poesieausplastik · 2 years
it‘s time to change my thinking. I am worthy.
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poesieausplastik · 2 years
Wollten mehr sein als nur Phantasien
Immer nach Monstern unter'm Bett gesucht, aber fanden sie
In uns selbst eingefangen, Spiegelwelt auf einmal dann
Lästig, stressig, Zeitaufwand
Will nur noch von der Leine, lass mich renn', kann gut renn'
Mich kann man nicht gut kenn'
Hass' es wenn du richtig liegst, bin scheinbar 'n Unmensch
Wo du meintest ich bin ganz weit weg, dacht' ich Mann
Ich war noch nie näher, gar keinem Menschen jemals
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poesieausplastik · 2 years
I’m not existant anymore out of this world, everything‘s falling apart. Starting with my wall. And my skin. Is it an infenction?
I got a rash. It‘s from latex
but not in the good way (you decide the way). In the wiping people‘s asses with latex gloves way.
I got a scratch on my leg cause I was stupid.
its all falling apart and I am falling.
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poesieausplastik · 2 years
I think about kissing you every day when can I finally kiss you I am tired of waiting and I promise i‘ll hold on and I promise i‘ll wait but it‘s so fucking hard sometimes, I just wanna feel ur lips and I wanna feel your everything and I wanna feel your warmth and I want to know what you smell like and I want to know what your hair feels like i‘m so sad it‘s so unfair u got to expirience all of this with someone else but I never got to expirience it… it‘s not like I want to expirience it with someone else or that I‘m mad I never have but I want to with you and I‘m mad at every girl that has touched you before I hate them I fucking hate them so much why could they have what I couldn‘t? Why can I once again not have what I want so bad why is it always me. Why did she touch you why did she expirience you in real I fucking hate your exes so fucking much i‘m so fucking jealous thwy got to expirience it
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poesieausplastik · 3 years
i‘m craving physikal nähe so sehr grad.. oh manno
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poesieausplastik · 3 years
I feel so alone
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poesieausplastik · 3 years
fuck you so much for making me doubt myself so much, for that I could never love myself and never felt and still feel like someone would choose me. fuck you for letting me doubt every fucking day that the guy i‘m with actually wants me. fuck you so much for your fucking jealousy and for taking everything away from me because of it.
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poesieausplastik · 3 years
I just want that diagnose I just want that diagnose I just want that diagnose I just want that fucking diagnose
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poesieausplastik · 3 years
How could I ever blame you, never asked me to do it
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poesieausplastik · 3 years
oh how am I such a fool for love? how do I live such naive ways?
just reach my hand and stay with me a while, for if I cannot see you now, I‘ll never understand why
I said i‘ll go to the end of the world for you, well I did
and you‘ll say you‘ll die for me, but won‘t even give me a kiss
all I ask is a kiss, or at least a single glance
if I went to the end for my heart to mend
and I do not see you stand there at a glance
if you will not reach out your hand, no thanks
tell me
was it worth it all
in the end
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poesieausplastik · 3 years
warum hab ich die sprachnachrichten gelöscht wo ich „schluss gemacht“ hab ich bin so ein dummes stück scheisse that was all i had
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poesieausplastik · 3 years
diagnostiziert mir bitte endlich diese kacke damit alle aufhören können zu sagen du bist halt so damit alle aufhören mit vorwürfe zu machen und aufhören zu sagen ich übertreibe ich will einfach nur diese scheiß diagnose damit es all along nicht meine menschliche unfähigkeit war
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poesieausplastik · 3 years
ich kann nichts dafür ich kann nichts dafür ich kann nichts dafür ich kann nichts dafür ich kann nichts dafür ich kann nichts dafür
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poesieausplastik · 3 years
ich bin so fucking sad
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poesieausplastik · 3 years
No one ever held me…
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poesieausplastik · 3 years
why do I always feel like this.. why do I always feel so cold when i‘m sad? I just wanna be held. my blanket is not helping. I just want to feel the warmth of a human. no one ever held me
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poesieausplastik · 3 years
i want a hug. i really wanna be hugged. i feel so cold its so cold in here. i want to feel the warmth of someone to comfort me
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