisfaction--it was a bit less impressive to be giving orders in his PJs, but his minions gave that no thought.
"Excellent! Now then..."
He knocked on Navia's door one more time. "Navia dear? We're ready whenever you are!"
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plxgue4two · 3 months
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plxgue4two · 3 months
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She lets out an affirmative hum, hopefully loud enough for him to hear. It's only when he mentions her getting ready that she thinks to open up her blanket cocoon and glace down at her current attire. Ah, he wouldn't want to see that. She's quick to roll over, grabbing her short robe from its resting place on the other end of the bed, slipping the black silk over her body, wrapping herself once before pulling the blankets back around her, slumping into the soft fabric as she waited.
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She wants to groan, grumble about being left alone to wallow, but instead she sinks further into the blankets that surround her, swallowing her bite of baked sweetness as her eyes stay locked on the screen, watching as someone cuts what she was sure was a bowl of nachos to reveal it was really vanilla cake. Wild
" I'm fine pentious, simply catching up on some media I missed after I died- " it wasn't a total lie " I'll be out once it's time for dinner, don't worry "
She can't help but worry her lip in-between her teeth, ignoring the frown that tugs on her lips as she speaks. She feels bad for lying, pushing him away, but she knows she'd feel even worse if he saw her like this-
She hasn't even realized that dinner had long since past, curtains drawn tight to sheild her from the red light of hell's skies and the moon that haunted her every move.
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plxgue4two · 3 months
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" oh- "
The little sound of realization is all that leaves her mouth once his words hit him, her gaze flickering to her drawn curtains before falling to her empty plate, a small feeling of discomfort at the realization how bad she had gotten stirring in her stomach. Her ears perk up just slightly at the sound of his suggestion, and even from its darkest bit in which it fell, her heart swells just a bit at the effort.
" Tea would be nice. " She says after a moment of silence, leaning over to place her plate on her bedside table before falling back into her bed and pulling the blankets closer around her. " -Could the boys come? " egg therapy
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She wants to groan, grumble about being left alone to wallow, but instead she sinks further into the blankets that surround her, swallowing her bite of baked sweetness as her eyes stay locked on the screen, watching as someone cuts what she was sure was a bowl of nachos to reveal it was really vanilla cake. Wild
" I'm fine pentious, simply catching up on some media I missed after I died- " it wasn't a total lie " I'll be out once it's time for dinner, don't worry "
She can't help but worry her lip in-between her teeth, ignoring the frown that tugs on her lips as she speaks. She feels bad for lying, pushing him away, but she knows she'd feel even worse if he saw her like this-
She hasn't even realized that dinner had long since past, curtains drawn tight to sheild her from the red light of hell's skies and the moon that haunted her every move.
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