poetrycan · 11 years
Programming My Computer to Write Poetry
You list the function name first
Defun will state the name
Its argument created next
In name or nil
Nil is an empty set, or no
No argument, no truth, no nothing
    Defparameter creates lists
And lists get stuck between parentheses
With names like noun, verb
And adjective
They get defined and listed
Noun contains tree leaf root
Verb contains run fall jump
Adjective contains red gold soft
  Sentence structures are listed in the same way
Parenthesis adjective noun verb end parenthesis
Repeat as many times over as you can
    Destruct, short for structure, create just that
A structure to input data
Your arguments are noun, verb, and adjective
The lexicon is the list
Pick and read and print just repeat what is already stated
    Define “recite” to mix structure with arguments
Put the equation of adjective noun verb
With the variables of gold, leaf, and fell
Add “the” as a modify that symbolizes nothing
Write out the code
Execute the command,
“The gold leaf fell”
    And my computer writes poetry
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poetrycan · 11 years
The Fall
I want to fall in love like an autumn day in New England
I want to be a leaf stuck on a tree
Slowly turning yellow in the increasingly frozen air
I want to cling to the branch despite the others who have fallen
I’ll see my world become golden fire
And hold tight until, suddenly
A breeze pulls me away
And I gently float to the ground
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poetrycan · 11 years
My Reality Fits Me
My reality fits around me like a garment
Something old and worn
Something I’ve had forever
But that’s gone through some alteration
Like a dropped waistline
And, suddenly, doesn’t fit right anymore
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poetrycan · 11 years
Rhyme Time
I came here to work
To muck, it’s a quirk
To lurk through the murk
It’s a perk.
This performance needs doing
It’s cutting, it’s cooing
And wooing
With catcalls in back halls near black walls
On stages in phases while climbing through mazes.
These gages are breaking
They’re shaking and quaking
Perhaps I am faking my desire to act
With tact, it’s a fact. I need to react
To this strange change of range
That appears just the same
Like some game. It’s a shame
I’m changing my name
In able to work
To toil. I’ll smirk
At the clerk who calls me berserk
The knee jerk
Who crawls through caves with waves
And saves the lamb and clam
From a collapsing dam that would slam
And break the crate and bait the hook
To look like the brook where I found the book
That taught me to work
To muck, it’s a quirk
T lurk in the murk
It’s a perk. 
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poetrycan · 11 years
When The Colors Are Muted
I feel my energy slipping
Like sand through my fingers
When the tighter I hold, the more I lose
I’d be better off opening my hand
To let it all go at once
This leakage is draining
  I could sleep until tomorrow and still feel tired
  The world around me is muted, subdued
Colors stand out in shades of beige and grey
And their sound hits my ears in a haze of smog
Where all my feeling arrive on freight trains
Delayed and slowed by their own weight I piled on too hurriedly
That I let them pass without unloading
  My head pounds a dull ache I can ignore
When something is bright to distract me
  Instead the day rides quietly past my window
While I contemplate the benefits of going back to sleep
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poetrycan · 11 years
The Ingénue
You catch my eye when the sky turns dark
And it seems inevitable
So we look away, faking embarrassment
While outside, someone tries to set the world on fire.
Your shoulder brushes against mine
And I swallow butterflies that never materialized in my stomach
I’m playing the lead in a romantic subplot I had no choice in joining.
I laugh at something you say
Because I should find it funny
But its more deserving of a quiet chuckle than the laughter I give it
Too big, too loud, to rehearsed.
Our knees bump against one another
As we pour over blueprints to a plan to save the world
And it feels scripted
And outside the gun of a more important storyline goes off
So I decide fear is a stronger emotion that resignation.
Our hands brush against each other as you and I reach for our seatbelts
On our way to save the world from a man with fire for eyes
And it feels inevitable
So I don’t bother with feeling surprised when you look at me
And when we look away I don’t pretend it’s bashful
No blush touches my cheeks, no spark flies from your fingertips to mine
And I know, later
When the man’s fire eyes have consumed his body in what we will call a victory
And you look me in the eye like it’s your right and kiss me
I will feel only the physical sensation of your lips on mine
Both chapped and dry from heat and fear and saving the world
I will smile when we part and it won’t reach my eyes
I will say something that will make you grin and it won’t sound genuine
And I will feel nothing for you.
Let me wake up
Before we save the world. 
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poetrycan · 11 years
I Need A Place
I need someplace quiet
Someplace of silent calm isolation
Someplace of serenity, free of noises and sounds
I need a place I can destroy with screaming
With yelling and singing too loud it strains my voice
I need a place where I can scream at the world without the world hearing.
I need a place of white pristine walls
Spotless paint job of nothingness as far as the eye can see
A dull sort of eggshell from floor to ceiling
I need a place I can tear apart the perfectness of
Where I can dig my nails into the whitewash
And scratch out my frustrations and pent up anythings
I need a place of calm and quiet
Far away and perfect
I need a place to break
Rip down the walls and stomp out the dust
I need a place I can crumple up and throw away
When I feel myself crumbling
I need a place I can shatter
Before I do
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poetrycan · 11 years
My Crush Is A Demon
I dreamed I met a demon in a different disguise
Not evil, not malice, but a trickster
Forever laughing and playing his jokes on us
And I was laughing right there with him.
We were spotting along a mountain crest
Above some fairly unancient city sprawled below
And our teacher charged us to find his portal
That place from where he comes and goes from this world.
A ways away from the group I texted a short message to my demon
He appeared noiselessly beside me, grinning and giggling
I told him our charge and urged him to show himself to the group
“Some big, frightening display,” I said, “show off and scare them”
And, smiling, he agreed
And disappeared from my side to reappear in front of the group
As a headless salesman, over six feet tall
His suit a crisp pastel blue, a clean cut below his phantom chin
Slightly hidden by an oversized red bowtie
He jumped and danced and laughed a voiceless laugh
That resonated from his chest and broke out from his severed neck
They screamed while we laughed
They ran while we danced
And once the mountain was cleared I thanked my demon for the display
And he disappeared from my side once again
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poetrycan · 11 years
If I Had To Describe You
If I had to describe you in the way that my mind turns pictures to words
It might sound something like this:
  If I close my eyes I can see your form
Rather thin and tall, which is no critique, but fact
I’d say lanky to get the somewhat boney awkwardness of your limbs
But lanky suggests sharp edges where yours have been sanded down to curves
So I think of your shoulders more as hill than mountains.
Despite the fact that your glass should magnify this fact every time I see you
I am unable to remember the color of your eyes
For I never held much meaning in remembering the color of anyone’s eyes
Though if I remember to look for it today I’ll learn they’re brown
The darker shade that blends iris with pupil
To the point that, if I’m standing far enough away
I can’t tell where color ends and light begins.
Your hair is a similar brown, though perhaps a few shades lighter
For I’d never confuse it with black
It’s about as soft as fur but lighter than that
More the consistency of down feathers
With the look of tail feathers
The kind that holds together well and look softer than they feel.
I won’t pretend to be able to describe your voice
For the simple fact that it changes in too irregular a way to be understood without hearing
In singer terminology I’d say your most common speaking voice is baritone
Edging on the side of tenor when excited
And turning to a squeaky falsetto when silly
Yet you can pull off a dull bass when required
Leading me to believe you could make as a voice actor if the mood struck.
  If I had to describe you in the way that my mind turns pictures to word
It would sound something like that.
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poetrycan · 11 years
The Words I Use
I use the word “soul” is poetry
The way a young child uses the new word a guardian has taught him
Repetitively, testing the sound and feel against his tongue
Knowing that the exact meaning of said word is still illusive
Or partially formed in part of the brain yet to develop
So he mimics the sound over and over and over again
As if repetition will lead to understanding
It becomes annoying vocal resonances that mean nothing
I’ve written “souls” without knowing what they are or what they stand for
But if I use the word enough times in enough poems
I might come up with something that at least holds meaning to me.
  I use the word “love” in poetry
The way teens in love use the same to each other
Mistaking a crush for something “real” or “deep”
Who don’t understand if you say hate is a strong word, so is love
But they throw the word around like a tennis ball
With little care about who catches it, and who gets knocked in the head
I worry about the consequence of saying this word so freely, but I write it generously
Throwing the word around like a boomerang, intending it for no one
It comes back as empty as I threw it.
  I use the word “beauty” in poetry
The way a drowning man will use a floatie thrown to him from the railing of a ship
Clinging to the rim as his life depends on it
Not caring where it came from or who in particular is trying save him
Only that he, at present, is alive
I can find beauty not only in words but also in their form
But I rarely make that connection in my head
I see the shape of letter first, then the figure that is the word
I see how beautiful it looks long before I understand what it says
Can I explain how I find the figure “wrath” beautiful?
That careful diagonal dashes wrapped around half crescents
Mixing between strict lines and soft curves is beautiful
But the hodgepodge cuts of “affection” is disjointed and ugly?
I use the singular word “beauty” to encompass the intricacies of what I see but cannot say
For, despite being a poet, I cannot yet paint with words
So when I say this is beautiful I mean all of it
From the image I am describing
The lines of the letters of the words I’m using
I use these words
Because I find them beautiful
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poetrycan · 11 years
Under the Water
When I was a kid I used to have the same recurring dream
I dreamt I was drowning.
  I dreamed of wide expanses of blue oceans
Or aqua green lakes that had no endings beyond the horizon
And I’d fly or float above or atop
And feel calm
At some point my body would slip beneath the surface
The sunlight made geometric shapes I could not name under the waves
And I would be sinking
But I would never feel scared or worried or anything other than calm,
While falling asleep in my dream
I’d wake up in reality
  I still have dreams that I’m drowning
I’ll dive deep under the water looking for the bottom
Never feeling the need to emerge for breath
Just going deeper and deeper into darker blue
And I’d fall asleep beneath my dream
And wake up in reality
  My dreams were nothing but peaceful
But upon awaking I’d be shivering
Feeling like I’d narrowly escaped drowning
And a dream that never caused me anxiety before
Now worries me.
  It’s an odd kind of nightmare
One that I’ll never fear in my slumber
But terrifies when awake.
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poetrycan · 11 years
The Rain Was Silver
The rain was silver last night
Their droplets fell heavy,
Denting the earth
  The water flowed, metallic,
Into the storm drains already flooded over
Staining the grass chrome
  Against the sun they are not diamonds,
Crystals, sapphires or any other precious glittering stone
The rain falls like metal on my skin
  The shine of silver is distinct
But all metal tastes like iron in the end
So I dare not drink their tears
  The rain was silver last night
It fell heavy on my skin
And tasted like dust
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poetrycan · 11 years
I think sunrises are incredibly beautiful
But since I’ll never be awake enough to fully enjoy them
I’ll stick to sunsets
Which are almost as good
There is something poetic about darkness chasing light
And vice versa.
In New England we’re used to that maritime rhyme,
“Red skies at night, sailor’s delight”
But I don’t think we give much heed to it.
At night the skies are often dyed red
But are more usually an orange tinted pink
That glow halos around clouds caught between the dying light
And oncoming dark.
And there’s a sort of purple violet color that occurs
Where the two battalions meet
Like legions lined up for battle
Words fail me as I try to picture it and tell it
It’s the kind of color that makes you reach for a camera
Always eternally wishing you had a better one
To capture the color that the word “purple” does little justice to.
And chasing that picture is the night sky
That can only be described as midnight
Despite the fact that winters turns the sky black by six
It’s a gentle cold that eats warmer tones of the day,
Then showers you with dewdrops of light. 
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poetrycan · 11 years
Because I’m shy
Because it is far easier to wait and yearn from the shadows than it is to stand in the light and risk getting burnt
Because I’m protecting my heart from anything by making it expect nothing
Because I don’t expect you to be a mind reader
But, in hoping that you are, I disguise my real desires in deceits that even I can’t explain and pray that you’ll understand anyway
Because I don’t know how to
Not because I didn’t think it wasn’t my responsibility to know
But because I never thought I’d have a reason to before
Because I’ve never been hurt like that and I don’t want to know what that feels like
Because you clearly don’t, so how would telling you help?
Because I can’t tell you
Because nothing will change and I’ve gotten used to nothing that I hardly feel it anymore
Because I don’t know you
Because I’m afraid
Because you asked my why
And I couldn’t tell you why
Because that would mean telling
And I can’t
Because I can't
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poetrycan · 11 years
Dead Duck
There is a pond on the campus where I go to school
In the spring it is always filled with a variety of waterfowl
My favorites are the ducks
They’re mallards
Iridescent green heads and grey-black down feathers
A bit noisy at night when I trek back from some class
But docile
Eagerly fed and otherwise calm
  One incredibly rainy day in April
I walked past the pond and happened to look down
While the others were splashing themselves silly in the middle
I spotted one duck in the corner where the cement walkway meets the water
His head constantly bobbing above and below the surface but holding nothing
It takes me a bit too long to realize what he’s reaching for
There is a dead duck sunk under him
He keeps trying to pulls its head above the water
But the dead slips from his beak and falls back down
The soggy green feathers have been ripped from around its eyes
As the other one continues to lift up, lose it, and lift up again
  I’d like to pretend that he’s trying to save it
I’d like to pretend that the dead one is his brother
Who got too little food or too much cold and passed away
And the live one doesn’t know how to save him
Or doesn’t know how to let go
So he just tries to keep his brother head above the water
Knowing it doesn’t help but at a lose of what else to do
I’d like to pretend he’s in mourning
That he’s gripping to those last physical remains
Before all that’s left are memories that fade themselves
I’d like to pretend it’s tragic
Because the reality is, he is probably looking for a meal
  One hour and fifteen minutes later I walk back across the pond
The others have left for dryer ground
To sleep or nest, I can’t tell
The drowned duck is still in is corner
Slowly drifting under the cement ledge
Where the walkway meets the water’s edge
Like a memory in the process of bring forgotten
And pushed away
And I wonder if it’s right to mourn the passing of a duck
Who might have been some others brother
But is now something’s meal
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poetrycan · 11 years
Grey Sky
The sky is grey
The just off-white color it gets before it rains
The kind of sky that’s perfect for photography
  Little known fact, overcast days are best for taking pictures
Sunny days are simply too bright
The sun makes the photos dull and flat
Cloudy days give the best contrast
The pictures come out sharper then
  I like the way the leaves look against the grey
The yellow-green of late spring, not-quite-summer
From this angle, staring straight up
They look unreal
Like someone painted them directly onto a canvas called the sky
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poetrycan · 11 years
Another Unrequited Love Poem
Hope is an annoyingly persistent thing
Eternally everlasting, even when it shouldn’t be
It’s not that I don’t think anyone will ever love me
It’s that I don’t fall in love with the right people.
I’ve read a thousand poems about unrequited love
And this will make it a thousand and one
And that doesn’t make it any less cliché
But that doesn’t make it any less true
  I got used to pining from afar
I don’t know if it’s the curse of being shy
Or if I’m protecting my heart from a pain I’ve never actually felt
  It’s a different kind of pain
I’ve stitched up my heart before,
After giving the other half to no one
I did that myself
I’d imagine heartbreak is sharp, stabbing, hot
Lacking is dull, heavy, cold
  But I can’t whine about loneliness; that would be a lie
People have crushed on me before
And I’ve turned them down
I haven’t figured out how to learn to love someone
Because I know one sided isn’t good enough
  I don’t fall for the right people
The ones who don’t give me a second look
Or who are pining themselves, after someone else
  And despite the fact that I know this
I can’t stop hoping that they’ll notice me
That, perchance, they’ll find out how I feel about them
And suddenly feel the same
I know that’s NOT how attraction works
I don’t know how to turn off hope
  I’ve read a thousand poems about unrequited love
And this will make it a thousand and one
And that doesn’t make it any less cliché
But that doesn’t make it any less true
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