“I honestly don’t know if we will find our way back to each other Nick. It was bad. I really hurt him, but...” he sighed and ran his hand through his red hair, locks spilling over his fingers. “I couldn’t leave my family even though it meant losing Mickey forever. Lennox and Lucas... they’re all I have left.” As much as he wanted to be optimistic, he alone had seen the pain and betrayal in Mickey’s eyes. This sadness was different than anything Rayvn had felt in his life, it was crushing him but it also picked at his sanity. He found himself thinking and doubting everything. Locking himself away in his fathers shop. He was basically turning into his father. Who hardly left Borgin and Burke’s after the death of his wife.
“I’ll do it for as long as I can.” He answered truthfully, unable to meet Nicks gaze. “I don’t need anything stronger. I’ve got to keep an eye on Lennox.” He argued, but he didn’t hesitate in taking his hand.
Honestly the ball was the last place in the world that Rayvn would rather be, but as soon as Lennox mentioned that she was coming with Snape, Rayvn knew he had no choice but to come. He didn’t trust that slimey snake. Lennox deserved better, she had better. But somehow it always circled back to that loser. And he was determined to keep an eye on them and punch Snape if need be.
Standing against the wall, his eyes scanned the room. People watching was something that he did often, he couldn’t help it. He had never been a mingler, he watched from the sidelines and willed everyone to walk past him and not approach.
It didn’t seem like that was going to happen tonight. Just as Rayvn lifted his drink to his lips, he was approached. “Hello?”
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Lennox had originally arrived at the ball on Snapes arm, something that had gathered quite a few looks from her peers and caused Rayvn to actually leave the store and be social for once. But after an hour she had ventured away from him. The tension between them was still high from the fight and honestly she didn’t want to be anywhere around him right now. Not that she would tell him that. It would only spark more anger on his part and she didn’t want to deal with that.
Slipping a flask from the hidden pocket in her dress, she made her way over towards the back door to get some air. “I’ve had about enough of this place already.” She said softly to no one really, not quite expecting an answer.
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As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt Nick’s pity. It instantly made him uneasy. He didn’t want people to feel sorry for him. Yes, he was heartbroken but he had made his choice. Mickey had made his choice, pity wasn’t going to change anything. “Hey, don’t worry about it. It happens right?” He had gotten lucky once, Mickey hadn’t been expected to live and yet he did. He got 3 more years that he had never thought he would get. That was better than nothing. He wasn’t so naive to believe that they would stay together the rest of their lives. This wasn’t a fairy tale, things didn’t work that way. “We wanted different things is the simple way to explain it. I’m...” Rayvn hesitated now, what could he say? Nick could read him like a book. If he lied, he would know and it would only make the other male feel sorry for him or want to fix him. And he wasn’t broken. Well heartbroken. “I’m surviving.”
Honestly the ball was the last place in the world that Rayvn would rather be, but as soon as Lennox mentioned that she was coming with Snape, Rayvn knew he had no choice but to come. He didn’t trust that slimey snake. Lennox deserved better, she had better. But somehow it always circled back to that loser. And he was determined to keep an eye on them and punch Snape if need be.
Standing against the wall, his eyes scanned the room. People watching was something that he did often, he couldn’t help it. He had never been a mingler, he watched from the sidelines and willed everyone to walk past him and not approach.
It didn’t seem like that was going to happen tonight. Just as Rayvn lifted his drink to his lips, he was approached. “Hello?”
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Narcissa let out a breath of relieve when she realized that the person that she had so callously ran into was her older sister. At least she didn’t have to deal with a scene. “Hey, Definitely not a drunk ministry worker. I haven’t even had a drink yet.” At Bella’s question the small blonde let out a sigh. “I would rather be anywhere else but here.” She replied honestly, “how about you?” She was sure that she already knew her sisters answer but she asked anyway, a smile coming to her lips.
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Narcissa wasn’t 100 percent sure she wanted to be at this ball. She had come to keep up appearances and to please her parents but there was a million other things that she would rather being doing. And showing up to a ball alone was not one of them. Her eyes scanned the room silently, easily spotting many people that she knew. Some she hadn’t seen since they had graduated Hogwarts. Thoughts to approach them came to mind, but she didn’t want to disrupt anyone’s night.
Locking with her mother across the room, she shifted from foot to foot nervously before she began to walk around the ballroom floor. Maybe if she made herself look busy, she could escape the withering looks she was receiving.
Slipping through the crowd unnoticed was quite easy, until she walked into someone. “Oh Merlin. I’m so sorry.”
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Rayvn couldn’t breathe as he looked at Nicholas, he was the last person that he had expected to see here. It was a surprise. A pleasant one, but still a surprise. 3 years was a long time. Sure, they had tried to keep in contact but as was common, they fell out of touch. As Nicholas hugged him, Rayvn returned it, burying his face in the other males shoulder for a moment before pulling back as well. It felt nice to be embraced, to feel close to someone even if it was just for a second. “Nick.” He greeted softly, finally able to find his voice. “I’ve missed you too.”
Rayvn flinched at his next question, he knew it was coming. It was quite a popular question but it didn’t hurt any less no matter how many times he was asked it. Lifting his shoulders, he shrugged. “I’m not really sure where he is. I haven’t talked to him in a few months.” He replied softly, looking away from Nick so that he wasn’t able to see the pain that his own words inflicted.
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Honestly the ball was the last place in the world that Rayvn would rather be, but as soon as Lennox mentioned that she was coming with Snape, Rayvn knew he had no choice but to come. He didn’t trust that slimey snake. Lennox deserved better, she had better. But somehow it always circled back to that loser. And he was determined to keep an eye on them and punch Snape if need be.
Standing against the wall, his eyes scanned the room. People watching was something that he did often, he couldn’t help it. He had never been a mingler, he watched from the sidelines and willed everyone to walk past him and not approach.
It didn’t seem like that was going to happen tonight. Just as Rayvn lifted his drink to his lips, he was approached. “Hello?”
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Narcissa wasn’t 100 percent sure she wanted to be at this ball. She had come to keep up appearances and to please her parents but there was a million other things that she would rather being doing. And showing up to a ball alone was not one of them. Her eyes scanned the room silently, easily spotting many people that she knew. Some she hadn’t seen since they had graduated Hogwarts. Thoughts to approach them came to mind, but she didn’t want to disrupt anyone’s night.
Locking with her mother across the room, she shifted from foot to foot nervously before she began to walk around the ballroom floor. Maybe if she made herself look busy, she could escape the withering looks she was receiving.
Slipping through the crowd unnoticed was quite easy, until she walked into someone. “Oh Merlin. I’m so sorry.”
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Honestly the ball was the last place in the world that Rayvn would rather be, but as soon as Lennox mentioned that she was coming with Snape, Rayvn knew he had no choice but to come. He didn’t trust that slimey snake. Lennox deserved better, she had better. But somehow it always circled back to that loser. And he was determined to keep an eye on them and punch Snape if need be.
Standing against the wall, his eyes scanned the room. People watching was something that he did often, he couldn’t help it. He had never been a mingler, he watched from the sidelines and willed everyone to walk past him and not approach.
It didn’t seem like that was going to happen tonight. Just as Rayvn lifted his drink to his lips, he was approached. “Hello?”
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Nicolette hadn’t originally planned on attending the ball. There was to much she had to handle at Hogwarts but after thinking it through, she decided to go. After all, it was nice to get away every once in a while. Upon arriving, she made eye contact with Aelius. A sweet polite smile coming to her lips, she wouldn’t approach him. She knew better, when he was able to he would come to her.
She made her rounds around the room, dancing and talking to those she knew. Making the best of the night. She had just gone to get a drink when an all too familiar voice came from behind her and a touch sent shivers down her spine. “Thank you.” She spoke just as softly, not turning around just yet. “I was wondering if you would be able to come to my side tonight. You seemed busy.” Yes she was jealous of his wife, but she never showed it. She knew her part was always going to be the other woman, no matter how much it destroyed her.
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The moment his eyes found Nicolette, it was hard to concentrate. All he wanted was to be near the woman. Every inch of her was intoxicating in the worst way but he loved it. And he was weak. Very weak.
But even in his weakness, he carried a facade of confidence, pulling his eyes away to give attention to his dear wife, who adored whatever attention he managed to give her. As an hour passed, Aelius’ facade faded and when given the chance, his wife talking with some socialites, he moved towards the blonde, a curled finger running up her spine as he spoke softly behind her. “You look lovely tonight.” 
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Lennox wasn’t sure what kept pulling her back to Snape. They had a toxic relationship, she knew it, he knew it. Everyone knew it. Yet here she was. Maybe it was because she was lonely. Since Wyatt left and the only connection they had was their letters, she felt like something was missing. They both knew that she was going to see other people, he was free to see other people as well. With so much of a distance between them, it wasn’t unthinkable. Of course, she still loved him.
Lennox stood in front of the mirror as she put on the finishing touches of her look, smiling at Severus before turning around to press a gentle kiss to his lips and hug him. She was still upset from their fight but she wasn’t going to let this ruin her night. She wanted to have fun. She wanted to dance until her feet hurt. And maybe get a little drunk. “I love you too.” She replied softly.
Snape really didn’t want to go to the event, but he anted Lennox to be happy. After their most recent fight, Severus was determined to make it up for her. He went out to by a extravagant dress for her and apologized, promising to take her to this ball. He even helped her with her hair and everything. Though there was a slight moment of silence between the two, things seemed to shimmer down when she hugged and kissed him. “I love you…”
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Rabastan had just finished with work and wanted nothing more than to flop on the bed beside his boyfriend and sleep for the next 6 hours. The day had drug on and on. Everyone was talking about the ball and it was the last thing he wanted to hear about. There was a time when Rabastan loved balls. He loved to get dressed up, he loved the attention that was granted to him. He knew he was attractive, there was no denying that. But it was different now. It wasn’t in the cards to go out and flaunt himself around like an overly cocky peacock. It wasn’t that he was embarrassed by his life choices and his partner. He was worried for both of their safety and for that, it was simpler to stay in. He desperately desired a world where they could go out and be seen together without all hell breaking loose but that day definitely was not today.
Laying down on the bed beside Aspen, he smiled at him. His green eyes tired. “I don’t want you to feel like you are missing out. You are more than welcome to go without me. Take a friend. I’m sure Cissa would go with you. I don’t think she had a date.” He slipped his hand into the other males and brought it up to his lips to press a gentle kiss to his skin. “Whatever you want to do is fine by me, my love.”
Aspen laid in the comfort of his own bed, his body sprawled out like that of a starfish. His dark brown eyes watched his lover enter the room, approaching him with confidence and sitting at the side of their bed. Aspen loved living with Rabbie, despite their relationship still having to be a secret. He loved how domestic they could be, he loved the secrets they shared, and he loved just coming home to him and making them a fresh meal. However, part of him did want to be public with him. This ball that was going on would be a great opportunity, but he couldn’t risk it. He also knew Rabbie wasn’t the type for balls, but he desperately longed for the day where they could be public and not killed for it. His hand reached out for Rabbie, turning to his side and facing up at him. “We seriously don’t have to go. Let’s stay in and eat, maybe watch a film?”
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                                      Lennox Burke played by Dia
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                                Nicolette Yaxley is Played by Dia
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                                    Peter Pettigrew is played by Dia 
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                                  Marlene McKinnon is played by Dia
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                                 Rabastan LeStrange is played by Dia 
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                              Rayvn Borgin is played by Dia
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                                     Narcissa Black is played by Dia
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